
webbpsf_ext.psfs.nproc_use(fov_pix, oversample, nwavelengths, coron=False)[source]

Estimate Number of Processors

Attempt to estimate a reasonable number of processors to use for a multi-wavelength calculation. One really does not want to end up swapping to disk with huge arrays.

NOTE: Requires psutil package. Otherwise defaults to mp.cpu_count() / 2

  • fov_pix (int) – Square size in detector-sampled pixels of final PSF image.

  • oversample (int) – The optical system that we will be calculating for.

  • nwavelengths (int) – Number of wavelengths.

  • coron (bool) – Is the nproc recommendation for coronagraphic imaging? If so, the total RAM usage is different than for direct imaging.