Source code for pynrc.detops

from __future__ import print_function, division
import numpy as np

from import fits
from astropy.time import Time
import datetime, time

import logging
_log = logging.getLogger('pynrc')

from . import conf
from .logging_utils import setup_logging

from webbpsf_ext.webbpsf_ext_core import _check_list
from .nrc_utils import pix_noise

[docs]class multiaccum(object): """ A class for defining MULTIACCUM ramp settings. See `NIRCam MULTIACCUM documentation <>`_ for more details. Parameters ---------------- read_mode : str NIRCam Ramp Readout mode such as 'RAPID', 'BRIGHT1', 'DEEP8', etc., or 'CUSTOM' nint : int Number of integrations (ramps). ngroup : int Number of groups in a integration. nf : int Number of frames per group. nd1 : int Number of drop frame after reset (before first group read). Default=0. nd2 : int Number of drop frames within a group (ie., groupgap). nd3 : int Number of drop frames after final read frame in ramp. Default=1. nr1 : int Number of reset frames within first ramp. Default=0. nr2 : int Number of reset frames for subsequent ramps. Default=1. wind_mode : str Set to determine maximum number of allowed groups. Notes ----- **NIRCam-specific readout modes** ======== === === Pattern NF ND2 ======== === === RAPID 1 0 BRIGHT1 1 1 BRIGHT2 2 0 SHALLOW2 2 3 SHALLOW4 4 1 MEDIUM2 2 8 MEDIUM8 8 2 DEEP2 2 18 DEEP8 8 12 ======== === === """
[docs] def __init__(self, read_mode='RAPID', nint=1, ngroup=1, nf=1, nd1=0, nd2=0, nd3=0, nr1=1, nr2=1, wind_mode='FULL', **kwargs): self.nint = nint self._ngroup_max = 10000 self.ngroup = ngroup # Modify these directly rather via the @property self._nr1 = self._check_int('nr1',nr1,0) self._nr2 = self._check_int('nr2',nr2,0) self._nf = self._check_int('nf',nf,1) self._nd1 = self._check_int('nd1',nd1,0) self._nd2 = self._check_int('nd2',nd2,0) self._nd3 = self._check_int('nd3',nd3,0) # Now set read mode to specified mode, which may modify nf, nd1, nd2, and nd3 self.read_mode = read_mode
@property def nint(self): """Number of ramps (integrations) in an exposure.""" return self._nint @nint.setter def nint(self, value): self._nint = self._check_int('nint',value,1) @property def ngroup(self): """Number of groups in a ramp (integration).""" return self._ngroup @ngroup.setter def ngroup(self, value): value = self._check_int('ngroup',value,1) if value > self._ngroup_max: _log.warning('Specified ngroup ({}) greater than allowed value ({})'\ .format(value, self._ngroup_max)) _log.warning('Setting ngroup = {}'.format(self._ngroup_max)) value = self._ngroup_max self._ngroup = value @property def nf(self): """Number of frames per group.""" return self._nf @nf.setter def nf(self, value): value = self._check_int('nf',value,1) self._nf = self._check_custom(value, self._nf) @property def nd1(self): """Number of drop frame after reset (before first group read).""" return self._nd1 @nd1.setter def nd1(self, value): value = self._check_int('nd1',value,0) self._nd1 = self._check_custom(value, self._nd1) @property def nd2(self): """Number of drop frames within a group (aka, groupgap).""" return self._nd2 @nd2.setter def nd2(self, value): value = self._check_int('nd2',value,0) self._nd2 = self._check_custom(value, self._nd2) @property def nd3(self): """Number of drop frames after final read frame in ramp.""" return self._nd3 @nd3.setter def nd3(self, value): value = self._check_int('nd3',value,0) self._nd3 = self._check_custom(value, self._nd3) @property def nr1(self): """Number of reset frames before first integration.""" return self._nr1 @nr1.setter def nr1(self, value): self._nr1 = self._check_int('nr1', value, minval=0) @property def nr2(self): """Number of reset frames for subsequent integrations.""" return self._nr2 @nr2.setter def nr2(self, value): self._nr2 = self._check_int('nr2', value, minval=0) @property def nread_tot(self): """Total number of read frames in a ramp, including drops""" nf =; nd1 = self.nd1; nd2 = self.nd2; nd3 = self.nd3 ngroup = self.ngroup nframes = nd1 + ngroup*nf + (ngroup-1)*nd2 + nd3 return nframes @property def read_mode(self): """Selected Read Mode in the `patterns_list` attribute.""" return self._read_mode @read_mode.setter def read_mode(self, value): """Set MULTIACCUM Readout. Automatically updates other relevant attributes.""" if value is None:'Readout pattern has None value. Setting to CUSTOM.') value = 'CUSTOM' value = value.upper() _check_list(value, self.patterns_list, var_name='read_mode') self._read_mode = value self._validate_readout() @property def patterns_list(self): """Allowed NIRCam MULTIACCUM patterns""" plist = sorted(list(self._pattern_settings.keys())) return ['CUSTOM'] + plist @property def _pattern_settings(self): patterns = ['RAPID', 'BRIGHT1', 'BRIGHT2', 'SHALLOW2', 'SHALLOW4', 'MEDIUM2', 'MEDIUM8', 'DEEP2', 'DEEP8'] nf_arr = [1,1,2,2,4,2,8, 2, 8] nd2_arr = [0,1,0,3,1,8,2,18,12] ng_max = [10,10,10,10,10,10,10,20,20] return dict(zip(patterns, zip(nf_arr, nd2_arr, ng_max)))
[docs] def to_dict(self, verbose=False): """Export ramp settings to a dictionary.""" p = [('read_mode',self.read_mode), ('nint',self.nint), ('ngroup',self.ngroup), \ ('nf',, ('nd1',self.nd1), ('nd2',self.nd2), ('nd3',self.nd3)] return tuples_to_dict(p, verbose)
