Source code for pynrc.nrc_utils

"""pyNRC utility functions"""
import os, re

# Import libraries
import numpy as np
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

on_rtd = os.environ.get('READTHEDOCS') == 'True'
# Update matplotlib settings
rcvals = {'xtick.minor.visible': True, 'ytick.minor.visible': True,
          'xtick.direction': 'in', 'ytick.direction': 'in',
          '': True, 'ytick.right': True, '': ['serif'],
          'xtick.major.size': 6, 'ytick.major.size': 6,
          'xtick.minor.size': 3, 'ytick.minor.size': 3,
          'image.interpolation': 'nearest', 'image.origin': 'lower',
          'figure.figsize': [8,6], 'mathtext.fontset':'cm'}#,
          #'text.usetex': True, 'text.latex.preamble': ['\usepackage{gensymb}']}
if not on_rtd:
    cmap_pri, cmap_alt = ('viridis', 'gist_heat')
    matplotlib.rcParams['image.cmap'] = cmap_pri if cmap_pri in plt.colormaps() else cmap_alt

import datetime, time
import sys, platform
import multiprocessing as mp
import traceback

from import fits, ascii
from astropy.table import Table
from astropy.time import Time
# from astropy import units

#from scipy.optimize import least_squares#, leastsq
#from scipy.ndimage import fourier_shift
from scipy.interpolate import griddata, RegularGridInterpolator, interp1d
from numpy.polynomial import legendre

from . import conf
from .logging_utils import setup_logging

from webbpsf_ext.bandpasses import nircam_com_th, nircam_com_nd

from .maths import robust
from .maths.fast_poly import *
from .maths.image_manip import *
from .maths.coords import *
# from .maths.image_manip import frebin, fshift, pad_or_cut_to_size
# from .maths.image_manip import hist_indices, binned_statistic
# from .maths.coords import dist_image, xy_to_rtheta, rtheta_to_xy, xy_rot
# from .maths.coords import det_to_sci, sci_to_det, plotAxes

#    Logging info

import logging
_log = logging.getLogger('pynrc')

#    WebbPSF

    import webbpsf_ext
except ImportError:
    raise ImportError('webbpsf_ext is not installed. pyNRC depends on its inclusion.')

# Some useful functions for displaying and measuring PSFs
import webbpsf, poppy
from poppy import (radial_profile, measure_radial, measure_fwhm, measure_ee)
from poppy import (measure_sharpness, measure_centroid) #, measure_strehl)

import pysynphot as S
# Extend default wavelength range to 5.6 um
S.refs.set_default_waveset(minwave=500, maxwave=56000, num=10000.0, delta=None, log=False)
# JWST 25m^2 collecting area
# Flux loss from masks and occulters are taken into account in WebbPSF
# S.refs.setref(area = 25.4e4) # cm^2
S.refs.setref(area = 25.78e4) # cm^2 according to jwst_pupil_RevW_npix1024.fits.gz

# The following won't work on readthedocs compilation
if not on_rtd:
    # Grab WebbPSF assumed pixel scales
    log_prev = conf.logging_level
    setup_logging('WARN', verbose=False)
    nc_temp = webbpsf_ext.NIRCam_ext()
    setup_logging(log_prev, verbose=False)

    pixscale_SW = nc_temp._pixelscale_short
    pixscale_LW = nc_temp._pixelscale_long
    del nc_temp

_jbt_exists = True
    from jwst_backgrounds import jbt
except ImportError:"  jwst_backgrounds is not installed and will not be used for bg estimates.")
    _jbt_exists = False

#    pysiaf

import pysiaf
from pysiaf import JWST_PRD_VERSION, rotations, Siaf

# Create this once since it takes time to call multiple times
siaf_nrc = Siaf('NIRCam')

#__location__ = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), os.path.dirname(__file__)))
#__location__ += '/'

__epsilon = np.finfo(float).eps

#    Pysynphot Bandpasses

from webbpsf_ext.bandpasses import bp_igood, bp_wise, bp_2mass, bp_gaia
from webbpsf_ext.bandpasses import nircam_filter as read_filter

#    Sensitivities and Saturation Limits

from webbpsf_ext.bandpasses import nircam_grism_res as grism_res
from webbpsf_ext.bandpasses import nircam_grism_wref as grism_wref
from webbpsf_ext.maths import radial_std

