Source code for pynrc.reduce.ref_pixels

import numpy as np
import logging
_log = logging.getLogger('pynrc')

# Import libraries
import numpy as np
import pynrc
from pynrc.maths import robust
from pynrc import DetectorOps, setup_logging, conf
from scipy.signal import savgol_filter

[docs]class NRC_refs(object): """Reference pixel correction object Object class for reference pixel correction of NIRCam data (single integration). Specify the data cube, header, and whether or not the header is in DMS format. General usage of functions: 1. Create instance: ``ref = NRC_refs(data, header)`` 2. Determine reference offset values: ``ref.calc_avg_amps()``. Stored at ``ref.refs_amps_avg``. 3. Fix amplifier offsets: ``ref.correct_amp_refs()``. Removes offsets that are stored at ``ref.refs_amps_avg``. 4. Determine average of column references tracking 1/f noise: ``ref.calc_avg_cols()``. Reference values offset for a mean value of 0. Averages are stored at ``ref.refs_side_avg``. 5. Optimal smoothing of side reference values: ``ref.calc_col_smooth()``. Stores smoothed version at ``ref.refs_side_smth``. 6. Remove approximation of 1/f noise: ``ref.correct_col_refs()``. Parameters ---------- data : ndarray Input datacube. Can be two or three dimensions (nz,ny,nx). header : obj NIRCam Header associated with data. DMS : bool Is the header in DMS format? altcol : bool Calculate separate reference values for even/odd columns? Default=True. do_all : bool Perform the default pixel correction procedures. """
[docs] def __init__(self, data, header, DMS=False, altcol=True, do_all=False, **kwargs): # Convert to float if necessary if 'float' not in type_in = data = data.astype(np.float, copy=False) type_out = #print('Converting data from {} to {}'.format(type_in, type_out)) # Check the number of dimensions are valid. ndim = len(data.shape) if ndim==2: ny,nx = data.shape data = data.reshape((1,ny,nx)) print('Reshaping data to 3 dimensions (nz,ny,nx)') elif ndim==3: pass else: raise ValueError('Input data can only have 2 or 3 dimensions. \ Found {} dimensions.'.format(ndim)) = data self.header = header self.DMS = DMS self.altcol = altcol # Create a detector class self._create_detops(**kwargs) # Reference info from header ref_all = self.detector.ref_info self.nref_t = self.header.get('TREFROW', ref_all[1]) self.nref_b = self.header.get('BREFROW', ref_all[0]) self.nref_l = self.header.get('LREFCOL', ref_all[2]) self.nref_r = self.header.get('RREFCOL', ref_all[3]) # Check that reference pixels match up correctly between header and det class assert self.nref_t == ref_all[1], 'Number of top reference rows do not match.' assert self.nref_b == ref_all[0], 'Number of bottom reference rows do not match.' assert self.nref_l == ref_all[2], 'Number of left reference columns do not match.' assert self.nref_r == ref_all[3], 'Number of right reference columns do not match.' # Set amplifier offset values to None initially self.refs_amps_avg = None # Set column reference values to None initially self.refs_side_avg = None # Perform all the usual ref pixel corrections with defaults if do_all: self.calc_avg_amps() self.correct_amp_refs() self.calc_avg_cols() self.calc_col_smooth() self.correct_col_refs()
def _create_detops(self, read_mode=None, nint=None, ngroup=None, detector=None, wind_mode=None, xpix=None, ypix=None, x0=None, y0=None, nff=None, **kwargs): """ Create a detector class based on header settings. """ from ..detops import create_detops header = self.header DMS = self.DMS det = create_detops(header, DMS=DMS, read_mode=read_mode, nint=nint, ngroup=ngroup, detector=detector, wind_mode=wind_mode, xpix=xpix, ypix=ypix, x0=x0, y0=y0, nff=nff, **kwargs) self.detector = det # # Detector ID # if detector is None: # detector = header.get('SCA_ID') # if detector is None: # detector = header.get('DETECTOR') # # Detector size # xpix = header['SUBSIZE1'] if DMS else header['NAXIS1'] if xpix is None else xpix # ypix = header['SUBSIZE2'] if DMS else header['NAXIS2'] if ypix is None else ypix # # Subarray position # # Headers are 1-indexed, while detector class is 0-indexed # if x0 is None: # x1 = header['SUBSTRT1'] if DMS else header['COLCORNR'] # x0 = x1 - 1 # if y0 is None: # y1 = header['SUBSTRT2'] if DMS else header['ROWCORNR'] # y0 = y1 - 1 # # Subarray setting: Full, Stripe, or Window # if wind_mode is None: # if xpix==ypix==2048: # wind_mode = 'FULL' # else: # # Turn off log warnings # log_prev = conf.logging_level # setup_logging('ERROR', verbose=False) # # Test if STRIPE or WINDOW # det_stripe = DetectorOps(detector, 'STRIPE', xpix, ypix, x0, y0) # det_window = DetectorOps(detector, 'WINDOW', xpix, ypix, x0, y0) # dt_stripe = np.abs(header['TFRAME'] - det_stripe.time_frame) # dt_window = np.abs(header['TFRAME'] - det_window.time_frame) # wind_mode = 'STRIPE' if dt_stripe<dt_window else 'WINDOW' # # Restore previous log levels # setup_logging(log_prev, verbose=False) # # Add MultiAccum info # hnames = ['READPATT', 'NINTS', 'NGROUPS'] if DMS else ['READOUT', 