Basic Installation


pyNRC requires Python 3.7+ along with the following packages:

Recommended Python packages:

  • jwst_backgrounds 1.1.2+

  • psutil Library to retrieve information on system utilization and profiling

  • tqdm Progress bar for for loops

Installing with pip

You can install the pynrc package through pip:

$ pip install pynrc

If you want to make sure that none of your existing dependencies get upgraded, instead you can do (assuming all dependencies are met!):

$ pip install pynrc --no-deps

Installing with conda


Not yet implemented

pyNRC can be installed with conda if you have installed Anaconda or Miniconda. To install pyNRC using the conda-forge Anaconda channel, simply add -c conda-forge to the install command:

$ conda install -c conda-forge pynrc

Installing from source

To get the most up to date version of pynrc, install directly from source, though stability is not guaranteed. The development version can be found on GitHub.

In this case, you will need to clone the git repository:

$ git clone

Then install the package with:

$ cd pynrc
$ pip install .

For development purposes:

$ cd pynrc
$ pip install -e .

in order to create editable installations. This is great for helping to develop the code, create bug reports, pull requests to GitHub, etc.

Installing the data files

The above commands only installs the program code. You still must download and install the data files.

Files containing information such as the instrument throughputs, stellar models, and exoplanet models are already distributed through webbpsf_ext. In addition, pynrc requires a number of files to simulate realistic detector data with DMS-like formatting and headers. In general, these are not necessary to run pynrc and use its ETC capabilities and simple simulations. But, in order to create DMS and pipeline-compliant data, you must download these files and define the PYNRC_PATH environment variable.

  1. Download the following file: pynrc_data_all_v1.0.0.tar [approx. 17.0 GB]

  2. Untar into a directory of your choosing.

  3. Set the environment variable PYNRC_PATH to point to that directory. For example, in .bashrc shell file, add:

    $ export PYNRC_PATH=$HOME/data/pynrc_data

You should now be able to successfully import pynrc in a Python session.



Not yet implemented

If you want to check that all the tests are running correctly with your Python configuration, you can also run:

$ python test

in the source directory. If there are no errors, you are good to go!