


For a series of ramps, calculate the slope images then average together.

disk_rim_model(a_asec, b_asec[, pa, ...])

Simple geometric model of an inner disk rim that simply creates an ellipsoidal ring with a brightness gradient along the major axis.

do_contrast(obs_dict, wfe_list, filt_keys[, ...])

kwargs to pass to calc_contrast() and their defaults:

do_gen_hdus(obs_dict, filt_keys, ...[, ...])

kwargs to pass to gen_roll_image() and their defaults:

do_opt(obs_dict[, tacq_max])

do_plot_contrasts(curves_ref, curves_roll, ...)

Plot series of contrast curves.

do_plot_contrasts2(key1, key2, curves_all, ...)

do_sat_levels(obs[, satval, ng_min, ng_max, ...])

Only for obs.hci classes

make_key(filter[, pupil, mask])

Create identification key (string) based on filter, pupil, and mask

model_info(source, filt, dist[, model_dir])

obs_optimize(obs_dict[, sp_opt, ...])

Perform ramp optimization on each science and reference observation in a list of filter observations.

obs_wfe(wfe_ref_drift, filt_list, sp_sci, dist)

For a given WFE drift and series of filters, create a list of NIRCam observations.

planet_mags(obs[, age, entropy, mass_list, ...])

Exoplanet Magnitudes

plot_contrasts(curves, nsig, wfe_list[, ...])

Plot contrast curves

plot_contrasts_mjup(curves, nsig, wfe_list)

Plot mass contrast curves

plot_hdulist(hdulist[, ext, xr, yr, ax, ...])

plot_images(obs_dict, hdu_dict, filt_keys, ...)

plot_images_swlw(obs_dict, hdu_dict, ...[, ...])

plot_planet_patches(ax, obs[, age, entropy, ...])

Plot exoplanet magnitudes in region corresponding to extinction values.

update_yscale(ax, scale_type[, ylim])