'NINT', 'NGROUP'] # read_mode = header[hnames[0]] if read_mode is None else read_mode # nint = header[hnames[1]] if nint is None else nint # ngroup = header[hnames[2]] if ngroup is None else ngroup # ma_args = {'read_mode':read_mode, 'nint':nint, 'ngroup':ngroup} # # Create detector class # self.detector = DetectorOps(detector, wind_mode, xpix, ypix, x0, y0, **ma_args) @property def multiaccum(self): """A :class:`~pynrc.multiaccum` object""" return self.detector.multiaccum @property def multiaccum_times(self): """Exposure timings in dictionary""" return self.detector.times_to_dict() @property def refs_bot(self): """Return raw bottom reference values""" if self.nref_l>0: return[:,:self.nref_b,:] else: return None @property def refs_top(self): """Return raw top reference values""" if self.nref_l>0: return[:,-self.nref_t:,:] else: return None @property def refs_right(self): """Return raw right reference values""" if self.nref_l>0: return[:,:,-self.nref_r:] else: return None @property def refs_left(self): """Return raw left reference values""" if self.nref_l>0: return[:,:,:self.nref_l] else: return None
[docs] def calc_avg_amps(self, top_ref=True, bot_ref=True): """Calculate amplifier averages Save the average reference value for each amplifier in each frame. Each array has a size of (namp, ngroup). Average values are saved at ``self.refs_amps_avg``. Parameters ---------- top_ref : bool Include top reference rows when correcting channel offsets. bot_ref : bool Include bottom reference rows when correcting channel offsets. """ nchans = self.detector.nout #chsize = self.detector.chsize data_shape = if self.nref_t==0: top_ref = False if self.nref_b==0: bot_ref = False if top_ref and bot_ref: refs_all = np.hstack((self.refs_bot, self.refs_top)) elif bot_ref and (not top_ref): refs_all = self.refs_bot elif top_ref and (not bot_ref): refs_all = self.refs_top else: print("No top or bottom reference pixels to calculate offset values.") #self.refs_amps_avg = None return self.refs_amps_avg = calc_avg_amps(refs_all, data_shape, nchans, self.altcol) self.supermean = robust.mean(refs_all)
[docs] def correct_amp_refs(self, supermean=False): """Correct amplifier offsets Use values in ``self.refs_amps_avg`` to correct amplifier offsets. Parameters ---------- supermean : bool Add back the overall mean of the reference pixels. """ # Check to make sure refs_amps_avg is valid if (self.refs_amps_avg is None): _log.warning('self.refs_amps_avg is set to None. No offsets applied.') return #raise ValueError('self.refs_amps_avg is set to None') # Supermean # the average of the average is the DC level of the output channel smean = self.supermean if supermean else 0.0 nchans = self.detector.nout chsize = self.detector.chsize nz, ny, nx = for ch in range(nchans): # Channel indices ich1 = int(ch*chsize) ich2 = int(ich1 + chsize) # In-place subtraction of channel averages if self.altcol: for i in range(nz):[i,:,ich1:ich2-1:2] -= self.refs_amps_avg[0][ch,i][i,:,ich1+1:ich2:2] -= self.refs_amps_avg[1][ch,i] else: for i in range(nz):[i,:,ich1:ich2] -= self.refs_amps_avg[ch,i] # Add back supermean if supermean: += smean
[docs] def calc_avg_cols(self, left_ref=True, right_ref=True, avg_type='frame', **kwargs): """Calculate average of column references Create a copy of the left and right reference pixels, removing the average value of the reference pixels on an int, frame, or pixel basis. Do this after correcting the amplifier offsets with ``correct_amp_refs()``. Averages are stored in ``self.refs_side_avg``. Parameters ---------- left_ref : bool Include left reference cols when correcting 1/f noise. right_ref : bool Include right reference cols when correcting 1/f noise. avg_type : str Type of ref col averaging to perform. Allowed values are 'pixel', 'frame', or 'int'. mean_func : func Function to use to calculate averages of reference columns """ if self.nref_l==0: left_ref = False if self.nref_r==0: right_ref = False if (not left_ref) and (not right_ref): print("No left or right reference pixels to calculate 1/f noise.") self.refs_side_avg = None return rl = self.refs_left if left_ref else None rr = self.refs_right if right_ref else None self.refs_side_avg = calc_avg_cols(rl, rr, avg_type, **kwargs)
[docs] def calc_col_smooth(self, perint=False, edge_wrap=False, savgol=False, **kwargs): """Optimal smoothing of side reference pixels Geneated smoothed version of column reference values. Uses :func:`calc_avg_cols` to determine approx 1/f noise in data and store in ``self.refs_side_smth``. Parameters ---------- perint : bool Smooth side reference pixel per int, otherwise per frame. edge_wrap : bool Add a partial frames to the beginning and end of each averaged time series pixels in order to get rid of edge effects. """ refvals = self.refs_side_avg # Check to make sure refs_amps_avg1 and refs_amps_avg2 are valid if refvals is None: _log.warning('self.refs_side_avg is set to None. No smoothing applied.') return #raise ValueError('self.refs_side_avg set to None') # Time to go through an entire row. # The delta time does't seem to make any difference in the final data product # Just for vizualization purposes... xticks = self.detector.chsize + self.detector._line_overhead delt = xticks / self.detector._pixel_rate # Save smoothed values self.refs_side_smth = calc_col_smooth(refvals,, \ perint=perint, edge_wrap=edge_wrap, delt=delt, savgol=savgol, **kwargs)
