pyNRC Documentation

pyNRC - Python ETC and Simulator for JWST NIRCam

pyNRC is a set of Python-based tools for planning observations with JWST NIRCam. It includes an ETC, a simple image slope simulator, and an enhanced data simulator compatible with the JWST pipeline. This package works for a variety of NIRCam observing modes including direct imaging, coronagraphic imaging, slitless grism spectroscopy, and weak lens imaging. All PSFs are generated via WebbPSF and WebbPSF Extensions to reproduce realistic JWST images and spectra.

Developed by Jarron Leisenring and contributors at University of Arizona (2015 - 2021).

Getting Started

License & Attribution

pyNRC is free software made available under the MIT License. For details see LICENSE.

Citing pyNRC

If you make use of pyNRC in your work, please cite the following paper: Leisenring et al., “pyNRC: A NIRCam ETC and Simulation Toolset” (in prep).