[docs]def channel_select(bp): """Select wavelength channel Based on input bandpass, return the pixel scale, dark current, and excess read noise parameters. These values are typical for either a SW or LW NIRCam detector. Parameters ---------- bp : :mod:`pysynphot.obsbandpass` NIRCam filter bandpass. """ if bp.avgwave()/1e4 < 2.3: pix_scale = pixscale_SW # pixel scale (arcsec/pixel) idark = 0.003 # dark current (e/sec) pex = (1.0,5.0) else: pix_scale = pixscale_LW idark = 0.03 pex = (1.5,10.0) return (pix_scale, idark, pex)
[docs]def get_detname(det_id): """Return NRC[A-B][1-5] for valid detector/SCA IDs""" det_dict = {481:'A1', 482:'A2', 483:'A3', 484:'A4', 485:'A5', 486:'B1', 487:'B2', 488:'B3', 489:'B4', 490:'B5'} scaids = det_dict.keys() detids = det_dict.values() detnames = ['NRC' + idval for idval in detids] # If already valid, then return if det_id in detnames: return det_id elif det_id in scaids: detname = 'NRC' + det_dict[det_id] elif det_id in detids: detname = 'NRC' + det_id else: detname = det_id # If NRCALONG or or NRCBLONG, change 'LONG' to '5' if 'LONG' in detname: detname = detname[0:4] + '5' if detname not in detnames: raise ValueError("Invalid detector: {} \n\tValid names are: {}" \ .format(detname, ', '.join(detnames))) return detname
[docs]def var_ex_model(ng, nf, params): """ Variance Excess Model Measured pixel variance shows a slight excess above the measured values. The input `params` describes this excess variance. This funciton can be used to fit the excess variance for a variety of different readout patterns. """ return 12. * (ng - 1.)/(ng + 1.) * params[0]**2 - params[1] / nf**0.5
[docs]def pix_noise(ngroup=2, nf=1, nd2=0, tf=10.73677, rn=15.0, ktc=29.0, p_excess=(0,0), fsrc=0.0, idark=0.003, fzodi=0, fbg=0, ideal_Poisson=False, ff_noise=False, **kwargs): """Noise per pixel Theoretical noise calculation of a generalized MULTIACCUM ramp in terms of e-/sec. Includes flat field errors from JWST-CALC-003894. Parameters ---------- n : int Number of groups in integration rampl m : int Number of frames in each groupl s : int Number of dropped frames in each groupl tf : float Frame time rn : float Read Noise per pixel (e-). ktc : float kTC noise (in e-). Only valid for single frame (n=1)l p_excess : array-like An array or list of two elements that holds the parameters describing the excess variance observed in effective noise plots. By default these are both 0. For NIRCam detectors, recommended values are [1.0,5.0] for SW and [1.5,10.0] for LW. fsrc : float Flux of source in e-/sec/pix. idark : float Dark current in e-/sec/pix. fzodi : float Zodiacal light emission in e-/sec/pix. fbg : float Any additional background (telescope emission or scattered light?) ideal_Poisson : bool If set to True, use total signal for noise estimate, otherwise MULTIACCUM equation is used. ff_noise : bool Include flat field errors in calculation? From JWST-CALC-003894. Default=False. Notes ----- Various parameters can either be single values or numpy arrays. If multiple inputs are arrays, make sure their array sizes match. Variables that need to have the same array shapes (or a single value): - n, m, s, & tf - rn, idark, ktc, fsrc, fzodi, & fbg Array broadcasting also works. Example ------- >>> n = np.arange(50)+1 # An array of different ngroups to test out >>> # Create 2D Gaussian PSF with FWHM = 3 pix >>> npix = 20 # Number of pixels in x and y direction >>> fwhm = 3.0 >>> x = np.arange(0, npix, 1, dtype=float) >>> y = x[:,np.newaxis] >>> x0 = y0 = npix // 2 # Center position >>> fsrc = np.exp(-4*np.log(2.) * ((x-x0)**2 + (y-y0)**2) / fwhm**2) >>> fsrc /= fsrc.max() >>> fsrc *= 10 # 10 counts/sec in peak pixel >>> fsrc = fsrc.reshape(npix,npix,1) # Necessary for broadcasting >>> # Represents pixel array w/ slightly different RN/pix >>> rn = 15 + np.random.normal(loc=0, scale=0.5, size=(1,npix,npix)) >>> # Results is a 50x(20x20) showing the noise in e-/sec/pix at each group >>> noise = pix_noise(ngroup=n, rn=rn, fsrc=fsrc) """ # Convert everything to arrays n = np.array(ngroup) m = np.array(nf) s = np.array(nd2) tf = np.array(tf) # Total flux (e-/sec/pix) ftot = fsrc + idark + fzodi + fbg # Special case if n=1 # To be inserted at the end if (n==1).any(): # Variance after averaging m frames var = ktc**2 + (rn**2 + ftot*tf) / m noise = np.sqrt(var) noise /= tf # In terms of e-/sec if (n==1).all(): return noise noise_n1 = noise ind_n1 = (n==1) temp = np.array(rn+ktc+ftot) temp_bool = np.zeros(temp.shape, dtype=bool) ind_n1_all = (temp_bool | ind_n1) # Group time tg = tf * (m + s) # Effective integration time tint = tg * (n - 1) # Read noise, group time, and frame time variances # This is the MULTIACCUM eq from Rauscher et al. (2007). # This equation assumes that the slope-fitting routine uses # incorrect covariance matrix that doesn't take into account # the correlated Poisson noise up the ramp. var_rn = rn**2 * 12. * (n - 1.) / (m * n * (n + 1.)) var_gp = ftot * tint * 6. * (n**2. + 1.) / (5 * n * (n + 1.)) var_fm = ftot * tf * 2. * (m**2. - 1.) * (n - 1.) / (m * n * (n + 1.)) # Functional form for excess variance above theoretical # Empirically measured formulation # var_ex = 12. * (n - 1.)/(n + 1.) * p_excess[0]**2 - p_excess[1] / m**0.5 var_ex = var_ex_model(n, m, p_excess) # Variance of total signal var_poisson = (ftot * tint) if ideal_Poisson else (var_gp - var_fm) # Total variance var = var_rn + var_poisson + var_ex sig = np.sqrt(var) # Noise in e-/sec noise = sig / tint # Make sure to copy over ngroup=1 cases if (n==1).any(): noise[ind_n1_all] = noise_n1[ind_n1_all] #print(ind_n1_all.shape,noise.shape,noise_n1.shape) # Include flat field noise # JWST-CALC-003894 if ff_noise: noise_ff = 1E-4 # Uncertainty in the flat field factor = 1 + noise_ff*np.sqrt(ftot) noise *= factor return noise
########################################################################### # # Pysynphot Spectrum Wrappers # ########################################################################### from webbpsf_ext.spectra import BOSZ_spectrum, stellar_spectrum, source_spectrum from webbpsf_ext.spectra import planets_sb12, sp_accr, jupiter_spec, companion_spec from webbpsf_ext.spectra import linder_table, linder_filter, cond_table, cond_filter from webbpsf_ext.spectra import bin_spectrum, mag_to_counts
[docs]def bin_spectrum(sp, wave, waveunits='um'): """Rebin spectrum Rebin a :mod:`pysynphot.spectrum` to a different wavelength grid. This function first converts the input spectrum to units of counts then combines the photon flux onto the specified wavelength grid. Output spectrum units are the same as the input spectrum. Parameters ----------- sp : :mod:`pysynphot.spectrum` Spectrum to rebin. wave : array_like Wavelength grid to rebin onto. waveunits : str Units of wave input. Must be recognizeable by Pysynphot. Returns ------- :mod:`pysynphot.spectrum` Rebinned spectrum in same units as input spectrum. """ waveunits0 = sp.waveunits fluxunits0 = sp.fluxunits # Convert wavelength of input spectrum to desired output units sp.convert(waveunits) # We also want input to be in terms of counts to conserve flux sp.convert('flam') edges = S.binning.calculate_bin_edges(wave) ind = (sp.wave >= edges[0]) & (sp.wave <= edges[-1]) binflux = binned_statistic(sp.wave[ind], sp.flux[ind], np.mean, bins=edges) # Interpolate over NaNs ind_nan = np.isnan(binflux) finterp = interp1d(wave[~ind_nan], binflux[~ind_nan], kind='cubic') binflux[ind_nan] = finterp(wave[ind_nan]) sp2 = S.ArraySpectrum(wave, binflux, waveunits=waveunits, fluxunits='flam') sp2.convert(waveunits0) sp2.convert(fluxunits0) # Put back units of original input spectrum sp.convert(waveunits0) sp.convert(fluxunits0) return sp2
