
pynrc.nrc_utils.pickoff_image(ap_obs, v2_obj, v3_obj, flux_obj, oversample=1)[source]

Create an unconvolved image of filled pixel values that have been shifted via bilinear interpolation. The image will then be convolved with a PSF to create the a focal plane image that is the size of the NIRCam pick-off mirror. This image should then be cropped to generate the final detector image.

Returns the tuple (xsci, ysci, image), where xsci and ysci are the science coordinates associated with the image.

  • ap_obs (str) – Name of aperture in which the observation is taking place. Necessary to determine pixel locations for stars.

  • v2_obj (ndarray) – List of V2 coordiantes of stellar sources

  • v3_obj (ndarray) – List of V3 coordinates of stellar sources

  • flux_obj (ndarray) – List of fluxes (e-/sec) for each source

Keyword Arguments

oversample (int) – If set, the returns an oversampled version of the image to convolve with PSFs. If set to one, then detector pixels.