
pynrc.reduce.ref_pixels.calc_avg_amps(refs_all, data_shape, nchans=4, altcol=True)[source]

Calculate amplifier averages

Save the average reference value for each amplifier in each frame. Assume by default that alternating columns are offset from each other, so we save two arrays: self.refs_amps_avg1 and self.refs_amps_avg2. Each array has a size of (namp, ngroup).

  • refs_all (ndarray) – The top and/or bottom references pixels order in a shape (nz, nref_rows, nx)

  • data_shape (tuple) – Shape of the data array: (nz, ny, nx).

  • nchans (int) – Number of amplifier output channels.

  • altcol (bool) – Calculate separate reference values for even/odd columns? Default=True.