

BOSZ_filename(Teff, metallicity, log_g, res)

Generate filename for BOSZ spectrum.

BOSZ_spectrum(Teff, metallicity, log_g[, ...])

BOSZ stellar atmospheres (Bohlin et al 2017).

bin_spectrum(sp, wave[, waveunits])

Rebin spectrum

companion_spec(bandpass[, model, atmo, ...])

Determine flux (ph/sec) of a companion

cond_filter(table, filt[, module, dist])

Given a COND table and NIRCam filter, return arrays of MJup and Vega mags.

cond_table([age, file])

Load COND Model Table

download_BOSZ_spectrum(Teff, metallicity, ...)

jupiter_spec([dist, waveout, fluxout, base_dir])

Jupiter as an Exoplanet

linder_filter(table, filt, age[, dist, ...])

Linder Mags vs Mass Arrays


Load Linder Model Table

mag_to_counts(src_mag, bandpass[, sp_type, ...])

Convert stellar magnitudes in some bandpass to corresponding flux values (e-/sec)

sp_accr(mmdot[, rin, dist, truncated, ...])

Exoplanet accretion flux values (Zhu et al., 2015).

stellar_spectrum(sptype, *renorm_args, **kwargs)

Stellar spectrum


planets_sb12([atmo, mass, age, entropy, ...])

Exoplanet spectrum from Spiegel & Burrows (2012)

source_spectrum(name, sptype, mag_val, bp, ...)

Model source spectrum