
pynrc.simul.ngNRC.gen_ramp_biases(ref_dict, nchan=None, data_shape=(2, 2048, 2048), include_refinst=True, ref_border=[4, 4, 4, 4], rand_seed=None)[source]

Generate a ramp of bias offsets

  • ref_dict (dict) – Dictionary of reference behaviors.

  • nchan (int) – Specify number of output channels. If not set, then will automatically determine from ref_dict. This allows us to set nchan=1 for Window Mode while using the first channel info provided in ref_dict.

  • data_shape (array like) – Shape of output (nz,ny,nx)

  • include_refinst (bool) – Include instabilities in the offsets?

  • ref_border (list) – Number of references pixels [lower, upper, left, right]