[docs] def correct_col_refs(self): """Remove 1/f noise from data Correct 1/f noise using the approximation stored in ``self.refs_side_smth``. """ # Final correction #for i,im in enumerate(cube): im -= refvals_smoothed[i].reshape([ny,1]) nz, ny, nx = -= self.refs_side_smth.reshape([nz,ny,1])
[docs]def reffix_hxrg(cube, nchans=4, in_place=True, fixcol=False, **kwargs): """Reference pixel correction function This function performs a reference pixel correction on HAWAII-[1,2,4]RG detector data read out using N outputs. Top and bottom reference pixels are used first to remove channel offsets. Parameters ---------- cube : ndarray Input datacube. Can be two or three dimensions (nz,ny,nx). in_place : bool Perform calculations in place. Input array is overwritten. nchans : int Number of output amplifier channels in the detector. Default=4. fixcol : bool Perform reference column corrections? Keyword Args ------------ altcol : bool Calculate separate reference values for even/odd columns. supermean : bool Add back the overall mean of the reference pixels. top_ref : bool Include top reference rows when correcting channel offsets. bot_ref : bool Include bottom reference rows when correcting channel offsets. ntop : int Specify the number of top reference rows. nbot : int Specify the number of bottom reference rows. left_ref : bool Include left reference cols when correcting 1/f noise. right_ref : bool Include right reference cols when correcting 1/f noise. nleft : int Specify the number of left reference columns. nright : int Specify the number of right reference columns. perint : bool Smooth side reference pixel per integration, otherwise do frame-by-frame. avg_type :str Type of side column averaging to perform to determine ref pixel drift. Allowed values are 'pixel', 'frame', or 'int': * 'int' : Subtract the avg value of all side ref pixels in ramp. * 'frame' : For each frame, get avg of side ref pixels and subtract framewise. * 'pixel' : For each ref pixel, subtract its avg value from all frames. savgol : bool Using Savitsky-Golay filter method rather than FFT. winsize : int Size of the window filter. order : int Order of the polynomial used to fit the samples. """ # Check the number of dimensions are valid. ndim = len(cube.shape) if not (ndim==2 or ndim==3): raise ValueError('Input data can only have 2 or 3 dimensions. \ Found {} dimensions.'.format(ndim)) # Convert to float if 'float' not in copy = (not in_place) cube = cube.astype(np.float, copy=copy) if not in_place: cube = np.copy(cube) # Remove channel offsets cube = reffix_amps(cube, nchans=nchans, in_place=True, **kwargs) # Fix 1/f noise using vertical reference pixels if fixcol: cube = ref_filter(cube, nchans=nchans, in_place=True, **kwargs) return cube
[docs]def reffix_amps(cube, nchans=4, in_place=True, altcol=True, supermean=False, top_ref=True, bot_ref=True, ntop=4, nbot=4, **kwargs): """Correct amplifier offsets Matches all amplifier outputs of the detector to a common level. This routine subtracts the average of the top and bottom reference rows for each amplifier and frame individually. By default, reference pixel corrections are performed in place since it's faster and consumes less memory. Parameters ---------- cube : ndarray Input datacube. Can be two or three dimensions (nz,ny,nx). nchans : int Number of output amplifier channels in the detector. Default=4. altcol : bool Calculate separate reference values for even/odd columns. supermean : bool Add back the overall mean of the reference pixels. in_place : bool Perform calculations in place. Input array is overwritten. top_ref : bool Include top reference rows when correcting channel offsets. bot_ref : bool Include bottom reference rows when correcting channel offsets. ntop : int Specify the number of top reference rows. nbot : int Specify the number of bottom reference rows. """ if not in_place: cube = np.copy(cube) # Check the number of dimensions are valid. ndim = len(cube.shape) if ndim==2: ny,nx = cube.shape nz = 1 cube = cube.reshape((nz,ny,nx)) elif ndim==3: nz, ny, nx = cube.shape else: raise ValueError('Input data can only have 2 or 3 dimensions. \ Found {} dimensions.'.format(ndim)) chsize = int(nx / nchans) # Number of reference rows to use # Set nt or nb equal to 0 if we don't want to use either nt = ntop if top_ref else 0 nb = nbot if bot_ref else 0 if (nt+nb)==0: print("No reference pixels available for use. Returning...") return # Slice out reference pixels refs_bot = cube[:,:nb,:] refs_top = cube[:,-nt:,:] if nt==0: refs_all = refs_bot elif nb==0: refs_all = refs_top else: refs_all = np.hstack((refs_bot, refs_top)) assert refs_all.shape[1] == (nb+nt) # Supermean # the average of the average is the DC level of the output channel smean = robust.mean(refs_all) if supermean else 0.0 # Calculate avg reference values for each frame and channel refs_amps_avg = calc_avg_amps(refs_all, cube.shape, nchans=nchans, altcol=altcol) for ch in range(nchans): # Channel indices ich1 = ch*chsize ich2 = ich1 + chsize # In-place subtraction of channel medians if altcol: for i in range(nz): cube[i,:,ich1:ich2-1:2] -= refs_amps_avg[0][ch,i] cube[i,:,ich1+1:ich2:2] -= refs_amps_avg[1][ch,i] else: for i in range(nz): cube[i,:,ich1:ich2] -= refs_amps_avg[ch,i] # Add back supermean if supermean: cube += smean cube = cube.squeeze() return cube