def _validate_readout(self): """ Validation to make sure the defined ngroups, nf, etc. are consistent with the selected MULTIACCUM readout pattern. """ if self.read_mode not in self.patterns_list: _log.warning('Readout {} not a valid NIRCam readout mode. Setting to CUSTOM.'\ .format(self.read_mode)) self._read_mode = 'CUSTOM' _log.warning('Using explicit settings: ngroup={}, nf={}, nd1={}, nd2={}, nd3={}'\ .format(self.ngroup,, self.nd1, self.nd2, self.nd3)) elif self.read_mode == 'CUSTOM':'{} readout mode selected.'.format(self.read_mode))'Using explicit settings: ngroup={}, nf={}, nd1={}, nd2={}, nd3={}'\ .format(self.ngroup,, self.nd1, self.nd2, self.nd3)) else:'{} readout mode selected.'.format(self.read_mode)) nf, nd2, _ = self._pattern_settings.get(self.read_mode) self._nf = nf self._nd1 = 0 self._nd2 = nd2 self._nd3 = 0'Setting ngroup={}, nf={}, nd1={}, nd2={}, nd3={}.'\ .format(self.ngroup,, self.nd1, self.nd2, self.nd3)) def _check_custom(self, val_new, val_orig): """Check if read_mode='CUSTOM' before changing variable.""" if self.read_mode == 'CUSTOM': return val_new else: _log.warning("Can only modify parameter if read_mode='CUSTOM'.") return val_orig def _check_int(self, pstr, val, minval=1): """Check if a value is a positive integer, otherwise throw exception.""" val = float(val) if (val.is_integer()) and (val>=minval): return int(val) else: raise ValueError("{}={} must be an integer >={}.".format(pstr,val,minval))
[docs]class det_timing(object): """ Class to hold detector operations information. Includes SCA attributes such as detector names and IDs as well as :class:`multiaccum` class for ramp settings. Parameters ---------------- wind_mode : str Window mode type 'FULL', 'STRIPE', 'WINDOW'. xpix : int Size of window in x-pixels for frame time calculation. ypix : int Size of window in y-pixels for frame time calculation. x0 : int Lower-left x-coord position of detector window. y0 : int Lower-left y-coord position of detector window. Keyword Args ------------ read_mode : str NIRCam Ramp Readout mode such as 'RAPID', 'BRIGHT1', etc. nint : int Number of integrations (ramps). ngroup : int Number of groups in a integration. nf : int Number of frames per group. nd1 : int Number of drop frame after reset (before first group read). nd2 : int Number of drop frames within a group (ie., groupgap). nd3 : int Number of drop frames after final read frame in ramp. Examples -------- Use kwargs functionality to pass keywords to the multiaccum class. Send via a dictionary of keywords and values: >>> kwargs = {'read_mode':'RAPID', 'nint':5, 'ngroup':10} >>> d = det_timing(**kwargs) Set the keywords directly: >>> d = det_timing(read_mode='RAPID', nint=5, ngroup=10) """
[docs] def __init__(self, wind_mode='FULL', xpix=2048, ypix=2048, x0=0, y0=0, mode='SLOW', nff=None, **kwargs): self._opmode = mode.upper() if 'JWST' in self._opmode: pixrate = 1e5 loh = 12 nchans = 4 reset_type = 'pixel' elif 'SLOW' in self._opmode: pixrate = 1e5 loh = 8 nchans = 32 reset_type = 'pixel' if nff is None: nff = 0 elif 'MED' in self._opmode: pixrate = 3e5 loh = 8 nchans = 32 reset_type = 'pixel' if nff is None: nff = 0 elif 'FAST' in self._opmode: pixrate = 5e6 loh = 3 nchans = 32 reset_type = 'line' if nff is None: nff = 0 self._detector_pixels = 2048 self._nchans = nchans self._nff = nff self.multiaccum = multiaccum(wind_mode=wind_mode, **kwargs) self.wind_mode = wind_mode.upper() self._xpix = xpix; self._x0 = x0 self._ypix = ypix; self._y0 = y0 self._validate_pixel_settings() # By default fast-scan readout direction is [-->,<--,-->,<--] # If same_scan_direction, then all --> # If reverse_scan_direction, then [<--,-->,<--,-->] or all <-- self.same_scan_direction = False self.reverse_scan_direction = False # Pixel Rate in Hz self._pixel_rate = pixrate # Number of extra clock ticks per line self._line_overhead = loh # Pixel or line resets self._reset_type = reset_type
@property def wind_mode(self): """Window mode attribute""" return self._wind_mode @wind_mode.setter def wind_mode(self, value): """Set Window mode attribute""" self._wind_mode = value @property def y0(self): return int(self._y0) @y0.setter def y0(self, val): self._y0 = val @property def x0(self): return int(self._x0) @x0.setter def x0(self, val): self._x0 = val @property def ypix(self): return int(self._ypix) @ypix.setter def ypix(self, val): self._ypix = val @property def xpix(self): return int(self._xpix) @xpix.setter def xpix(self, val): self._xpix = val @property def nout(self): """Number of simultaneous detector output channels stripes""" return 1 if self.wind_mode == 'WINDOW' else self._nchans @property def chsize(self): """Size of Amplifier Channel""" return int(self.xpix // self.nout) @property def ref_info(self): """Array of reference pixel borders [lower, upper, left, right].""" det_size = self._detector_pixels x1 = self.x0; x2 = x1 + self.xpix y1 = self.y0; y2 = y1 + self.ypix w = 4 # Width of ref pixel border lower = int(w-y1) upper = int(w-(det_size-y2)) left = int(w-x1) right = int(w-(det_size-x2)) ref_all = np.array([lower,upper,left,right], dtype='int') ref_all[ref_all<0] = 0 return ref_all @property def mask_act(self): """Active pixel mask for det coordinates""" # mask_act = np.zeros([self.ypix,self.xpix]).astype('bool') # rb, rt, rl, rr = self.ref_info # mask_act[rb:-rt,rl:-rr] = True # This doesn't work if rr or rt are 0!! return ~self.mask_ref @property def mask_ref(self): """Reference pixel mask for det coordinates""" # [bottom, upper, left, right] rb, rt, rl, rr = self.ref_info ref_mask = np.zeros([self.ypix,self.xpix], dtype=bool) if rb>0: ref_mask[0:rb,:] = True if rt>0: ref_mask[-rt:,:] = True if rl>0: ref_mask[:,0:rl] = True if rr>0: ref_mask[:,-rr:] = True return ref_mask @property def mask_channels(self): """Channel