[docs]def zodi_spec(zfact=None, ra=None, dec=None, thisday=None, **kwargs): """Zodiacal light spectrum. New: Use `ra`, `dec`, and `thisday` keywords to call `jwst_backgrounds` to obtain more accurate predictions of the background. Creates a spectrum of the zodiacal light emission in order to estimate the in-band sky background flux. This is primarily the addition of two blackbodies at T=5300K (solar scattered light) and T=282K (thermal dust emission) that have been scaled to match literature flux values. In reality, the intensity of the zodiacal dust emission varies as a function of viewing position. In this case, we have added the option to scale the zodiacal level (or each component individually) by some user-defined factor 'zfact'. The user can set zfact as a scalar in order to scale the entire spectrum. If defined as a list, tuple, or np array, then the each component gets scaled where T=5300K corresponds to the first elements and T=282K is the second element of the array. The `zfact` parameter has no effect if `jwst_backgrounds` is called. Representative values for zfact: * 0.0 - No zodiacal emission * 1.0 - Minimum zodiacal emission from JWST-CALC-003894 * 1.2 - Required NIRCam performance * 2.5 - Average (default) * 5.0 - High * 10.0 - Maximum Parameters ---------- zfact : float Factor to scale Zodiacal spectrum (default 2.5). ra : float Right ascension in decimal degrees dec : float Declination in decimal degrees thisday: int Calendar day to use for background calculation. If not given, will use the average of visible calendar days. Returns ------- :mod:`pysynphot.spectrum` Output is a Pysynphot spectrum with default units of flam (erg/s/cm^2/A/sr). Note: Pysynphot doesn't recognize that it's per steradian, but we must keep that in mind when integrating the flux per pixel. Notes ----- Added the ability to query the Euclid background model using :func:`zodi_euclid` for a specific location and observing time. The two blackbodies will be scaled to the 1.0 and 5.5 um emission. This functionality is deprecated in favor of jwst_backgrounds. Keyword Args ------------ locstr : Object name or RA/DEC (decimal degrees or sexigesimal). Queries the `IPAC Euclid Background Model <>`_ year : int Year of observation. day : float Day of observation. """ if (ra is not None) and (dec is not None): if _jbt_exists == False: _log.warning("`jwst_backgrounds` not installed. `ra`, `dec`, and `thisday` parameters will not work.") else: # Wavelength for "bathtub plot" (not used here) wave_bath = 2.5 try: bkg = jbt.background(ra, dec, wave_bath) except: _log.error('Cannot reach JWST Background servers. Reverting to `zfact` input.') else: # Get wavelength and flux values wvals = bkg.bkg_data['wave_array'] # Wavelength (um) farr = bkg.bkg_data['total_bg'] # Total background (MJy/sr) if thisday is None: # Use average of visible calendar days ftot = farr.mean(axis=0) else: calendar = bkg.bkg_data['calendar'] if thisday in calendar: ind = np.where(calendar==thisday)[0][0] ftot = farr[ind] else: _log.warning("The input calendar day {}".format(thisday)+" is not available. \ Choosing closest visible day.") diff = np.abs(calendar-thisday) ind = np.argmin(diff) ftot = farr[ind] sp = S.ArraySpectrum(wave=wvals*1e4, flux=ftot*1e6, fluxunits='Jy') sp.convert('flam') = 'Total Background' return sp if zfact is None: zfact = 2.5 #_log.debug('zfact:{0:.1f}'.format(zfact)) if isinstance(zfact, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)): f1, f2 = zfact else: f1 = f2 = zfact # These values have been scaled to match JWST-CALC-003894 values # in order to work with Pysynphot's blackbody function. # Pysynphot's BB function is normalized to 1Rsun at 1kpc by default. f1 *= 4.0e7 f2 *= 2.0e13 bb1 = f1 * S.BlackBody(5300.0) bb2 = f2 * S.BlackBody(282.0) # Query Euclid Background Model locstr = kwargs.get('locstr') year = kwargs.get('year') day = kwargs.get('day') if (locstr is not None) and (year is not None) and (day is not None): # Wavelengths in um and values in MJy waves = np.array([1.0,5.5]) vals = zodi_euclid(locstr, year, day, waves, **kwargs) bb1.convert('Jy') bb2.convert('Jy') # MJy at wavelength locations f_bb1 = bb1.sample(waves*1e4) / 1e6 f_bb2 = bb2.sample(waves*1e4) / 1e6 bb1 *= (vals[0]-f_bb2[0])/f_bb1[0] bb2 *= (vals[1]-f_bb1[1])/f_bb2[1] sp_zodi = bb1 + bb2 sp_zodi.convert('flam') = 'Zodiacal Light' return sp_zodi
[docs]def zodi_euclid(locstr, year, day, wavelengths=[1,5.5], ido_viewin=0, **kwargs): """IPAC Euclid Background Model Queries the `IPAC Euclid Background Model <>`_ in order to get date and position-specific zodiacal dust emission. The program relies on ``urllib3`` to download the page in XML format. However, the website only allows single wavelength queries, so this program implements a multithreaded procedure to query multiple wavelengths simultaneously. However, due to the nature of the library, only so many requests are allowed to go out at a time, so this process can take some time to complete. Testing shows about 500 wavelengths in 10 seconds as a rough ballpark. Recommended to grab only a few wavelengths for normalization purposes. Parameters ---------- locstr : str This input field must contain either coordinates (as string), or an object name resolveable via NED or SIMBAD. year: string Year. Limited to 2018 to 2029 for L2 position. day : string Day of year (1-366). Limited to 2018 Day 274 to 2029 Day 120 for L2 position and ido_viewin=0. wavelength : array-like Wavelength in microns (0.5-1000). ido_viewin : 0 or 1 If set to 0, returns zodiacal emission at specific location for input time. If set to 1, then gives the median value for times of the year that the object is in a typical spacecraft viewing zone. Currently this is set to solar elongations between 85 and 120 degrees. References ---------- See the `Euclid Help Website <>`_ for more details. """ # from urllib2 import urlopen import urllib3 import xmltodict from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool def fetch_url(url): """ TODO: Add error handling. """ # response = urlopen(url) # response = http = urllib3.PoolManager() response = http.request('GET', url) d = xmltodict.parse(, xml_attribs=True) fl_str = d['results']['result']['statistics']['zody'] return float(fl_str.split(' ')[0]) #locstr="17:26:44 -73:19:56" #locstr = locstr.replace(' ', '+') #year=2019 #day=1 #obslocin=0 #ido_viewin=1 #wavelengths=None req_list = [] for w in wavelengths: url = '' req = "{}&locstr={}&wavelength={:.2f}&year={}&day={}&obslocin=0&ido_viewin={}"\ .format(url, locstr, w, year, day, ido_viewin) req_list.append(req) nthread = np.min([50,len(wavelengths)]) pool = ThreadPool(nthread) results = pool.imap(fetch_url, req_list) res = [] for r in results: res.append(r) pool.close() return np.array(res)
# def _zodi_spec_old(level=2): # """ # Create a spectrum of the zodiacal light emission in order to estimate the # in-band sky background flux. This is simply the addition of two blackbodies # at T=5800K (solar scattered light) and T=300K (thermal dust emission) # that have been scaled to match the literature flux values. # # In reality, the intensity of the zodiacal dust emission varies as a # function of viewing position. In this case, we have added different levels # intensity similiar to the results given by old NIRCam ETC. These have not # been validated in any way and should be used with caution, but at least # give an order of magnitude of the zodiacal light background flux. # # There are four different levels that can be passed through the level # parameter: 0=None, 1=Low, 2=Avg, 3=High # # For instance set sp_zodi = zodi_spec(3) for a highish sky flux. # Default is 2 # """ # # bb1 = S.BlackBody(5800.); bb2 = S.BlackBody(300.) # sp_zodi = (1.7e7*bb1 + 2.3e13*bb2) * 3.73 # sp_zodi.convert('flam') # # # This is how some case statements are done in Python # # Select the level of zodiacal light emission # # 0=None, 1=Low, 2=Avg, 3=High # switcher = {0:0.0, 1:0.5, 2:1.0, 3:1.8} # factor = switcher.get(level, None) # # if factor is None: # _log.warning('The input parameter level=%s is not valid. Setting zodiacal light to 0.' % level) # _log.warning('Valid values inlclude: %s' % switcher.keys()) # factor = 0 # # sp_zodi *= factor # = 'Zodiacal Light' # # return sp_zodi
[docs]def grism_background_image(filter, pupil='GRISM0', module='A', sp_bg=None, include_com=True, **kwargs): """Create full grism background image""" # Option for GRISMR/GRISMC if 'GRISMR' in pupil: pupil = 'GRISM0' elif 'GRISMC' in pupil: pupil = 'GRISM90' upper = 9.6 if include_com else 31.2 g_bg = grism_background(filter, pupil, module, sp_bg, upper=upper, **kwargs) final_image = np.zeros([2048,2048]) if 'GRISM0' in pupil: final_image = final_image + g_bg.reshape([1,-1]) else: final_image = final_image + g_bg.reshape([-1,1]) # Add COM background if include_com: final_image += grism_background_com(filter, pupil, module, sp_bg, **kwargs) return final_image