[docs]def ref_filter(cube, nchans=4, in_place=True, avg_type='frame', perint=False, edge_wrap=False, left_ref=True, right_ref=True, nleft=4, nright=4, **kwargs): """Optimal Smoothing Performs an optimal filtering of the vertical reference pixel to reduce 1/f noise (horizontal stripes). Adapted from M. Robberto IDL code: Parameters ---------- cube : ndarray Input datacube. Can be two or three dimensions (nz,ny,nx). nchans : int Number of output amplifier channels in the detector. Default=4. in_place : bool Perform calculations in place. Input array is overwritten. perint : bool Smooth side reference pixel per integration, otherwise do frame-by-frame. avg_type : str Type of ref col averaging to perform. Allowed values are 'pixel', 'frame', or 'int'. left_ref : bool Include left reference cols when correcting 1/f noise. right_ref : bool Include right reference cols when correcting 1/f noise. nleft : int Specify the number of left reference columns. nright : int Specify the number of right reference columns. Keyword Arguments ================= savgol : bool Using Savitsky-Golay filter method rather than FFT. winsize : int Size of the window filter. order : int Order of the polynomial used to fit the samples. mean_func : func Function to use to calculate averages of reference columns. """ if not in_place: cube = np.copy(cube) # Check the number of dimensions are valid. ndim = len(cube.shape) if ndim==2: ny,nx = cube.shape nz = 1 cube = cube.reshape((nz,ny,nx)) elif ndim==3: nz, ny, nx = cube.shape else: raise ValueError('Input data can only have 2 or 3 dimensions. \ Found {} dimensions.'.format(ndim)) # Number of reference rows to use # Set nt or nb equal to 0 if we don't want to use either nl = nleft if left_ref else 0 nr = nright if right_ref else 0 assert nl>=0, 'Number of left reference pixels must not be negative.' assert nr>=0, 'Number of right reference pixels must not be negative.' if (nl+nr)==0: print("No reference pixels available for use. Returning...") return # Slice out reference pixel columns refs_left = cube[:,:,:nl] if nl>0 else None refs_right = cube[:,:,-nr:] if nr>0 else None refvals = calc_avg_cols(refs_left, refs_right, avg_type, **kwargs) # The delta time does't seem to make any difference in the final data product # Just for vizualization purposes... delt = 10E-6 * (nx/nchans + 12.) refvals_smoothed = calc_col_smooth(refvals, cube.shape, perint=perint, edge_wrap=edge_wrap, delt=delt, **kwargs) # Final correction #for i,im in enumerate(cube): im -= refvals_smoothed[i].reshape([ny,1]) cube -= refvals_smoothed.reshape([nz,ny,1]) cube = cube.squeeze() return cube
[docs]def calc_avg_amps(refs_all, data_shape, nchans=4, altcol=True): """Calculate amplifier averages Save the average reference value for each amplifier in each frame. Assume by default that alternating columns are offset from each other, so we save two arrays: self.refs_amps_avg1 and self.refs_amps_avg2. Each array has a size of (namp, ngroup). Parameters ---------- refs_all : ndarray The top and/or bottom references pixels order in a shape (nz, nref_rows, nx) data_shape : tuple Shape of the data array: (nz, ny, nx). nchans : int Number of amplifier output channels. altcol : bool Calculate separate reference values for even/odd columns? Default=True. """ nz, ny, nx = data_shape chsize = int(nx / nchans) if altcol: refs_amps_avg1 = [] refs_amps_avg2 = [] for ch in range(nchans): # Channel indices ich1 = ch*chsize ich2 = ich1 + chsize # Slice out alternating columns refs_ch1 = refs_all[:,:,ich1:ich2-1:2].reshape((nz,-1)) refs_ch2 = refs_all[:,:,ich1+1:ich2:2].reshape((nz,-1)) # Take the resistant mean chavg1 = robust.mean(refs_ch1,axis=1) chavg2 = robust.mean(refs_ch2,axis=1) refs_amps_avg1.append(chavg1) refs_amps_avg2.append(chavg2) return (np.array(refs_amps_avg1), np.array(refs_amps_avg2)) else: refs_amps_avg = [] for ch in range(nchans): # Channel indices ich1 = ch*chsize ich2 = ich1 + chsize # Slice out alternating columns refs_ch = refs_all[:,:,ich1:ich2].reshape((nz,-1)) # Take the resistant mean and reshape for broadcasting chavg = robust.mean(refs_ch,axis=1).reshape(-1,1,1) refs_amps_avg.append(chavg) return np.array(refs_amps_avg)