masks for det coordinates""" ch_mask = np.zeros([self.ypix,self.xpix]) for ch in np.arange(self.nout): ch_mask[:,ch*self.chsize:(ch+1)*self.chsize] = ch return ch_mask @property def nff(self): """Number of fast row resets that occur before Reset Frame""" if self._nff is None: if self.wind_mode=='WINDOW': if self.ypix>256: nff = 2048 elif self.ypix>64: nff = 512 elif self.ypix>16: nff = 256 elif self.ypix>8: nff = 64 else: nff = 16 elif self.wind_mode=='STRIPE': if self.ypix==2048: nff = 0 elif self.ypix>=256: nff = 2048 else: nff = 512 elif self.wind_mode=='FULL': nff = 0 else: nff = self._nff return nff @nff.setter def nff(self, val): self._nff = val def _validate_pixel_settings(self): """ Validation to make sure the defined pixel sizes are consistent with detector readout mode (FULL, STRIPE, or WINDOW) """ wind_mode = self.wind_mode modes = ['FULL', 'STRIPE', 'WINDOW'] if wind_mode not in modes: wstr = str.join(', ', modes) raise ValueError("{} not a valid readout mode. Acceptable values: {}".format(wind_mode, wstr)) detpix = self._detector_pixels xpix = self.xpix; x0 = self.x0 ypix = self.ypix; y0 = self.y0 # Check some consistencies with frame sizes if wind_mode == 'FULL': if ypix != detpix: _log.warn(f'In {wind_mode} mode, but ypix not {detpix}. Setting ypix={detpix}.') ypix = detpix if y0 != 0: _log.warn(f'In {wind_mode} mode, but x0 not 0. Setting y0=0.') y0 = 0 if (wind_mode == 'STRIPE') or (wind_mode == 'FULL'): if xpix != detpix: _log.warn(f'In {wind_mode} mode, but xpix not {detpix}. Setting xpix={detpix}.') xpix = detpix if x0 != 0: _log.warn(f'In {wind_mode} mode, but x0 not 0. Setting x0=0.') x0 = 0 if (x0+xpix) > detpix: raise ValueError("x0+xpix ({}+{}) is larger than detector size ({})!"\ .format(x0,xpix,detpix)) if (y0+ypix) > detpix: raise ValueError("y0+ypix ({}+{}) is larger than detector size ({})!"\ .format(y0,ypix,detpix)) # Update values if no errors were thrown self._xpix = xpix; self._x0 = x0 self._ypix = ypix; self._y0 = y0 def _fix_precision(self, input): """ Many timing calculations result from minor precision issues with very small numbers (1e-16) added to the real result. This function attempts to truncate these small innaccuracies by dividing by the clock sample time to get the total integer number of clock cycles. """ return int(input * self._pixel_rate + 0.5) / self._pixel_rate @property def _extra_lines(self): """Number of extra lines per frame. Determine how many extra lines/rows are added to a to a given frame. Based on ASIC microcode 10 and NIRCam arrays. Other instruments might operate differently. """ if self.nout == 1: xtra_lines = 2 if self.xpix>10 else 3 else: xtra_lines = 1 return xtra_lines @property def _exp_delay(self): """Transition to idle delay (sec) Additional overhead time at the end of an exposure. This does not add any more photon flux to a pixel. Due to transition to idle. """ # Window Mode if self.nout == 1: if self.xpix>150: xtra_lines = 0 elif self.xpix>64: xtra_lines = 1 elif self.xpix>16: xtra_lines = 2 elif self.xpix>8: xtra_lines = 4 else: xtra_lines = 5 # Full and Stripe else: xtra_lines = 1 # Clock ticks per line xticks = self.chsize + self._line_overhead # Return number of seconds return xticks * xtra_lines / self._pixel_rate @property def _frame_overhead_pix(self): """ Full and Stripe mode frames have an additional pixel at the end. """ pix_offset = 0 if self.nout==1 else 1 return pix_offset @property def time_row_reset(self): """NFF Row Resets time per integration""" nff = self.nff xtra_lines = int(nff / (self.chsize)) # Clock ticks per line xticks = self.chsize + self._line_overhead return xticks * xtra_lines / self._pixel_rate @property def time_frame(self): """Determine frame time (sec) based on xpix, ypix, and wind_mode.""" chsize = self.chsize # Number of x-pixels within a channel xticks = chsize + self._line_overhead # Clock ticks per line flines = self.ypix + self._extra_lines # Lines per frame # Add a single pix offset for full frame and stripe. pix_offset = self._frame_overhead_pix #end_delay = 0 # Used for syncing each frame w/ FPE bg activity. Not currently used. # Total number of clock ticks per frame (reset, read, and drops) fticks = xticks*flines + pix_offset # Return frame time return fticks / self._pixel_rate @property def time_group(self): """Time per group based on time_frame, nf, and nd2.""" return self.time_frame * ( + self.multiaccum.nd2) @property def time_ramp(self): """Photon collection time for a single ramp.""" # How many total frames (incl. dropped and all) per ramp? # Exclude nd3 (drops that add nothing) ma = self.multiaccum nf =; nd1 = ma.nd1; nd2 = ma.nd2 ngroup = ma.ngroup tint = (nd1 + ngroup*nf + (ngroup-1)*nd2) * self.time_frame return self._fix_precision(tint) @property def time_int(self): """Same as time_ramp, except that 'int' follows the JWST nomenclature""" return self.time_ramp @property def time_ramp_eff(self): """Effective ramp time for slope fit tf*(ng-1)""" ma = self.multiaccum if ma.ngroup<=1: res = self.time_frame * (ma.nd1 + ( + 1) / 2) else: res = self.time_group * (ma.ngroup - 1) return self._fix_precision(res) @property def time_int_eff(self): """Same as time_ramp_eff, except that 'int' follows the JWST nomenclature""" return self.time_ramp_eff @property def time_exp(self): """Total photon collection time for all ramps.""" res = self.multiaccum.nint * self.time_ramp return self._fix_precision(res) # @property # def time_total_int(self): # """Total time for all frames in a ramp. # Includes