Source code for pynrc.maths.coords

"""Telescope coordinate information"""

import numpy as np
import logging
_log = logging.getLogger('pynrc')

__epsilon = np.finfo(float).eps

import pysiaf
from pysiaf import JWST_PRD_VERSION, rotations, Siaf
# Create this once since it takes time to call multiple times
siaf_nrc = Siaf('NIRCam')

# Functions transferred to webbpsf_ext
from webbpsf_ext.coords import dist_image
from webbpsf_ext.coords import xy_to_rtheta, rtheta_to_xy, xy_rot
from webbpsf_ext.coords import ap_radec, radec_to_v2v3, v2v3_to_pixel
from webbpsf_ext.coords import get_NRC_v2v3_limits, NIRCam_V2V3_limits
from webbpsf_ext.coords import get_NRC_v2v3_limits as get_v2v3_limits # Original name
from webbpsf_ext.coords import plotAxes

# New stuff from webbpsf_ext
from webbpsf_ext.coords import gen_sgd_offsets, get_idl_offset, radec_offset
from webbpsf_ext.coords import jwst_point

#    NIRCam Coordinate Systems

[docs]def Tel2Sci_info(channel, coords, pupil=None, output='sci', return_apname=False, **kwargs): """Telescope coords converted to Science coords Returns the detector name and position associated with input coordinates. This is alway relative to a full frame detector aperture. The detector that is chosen is the one whose center is closest to the input coords. Parameters ---------- channel : str 'SW' or 'LW' coords : tuple Telescope coordinates (V2,V3) in arcsec. output : str Type of desired output coordinates. * det: pixels, in raw detector read out axes orientation * sci: pixels, in conventional DMS axes orientation * idl: arcsecs relative to aperture reference location. * tel: arcsecs V2,V3 """ # Figure out the detector and pixel position for some (V2,V3) coord V2, V3 = coords if (pupil is not None) and ("LYOT" in pupil): # There are no full frame SIAF aperture for ModB coron if 'SW' in channel: detnames = ['A2', 'A4'] apnames = ['NRCA2_FULL_MASK210R', 'NRCA4_FULL_MASKSWB'] else: detnames = ['A5'] apnames = ['NRCA5_FULL_MASK335R'] else: swa = ['A1', 'A2', 'A3', 'A4'] swb = ['B1', 'B2', 'B3', 'B4'] lwa = ['A5'] lwb = ['B5'] detnames = swa + swb if 'SW' in channel else lwa + lwb apnames = ['NRC'+det+'_FULL' for det in detnames] # Find center positions for each apname cens = [] for apname in apnames: ap = siaf_nrc[apname] try: vals = ap.tel_to_sci(V2, V3) except AttributeError: vals = ap.Tel2Sci(V2, V3) cens.append(vals) cens = np.array(cens) # Select that with the closest position dist = np.sqrt((cens[:,0]-1024)**2 + (cens[:,1]-1024)**2) ind = np.where(dist==dist.min())[0][0] # Find detector "science" coordinates detector = 'NRC'+detnames[ind] apname = apnames[ind] ap = siaf_nrc[apname] try: detector_position = ap.convert(V2, V3, 'tel', output.lower()) except TypeError: detector_position = ap.convert(V2, V3, frame_from='Tel', frame_to=output) if return_apname: return detector, detector_position, apname else: return detector, detector_position
[docs]def siafap_sci_coords(inst, coord_vals=None, coord_frame='tel'): """ Return the detector, sci position, and full frame aperture name for a set of coordinate values. """ self = inst # Get a reference point if coord_vals not set if coord_vals is None: try: coord_vals = self.siaf_ap.reference_point(coord_frame) except: _log.warning("`self.siaf_ap` may not be set") apname = self.get_siaf_apname() if apname is None: _log.warning('No suitable aperture name defined to determine ref coords') return None, None, None else: _log.warning('`self.siaf_ap` not defined; assuming {}'.format(apname)) ap = self.siaf[apname] coord_vals = ap.reference_point(coord_frame) # Determine V2/V3 coordinates detector = detector_position = apname = None v2 = v3 = None cframe = coord_frame.lower() if cframe=='tel': v2, v3 = coord_vals elif cframe in ['det', 'sci', 'idl']: x, y = coord_vals[0], coord_vals[1] try: v2, v3 = self.siaf_ap.convert(x,y, cframe, 'tel') except: apname = self.get_siaf_apname() if apname is None: _log.warning('No suitable aperture name defined to determine V2/V3 coordinates') else: _log.warning('`self.siaf_ap` not defined; assuming {}'.format(apname)) ap = self.siaf[apname] v2, v3 = ap.convert(x,y,cframe, 'tel') _log.warning('Update `self.siaf_ap` for more specific conversions to V2/V3.') else: _log.warning("coord_frame setting '{}' not recognized.".format(coord_frame)) # Update detector, pixel position, and apname to pass to if v2 is not None: res = Tel2Sci_info(, (v2, v3), output='sci', return_apname=True) detector, detector_position, apname = res return (detector, detector_position, apname)
[docs]def det_to_sci(image, detid): """ Detector to science orientation Reorient image from detector coordinates to 'sci' coordinate system. This places +V3 up and +V2 to the LEFT. Detector pixel (0,0) is assumed to be in the bottom left. Simply performs axes flips. Parameters ---------- image : ndarray Input image to tranform. detid : int or str NIRCam detector/SCA ID, either 481-490 or A1-B5. """ # Check if SCA ID (481-489) where passed through detname rather than A1-B5 try: detid = int(detid) except ValueError: detname = detid else: scaids = {481:'A1', 482:'A2', 483:'A3', 484:'A4', 485:'A5', 486:'B1', 487:'B2', 488:'B3', 489:'B4', 490:'B5'} detname = scaids[detid] xflip = ['A1','A3','A5','B2','B4'] yflip = ['A2','A4','B1','B3','B5'] # Handle multiple array of images ndim = len(image.shape) if ndim==2: # Convert to image cube ny, nx = image.shape image = image.reshape([1,ny,nx]) for s in xflip: if detname in s: image = image[:,:,::-1] for s in yflip: if detname in s: image = image[:,::-1,:] # Convert back to 2D if input was 2D if ndim==2: image = image.reshape([ny,nx]) return image
[docs]def sci_to_det(image, detid): """ Science to detector orientation Reorient image from 'sci' coordinates to detector coordinate system. Assumes +V3 up and +V2 to the LEFT. The result places the detector pixel (0,0) in the bottom left. Simply performs axes flips. Parameters ---------- image : ndarray Input image to tranform. detid : int or str NIRCam detector/SCA ID, either 481-490 or A1-B5. """ # Flips occur along the same axis and manner as in det_to_sci() return det_to_sci(image, detid)