
pynrc.simul.ngNRC.sim_noise_data(det, rd_noise=[5, 5, 5, 5], u_pink=[1, 1, 1, 1], c_pink=3, acn=0, pow_spec_corr=None, corr_scales=None, fcorr_lim=[1, 10], ref_ratio=0.8, rand_seed=None, verbose=True, **kwargs)[source]

Simulate Noise Ramp

Simulate the noise components of a ramp, including white noise as well as 1/f (pink) noise components that are uncorrelated and correlated between amplifier channels.

  • det (det_timing class) – Class holding detector operations information. See detops.det_timing for generic class, or pynrc_core.DetectorOps for NIRCam specific timing.

  • rd_noise (array like or float or None) – Array of white noise values (std dev per frame) for each output channel, or a single value. If an array, must match the number amplifier values specified in det.nchan.

  • u_pink (array like or float or None) – Array of uncorrelated pink noise (std dev per frame) for each output channel, or a single value. If an array, must match the number amplifier values specified in det.nchan.

  • c_pink (float or None) – Standard deviation of the pink noise correlated between channels.

  • pow_spec_corr (ndarray) – Option to input a custom power spectrum for the correlated noise.

  • corr_scales (array like) – Instead of pow_spec_corr, input the scale factors of the two 1/f components [low freq, highfreq]).

  • fcorr_lim (array like) – Low- and high- frequency cut-off points for corr_scales factors. The first element of corr_scales is applied to those frequencies below fcorr_lim[0], while the second element corresponds to frequencies above fcorr_lim[1].