resets and excess drops, as well as NFF Rows Reset. # """ # ma = self.multiaccum # nf =; nd1 = ma.nd1; nd2 = ma.nd2; nd3 = ma.nd3 # ngroup = ma.ngroup # nr = 1 # nframes = nr + nd1 + ngroup*nf + (ngroup-1)*nd2 + nd3 # return nframes * self.time_frame + self.time_row_reset @property def time_total_int1(self): """Total time for all frames in first ramp of exposure. Includes resets and excess drops, as well as NFF Rows Reset. """ ma = self.multiaccum nf =; nd1 = ma.nd1; nd2 = ma.nd2; nd3 = ma.nd3 ngroup = ma.ngroup nr = ma.nr1 nframes = nr + nd1 + ngroup*nf + (ngroup-1)*nd2 + nd3 res = nframes * self.time_frame + self.time_row_reset return self._fix_precision(res) @property def time_total_int2(self): """Total time for all frames in a subsequent ramp. Includes resets and excess drops, as well as NFF Rows Reset. Only differs from time_total_int1 in case nr1 != nr2 """ ma = self.multiaccum nf =; nd1 = ma.nd1; nd2 = ma.nd2; nd3 = ma.nd3 ngroup = ma.ngroup nr = ma.nr2 # Set to 0 if only a single integration if ma.nint <= 1: return 0. else: nframes = nr + nd1 + ngroup*nf + (ngroup-1)*nd2 + nd3 res = nframes * self.time_frame + self.time_row_reset return self._fix_precision(res) @property def time_total(self): """Total exposure acquisition time""" # exp1 = 0 if self.multiaccum.nint == 0 else self.time_total_int1 # exp2 = 0 if self.multiaccum.nint <= 1 else self.time_total_int2 * (self.multiaccum.nint-1) exp1 = self.time_total_int1 exp2 = self.time_total_int2 * (self.multiaccum.nint-1) res = exp1 + exp2 + self._exp_delay return self._fix_precision(res) @property def times_group_avg(self): """Times at each averaged group since reset""" ma = self.multiaccum nf_avg = np.arange( / return np.arange(ma.ngroup) * self.time_group + (ma.nd1 + nf_avg) * self.time_frame
[docs] def to_dict(self, verbose=False): """Export detector settings to a dictionary.""" p = [('wind_mode',self.wind_mode), ('nout',self.nout), ('xpix',self.xpix), ('ypix',self.ypix), ('x0',self.x0), ('y0',self.y0)] return tuples_to_dict(p, verbose)
[docs] def times_to_dict(self, verbose=False): """Export ramp times as dictionary with option to print output to terminal.""" times = [('t_frame', self.time_frame), ('t_group', self.time_group), ('t_int', self.time_int), ('t_exp', self.time_exp), ('t_acq', self.time_total), ('t_int_tot1', self.time_total_int1), ('t_int_tot2', self.time_total_int2)] return tuples_to_dict(times, verbose)
[docs] def int_times_table(self, date_start, time_start, offset_seconds=None): """Create and populate the INT_TIMES table, which is saved as a separate extension in the output data file. Parameters ---------- date_start : str Date string of observation ('2020-02-28') time_start : str Time string of observation ('12:24:56') offset_seconds : None or float Time from beginning of observation until start of integration. Returns ------- int_times_tab : astropy.table.Table Table of starting, mid, and end times for each integration """ from astropy.table import Table from astropy.time import Time, TimeDelta from astropy import units as u if offset_seconds is None: offset_seconds = 0 integration_numbers = np.arange(self.multiaccum.nint) start_time_string = date_start + 'T' + time_start start_time = Time(start_time_string) + offset_seconds * u.second integration_time = self.time_total_int2 integ_time_delta = TimeDelta(integration_time * u.second) start_times = start_time + (integ_time_delta * integration_numbers) reset_time = self.multiaccum.nr2 * self.time_frame integration_time_exclude_reset = TimeDelta((integration_time - reset_time) * u.second) end_times = start_times + integration_time_exclude_reset mid_times = start_times + integration_time_exclude_reset / 2. # For now, let's keep the BJD (Barycentric?) times identical # to the MJD times. start_times_bjd = start_times mid_times_bjd = mid_times end_times_bjd = end_times # Create table nrows = len(integration_numbers) data_list = [(integration_numbers[i] + 1, start_times.mjd[i], mid_times.mjd[i], end_times.mjd[i], start_times_bjd.mjd[i], mid_times_bjd.mjd[i], end_times_bjd.mjd[i]) for i in range(nrows)] int_times_tab = np.array(data_list, dtype=[('integration_number','<i2'), ('int_start_MJD_UTC','<f8'), ('int_mid_MJD_UTC', '<f8'), ('int_end_MJD_UTC','<f8'), ('int_start_BJD_TDB','<f8'), ('int_mid_BJD_TDB','<f8'), ('int_end_BJD_TDB','<f8')]) return int_times_tab
[docs] def pixel_noise(self, ng=None, nf=None, verbose=False, **kwargs): """Noise values per pixel. Return theoretical noise calculation for the specified MULTIACCUM exposure in terms of e-/sec. This uses the pre-defined detector-specific noise properties. Can specify flux of a source as well as background and zodiacal light (in e-/sec/pix). After getting the noise per pixel per ramp (integration), value(s) are divided by the sqrt(NINT) to return the final noise Parameters ---------- ng : None or int or image Option to explicitly state number of groups. This is specifically used to enable the ability of only calculating pixel noise for unsaturated groups for each pixel. If a numpy array, then it should be the same shape as `fsrc` image. By default will use `self.multiaccum.ngroup`. nf : int Option to explicitly states number of frames in each group. By default will use ``. verbose : bool Print out results at the end. Keyword Arguments ----------------- rn : float Read Noise per pixel (e-). ktc : float kTC noise (in e-). Only valid for single frame (n=1) p_excess : array-like An array or list of two elements that holds the parameters