[docs]def calc_avg_cols(refs_left=None, refs_right=None, avg_type='frame', mean_func=np.median, **kwargs): """Calculate average of column references Determine the average values for the column references, which is subsequently used to estimate the 1/f noise contribution. Parameters ---------- refs_left : ndarray Left reference columns. refs_right : ndarray Right reference columns. avg_type : str Type of ref column averaging to perform to determine ref pixel variation. Allowed values are 'pixel', 'frame', or 'int'. 'pixel' : For each ref pixel, subtract its avg value from all frames. 'frame' : For each frame, get avg ref pixel values and subtract framewise. 'int' : Calculate avg of all ref pixels within the ramp and subtract. mean_func : func Function to use to calculate averages of reference columns """ # Which function to use for calculating averages? # mean_func = robust.mean # mean_func = np.median # In this context, nl and nr are either 0 (False) or 1 (True) nl = 0 if refs_left is None else 1 nr = 0 if refs_right is None else 1 # Left and right reference pixels # Make a copy so as to not modify the original data? if nl>0: refs_left = np.copy(refs_left) if nr>0: refs_right = np.copy(refs_right) # Set the average of left and right reference pixels to zero # By default, pixel averaging is best for large groups if avg_type is None: avg_type = 'frame' if refs_left is not None: nz, ny, nchan = refs_left.shape else: nz, ny, nchan = refs_right.shape # If there is only 1 frame, then we have to do "per frame" averaging. # Set to "per int", which produces the same result as "per frame" for nz=1. if nz==1: avg_type = 'int' # Remove average ref pixel values # Average over entire integration if 'int' in avg_type: if nl>0: refs_left -= mean_func(refs_left) if nr>0: refs_right -= mean_func(refs_right) # Average over each frame elif 'frame' in avg_type: if nl>0: refs_left_mean = mean_func(refs_left.reshape((nz,-1)), axis=1) if nr>0: refs_right_mean = mean_func(refs_right.reshape((nz,-1)), axis=1) # Subtract estimate of each ref pixel "intrinsic" value for i in range(nz): if nl>0: refs_left[i] -= refs_left_mean[i] if nr>0: refs_right[i] -= refs_right_mean[i] # Take the average of each reference pixel elif 'pix' in avg_type: if nl>0: refs_left_mean = mean_func(refs_left, axis=0) if nr>0: refs_right_mean = mean_func(refs_right, axis=0) # Subtract estimate of each ref pixel "intrinsic" value for i in range(nz): if nl>0: refs_left[i] -= refs_left_mean if nr>0: refs_right[i] -= refs_right_mean if nl==0: refs_side_avg = refs_right.mean(axis=2) elif nr==0: refs_side_avg = refs_left.mean(axis=2) else: refs_side_avg = (refs_right.mean(axis=2) + refs_left.mean(axis=2)) / 2 return refs_side_avg
[docs]def calc_col_smooth(refvals, data_shape, perint=False, edge_wrap=False, delt=5.24E-4, savgol=False, winsize=31, order=3, **kwargs): """Perform optimal smoothing of side ref pix Generates smoothed version of column reference values. Smooths values from calc_avg_cols() via FFT. Parameters ---------- refvals : ndarray Averaged column reference pixels data_shape : tuple Shape of original data (nz,ny,nx) Keyword Arguments ================= perint : bool Smooth side reference pixel per int, otherwise per frame. edge_wrap : bool Add a partial frames to the beginning and end of each averaged time series pixels in order to get rid of edge effects. delt : float Time between reference pixel samples. savgol : bool Using Savitsky-Golay filter method rather than FFT. winsize : int Size of the window filter. order : int Order of the polynomial used to fit the samples. """ nz,ny,nx = data_shape # May want to revisit the do-all-at-once or break-up decision # This may depend on preamp reset per frame or per integration # For now, we'll do it frame-by-frame by default (perint=False) if perint: # per integration if edge_wrap: # Wrap around to avoid edge effects refvals2 = np.vstack((refvals[0][::-1], refvals, refvals[-1][::-1])) if savgol: # SavGol filter refvals_smoothed2 = savgol_filter(refvals2.ravel(), winsize, order, delta=1) else: # Or "optimal" smoothing algorithm refvals_smoothed2 = smooth_fft(refvals2, delt) refvals_smoothed = refvals_smoothed2[ny:-ny].reshape(refvals.shape) else: if savgol: refvals_smoothed = savgol_filter(refvals.ravel(), winsize, order, delta=1) else: refvals_smoothed = smooth_fft(refvals, delt) refvals_smoothed = refvals_smoothed.reshape(refvals.shape) else: refvals_smoothed = [] if edge_wrap: # Wrap around to avoid edge effects for ref in refvals: ref2 = np.concatenate((ref[:ny//2][::-1], ref, ref[ny//2:][::-1])) if savgol: ref_smth = savgol_filter(ref2, winsize, order, delta=1) else: ref_smth = smooth_fft(ref2, delt) refvals_smoothed.append(ref_smth[ny//2:ny//2+ny]) refvals_smoothed = np.array(refvals_smoothed) else: for ref in refvals: if savgol: ref_smth = savgol_filter(ref, winsize, order, delta=1) else: ref_smth = smooth_fft(ref, delt) refvals_smoothed.append(ref_smth) refvals_smoothed = np.array(refvals_smoothed) return refvals_smoothed
