
pynrc.reduce.ref_pixels.channel_averaging(im, nchans=4, same_scan_direction=False, off_chans=True, mn_func=<function nanmedian>, **kwargs)[source]

Estimate common 1/f noise in image

For a given image, average the channels together to find the common pattern noise present within the channels. Returns an array the same size as the input image.


im (ndarray) – Input image

Keyword Arguments
  • nchans (int) – Number of output channels

  • same_scan_direction (bool) – Are all the output channels read in the same direction? By default fast-scan readout direction is [-->,<--,-->,<--] If same_scan_direction, then all -->

  • off_chans (bool) – Calculate indepenent values for each channel using the off channels.

  • mn_func (function) – What function should we use to calculate the average. Default np.nanmedian