[docs]def grism_background(filter, pupil='GRISM0', module='A', sp_bg=None, orders=[1,2], wref=None, upper=9.6, **kwargs): """ Returns a 1D array of grism Zodiacal/thermal background emission model, including roll-off from pick-off mirror (POM) edges. By default, this includes light dispersed by the 1st and 2nd grism orders (m=1 and m=2). For column dipsersion, we ignore the upper region occupied by the coronagraphic mask region by default. The preferred way to include this region is to add the dispersed COM image from the `grism_background_com` function to create the full 2048x2048 image. Or, more simply (but less accurate) is to set an `upper` value of 31.2, which is the approximately distance (in arcsec) from the top of the detector to the top of the coronagraphic field of view. Parameters ========== filter : str Name of filter (Long Wave only). pupil : str Either 'GRISM0' ('GRISMR') or 'GRISM90' ('GRISMC'). module : str NIRCam 'A' or 'B' module. sp_bg : :mod:`pysynphot.spectrum` Spectrum of Zodiacal background emission, which gets multiplied by bandpass throughput to determine final wavelength-dependent flux that is then dispersed. orders : array-like What spectral orders to include? Valid orders are 1 and 2. wref : float or None Option to set the undeviated wavelength, otherwise this will search a lookup table depending on the grism. upper : float Set the maximum bounds for out-of-field flux to be dispersed onto the detector. By default, this value is 9.6", corresponding to the bottom of the coronagraphic mask. Use `grism_background_com` to then include image of dispersed COM mask. If you want something simpler, increase this value to 31.2" to assume the coronagraphic FoV is free of any holder blockages or substrate and occulting masks. Keyword Args ============ zfact : float Factor to scale Zodiacal spectrum (default 2.5). ra : float Right ascension in decimal degrees dec : float Declination in decimal degrees thisday: int Calendar day to use for background calculation. If not given, will use the average of visible calendar days. """ # Option for GRISMR/GRISMC if 'GRISMR' in pupil: pupil = 'GRISM0' elif 'GRISMC' in pupil: pupil = 'GRISM90' # Pixel scale pix_scale, _, _ = channel_select(read_filter(filter)) # Undeviated wavelength if wref is None: wref = grism_wref(pupil, module) # Background spectrum if sp_bg is None: sp_bg = zodi_spec(**kwargs) # Total number of "virtual" pixels spanned by pick-off mirror border = np.array([8.4, 8.0]) if ('GRISM0' in pupil) else np.array([12.6, upper]) extra_pix = (border / pix_scale + 0.5).astype('int') extra_pix[extra_pix<=0] = 1 # Ensure there's at least 1 extra pixel npix_tot = 2048 + extra_pix.sum() flux_all = np.zeros(npix_tot) for grism_order in orders: # Get filter throughput and create bandpass bp = read_filter(filter, pupil=pupil, module=module, grism_order=grism_order, **kwargs) # Get wavelength dispersion solution res, dw = grism_res(pupil, module, grism_order) # Resolution and dispersion # Observation spectrum converted to count rate obs_bg = S.Observation(sp_bg, bp, bp.wave) obs_bg.convert('counts') # Total background flux per pixel (not dispersed) area_scale = (pix_scale/206265.0)**2 fbg_tot = obs_bg.countrate() * area_scale # Total counts/sec within each wavelength bin binwave = obs_bg.binwave/1e4 binflux = obs_bg.binflux*area_scale # Interpolation function fint = interp1d(binwave, binflux, kind='cubic') # Wavelengths at each pixel to interpolate wave_vals = np.arange(binwave.min(), binwave.max(), dw) # Get flux values and preserve total flux flux_vals = fint(wave_vals) flux_vals = fbg_tot * flux_vals / flux_vals.sum() # # Wavelengths at each pixel to interpolate # wave_vals = np.arange(bp.wave.min()/1e4, bp.wave.max()/1e4, dw) # # Rebin onto desired wavelength grid # sp_new = bin_spectrum(sp_bg, wave_vals, waveunits='um') # obs_bg = S.Observation(sp_new, bp, binset=sp_new.wave) # # Get flux values per pixel # obs_bg.convert('counts') # flux_vals = obs_bg.binflux * (pix_scale/206265.0)**2 # Index of reference wavelength iref = int((wref - wave_vals[0]) / (wave_vals[1] - wave_vals[0])) # Determine the array indices that contribute for each pixel # Use indexing rather than array shifting for speed # This depends on the size of the POM relative to detector offset = -1*int(wref*res/2 + 0.5) if grism_order==2 else 0 i1_arr = np.arange(iref,iref-npix_tot,-1)[::-1] + offset i2_arr = np.arange(iref,iref+npix_tot,+1) + offset i1_arr[i1_arr<0] = 0 i1_arr[i1_arr>len(wave_vals)] = len(wave_vals) i2_arr[i2_arr<0] = 0 i2_arr[i2_arr>len(wave_vals)] = len(wave_vals) flux_all += np.array([flux_vals[i1:i2].sum() for i1,i2 in zip(i1_arr,i2_arr)]) # Crop only detector pixels flux_all = flux_all[extra_pix[0]:-extra_pix[1]] # Module B GRISM0/R disperses in opposite direction ('sci' coords) if ('GRISM0' in pupil) and (module=='B'): flux_all = flux_all[::-1] # Return single return flux_all
[docs]def grism_background_com(filter, pupil='GRISM90', module='A', sp_bg=None, wref=None, **kwargs): # Option for GRISMR/GRISMC if 'GRISMR' in pupil: pupil = 'GRISM0' elif 'GRISMC' in pupil: pupil = 'GRISM90' if 'GRISM0' in pupil:'COM feature not present for row grisms.') return 0 # Only see COM for 1st order # Minimum wavelength is 2.4um, which means 2nd order is 2400 pixels away. grism_order = 1 # Get filter throughput and create bandpass bp = read_filter(filter, pupil=pupil, module=module, grism_order=grism_order, coron_substrate=True, **kwargs) # Pixel scale pix_scale, _, _ = channel_select(read_filter(filter)) # Get wavelength dispersion solution res, dw = grism_res(pupil, module, grism_order) # Undeviated wavelength wref = grism_wref(pupil, module) if wref is None else wref # Background spectrum sp_bg = zodi_spec(**kwargs) if sp_bg is None else sp_bg # Coronagraphic mask image im_com = build_mask_detid(module+'5', filter=filter) # Crop to mask holder # Remove anything that is 0 or max im_collapse = im_com.sum(axis=1) ind_cut = (im_collapse == im_collapse.max()) | (im_collapse == 0) im_com = im_com[~ind_cut] ny_com, nx_com = im_com.shape # Observation spectrum converted to count rate obs_bg = S.Observation(sp_bg, bp, bp.wave) obs_bg.convert('counts') # Total background flux per pixel (not dispersed) area_scale = (pix_scale/206265.0)**2 fbg_tot = obs_bg.countrate() * area_scale # Total counts/sec within each wavelength bin binwave = obs_bg.binwave/1e4 binflux = obs_bg.binflux*area_scale # Interpolation function fint = interp1d(binwave, binflux, kind='cubic') # Wavelengths at each pixel to interpolate wave_vals = np.arange(binwave.min(), binwave.max(), dw) # Get flux values and preserve total flux flux_vals = fint(wave_vals) flux_vals = fbg_tot * flux_vals / flux_vals.sum() # Index of reference wavelength in spectrum iref = int((wref - wave_vals[0]) / (wave_vals[1] - wave_vals[0])) # Pixel position of COM image lower and upper bounds upper = 9.6 ipix_ref = 2048 + int(upper/pix_scale + 0.5) ipix_lower = ipix_ref - iref ipix_upper = ipix_lower + ny_com + len(flux_vals) # print('COM', ipix_lower, ipix_upper) # Only include if pixel positions overlap detector frame if (ipix_upper>0) and (ipix_lower<2048): # Shift and add images im_shift = np.zeros([ny_com+len(flux_vals), nx_com]) # print(len(flux_vals)) for i, f in enumerate(flux_vals): im_shift[i:i+ny_com,:] += im_com*f # Position at appropriate location within detector frame # First, either pad the lower, or crop to set bottom of detector if ipix_lower>=0 and ipix_lower<2048: im_shift = np.pad(im_shift, ((ipix_lower,0),(0,0))) elif ipix_lower<0: im_shift = im_shift[-ipix_lower:,:] # Expand or contract to final full detector size if im_shift.shape[0]<2048: im_shift = np.pad(im_shift, ((0,2048-im_shift.shape[0]),(0,0))) else: im_shift = im_shift[0:2048,:] res = im_shift else: res = 0 return res
