
pyNRC utility functions


bin_spectrum(sp, wave[, waveunits])

Rebin spectrum

build_mask([module, pixscale, filter, ...])

Create coronagraphic mask image

build_mask_detid(detid[, oversample, ...])

Create mask image for a given detector


Select wavelength channel

coron_ap_locs(module, channel, mask[, ...])

Coronagraph mask aperture locations and sizes

coron_detector(mask, module[, channel])

Return detector name for a given coronagraphic mask, module, and channel.

coron_trans(name[, module, pixelscale, ...])

Build a transmission image of a coronagraphic mask spanning the 20" coronagraphic FoV.

gen_unconvolved_point_source_image(nrc, ...)

Create an unconvolved image with sub-pixel shifts


Return NRC[A-B][1-5] for valid detector/SCA IDs

grism_background(filter[, pupil, module, ...])

Returns a 1D array of grism Zodiacal/thermal background emission model, including roll-off from pick-off mirror (POM) edges.

grism_background_com(filter[, pupil, ...])

grism_background_image(filter[, pupil, ...])

Create full grism background image

make_grism_slope(nrc, src_tbl, tel_pointing, ...)

Create slope image

nproc_use_convolve(fov_pix, oversample[, npsf])

Attempt to estimate a reasonable number of processes to use for multiple simultaneous convolve_fft calculations.

offset_bar(filt, mask)

Bar mask offset locations

pickoff_image(ap_obs, v2_obj, v3_obj, flux_obj)

Create an unconvolved image of filled pixel values that have been shifted via bilinear interpolation.


Return pickoff mirror FoV x/y limits in terms of science pixel coordinates

pix_noise([ngroup, nf, nd2, tf, rn, ktc, ...])

Noise per pixel

place_grism_spec(nrc, sp, xpix, ypix[, ...])

Create spectral image and place ref wavelenght at (x,y) location

place_grismr_tso(waves, imarr, siaf_ap[, ...])

Shift image such that undeviated wavelength sits at the SIAF aperture reference location.

var_ex_model(ng, nf, params)

Variance Excess Model

zodi_euclid(locstr, year, day[, ...])

IPAC Euclid Background Model

zodi_spec([zfact, ra, dec, thisday])

Zodiacal light spectrum.