
webbpsf_ext.image_manip.frebin(image, dimensions=None, scale=None, total=True)[source]

Fractional rebin

Python port from the IDL frebin.pro Shrink or expand the size of a 1D or 2D array by an arbitary amount using bilinear interpolation. Conserves flux by ensuring that each input pixel is equally represented in the output array. Can also input an image cube.

  • image (ndarray) – Input image ndarray (1D, 2D). Can also be an image cube assumed to have shape [nz,ny,nx].

  • dimensions (tuple or None) – Desired size of output array (take priority over scale).

  • scale (tuple or None) – Factor to scale output array size. A scale of 2 will increase the number of pixels by 2 (ie., finer pixel scale).

  • total (bool) – Conserves the surface flux. If True, the output pixels will be the sum of pixels within the appropriate box of the input image. Otherwise, they will be the average.


ndarray – The binned ndarray