[docs]def make_grism_slope(nrc, src_tbl, tel_pointing, expnum, add_offset=None, **kwargs): """ Create slope image """ # Set SIAF aperture info siaf_ap_obs = tel_pointing.siaf_ap_obs ap_siaf = siaf_ap_obs ap_obs = ap_siaf.AperName # Convert expnum to int if input as string expnum = int(expnum) if isinstance(expnum, str) else expnum # Grab poining info for specific exposure number ind = np.where(tel_pointing.exp_nums == expnum)[0][0] # Include a offset shift to better reposition spectrum? add_offset = np.array([0,0]) if add_offset is None else np.asarray(add_offset) idl_off = np.array([(tel_pointing.position_offsets_act[ind])]) + add_offset ra_deg = src_tbl['ra'].to('deg').value dec_deg = src_tbl['dec'].to('deg').value mags = src_tbl[nrc.filter].data try: teff = src_tbl['Teff'] sptype = None except: teff = None sptype = src_tbl['SpType'] # Convert all RA/Dec values to V3/V3 v2_obj, v3_obj = tel_pointing.radec_to_frame((ra_deg, dec_deg), frame_out='tel', idl_offsets=idl_off) # Get pixel locations xpix, ypix = ap_siaf.tel_to_sci(v2_obj, v3_obj) # Pickoff mirror information x1, x2, y1, y2 = pickoff_xy(ap_obs) # Mask out all sources that are outside pick-off mirror mask_pom = ((xpix>x1) & (xpix<x2-1)) & ((ypix>y1) & (ypix<y2-1)) # Mask out all sources that will not contribute to final slope image wspec, imspec_temp = nrc.calc_psf_from_coeff(return_oversample=False, return_hdul=False) ypsf, xpsf = imspec_temp.shape xmin, ymin = -1*np.array([xpsf,ypsf]).astype('int') / 2 - 1 xmax = int(ap_siaf.XSciSize + xpsf / 2 + 1) ymax = int(ap_siaf.YSciSize + ypsf / 2 + 1) xmask = (xpix>=xmin) & (xpix<=xmax) ymask = (ypix>=ymin) & (ypix<=ymax) # Final mask mask = mask_pom & xmask & ymask # Select final positions and spectral type information xpix = xpix[mask] ypix = ypix[mask] mags_field = mags[mask] teff = teff[mask] if teff is not None else None sptype = sptype[mask] if sptype is not None else None # src_flux = mag_to_counts(mags_field, nrc.bandpass, **kwargs)[xpix, ypix, mags_field]).T) # Get undeviated wavelength wref = grism_wref(nrc.pupil_mask, nrc.module) nx, ny = (nrc.Detector.xpix, nrc.Detector.ypix) im_slope = np.zeros([ny,nx]) # Build final image wspec_all = [] for i in range(xpix.size): # Get stellar spectrum teff_i = teff[i] if teff is not None else None sptp_i = sptype[i] if sptype is not None else 'G2V' sp = stellar_spectrum(sptp_i, mags_field[i], 'vegamag', nrc.bandpass, Teff=teff_i, metallicity=0, log_g=4.5) # Create spectral image xr, yr = xpix[i], ypix[i] wspec, imspec = place_grism_spec(nrc, sp, xr, yr, wref=wref, return_oversample=False) im_slope += imspec wspec_all.append(wspec) del imspec wspec_all = np.asarray(wspec_all) return wspec_all, im_slope
[docs]def place_grism_spec(nrc, sp, xpix, ypix, wref=None, return_oversample=False): """ Create spectral image and place ref wavelenght at (x,y) location Given a NIRCam instrument object and input spectrum, create a dispersed PSF and place the undeviated reference wavelength at the specified (xpix,ypix) coordinates (assuming 'sci' coords). Returned values will be a tuple of (wspec, imspec) """ nx, ny = (nrc.Detector.xpix, nrc.Detector.ypix) oversample = nrc.oversample nx_over = nx * oversample ny_over = ny * oversample pupil_mask = nrc.pupil_mask if pupil_mask is None: _log.warn('place_grism_spec: NIRCam pupil mask set to None. Should be GRISMR or GRISMC.') pupil_mask = 'NONE' # Determine reference wavelength if wref is None: if 'GRISMC' in pupil_mask: pupil = 'GRISMC' elif 'GRISM' in pupil_mask: pupil = 'GRISMR' else: # generic grism pupil = 'GRISM' wref = grism_wref(pupil, nrc.module) # Create image wspec, imspec = nrc.calc_psf_from_coeff(sp=sp, return_hdul=False, return_oversample=True) # Place undeviated wavelength at (xpix,ypix) location xr, yr = (np.array([xpix, ypix]) - 0.5) * oversample yshift = yr - ny_over/2 # Empirically determine shift value in dispersion direction wnew_temp = pad_or_cut_to_size(wspec, nx_over) # Index of reference wavelength associated with ref pixel imask = (wnew_temp>wref-0.01) & (wnew_temp<wref+0.01) ix_ref = np.interp(wref, wnew_temp[imask], np.arange(nx_over)[imask]) xshift = xr - ix_ref # Shift and crop to output size imspec = pad_or_cut_to_size(imspec, (ny_over,nx_over), offset_vals=(yshift,xshift), fill_val=np.nan) wspec = pad_or_cut_to_size(wspec, nx_over, offset_vals=xshift, fill_val=np.nan) # Remove NaNs in image ind_nan = np.isnan(imspec) imspec[ind_nan] = np.min(imspec[~ind_nan]) # Fill NaNs in wavelength solution with linear extrapolation ind_nan = np.isnan(wspec) arr = np.arange(nx_over) cf = jl_poly_fit(arr[~ind_nan], wspec[~ind_nan]) wspec[ind_nan] = jl_poly(arr[ind_nan], cf) if return_oversample: return wspec, imspec else: wspec = frebin(wspec, scale=1/oversample, total=False) imspec = frebin(imspec, scale=1/oversample) return wspec, imspec
[docs]def place_grismr_tso(waves, imarr, siaf_ap, wref=None, im_coords='sci'): """ Shift image such that undeviated wavelength sits at the SIAF aperture reference location. Return image in sience coords. Parameters ========== waves : ndarray Wavelength solution of input image imarr : ndarray Input dispersed grism PSF (can be multiple PSFs) siaf_ap : pysiaf aperture Grism-specific SIAF aperture class to determine final subarray size and reference point """ from .maths.coords import det_to_sci if len(imarr.shape) > 2: nz, ny_in, nx_in = imarr.shape else: nz = 1 ny_in, nx_in = imarr.shape imarr = imarr.reshape([nz,ny_in,nx_in]) # Convert to sci coordinates if im_coords=='det': det_name = siaf_ap.AperName[3:5] imarr = det_to_sci(imarr, det_name) # Determine reference wavelength if wref is None: if 'GRISMC' in siaf_ap.AperName: pupil = 'GRISMC' elif 'GRISM' in siaf_ap.AperName: pupil = 'GRISMR' else: # generic grism pupil = 'GRISM' module = 'A' if 'NRCA' in siaf_ap.AperName else 'B' wref = grism_wref(pupil, module) # Get reference coordinates yref, xref = (siaf_ap.YSciRef, siaf_ap.XSciRef) # Final image size ny_out, nx_out = (siaf_ap.YSciSize, siaf_ap.XSciSize) # Empirically determine shift value in dispersion direction wnew_temp = pad_or_cut_to_size(waves, nx_out) # Index of reference wavelength associated with ref pixel ind = (wnew_temp>wref-0.01) & (wnew_temp<wref+0.01) xnew_temp = np.interp(wref, wnew_temp[ind], np.arange(nx_out)[ind]) xoff = xref - xnew_temp # Move to correct position in y yoff = yref - (int(ny_out/2) - 1) # if np.mod(ny_in,2)==0: # If even, shift by half a pixel? # yoff = yoff + 0.5 imarr = pad_or_cut_to_size(imarr, (ny_out,nx_out), offset_vals=(yoff,xoff), fill_val=np.nan) waves = pad_or_cut_to_size(waves, nx_out, offset_vals=xoff, fill_val=np.nan) # Remove NaNs ind_nan = np.isnan(imarr) imarr[ind_nan] = np.min(imarr[~ind_nan]) # Remove NaNs # Fill in with wavelength solution (linear extrapolation) ind_nan = np.isnan(waves) # waves[ind_nan] = 0 arr = np.arange(nx_out) cf = jl_poly_fit(arr[~ind_nan], waves[~ind_nan]) waves[ind_nan] = jl_poly(arr[ind_nan], cf) return waves, imarr
########################################################################### # # Pick-off images for a given module # ###########################################################################
[docs]def pickoff_xy(ap_obs_name): """ Return pickoff mirror FoV x/y limits in terms of science pixel coordinates ap_obs : Aperture to create observation (e.g., 'NRCA5_FULL') """ ap_siaf = siaf_nrc[ap_obs_name] module = ap_obs_name[3:4] # Determine pick-off mirror FoV from ap1 = siaf_nrc['NRC{}5_GRISMC_WFSS'.format(module)] ap2 = siaf_nrc['NRC{}5_GRISMR_WFSS'.format(module)] ap3 = siaf_nrc['NRCA5_FULL_MASK335R'] # V2/V3 coordinates of pick-off FoV v2_1, v3_1 = ap1.corners('tel', False) v2_2, v3_2 = ap2.corners('tel', False) v2_3, v3_3 = ap3.corners('tel', False) if module == 'B': v2_3 *= -1 v2_all = np.array([v2_1, v2_2, v2_3]).flatten() v3_all = np.array([v3_1, v3_2, v3_3]).flatten() # Convert to science pixel positions x_new, y_new = ap_siaf.tel_to_sci(v2_all, v3_all) # sci pixel values are use are X.5 x1, x2 = np.array([x_new.min(), x_new.max()]).astype( + 0.5 y1, y2 = np.array([y_new.min(), y_new.max()]).astype( + 0.5 return (x1, x2, y1, y2)
