
pynrc.simul.apt.gen_jwst_pointing(visit_dict, obs_params, base_std=None, dith_std=None, rand_seed=None, rand_seed_base=None)[source]

Create telescope pointing sequence for a given visit / exposure.

Keyword Arguments
  • base_std (float or array-like or None) – The 1-sigma pointing uncertainty per axis for telescope slew. If None, then standard deviation is chosen to be either 5 mas or 100 mas, depending on use_ta attribute (default: True).

  • dith_std (float or array-like or None) – The 1-sigma pointing uncertainty per axis for dithers. If None, then standard deviation is chosen to be either 2.5 or 5 mas, depending on use_sgd attribute (default: True).

  • rand_seed (None or int) – Random seed to use for generating repeatable random offsets.

  • rand_seed_base (None or int) – Use a separate random seed for telescope slew offset. Then, rand_seed corresponds only to relative dithers. Useful for multiple exposures with same initial slew, but independent dither pattern realizations.