describing the excess variance observed in effective noise plots. By default these are both 0. For NIRCam detectors, recommended values are [1.0,5.0] for SW and [1.5,10.0] for LW. idark : float Dark current in e-/sec/pix. fsrc : float Flux of source in e-/sec/pix. fzodi : float Zodiacal light emission in e-/sec/pix. fbg : float Any additional background (telescope emission or scattered light?) ideal_Poisson : bool If set to True, use total signal for noise estimate, otherwise MULTIACCUM equation is used. Notes ----- fsrc, fzodi, and fbg are functionally the same as they are immediately summed. They can also be single values or multiple elements (list, array, tuple, etc.). If multiple inputs are arrays, make sure their array sizes match. """ ma = self.multiaccum if ng is None: ng = ma.ngroup if nf is None: nf = # Pixel noise per ramp (e-/sec/pix) pn = pix_noise(ngroup=ng, nf=nf, nd2=ma.nd2, tf=self.time_frame, **kwargs) # Divide by sqrt(Total Integrations) final = pn / np.sqrt(ma.nint) if verbose: print('Noise (e-/sec/pix): {}'.format(final)) print('Total Noise (e-/pix): {}'.format(final*self.time_exp)) return final
[docs] def pix_timing_map(self, same_scan_direction=None, reverse_scan_direction=None, avg_groups=False, reset_zero=False, return_flat=False): """Create array of pixel times for a single ramp. Each pixel value corresponds to the precise time at which that pixel was read out during the ramp acquisition. The first pixel(s) have t=0. Parameters ---------- same_scan_direction : bool Are all the output channels read in the same direction? By default fast-scan readout direction is ``[-->,<--,-->,<--]`` If ``same_scan_direction``, then all ``-->`` reverse_scan_direction : bool If ``reverse_scan_direction``, then ``[<--,-->,<--,-->]`` or all ``<--`` avg_groups : bool For groups where nf>1, the telescope data gets averaged via a bit-shifter. Setting ``avg_groups=True`` also averages the pixel times in a similar manner. Default is True. return_flat : bool Keyword Args ------------ reset_zero : bool Return timing relative to when reset to get photon-collection time of each pixel. Otherwise, t=0 corresponds to very first pixel(s) read in the ramp. Returns ------- ndarray If ``return_flat=True`` then the data is a flattened array for a single channel output. Otherwise, the output is a data cube of the same size and shape of the raw data with these detector settings. Example ------- Assume you have a cube of raw full frame data (RAPID, ngroup=5). Create a det_timing instance and get channel: >>> d = det_timing(ngroup=5) >>> tarr = d.pixel_timing_map(return_flat=True, avg_groups=True) >>> nx, ny = (d.xpix, d.ypix) >>> nout = d.nout # Number of amplifier output channels >>> chsize = d.chsize # Channel size (x-direction) >>> # Reshape into (nz, ny, nout, chsize) >>> data = data.reshape([-1,ny,nout,chsize]) >>> # Reverse odd channels in x-direction to match even chans >>> for ch in range(nout): >>> if np.mod(ch,2)==1: >>> data[:,:,ch,:] = data[:,:,ch,::-1] >>> # Final data reshaped into 4 flattened output channels >>> data = data.transpose([0,1,3,2]).reshape([-1,nout]) >>> # Can plot this like plt.plot(tarr, data) to make nout line plots """ xpix = self.xpix ypix = self.ypix nout = self.nout chsize = self.chsize # Number of x-pixels within a channel xticks = chsize + self._line_overhead # Clock ticks per line flines = ypix + self._extra_lines # Lines per frame if same_scan_direction is None: same_scan_direction = self.same_scan_direction if reverse_scan_direction is None: reverse_scan_direction = self.reverse_scan_direction # Pixel-by-pixel or line-by-line reset? line_reset = True if 'line' in self._reset_type.lower() else False # Add a single pix offset for full frame and stripe. pix_offset = self._frame_overhead_pix # Total number of clock ticks per frame (reset, read, and drops) fticks = xticks*flines + pix_offset # Total ticks in a ramp (exclude nd3 drop frames) ma = self.multiaccum nf =; nd1 = ma.nd1; nd2 = ma.nd2 ngroup = ma.ngroup nframes = nd1 + ngroup*nf + (ngroup-1)*nd2 nticks = fticks * nframes # Make large array of pixel timing arr = np.arange(nticks, dtype=np.float).reshape([nframes,-1]) arr_reset = np.arange(fticks, dtype=np.float) if reset_zero: arr += arr_reset.max() + 1 # Chop off single pix overhead if pix_offset>0: arr = arr[:,:-pix_offset] arr_reset = arr_reset[:-pix_offset] # Reshape to 3D array arr = arr.reshape([nframes, flines, xticks]) arr_reset = arr_reset.reshape([flines, xticks]) # If performing line-by-line reset, all pixels in a line # were reset at the same time. if line_reset: for i in range(flines): arr_reset[i,:] = np.max(arr_reset[i,:]) # Chop off x pixel & y line overheads arr = arr[:,:ypix,:chsize] arr_reset = arr_reset[:ypix,:chsize] # By default fast-scan readout direction is [-->,<--,-->,<--] # If same_scan_direction, then all --> # If reverse_scan_direction, then [<--,-->,<--,-->] or all <-- if reverse_scan_direction: arr = arr[::-1] arr_reset = arr_reset[:,::-1] arr_list = [] arr2_list = [] if nout>1: # Consecutive outputs reversed? for ch in range(nout): if (np.mod(ch,2) == 0) or (same_scan_direction == True): arr_list.append(arr) arr2_list.append(arr_reset) else: arr_list.append(arr[:,:,::-1]) arr2_list.append(arr_reset[:,::-1]) data = np.concatenate(arr_list, axis=2) data_reset = np.concatenate(arr2_list, axis=1) else: data = arr data_reset = arr_reset del arr, arr_list, arr2_list, arr_reset # Timing for averaged (bit-shifted) frames # Remove drops and average grouped data if (avg_groups and nf>1) or (nd2>0): # Trailing drop frames already excluded # so need to pull off last group of frames # in order to properly reshape things. if avg_groups and (nf>1): data_end = data[-nf:,:,:].mean(axis=0) else: data_end = data[-nf:,:,:] data_end = data_end.reshape([-1,ypix,xpix]) # Only care about first (n-1) groups # Last group is handled separately # Cut off last set of nf frames data = data[:-nf,:,:] # Reshape for easy group manipulation data = data.reshape([-1,nf+nd2,ypix,xpix]) # Trim off the dropped frames (nd2) if nd2>0: data = data[:,:nf,:,:] # Average the frames within groups # In reality, the 16-bit data is bit-shifted if avg_groups and (nf>1): data = data.mean(axis=1) else: data = data.reshape([-1,ypix,xpix]) # Add back the last group (already averaged) data = np.append(data,data_end,axis=0) if reset_zero: for im in data: im -= data_reset # Put into time # print(data.dtype) data /= self._pixel_rate # Return timing info if return_flat: # Flatten array return data.ravel() else: # Get rid of dimensions of length 1 return data.squeeze()
[docs]def tuples_to_dict(pairs, verbose=False): """ Take a list of paired tuples and convert to a dictionary where the first element of each tuple is the key and the second element is the value. """ d={} for (k, v) in pairs: d[k] = v if verbose: if isinstance(v,float): print("{:<10} {:>10.4f}".format(k, v)) else: print("{:<10} {:>10}".format(k, v)) return d
[docs]def nrc_header(det_class, filter=None, pupil=None, obs_time=None, header=None, DMS=True, targ_name=None): """Simulated header Create a generic NIRCam FITS header from a detector_ops class. Parameters ---------- filter : str Name of filter element. pupil : str Name of pupil element. DMS : bool Make the header in a format used by Data Management Systems. obs_time : datetime Specifies when the observation was considered to be executed. If not specified, then it will choose the current time. This must be a datetime object: >>> datetime.datetime(2016, 5, 9, 11, 57, 5, 796686) header : obj Can pass an existing header that will be updated. This has not been fully tested. targ_name : str Standard astronomical catalog name for a target. Otherwise, it will be UNKNOWN. """ from .version import __version__ filter = 'UNKNOWN' if filter is None else filter pupil = 'UNKNOWN' if pupil is None else pupil targ_name = 'UNKNOWN' if targ_name is None else targ_name d = det_class # MULTIACCUM ramp information ma = d.multiaccum # How many axes? naxis = 2 if ma.ngroup == 1 else 3 if naxis == 3: naxis3 = ma.ngroup naxis1 = d.xpix naxis2 = d.ypix # Select Detector ID based on SCA ID detector = d.detname # Are we in subarray? sub_bool = True if d.wind_mode != 'FULL' else False # Horizontal window mode? hwinmode = 'ENABLE' if d.wind_mode=='WINDOW' else 'DISABLE' # Window indices (0-indexed) x1 = d.x0; x2 = x1 + d.xpix y1 = d.y0; y2 = y1 + d.ypix # Ref pixel info ref_all = d.ref_info # Dates and times obs_time = datetime.datetime.utcnow() if obs_time is None else obs_time # Total time to complete obs including all overheads tdel = d.time_total dtstart = obs_time.isoformat() aTstart = Time(dtstart) dtend = (obs_time + datetime.timedelta(seconds=tdel)).isoformat() aTend = Time(dtend) dstart = dtstart[:10]; dend = dtend[:10] tstart = dtstart[11:-3]; tend = dtend[11:-3] tsample = 1e6/d._pixel_rate ################################################################ # Create blank header hdr_update = False if header is None else True hdr = fits.Header() if header is None else header # Add in basic header info hdr['SIMPLE'] = (True, 'conforms to FITS standard') hdr['BITPIX'] = (16, 'array data type') if DMS == True: hdr['SUBSTRT1'] = (x1+1, 'Starting pixel in axis 1 direction') hdr['SUBSTRT2'] = (y1+1, 'Starting pixel in axis 2 direction') hdr['SUBSIZE1'] = naxis1 hdr['SUBSIZE2'] = naxis2 hdr['NAXIS'] = (naxis, 'number of array dimensions') else: hdr['NAXIS'] = (naxis, 'number of array dimensions') hdr['NAXIS1'] = naxis1 hdr['NAXIS2'] = naxis2 if hdr_update: hdr.pop('NAXIS3', None) if naxis == 3: hdr['NAXIS3'] = (naxis3, 'length of third data axis') hdr['EXTEND'] = True hdr['DATE'] = ('', 'date file created (yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss,UTC)') hdr['BSCALE'] = (1, 'scale factor for array value to physical value') hdr['BZERO'] = (32768, 'physical value for an array value of zero') hdr['UNITS'] = ('', 'Units for the data type (ADU, e-, etc.)') hdr['ORIGIN'] = ('UAz', 'institution responsible for creating FITS file') hdr['FILENAME']= ('', 'name of file') hdr['FILETYPE']= ('raw', 'type of data found in data file') # Observation Description hdr['TELESCOP']= ('JWST', 'telescope used to acquire data') hdr['INSTRUME']= ('NIRCAM', 'instrument identifier used to acquire data') hdr['OBSERVER']= ('UNKNOWN', 'person responsible for acquiring data') hdr['DATE-OBS']= (dstart, 'UT date of observation (yyyy-mm-dd)') hdr['TIME-OBS']= (tstart, 'Approximate UT time of start of observation (hh:mm:ss.sss)') if DMS == True: if 'GRISM' in pupil: exp_type = 'NRC_GRISM' elif pupil == None: exp_type = 'UNKNOWN' else: exp_type = 'NRC_IMAGE' hdr['EXP_TYPE'] = (exp_type,'Type of data in the exposure') hdr['DATE-END']= (dend, 'UT date of end of observation(yyyy-mm-dd)') hdr['TIME-END']= (tend, 'UT time of end of observation (hh:mm:ss.sss)') hdr['SCA_ID'] = (d.scaid, 'Unique SCA identification in ISIM') hdr['DETECTOR']= (d.detname, 'ASCII Mnemonic corresponding to the SCA_ID') hdr['PIXELSCL']= (d.pixelscale, 'Detector Pixel Scale (arcsec/pixel)') nx_noref = naxis1 - ref_all[2] - ref_all[3] ny_noref = naxis2 - ref_all[0] - ref_all[1] fovx = nx_noref * d.pixelscale fovy = ny_noref * d.pixelscale hdr['FOV'] = ('{:.2f}x{:.2f}'.format(fovx,fovy), 'Field of view in arcsec') if DMS == True: hdr['TARG_RA']= (0.0, 'Target RA at mid time of exposure') #arbitrary position hdr['TARG_DEC']= (0.0, 'Target Dec at mid time of exposure') #arbitrary position hdr['PROGRAM'] = ('12345', 'Program number') hdr['OBSERVTN']= ('001', 'Observation number') hdr['VISIT'] = ('001', 'Visit Number') hdr['VISITGRP']= ('01', 'Visit Group Identifier') hdr['SEQ_ID'] = ('1', 'Parallel sequence identifier') hdr['ACT_ID'] = ('1', 'Activity identifier') hdr['EXPOSURE']= ('1', 'Exposure request number') hdr['OBSLABEL']= ('Target 1 NIRCam Observation 1', 'Proposer label for the observation') hdr['EXPSTART']= (aTstart.mjd, 'UTC exposure start time') hdr['EXPEND'] = (aTend.mjd, 'UTC exposure end time') hdr['EFFEXPTM']= (d.time_int_eff*d.time_int, 'Effective exposure time (sec)') hdr['NUMDTHPT']= ('1','Total number of points in pattern') hdr['PATT_NUM']= (1,'Position number in primary pattern') hdr['TARGNAME'] = (targ_name, 'Standard astronomical catalog name for target') hdr['OBSMODE'] = ('UNKNOWN', 'Observation mode') if DMS == True: if == 'LW': headerChannel = 'LONG' elif == 'SW': headerChannel = 'SHORT' else: headerChannel = 'UNKNOWN' hdr['CHANNEL'] = headerChannel hdr['GRATING'] = ('N/A - NIRCam', 'Name of the grating element used') hdr['BAND'] = ('N/A - NIRCam', 'MRS wavelength band') hdr['LAMP'] = ('N/A - NIRCam', 'Internal lamp state') hdr['GWA_XTIL']= ('N/A - NIRCam', 'Grating X tilt angle relative to mirror') hdr['GWA_YTIL']= ('N/A - NIRCam', 'Grating Y tilt angle relative to mirror') hdr['GWA_TILT']= ('N/A - NIRCam', 'GWA TILT (avg/calib) temperature (K)') hdr['MSAMETFL']= ('N/A - NIRCam', 'MSA metadata file name') hdr['MSAMETID']= ('N/A - NIRCam', 'MSA metadata ID') # Positions of optical elements hdr['FILTER'] = (filter, 'Module ' + d.module + ' ' + + ' FW element') hdr['PUPIL'] = (pupil, 'Module ' + d.module + ' ' + + ' PW element') hdr['PILSTATE']= ('RETRACTED', 'Module ' + d.module + ' PIL deploy state') # Readout Mode hdr['NSAMPLE'] = (1, 'A/D samples per read of a pixel') if DMS == True: frmName = 'NFRAMES' grpName = 'NGROUPS' intName = 'NINTS' else: frmName = 'NFRAME' grpName = 'NGROUP' intName = 'NINT' hdr[frmName] = (, 'Number of frames in group') hdr[grpName] = (ma.ngroup, 'Number groups in an integration') hdr[intName] = (ma.nint, 'Number of integrations in an exposure') # Timing information hdr['TSAMPLE'] = (tsample, 'Delta time between samples in microsec') hdr['TFRAME'] = (d.time_frame, 'Time in seconds between frames') hdr['TGROUP'] = (d.time_group, 'Delta time between groups') hdr['DRPFRMS1']= (ma.nd1, 'Number of frame skipped prior to first integration') hdr['GROUPGAP']= (ma.nd2, 'Number of frames skipped') hdr['DRPFRMS3']= (ma.nd3, 'Number of frames skipped between integrations') hdr['FRMDIVSR']= (, 'Divisor applied to each group image') hdr['INTAVG'] = (1, 'Number of integrations averaged in one image') hdr['NRESETS1']= (ma.nr1, 'Number of reset frames prior to first integration') hdr['NRESETS2']= (ma.nr2, 'Number of reset frames between each integration') hdr['INTTIME'] = (d.time_int, 'Total integration time for one MULTIACCUM') hdr['EXPTIME'] = (d.time_exp, 'Exposure duration (seconds) calculated') hdr['FASTAXIS']= (d.fastaxis, 'Fast readout direction relative to image axes for Amp1') hdr['SLOWAXIS']= (d.slowaxis, 'Slow readout direction relative to image axes') # Subarray names if DMS == True: if (d.xpix == 2048) & (d.ypix == 2048): subName = 'FULL' elif (d.xpix == 640) & (d.ypix == 640): subName = 'SUB640' elif (d.xpix == 320) & (d.ypix == 320): subName = 'SUB320' elif (d.xpix == 400) & (d.ypix == 400): subName = 'SUB400P' elif (d.xpix == 64) & (d.ypix == 64): subName = 'SUB64P' elif (d.xpix == 2048) & (d.ypix == 256): subName = 'SUBGRISM256' elif (d.xpix == 2048) & (d.ypix == 128): subName = 'SUBGRISM128' elif (d.xpix == 2048) & (d.ypix == 64): subName = 'SUBGRISM64' else: subName = 'UNKNOWN' hdr['SUBARRAY']= (subName, 'Detector subarray string') else: hdr['SUBARRAY']= (sub_bool, 'T if subarray used, F if not') hdr['HWINMODE']= (hwinmode, 'If enabled, single output mode used') # Readout Patterns if DMS == True: hdr['READPATT']= (ma.read_mode, 'Readout pattern name') hdr['ZROFRAME']= (True, 'T if zeroth frame present, F if not') else: hdr['READOUT'] = (ma.read_mode, 'Readout pattern name') hdr['ZROFRAME']= (False, 'T if zeroth frame present, F if not') #Reference Data hdr['TREFROW'] = (ref_all[1], 'top reference pixel rows') hdr['BREFROW'] = (ref_all[0], 'bottom reference pixel rows') hdr['LREFCOL'] = (ref_all[2], 'left col reference pixels') hdr['RREFCOL'] = (ref_all[3], 'right col reference pixels') hdr['NREFIMG'] = (0, 'number of reference rows added to end') hdr['NXREFIMG']= (0, 'reference image columns') hdr['NYREFIMG']= (0, 'reference image rows') hdr['COLCORNR']= (x1+1, 'The Starting Column for ' + detector) hdr['ROWCORNR']= (y1+1, 'The Starting Row for ' + detector) hdr.insert('EXTEND', '', after=True) hdr.insert('EXTEND', '', after=True) hdr.insert('EXTEND', '', after=True) hdr.insert('FILETYPE', '', after=True) hdr.insert('FILETYPE', ('','Observation Description'), after=True) hdr.insert('FILETYPE', '', after=True) hdr.insert('OBSMODE', '', after=True) hdr.insert('OBSMODE', ('','Optical Mechanisms'), after=True) hdr.insert('OBSMODE', '', after=True) hdr.insert('PILSTATE', '', after=True) hdr.insert('PILSTATE', ('','Readout Mode'), after=True) hdr.insert('PILSTATE', '', after=True) hdr.insert('ZROFRAME', '', after=True) hdr.insert('ZROFRAME', ('','Reference Data'), after=True) hdr.insert('ZROFRAME', '', after=True) hdr.insert('ROWCORNR', '', after=True) hdr.insert('ROWCORNR', '', after=True) hdr['comment'] = 'Simulated data generated by {} v{}'\ .format(__package__,__version__) return hdr
