
pynrc.simul.ngNRC.make_gaia_source_table(coords, remove_cen_star=True, radius=<Quantity 6. arcmin>, teff_default=5800)[source]

Create source table from GAIA DR2 query

Generates a table of objects by performing a cone search around a set of input coordinates. The output table includes both coordinates and extrapolated photometry. All returned coordinates are for epoch=2015.5 for GAIA DR2.

The process involves performing a search query around a set of input coordinates, then using the GAIA magnitudes and Teff to extrapolate magnitudes in the NIRCam filters. If Teff isn’t supplied, then it defaults to solar temperature. If an object’s parallax isn’t available, then the object is assumed to have a flat spectrum in F_lambda.

  • coords (SkyCoords) – Astropy SkyCoords object.

  • remove_cen_star (bool) – Output will exclude the star associated with the input coordinates (anything with 0.1” is removed from table).

  • radius (Units) – Radius to perfrom search. Default is 6’, which should encompass NIRCam’s full FoV, including both Modules A and B.

  • teff_default (string) – Default stellar effective temperature to assume for sources without GAIA information to extrapolate to longer wavelengths.