[docs]def smooth_fft(data, delt, first_deriv=False, second_deriv=False): """Optimal smoothing algorithm Smoothing algorithm to perform optimal filtering of the vertical reference pixel to reduce 1/f noise (horizontal stripes), based on the Kosarev & Pantos algorithm. This assumes that the data to be filtered/smoothed has been sampled evenly. If first_deriv is set, then returns two results if second_deriv is set, then returns three results. Adapted from M. Robberto IDL code: Parameters ---------- data : ndarray Signal to be filtered. delt : float Delta time between samples. first_deriv : bool Return the first derivative. second_deriv : bool Return the second derivative (along with first). """ Dat = data.flatten() N = Dat.size Pi2 = 2*np.pi OMEGA = Pi2 / (N*delt) X = np.arange(N) * delt ##------------------------------------------------ ## Center and Baselinefit of the data ##------------------------------------------------ Dat_m = Dat - np.mean(Dat) SLOPE = (Dat_m[-1] - Dat_m[0]) / (N-2) Dat_b = Dat_m - Dat_m[0] - SLOPE * X / delt ##------------------------------------------------ ## Compute fft- / power- spectrum ##------------------------------------------------ Dat_F = np.fft.rfft(Dat_b) #/ N Dat_P = np.abs(Dat_F)**2 # Frequency for abscissa axis # F = [0.0, 1.0/(N*delt), ... , 1.0/(2.0*delt)]: #F = np.arange(N/2+1) / (N*delt) #F = np.fft.fftfreq(Dat_F.size, delt) ##------------------------------------------------ ## Noise spectrum from 'half' to 'full' ## Mind: half means N/4, full means N/2 ##------------------------------------------------ i1 = int((N-1) / 4) i2 = int((N-1) / 2) + 1 Sigma = np.sum(Dat_P[i1:i2]) Noise = Sigma / ((N-1)/2 - (N-1)/4) ##------------------------------------------------ ## Get Filtercoeff. according to Kosarev/Pantos ## Find the J0, start search at i=1 (i=0 is the mean) ##------------------------------------------------ J0 = 2 for i in np.arange(1, int(N/4)+1): sig0, sig1, sig2, sig3 = Dat_P[i:i+4] if (sig0<Noise) and ((sig1<Noise) or (sig2<Noise) or (sig3<Noise)): J0 = i break ##------------------------------------------------ ## Compute straight line extrapolation to log(Dat_P) ##------------------------------------------------ ii = np.arange(1,J0+1) logvals = np.log(Dat_P[1:J0+1]) XY = np.sum(ii * logvals) XX = np.sum(ii**2) S = np.sum(logvals) # Find parameters A1, B1 XM = (2. + J0) / 2 YM = S / J0 A1 = (XY - J0*XM*YM) / (XX - J0*XM*XM) B1 = YM - A1 * XM # Compute J1, the frequency for which straight # line extrapolation drops 20dB below noise J1 = int(np.ceil((np.log(0.01*Noise) - B1) / A1 )) if J1<J0: J1 = J0+1 ##------------------------------------------------ ## Compute the Kosarev-Pantos filter windows ## Frequency-ranges: 0 -- J0 | J0+1 -- J1 | J1+1 -- N2 ##------------------------------------------------ nvals = int((N-1)/2 + 1) LOPT = np.zeros_like(Dat_P) LOPT[0:J0+1] = Dat_P[0:J0+1] / (Dat_P[0:J0+1] + Noise) i_arr = np.arange(J1-J0) + J0+1 LOPT[J0+1:J1+1] = np.exp(A1*i_arr+B1) / (np.exp(A1*i_arr+B1) + Noise) ##-------------------------------------------------------------------- ## De-noise the Spectrum with the filter ## Calculate the first and second derivative (i.e. multiply by iW) ##-------------------------------------------------------------------- # first loop gives smoothed data # second loop produces first derivative # third loop produces second derivative if second_deriv: ndiff = 3 elif first_deriv: ndiff = 2 else: ndiff = 1 for diff in range(ndiff): #Fltr_Spectrum = np.zeros(N,dtype=np.complex) Fltr_Spectrum = np.zeros_like(Dat_P,dtype=np.complex) # make the filter complex i1 = 1; n2 = int((N-1)/2)+1; i2 = i1+n2 FltrCoef = LOPT[i1:].astype(np.complex) # differentitation in frequency domain iW = ((np.arange(n2)+i1)*OMEGA*1j)**diff # multiply spectrum with filter coefficient Fltr_Spectrum[i1:] = Dat_F[i1:] * FltrCoef * iW # Fltr_Spectrum[0] values # The derivatives of Fltr_Spectrum[0] are 0 # Mean if diff = 0 Fltr_Spectrum[0] = 0 if diff>0 else Dat_F[0] # Inverse fourier transform back in time domain Dat_T = np.fft.irfft(Fltr_Spectrum) #Dat_T[-1] = np.real(Dat_T[0]) + 1j*np.imag(Dat_T[-1]) # This ist the smoothed time series (baseline added) if diff==0: Smoothed_Data = np.real(Dat_T) + Dat[0] + SLOPE * X / delt elif diff==1: First_Diff = np.real(Dat_T) + SLOPE / delt elif diff==2: Secnd_Diff = np.real(Dat_T) if second_deriv: return Smoothed_Data, First_Diff, Secnd_Diff elif first_deriv: return Smoothed_Data, First_Diff else: return Smoothed_Data