[docs]def pickoff_image(ap_obs, v2_obj, v3_obj, flux_obj, oversample=1): """ Create an unconvolved image of filled pixel values that have been shifted via bilinear interpolation. The image will then be convolved with a PSF to create the a focal plane image that is the size of the NIRCam pick-off mirror. This image should then be cropped to generate the final detector image. Returns the tuple (xsci, ysci, image), where xsci and ysci are the science coordinates associated with the image. Parameters ========== ap_obs : str Name of aperture in which the observation is taking place. Necessary to determine pixel locations for stars. v2_obj : ndarray List of V2 coordiantes of stellar sources v3_obj : ndarray List of V3 coordinates of stellar sources flux_obj : ndarray List of fluxes (e-/sec) for each source Keyword Args ============ oversample : int If set, the returns an oversampled version of the image to convolve with PSFs. If set to one, then detector pixels. """ from scipy.interpolate import interp2d # xpix and ypix locations in science orientation ap_siaf = siaf_nrc[ap_obs] xpix, ypix = ap_siaf.tel_to_sci(v2_obj, v3_obj) x1, x2, y1, y2 = pickoff_xy(ap_obs) # Mask all sources that are outside pick-off mirror mask = ((xpix>x1) & (xpix<x2-1)) & ((ypix>y1) & (ypix<y2-1)) xpix = xpix[mask] ypix = ypix[mask] src_flux = flux_obj[mask] # Create oversized and oversampled image ys = int((y2 - y1) * oversample) xs = int((x2 - x1) * oversample) oversized_image = np.zeros([ys,xs]) # X and Y detector pixel values dstep = 1/oversample xsci = np.arange(x1, x2, dstep) ysci = np.arange(y1, y2, dstep) # Zero-based (x,y) locations for oversized images xvals_os = (xpix - x1) * oversample yvals_os = (ypix - y1) * oversample # separate into an integers and fractions intx = xvals_os.astype( inty = yvals_os.astype( fracx = xvals_os - intx fracy = yvals_os - inty # flip negative shift values ind = fracx < 0 fracx[ind] += 1 intx[ind] -= 1 ind = fracy<0 fracy[ind] += 1 inty[ind] -= 1 # Bilinear interpolation of all sources val1 = src_flux * ((1-fracx)*(1-fracy)) val2 = src_flux * ((1-fracx)*fracy) val3 = src_flux * ((1-fracy)*fracx) val4 = src_flux * (fracx*fracy) # Add star-by-star in case of overlapped indices for i, (iy, ix) in enumerate(zip(inty,intx)): oversized_image[iy, ix] += val1[i] oversized_image[iy+1, ix] += val2[i] oversized_image[iy, ix+1] += val3[i] oversized_image[iy+1, ix+1] += val4[i] #print("NStars: {}".format(len(intx))) return xsci, ysci, oversized_image
[docs]def gen_unconvolved_point_source_image(nrc, tel_pointing, ra_deg, dec_deg, mags, expnum=1, osamp=1, siaf_ap_obs=None, **kwargs): """ Create an unconvolved image with sub-pixel shifts """ from .obs_nircam import attenuate_with_coron_mask, gen_coron_mask # Observation aperture siaf_ap_obs = nrc.siaf_ap if siaf_ap_obs is None else siaf_ap_obs ap_obs_name = siaf_ap_obs.AperName # Get all source fluxes # mags = tbl[nrc.filter].data flux_obj = mag_to_counts(mags, nrc.bandpass, **kwargs) if isinstance(expnum, str): expnum = int(expnum) ind = np.where(tel_pointing.exp_nums == expnum)[0][0] # Convert RA, Dec coordiantes into V2/V3 (arcsec) # ra_deg, dec_deg = (tbl['ra'], tbl['dec']) idl_off = [tel_pointing.position_offsets_act[ind]] v2_obj, v3_obj = tel_pointing.radec_to_frame((ra_deg, dec_deg), frame_out='tel', idl_offsets=idl_off) # Create initial POM image, then contract to reasonable size xsci, ysci, im_pom = pickoff_image(ap_obs_name, v2_obj, v3_obj, flux_obj, oversample=osamp) # Crop based on subarray window size # Maximum required size depends on PSF and detector readout size # Min and max sci coordinates to keep xmin = ymin = int(-nrc.fov_pix/2 - 1) xmax = int(siaf_ap_obs.XSciSize + nrc.fov_pix/2 + 1) ymax = int(siaf_ap_obs.YSciSize + nrc.fov_pix/2 + 1) xmask = (xsci>=xmin) & (xsci<xmax) ymask = (ysci>=ymin) & (ysci<ymax) # Keep only regions that contribute to final convolved image xsci = xsci[xmask] ysci = ysci[ymask] im_sci = im_pom[ymask][:,xmask] # Attenuate image by coronagraphic mask features (ND squaures and COM holder) if nrc.is_coron and (not nrc.ND_acq): try: cmask = nrc.mask_images['OVERSAMP'] except: mask_dict = gen_coron_mask(nrc) cmask = mask_dict['OVERSAMP'] if cmask is not None: # Make mask image same on-sky size as im_sci ny_over, nx_over = np.array(im_sci.shape) * nrc.oversample / osamp x0, y0 = (np.min(xsci), np.min(ysci)) x1 = int(np.abs(x0*nrc.oversample)) y1 = int(np.abs(y0*nrc.oversample)) x2, y2 = (x1 + cmask.shape[1], y1 + cmask.shape[0]) pad_vals = ((y1,int(ny_over-y2)), (x1,int(nx_over-x2))) cmask_oversized = np.pad(cmask, pad_vals, mode='edge') # Rebin to im_sci sampling cmask_oversized = frebin(cmask_oversized, dimensions=im_sci.shape, total=False) # Perform attenuation im_sci = attenuate_with_coron_mask(nrc, im_sci, cmask_oversized) # Make science image HDUList from hdul_sci_image = fits.HDUList([fits.PrimaryHDU(im_sci)]) hdul_sci_image[0].header['PIXELSCL'] = nrc.pixelscale / osamp hdul_sci_image[0].header['OSAMP'] = osamp hdul_sci_image[0].header['INSTRUME'] = hdul_sci_image[0].header['APERNAME'] = ap_obs_name # Get X and Y indices corresponding to aperture reference xind_ref = np.argmin(np.abs(xsci - siaf_ap_obs.XSciRef)) yind_ref = np.argmin(np.abs(ysci - siaf_ap_obs.YSciRef)) hdul_sci_image[0].header['XIND_REF'] = (xind_ref, "x index of aperture reference") hdul_sci_image[0].header['YIND_REF'] = (yind_ref, "y index of aperture reference") hdul_sci_image[0].header['XSCI0'] = (np.min(xsci), "xsci value at (x,y)=(0,0) corner") hdul_sci_image[0].header['YSCI0'] = (np.min(ysci), "ysci value at (x,y)=(0,0) corner") hdul_sci_image[0].header['CFRAME'] = 'sci' # print(im_pom.shape, im_sci.shape) return hdul_sci_image
########################################################################### # # Coronagraphic Disk Imaging Routines # ###########################################################################
[docs]def nproc_use_convolve(fov_pix, oversample, npsf=None): """ Attempt to estimate a reasonable number of processes to use for multiple simultaneous convolve_fft calculations. Here we attempt to estimate how many such calculations can happen in parallel without swapping to disk, with a mixture of empiricism and conservatism. One really does not want to end up swapping to disk with huge arrays. NOTE: Requires psutil package. Otherwise defaults to mp.cpu_count() / 2 Parameters ----------- fov_pix : int Square size in detector-sampled pixels of final PSF image. oversample : int The optical system that we will be calculating for. npsf : int Number of PSFs. Sets maximum # of processes. """ try: import psutil except ImportError: nproc = int(mp.cpu_count() // 2) if nproc < 1: nproc = 1"No psutil package available, cannot estimate optimal nprocesses.")"Returning nproc=ncpu/2={}.".format(nproc)) return nproc mem = psutil.virtual_memory() avail_GB = mem.available / (1024**3) - 1.0 # Leave 1 GB fov_pix_over = fov_pix * oversample # Memory formulas are based on fits to memory usage stats for: # fov_arr = np.array([16,32,128,160,256,320,512,640,1024,2048]) # os_arr = np.array([1,2,4,8]) # In MBytes mem_total = 300*(fov_pix_over)**2 * 8 / (1024**2) # Convert to GB mem_total /= 1024 # How many processors to split into? nproc = avail_GB // mem_total nproc = np.min([nproc, mp.cpu_count(), poppy.conf.n_processes]) if npsf is not None: nproc = np.min([nproc, npsf]) # Resource optimization: # Split iterations evenly over processors to free up minimally used processors. # For example, if there are 5 processes only doing 1 iteration, but a single # processor doing 2 iterations, those 5 processors (and their memory) will not # get freed until the final processor is finished. So, to minimize the number # of idle resources, take the total iterations and divide by two (round up), # and that should be the final number of processors to use. np_max = np.ceil(npsf / nproc) nproc = int(np.ceil(npsf / np_max)) if nproc < 1: nproc = 1 return int(nproc)
########################################################################### # # Coronagraphic Mask Transmission # ###########################################################################
