
pynrc.simul.ngNRC.add_col_noise(data_in, ramp_column_varations, prob_bad, rand_seed=None)[source]

Add RTN Column Noise

This function takes the random telegraph noise templates derived from CV3 data and adds it to an idealized dark ramp. These column variations likely come from noise in column-specifc FETs jumping between two discrete states, possibly within the detector column bus.

This function randomly draws a number of template column variation ramps, then randomly assigns them to different columns in super_dark_ramp. The nubmer of columns (and whether or not a column is assigned a random variation) is based on the prob_bad variable.

  • data_in (ndarray) – Idealized ramp of size (nz,ny,nx)

  • ramp_column_variations (ndarray) – The column-average ramp variations of size (nz,nx). These are added to a given columnn.

  • prob_bad (float) – Probability that a given column is subject to these column variations.