[docs]def chrem_med(imarr, nchans=4, yind=None, bpmask=None, in_place=True, mean_func=np.median): """ Subtract Amplifier Channel Offsets Sometimes amplifiers have offsets relative to each other due to imperfect tracking of reference pixels. This function determines the average offset from zero of each channel and subtracts the mean/median from the entire channel. Parameters ---------- imarr : ndarray Array of image (or single image). nchans : int Number of amplifier readout channels. yind : array-like Two element array to select a y-range for calculating the channel offset. bpmask : bool array Bad pixel mask (1 for bad, 0 for good). Can either be a single image or image cube of same size as `imarr`. in_place : bool Correct in-place? If False, returns a copy of the array with channels offset. mean_func : func Function to use for performing the mean calculation. """ sh_orig = imarr.shape if len(sh_orig)==2: nz = 1 ny, nx = sh_orig imarr = imarr.reshape([nz,ny,nx]) else: nz, ny, nx = sh_orig chsize = int(nx / nchans) # Make copy of array? arr_out = imarr if in_place else imarr.copy() # Define y index start/stop locations yind = np.array([0,ny]) if yind is None else yind bpmask = np.zeros([ny,nx]) if bpmask is None else bpmask bpmask = bpmask.squeeze() # Cropped array for ch in np.arange(nchans): # Get channel x-indices x1 = int(ch*chsize) x2 = int(x1 + chsize) # Select the channel and y-range imch = arr_out[:, yind[0]:yind[1], x1:x2] # imch_ind = imch.reshape([imch.shape[0],-1]) # Take median of all pixels in channel for each image if len(bpmask.shape)==2: bpmask_ch = bpmask[yind[0]:yind[1], x1:x2] igood = (bpmask_ch == 0) chmed = mean_func(imch[:,igood], axis=1) # Subtract median channel from each image arr_out[:,:,x1:x2] -= chmed.reshape([-1,1,1]) else: for jj, im in enumerate(imch): bpmask_ch = bpmask[jj, yind[0]:yind[1], x1:x2] igood = (bpmask_ch == 0) arr_out[jj,:,x1:x2] -= mean_func(im[igood]) return arr_out.reshape(sh_orig)
[docs]def channel_averaging(im, nchans=4, same_scan_direction=False, off_chans=True, mn_func=np.nanmedian, **kwargs): """Estimate common 1/f noise in image For a given image, average the channels together to find the common pattern noise present within the channels. Returns an array the same size as the input image. Parameters ========== im : ndarray Input image Keyword Args ============ nchans : int Number of output channels same_scan_direction : bool Are all the output channels read in the same direction? By default fast-scan readout direction is ``[-->,<--,-->,<--]`` If ``same_scan_direction``, then all ``-->`` off_chans : bool Calculate indepenent values for each channel using the off channels. mn_func : function What function should we use to calculate the average. Default `np.nanmedian` """ ny, nx = im.shape chsize = int(nx / nchans) # Reshape to [ny,chsize,nchans] im = im.reshape(ny,nchans,chsize).transpose([0,2,1]) # Flip channels if they're reversed if same_scan_direction==False: # Make sure we don't modify the input array im = im.copy() for ch in range(nchans): if np.mod(ch,2)==1: im[:,:,ch] = im[:,::-1,ch] if off_chans == False: im = im.reshape([-1,nchans]) ch_mn = mn_func(im, axis=1).reshape([ny,chsize]) im = im.reshape([ny,chsize,nchans]) arr_list = [] ind_chans = np.arange(nchans) for ch in range(nchans): # Take median of other channels if off_chans: ind_off = np.where(ind_chans != ch)[0] im_off_chans = im[:,:,ind_off].reshape([-1,nchans-1]) ch_mn = mn_func(im_off_chans, axis=1).reshape([ny,chsize]) # Consecutive outputs reversed? if (np.mod(ch,2) == 0) or (same_scan_direction == True): arr_list.append(ch_mn) else: arr_list.append(ch_mn[:,::-1]) # im = im.reshape([ny,chsize,nchans]).transpose([0,2,1]).reshape([ny,nx]) # Flip channels back to original position if same_scan_direction==False: for ch in range(nchans): if np.mod(ch,2)==1: im[:,:,ch] = im[:,::-1,ch] return np.concatenate(arr_list, axis=1)
[docs]def channel_smooth_fft(im_arr, winsize=64): """Channel smoothing using smooth_fft Function for generating a map of the 1/f noise within a series of input images. The input images should show some clear noise structure for this to be useful. Uses M. Robberto smoothing algorithm. One might prefer the `channel_smooth_savgol` or `channel_smooth_butter` functions due to their quickness. Parameters ========== im_arr : ndarray Input array of images winsize : int Window size chunks to break up """ sh = im_arr.shape if len(sh)==2: nz = 1 ny, chsize = sh else: nz, ny, chsize = sh # Check that winsize is even winsize = winsize+1 if winsize % 2 == 1 else winsize # Reshape in case of nz=1 im_arr = im_arr.reshape([nz, -1]) res_arr = [] excess = winsize #int(winsize / 2) for im in im_arr: nwin = int(im.size / winsize) + 1 # Add some extra values to beginning and end to remove edge effects im2 = np.concatenate((im[:excess][::-1], im, im[-excess:][::-1])) res = [] for i in range(nwin): i1 = 0 if i==0 else winsize*i i2 = i1 + winsize + 2*excess vals = im2[i1:i2] # If smooth_fft fails, then just take median # Failing generally means the distribution is consistent with white noise try: vals_smooth = smooth_fft(vals, 10e-6) # Trim edges vals_smooth = vals_smooth[excess:excess+winsize] except: vals_smooth = np.zeros(winsize) + np.nanmedian(vals) res.append(vals_smooth) res = np.array(res).ravel()[0:im.size] res_arr.append(res.reshape([ny,-1])) return np.array(res_arr).squeeze()