[docs]def offset_bar(filt, mask): """Bar mask offset locations Get the appropriate offset in the x-position to place a source on a bar mask. Each bar is 20" long with edges and centers corresponding to:: SWB: [1.03, 2.10, 3.10] (um) => [-10, 0, +10] (asec) LWB: [2.30, 4.60, 6.90] (um) => [+10, 0, -10] (asec) """ if (mask is not None) and ('WB' in mask): # What is the effective wavelength of the filter? #bp = pynrc.read_filter(filter) #w0 = bp.avgwave() / 1e4 w0 = np.float(filt[1:-1])/100 # Choose wavelength from dictionary wdict = {'F182M': 1.84, 'F187N': 1.88, 'F210M': 2.09, 'F212N': 2.12, 'F250M': 2.50, 'F300M': 2.99, 'F335M': 3.35, 'F360M': 3.62, 'F410M': 4.09, 'F430M': 4.28, 'F460M': 4.63, 'F480M': 4.79, 'F200W': 2.229, 'F277W': 3.144, 'F356W': 3.971, 'F444W': 4.992} w = wdict.get(filt, w0) # Get appropriate x-offset #xoff_asec = np.interp(w,wpos,xpos) if 'SWB' in mask: if filt[-1]=="W": xoff_asec = 6.83 * (w - 2.196) else: xoff_asec = 7.14 * (w - 2.100) elif 'LWB' in mask: if filt[-1]=="W": xoff_asec = -3.16 * (w - 4.747) else: xoff_asec = -3.26 * (w - 4.600) #print(w, xoff_asec) yoff_asec = 0.0 r, theta = xy_to_rtheta(xoff_asec, yoff_asec) else: r, theta = (0.0, 0.0) # Want th_bar to be -90 so that r matches webbpsf if theta>0: r = -1 * r theta = -1 * theta #print(r, theta) return r, theta
[docs]def coron_trans(name, module='A', pixelscale=None, npix=None, oversample=1, nd_squares=True, shift_x=None, shift_y=None, filter=None): """ Build a transmission image of a coronagraphic mask spanning the 20" coronagraphic FoV. oversample is used only if pixelscale is set to None. Returns the intensity transmission (square of the amplitude transmission). """ from webbpsf.optics import NIRCam_BandLimitedCoron shifts = {'shift_x': shift_x, 'shift_y': shift_y} bar_offset = None if name=='MASK210R': pixscale = pixscale_SW channel = 'short' filter = 'F210M' if filter is None else filter elif name=='MASK335R': pixscale = pixscale_LW channel = 'long' filter = 'F335M' if filter is None else filter elif name=='MASK430R': pixscale = pixscale_LW channel = 'long' filter = 'F430M' if filter is None else filter elif name=='MASKSWB': pixscale = pixscale_SW channel = 'short' filter = 'F210M' if filter is None else filter bar_offset = 0 elif name=='MASKLWB': pixscale = pixscale_LW channel = 'long' filter = 'F430M' if filter is None else filter bar_offset = 0 if pixelscale is None: pixelscale = pixscale / oversample if npix is None: npix = 320 if channel=='long' else 640 npix = int(npix * oversample + 0.5) elif npix is None: # default to 20" if pixelscale is set but no npix npix = int(20 / pixelscale + 0.5) mask = NIRCam_BandLimitedCoron(name=name, module=module, bar_offset=bar_offset, auto_offset=None, nd_squares=nd_squares, **shifts) # Create wavefront to pass through mask and obtain transmission image bandpass = read_filter(filter) wavelength = bandpass.avgwave() / 1e10 wave = poppy.Wavefront(wavelength=wavelength, npix=npix, pixelscale=pixelscale) # Square the amplitude transmission to get intensity transmission im = mask.get_transmission(wave)**2 return im
[docs]def build_mask(module='A', pixscale=None, filter=None, nd_squares=True): """Create coronagraphic mask image Return a truncated image of the full coronagraphic mask layout for a given module. Assumes each mask is exactly 20" across. +V3 is up, and +V2 is to the left. """ if module=='A': names = ['MASK210R', 'MASK335R', 'MASK430R', 'MASKSWB', 'MASKLWB'] elif module=='B': names = ['MASKSWB', 'MASKLWB', 'MASK430R', 'MASK335R', 'MASK210R'] if pixscale is None: pixscale=pixscale_LW npix = int(20 / pixscale + 0.5) allims = [] for name in names: res = coron_trans(name, module=module, pixelscale=pixscale, npix=npix, nd_squares=nd_squares) allims.append(res) im_out = np.concatenate(allims, axis=1) # Multiply COM throughputs sampled at filter wavelength if filter is not None: bandpass = read_filter(filter) w_um = bandpass.avgwave() / 1e4 com_th = nircam_com_th(wave_out=w_um) com_nd = 10**(-1*nircam_com_nd(wave_out=w_um)) ind_nd = (im_out<0.0011) & (im_out>0.0009) im_out[ind_nd] = com_nd im_out *= com_th return im_out
[docs]def build_mask_detid(detid, oversample=1, ref_mask=None, pupil=None, filter=None, nd_squares=True, mask_holder=True): """Create mask image for a given detector Return a full coronagraphic mask image as seen by a given SCA. +V3 is up, and +V2 is to the left. Parameters ---------- detid : str Name of detector, 'A1', A2', ... 'A5' (or 'ALONG'), etc. oversample : float How much to oversample output mask relative to detector sampling. ref_mask : str or None Reference mask for placement of coronagraphic mask elements. If None, then defaults are chosen for each detector. pupil : str or None Which Lyot pupil stop is being used? This affects holder placement. If None, then defaults based on ref_mask. """ names = ['A1', 'A2', 'A3', 'A4', 'A5', 'B1', 'B2', 'B3', 'B4', 'B5'] # In case input is 'NRC??' if 'NRC' in detid: detid = detid[3:] # Convert ALONG to A5 name module = detid[0] detid = '{}5'.format(module) if 'LONG' in detid else detid # Make sure we have a valid name if detid not in names: raise ValueError("Invalid detid: {0} \n Valid names are: {1}" \ .format(detid, ', '.join(names))) pixscale = pixscale_LW if '5' in detid else pixscale_SW pixscale_over = pixscale / oversample # Build the full mask xpix = ypix = 2048 xpix_over = int(xpix * oversample) ypix_over = int(ypix * oversample) cmask = np.ones([ypix_over, xpix_over], dtype='float64') # These detectors don't see any of the mask structure if detid in ['A1', 'A3', 'B2', 'B4']: return cmask if detid=='A2': cnames = ['MASK210R', 'MASK335R', 'MASK430R'] ref_mask = 'MASK210R' if ref_mask is None else ref_mask elif detid=='A4': cnames = ['MASK430R', 'MASKSWB', 'MASKLWB'] ref_mask = 'MASKSWB' if ref_mask is None else ref_mask elif detid=='A5': cnames = ['MASK210R', 'MASK335R', 'MASK430R', 'MASKSWB', 'MASKLWB'] ref_mask = 'MASK430R' if ref_mask is None else ref_mask elif detid=='B1': cnames = ['MASK430R', 'MASK335R', 'MASK210R'] ref_mask = 'MASK210R' if ref_mask is None else ref_mask elif detid=='B3': cnames = ['MASKSWB', 'MASKLWB', 'MASK430R'] ref_mask = 'MASKSWB' if ref_mask is None else ref_mask elif detid=='B5': cnames = ['MASKSWB', 'MASKLWB', 'MASK430R', 'MASK335R', 'MASK210R'] ref_mask = 'MASK430R' if ref_mask is None else ref_mask # Generate sub-images for each aperture # npix = int(ypix / len(cnames)) npix = int(20.5 / pixscale_over + 0.5) npix_large = int(26 / pixscale_over + 0.5) allims = [] for cname in cnames: res = coron_trans(cname, module=module, pixelscale=pixscale_over, npix=npix_large, filter=filter, nd_squares=nd_squares) allims.append(res) if pupil is None: pupil = 'WEDGELYOT' if ('WB' in ref_mask) else 'CIRCLYOT' # For each sub-image, expand and move to correct location channel = 'LW' if '5' in detid else 'SW' for i, name in enumerate(cnames): cdict = coron_ap_locs(module, channel, name, pupil=pupil, full=False) # Crop off large size im_crop = pad_or_cut_to_size(allims[i], (npix, npix_large)) # Expand and offset xsci, ysci = cdict['cen_sci'] xoff = xsci*oversample - ypix_over/2 yoff = ysci*oversample - xpix_over/2 im_expand = pad_or_cut_to_size(im_crop+1000, (ypix_over, xpix_over), offset_vals=(yoff,xoff)) ind_good = ((cmask<100) & (im_expand>100)) | ((cmask==1001) & (im_expand>100)) cmask[ind_good] = im_expand[ind_good] # Remove offsets cmask[cmask>100] = cmask[cmask>100] - 1000 # Multiply COM throughputs sampled at filter wavelength if filter is not None: bandpass = read_filter(filter) w_um = bandpass.avgwave() / 1e4 com_th = nircam_com_th(wave_out=w_um) com_nd = 10**(-1*nircam_com_nd(wave_out=w_um)) ind_nd = (cmask<0.0011) & (cmask>0.0009) cmask[ind_nd] = com_nd cmask *= com_th # Place cmask in detector coords cmask = sci_to_det(cmask, detid) ############################################ # Place blocked region from coronagraph holder # Also ensure region outside of COM has throughput=1 if mask_holder: if detid=='A2': if 'CIRCLYOT' in pupil: i1, i2 = [int(920*oversample), int(390*oversample)] cmask[0:i1,0:i2] = 0 cmask[i1:,0:i2] = 1 i1 = int(220*oversample) cmask[0:i1,:] = 0 i2 = int(974*oversample) cmask[i2:,:] = 1 else: i1, i2 = [int(935*oversample), int(393*oversample)] cmask[0:i1,0:i2] = 0 cmask[i1:, 0:i2] = 1 i1 = int(235*oversample) cmask[0:i1,:] = 0 i2 = int(985*oversample) cmask[i2:,:] = 1 elif detid=='A4': if 'CIRCLYOT' in pupil: i1, i2 = [int(920*oversample), int(1463*oversample)] cmask[0:i1,i2:] = 0 cmask[i1:, i2:] = 1 i1 = int(220*oversample) cmask[0:i1,:] = 0 i2 = int(974*oversample) cmask[i2:,:] = 1 else: i1, i2 = [int(935*oversample), int(1465*oversample)] cmask[0:i1,i2:] = 0 cmask[i1:, i2:] = 1 i1 = int(235*oversample) cmask[0:i1,:] = 0 i2 = int(985*oversample) cmask[i2:,:] = 1 elif detid=='A5': if 'CIRCLYOT' in pupil: i1, i2 = [int(1480*oversample), int(270*oversample)] cmask[i1:,0:i2] = 0 cmask[0:i1,0:i2] = 1 i1, i2 = [int(1480*oversample), int(1880*oversample)] cmask[i1:,i2:] = 0 cmask[0:i1,i2:] = 1 i1 = int(1825*oversample) cmask[i1:,:] = 0 i2 = int(1452*oversample) cmask[0:i2,:] = 1 else: i1, i2 = [int(1485*oversample), int(275*oversample)] cmask[i1:,0:i2] = 0 cmask[0:i1,0:i2] = 1 i1, i2 = [int(1485*oversample), int(1883*oversample)] cmask[i1:,i2:] = 0 cmask[0:i1,i2:] = 1 i1 = int(1830*oversample) cmask[i1:,:] = 0 i2 = int(1462*oversample) cmask[0:i2,:] = 1 elif detid=='B1': if 'CIRCLYOT' in pupil: i1, i2 = [int(910*oversample), int(1615*oversample)] cmask[0:i1,i2:] = 0 cmask[i1:,i2:] = 1 i1 = int(210*oversample) cmask[0:i1,:] = 0 i2 = int(956*oversample) cmask[i2:,:] = 1 else: i1, i2 = [int(905*oversample), int(1609*oversample)] cmask[0:i1,i2:] = 0 cmask[i1:,i2:] = 1 i1 = int(205*oversample) cmask[0:i1,:] = 0 i2 = int(951*oversample) cmask[i2:,:] = 1 elif detid=='B3': if 'CIRCLYOT' in pupil: i1, i2 = [int(920*oversample), int(551*oversample)] cmask[0:i1,0:i2] = 0 cmask[i1:,0:i2] = 1 i1 = int(210*oversample) cmask[0:i1,:] = 0 i2 = int(966*oversample) cmask[i2:,:] = 1 else: i1, i2 = [int(920*oversample), int(548*oversample)] cmask[0:i1,0:i2] = 0 cmask[i1:,0:i2] = 1 i1 = int(210*oversample) cmask[0:i1,:] = 0 i2 = int(963*oversample) cmask[i2:,:] = 1 elif detid=='B5': if 'CIRCLYOT' in pupil: i1, i2 = [int(555*oversample), int(207*oversample)] cmask[0:i1,0:i2] = 0 cmask[i1:, 0:i2] = 1 i1, i2 = [int(545*oversample), int(1815*oversample)] cmask[0:i1,i2:] = 0 cmask[i1:, i2:] = 1 i1 = int(215*oversample) cmask[0:i1,:] = 0 i2 = int(578*oversample) cmask[i2:,:] = 1 else: i1, i2 = [int(555*oversample), int(211*oversample)] cmask[0:i1,0:i2] = 0 cmask[i1:, 0:i2] = 1 i1, i2 = [int(545*oversample), int(1819*oversample)] cmask[0:i1,i2:] = 0 cmask[i1:, i2:] = 1 i1 = int(215*oversample) cmask[0:i1,:] = 0 i2 = int(578*oversample) cmask[i2:,:] = 1 ############################################ # Fix SW/LW wedge abuttment if detid=='A4': if 'CIRCLYOT' in pupil: x0 = 819 x1 = 809 x2 = x1 + 10 else: x0 = 821 x1 = 812 x2 = x1 + 9 y1, y2 = (400, 650) ix0 = int(x0*oversample) iy1, iy2 = int(y1*oversample), int(y2*oversample) ix1, ix2 = int(x1*oversample), int(x2*oversample) cmask[iy1:iy2,ix1:ix2] = cmask[iy1:iy2,ix0].reshape([-1,1]) elif detid=='A5': if 'CIRCLYOT' in pupil: x0 = 587 x1 = x0 + 1 x2 = x1 + 5 else: x0 = 592 x1 = x0 + 1 x2 = x1 + 5 y1, y2 = (1600, 1750) ix0 = int(x0*oversample) iy1, iy2 = int(y1*oversample), int(y2*oversample) ix1, ix2 = int(x1*oversample), int(x2*oversample) cmask[iy1:iy2,ix1:ix2] = cmask[iy1:iy2,ix0].reshape([-1,1]) elif detid=='B3': if 'CIRCLYOT' in pupil: x0 = 1210 x1 = 1196 x2 = x1 + 14 else: x0 = 1204 x1 = 1192 x2 = x1 + 12 y1, y2 = (350, 650) ix0 = int(x0*oversample) iy1, iy2 = int(y1*oversample), int(y2*oversample) ix1, ix2 = int(x1*oversample), int(x2*oversample) cmask[iy1:iy2,ix1:ix2] = cmask[iy1:iy2,ix0].reshape([-1,1]) elif detid=='B5': if 'CIRCLYOT' in pupil: x0 = 531 x1 = 525 x2 = x1 + 6 else: x0 = 535 x1 = 529 x2 = x1 + 6 y1, y2 = (300, 420) ix0 = int(x0*oversample) iy1, iy2 = int(y1*oversample), int(y2*oversample) ix1, ix2 = int(x1*oversample), int(x2*oversample) cmask[iy1:iy2,ix1:ix2] = cmask[iy1:iy2,ix0].reshape([-1,1]) # Convert back to 'sci' orientation cmask = det_to_sci(cmask, detid) return cmask
[docs]def coron_ap_locs(module, channel, mask, pupil=None, full=False): """Coronagraph mask aperture locations and sizes Returns a dictionary of the detector aperture sizes and locations. Attributes 'cen' and 'loc' are in terms of (x,y) detector pixels. 'cen_sci' is sci coords location. """ if channel=='long': channel = 'LW' elif channel=='short': channel = 'SW' if pupil is None: pupil = 'WEDGELYOT' if 'WB' in mask else 'CIRCLYOT' if module=='A': if channel=='SW': if '210R' in mask: cdict_rnd = {'det':'A2', 'cen':(712,525), 'size':640} cdict_bar = {'det':'A2', 'cen':(716,536), 'size':640} elif '335R' in mask: cdict_rnd = {'det':'A2', 'cen':(1368,525), 'size':640} cdict_bar = {'det':'A2', 'cen':(1372,536), 'size':640} elif '430R' in mask: cdict_rnd = {'det':'A2', 'cen':(2025,525), 'size':640} cdict_bar = {'det':'A2', 'cen':(2029,536), 'size':640} elif 'SWB' in mask: cdict_rnd = {'det':'A4', 'cen':(487,523), 'size':640} cdict_bar = {'det':'A4', 'cen':(490,536), 'size':640} elif 'LWB' in mask: cdict_rnd = {'det':'A4', 'cen':(1141,523), 'size':640} cdict_bar = {'det':'A4', 'cen':(1143,536), 'size':640} else: raise ValueError('Mask {} not recognized for {} channel'\ .format(mask, channel)) elif channel=='LW': if '210R' in mask: cdict_rnd = {'det':'A5', 'cen':(1720, 1672), 'size':320} cdict_bar = {'det':'A5', 'cen':(1725, 1682), 'size':320} elif '335R' in mask: cdict_rnd = {'det':'A5', 'cen':(1397,1672), 'size':320} cdict_bar = {'det':'A5', 'cen':(1402,1682), 'size':320} elif '430R' in mask: cdict_rnd = {'det':'A5', 'cen':(1074,1672), 'size':320} cdict_bar = {'det':'A5', 'cen':(1078,1682), 'size':320} elif 'SWB' in mask: cdict_rnd = {'det':'A5', 'cen':(752,1672), 'size':320} cdict_bar = {'det':'A5', 'cen':(757,1682), 'size':320} elif 'LWB' in mask: cdict_rnd = {'det':'A5', 'cen':(430,1672), 'size':320} cdict_bar = {'det':'A5', 'cen':(435,1682), 'size':320} else: raise ValueError('Mask {} not recognized for {} channel'\ .format(mask, channel)) else: raise ValueError('Channel {} not recognized'.format(channel)) elif module=='B': if channel=='SW': if '210R' in mask: cdict_rnd = {'det':'B1', 'cen':(1293,513), 'size':640} cdict_bar = {'det':'B1', 'cen':(1287,508), 'size':640} elif '335R' in mask: cdict_rnd = {'det':'B1', 'cen':(637,513), 'size':640} cdict_bar = {'det':'B1', 'cen':(632,508), 'size':640} elif '430R' in mask: cdict_rnd = {'det':'B1', 'cen':(-20,513), 'size':640} cdict_bar = {'det':'B1', 'cen':(-25,508), 'size':640} elif 'SWB' in mask: cdict_rnd = {'det':'B3', 'cen':(874,519), 'size':640} cdict_bar = {'det':'B3', 'cen':(870,516), 'size':640} elif 'LWB' in mask: cdict_rnd = {'det':'B3', 'cen':(1532,519), 'size':640} cdict_bar = {'det':'B3', 'cen':(1526,516), 'size':640} else: raise ValueError('Mask {} not recognized for {} channel'\ .format(mask, channel)) elif channel=='LW': if '210R' in mask: cdict_rnd = {'det':'B5', 'cen':(1656,360), 'size':320} cdict_bar = {'det':'B5', 'cen':(1660,360), 'size':320} elif '335R' in mask: cdict_rnd = {'det':'B5', 'cen':(1334,360), 'size':320} cdict_bar = {'det':'B5', 'cen':(1338,360), 'size':320} elif '430R' in mask: cdict_rnd = {'det':'B5', 'cen':(1012,360), 'size':320} cdict_bar = {'det':'B5', 'cen':(1015,360), 'size':320} elif 'SWB' in mask: cdict_rnd = {'det':'B5', 'cen':(366,360), 'size':320} cdict_bar = {'det':'B5', 'cen':(370,360), 'size':320} elif 'LWB' in mask: cdict_rnd = {'det':'B5', 'cen':(689,360), 'size':320} cdict_bar = {'det':'B5', 'cen':(693,360), 'size':320} else: raise ValueError('Mask {} not recognized for {} channel'\ .format(mask, channel)) else: raise ValueError('Channel {} not recognized'.format(channel)) else: raise ValueError('Module {} not recognized'.format(module)) # Choose whether to use round or bar Lyot mask cdict = cdict_rnd if 'CIRC' in pupil else cdict_bar x0, y0 = np.array(cdict['cen']) - cdict['size']/2 cdict['loc'] = (int(x0), int(y0)) # Add in 'sci' coordinates (V2/V3 orientation) # X is flipped for A5, Y is flipped for all others cen = cdict['cen'] if cdict['det'] == 'A5': cdict['cen_sci'] = (2048-cen[0], cen[1]) else: cdict['cen_sci'] = (cen[0], 2048-cen[1]) if full: cdict['size'] = 2048 cdict['loc'] = (0,0) return cdict
[docs]def coron_detector(mask, module, channel=None): """ Return detector name for a given coronagraphic mask, module, and channel. """ # Grab default channel if channel is None: if ('210R' in mask) or ('SW' in mask): channel = 'SW' else: channel = 'LW' # If LW, always A5 or B5 # If SW, bar masks are A4/B3, round masks A2/B1; M430R is invalid if channel=='LW': detname = module + '5' elif (channel=='SW') and ('430R' in mask): raise AttributeError("MASK430R not valid for SW channel") else: if module=='A': detname = 'A2' if mask[-1]=='R' else 'A4' else: detname = 'B1' if mask[-1]=='R' else 'B3' return detname