[docs]def config2(input, intype='int'): """NIRCam CONFIG2 (0x4011) Register Return a dictionary of configuration parameters depending on the value of CONFIG2 register (4011). Parameters ---------- input : int, str Value of CONFIG2, nominally as an int. Binary and Hex values can also be passed as strings. intype: str Input type (int, hex, or bin) for integer, hex, string, or binary string. """ if 'hex' in intype: if '0x' in input: input = int(input, 0) else: input = int(input, 16) if 'bin' in intype: if '0b' in input: input = int(input, 0) else: input = int(input, 2) # Convert to 16-bit binary string input = "{0:016b}".format(input) # Config2 Bits (Right to Left) # ---------------------------- # 0 : Vertical Enable # 1 : Horizontal Enable # 2 : Global reset per integration # 3 : Enable Fast row-by-row reset (only in window/stripe) # 6-4 : Number of fast row resets per int # 7 : Window mode in Idle when window enabled? # 8 : 0 = Preamp reset per frame; 1 = reset per row # 9 : Permanent Reset # 10 : Single step mode # 11 : Test pattern # 12 : FGS window mode # 13 : Power down preamp, adc, and ap during Idle # 14 : Power down preamp, adc, and ap during Drop # 15 : 0 = Preamp reset per frame; 1 = reset per integration # NFF Rows Reset # -------------- # 000 = 1 # 001 = 4 # 010 = 16 # 011 = 64 # 100 = 256 # 101 = 512 # 110 = 1024 # 111 = 2048 nff_dict = {'000': 1, '001': 4, '010': 16, '011': 64, '100': 256, '101': 512, '110':1024, '111':2048} # Reverse for easier indexing of single values input2 = input[::-1] d = {} d['00_window_vert'] = True if bool(int(input2[0])) else False d['01_window_horz'] = True if bool(int(input2[1])) else False d['02_global_reset'] = True if bool(int(input2[2])) else False d['03_rows_reset'] = True if bool(int(input2[3])) else False d['04_rows_nff'] = nff_dict.get(input2[4:7][::-1]) d['07_idle_window'] = True if bool(int(input2[7])) else False d['08_pa_reset'] = 'row' if bool(int(input2[8])) else 'frame' d['09_perm_reset'] = True if bool(int(input2[9])) else False d['10_single_step'] = True if bool(int(input2[10])) else False d['11_test_patt'] = True if bool(int(input2[11])) else False d['12_fgs_wind'] = True if bool(int(input2[12])) else False d['13_power_idl'] = True if bool(int(input2[13])) else False d['14_power_drop'] = True if bool(int(input2[14])) else False d['15_pa_reset'] = 'int' if bool(int(input2[15])) else 'frame' return d
[docs]def create_detops(header, DMS=False, read_mode=None, nint=None, ngroup=None, detector=None, wind_mode=None, xpix=None, ypix=None, x0=None, y0=None, nff=None): """NIRCam Detector class from header Create a NIRCam detector class based on header settings. Can override settings with a variety of keyword arguments. Parameters ---------- header : obj Header from NIRCam FITS file DMS : bool Is header format from Data Management Systems? Otherwises, ISIM-like. Keyword Args ------------ read_mode : str NIRCam Ramp Readout mode such as 'RAPID', 'BRIGHT1', etc. nint : int Number of integrations (ramps). ngroup : int Number of groups in a integration. detector : int, str NIRCam detector ID (481-490) or SCA ID (A1-B5). wind_mode : str Window mode type 'FULL', 'STRIPE', 'WINDOW'. xpix : int Size of window in x-pixels for frame time calculation. ypix : int Size of window in y-pixels for frame time calculation. x0 : int Lower-left x-coord position of detector window. y0 : int Lower-left y-coord position of detector window. nff : int Number of fast row resets. """ # Create detector class from pynrc.pynrc_core import DetectorOps # Detector ID if detector is None: detector = header.get('SCA_ID') if detector is None: detector = header.get('DETECTOR') # Detector size xpix = header['SUBSIZE1'] if DMS else header['NAXIS1'] if xpix is None else xpix ypix = header['SUBSIZE2'] if DMS else header['NAXIS2'] if ypix is None else ypix # Subarray position # Headers are 1-indexed, while detector class is 0-indexed if x0 is None: x1 = header['SUBSTRT1'] if DMS else header['COLCORNR'] x0 = x1 - 1 if y0 is None: y1 = header['SUBSTRT2'] if DMS else header['ROWCORNR'] y0 = y1 - 1 # Subarray setting: Full, Stripe, or Window if wind_mode is None: if xpix==ypix==2048: wind_mode = 'FULL' else: log_prev = conf.logging_level setup_logging('ERROR', verbose=False) # Test if STRIPE or WINDOW det_stripe = DetectorOps(detector, 'STRIPE', xpix, ypix, x0, y0) det_window = DetectorOps(detector, 'WINDOW', xpix, ypix, x0, y0) dt_stripe = np.abs(header['TFRAME'] - det_stripe.time_frame) dt_window = np.abs(header['TFRAME'] - det_window.time_frame) wind_mode = 'STRIPE' if dt_stripe<dt_window else 'WINDOW' setup_logging(log_prev, verbose=False) # Add MultiAccum info hnames = ['READPATT', 'NINTS', 'NGROUPS'] if DMS else ['READOUT', 'NINT', 'NGROUP'] read_mode = header[hnames[0]] if read_mode is None else read_mode nint = header[hnames[1]] if nint is None else nint ngroup = header[hnames[2]] if ngroup is None else ngroup ma_args = {'read_mode':read_mode, 'nint':nint, 'ngroup':ngroup} return DetectorOps(detector, wind_mode, xpix, ypix, x0, y0, nff, **ma_args)