[docs]def mask_helper(): """Helper to handle indices and logical indices of a mask Output: index, a function, with signature indices = index(logical_indices), to convert logical indices of a mask to 'equivalent' indices Example: >>> # linear interpolation of NaNs >>> mask = np.isnan(y) >>> x = mask_helper(y) >>> y[mask]= np.interp(x(mask), x(~mask), y[~mask]) """ return lambda z: np.nonzero(z)[0]
[docs]def channel_smooth_savgol(im_arr, winsize=31, order=3, per_line=False, mask=None, **kwargs): """Channel smoothing using savgol filter Parameters ========== im_arr : ndarray Input array of images (intended to be a cube of output channels). Shape should either be (ny, chsize) to smooth a single channel or (nchan, ny, chsize) for multiple channels. Each image is operated on separately. If only two dimensions, then only a single input image is assumed. NaN's will be interpolated over. Keyword Args ============ winsize : int Size of the window filter. Should be an odd number. order : int Order of the polynomial used to fit the samples. per_line : bool Smooth each channel line separately with the hopes of avoiding edge discontinuities. mask : bool image or None An image mask of pixels to ignore. Should be same size as im_arr. This can be used to mask pixels that the filter should ignore, such as stellar sources or pixel outliers. A value of True indicates that pixel should be ignored. mode : str Must be 'mirror', 'constant', 'nearest', 'wrap' or 'interp'. This determines the type of extension to use for the padded signal to which the filter is applied. When `mode` is 'constant', the padding value is given by `cval`. When the 'interp' mode is selected (the default), no extension is used. Instead, a degree `polyorder` polynomial is fit to the last `window_length` values of the edges, and this polynomial is used to evaluate the last `window_length // 2` output values. cval : float Value to fill past the edges of the input if `mode` is 'constant'. Default is 0.0. """ sh = im_arr.shape if len(sh)==2: nz = 1 ny, chsize = sh else: nz, ny, chsize = sh # Check that winsize is odd winsize = winsize-1 if winsize % 2 == 0 else winsize # Reshape in case of nz=1 im_arr = im_arr.reshape([nz, -1]) if mask is not None: mask = mask.reshape([nz, -1]) res_arr = [] for i, im in enumerate(im_arr): # im should be a 1D array # Interpolate over masked data and NaN's nans = np.isnan(im) im_mask = nans if mask is None else nans | mask[i].flatten() if im_mask.any(): # Create a copy so as to not change the original data im = np.copy(im) # Use a savgol filter to smooth out any outliers res = im.copy() res[~im_mask] = savgol_filter(im[~im_mask], 31, 3, mode='interp') # Replace masked pixels with linear interpolation x = mask_helper() # Returns the nonzero (True) indices of a mask im[im_mask]= np.interp(x(im_mask), x(~im_mask), res[~im_mask]) if per_line: im = im.reshape([ny,-1]) res = savgol_filter(im, winsize, order, axis=1, delta=1, **kwargs) res_arr.append(res) else: res = savgol_filter(im, winsize, order, delta=1, **kwargs) res_arr.append(res.reshape([ny,-1])) return np.array(res_arr).squeeze()
[docs]def channel_smooth_butter(im_arr, order=3, freq=0.1, per_line=False, mask=None): """Channel smoothing using Butterworth filter Parameters ========== im_arr : ndarray Input array of images (intended to be a cube of output channels). Each image is operated on separately. If only two dimensions, then only a single input image is assumed. Keyword Args ============ order : int Order of the filter (high order have sharper frequency cut-off) freq : float Normalized frequency cut-off (between 0 and 1). 1 is Nyquist. per_line : bool Smooth each channel line separately with the hopes of avoiding edge discontinuities. mask : bool image or None An image mask of pixels to ignore. Should be same size as im_arr. This can be used to mask pixels that the filter should ignore, such as stellar sources or pixel outliers. """ from scipy.signal import butter, filtfilt sh = im_arr.shape if len(sh)==2: nz = 1 ny, chsize = sh else: nz, ny, chsize = sh # Reshape in case of nz=1 im_arr = im_arr.reshape([nz, -1]) if mask is not None: mask = mask.reshape([nz, -1]) res_arr = [] b, a = butter(order, freq, btype='lowpass', analog=False) for i, im in enumerate(im_arr): # im should be a 1D array # Interpolate over masked data and NaN's # Replace masked pixels with linear interpolation nans = np.isnan(im) im_mask = nans if mask is None else nans | mask[i].flatten() if im_mask.any(): # Create a copy so as to not change the original data im = np.copy(im) # Use a savgol filter to smooth out any outliers res = im.copy() res[~im_mask] = savgol_filter(im[~im_mask], 31, 3, mode='interp') # Replace masked pixels with linear interpolation x = mask_helper() # Returns the nonzero (True) indices of a mask im[im_mask]= np.interp(x(im_mask), x(~im_mask), res[~im_mask]) # Do filter line-by-line if per_line: im = im.reshape([ny,-1]) res_lines = [] for line in im: res = filtfilt(b, a, line) res_lines.append(res) res_lines = np.array(res_lines) res_arr.append(res_lines.reshape([ny,-1])) else: res = filtfilt(b, a, im) res_arr.append(res.reshape([ny,-1])) return np.array(res_arr).squeeze()