Source code for webbpsf_ext.robust

Small collection of robust statistical estimators based on functions from
Henry Freudenriech (Hughes STX) statistics library (called ROBLIB) that have
been incorporated into the AstroIDL User's Library.  Function included are:

  * medabsdev - median absolute deviation
  * biweightMean - biweighted mean estimator
  * mean - robust estimator of the mean of a data set
  * mode - robust estimate of the mode of a data set using the half-sample
  * std - robust estimator of the standard deviation of a data set
  * checkfit - return the standard deviation and biweights for a fit in order 
    to determine its quality
  * linefit - outlier resistant fit of a line to data
  * polyfit - outlier resistant fit of a polynomial to data

For the fitting routines, the coefficients are returned in the same order as
np.polyfit, i.e., with the coefficient of the highest power listed first.

For additional information about the original IDL routines, see:

from __future__ import division, print_function#, unicode_literals

import numpy as np
from numpy import median

import logging
_log = logging.getLogger('webbpsf_ext')

__version__ = '0.4'
__revision__ = '$Rev$'
__all__ = ['medabsdev','biweightMean', 'mean', 'mode', 'std', \
           'checkfit', 'linefit', 'polyfit', \
           '__version__', '__revision__', '__all__']

# Numerical precision
__epsilon = np.finfo(float).eps
__delta = 5.0e-7

[docs]def medabsdev(data, axis=None, keepdims=False, nan=True): """Median Absolute Deviation A "robust" version of standard deviation. Runtime is the same as `astropy.stats.funcs.mad_std`. Parameters ---------- data : ndarray The input data. axis : None or int or tuple of ints, optional Axis or axes along which the deviation is computed. The default is to compute the deviation of the flattened array. If this is a tuple of ints, a standard deviation is performed over multiple axes, instead of a single axis or all the axes as before. This is the equivalent of reshaping the input data and then taking the standard devation. keepdims : bool, optional If this is set to True, the axes which are reduced are left in the result as dimensions with size one. With this option, the result will broadcast correctly against the original `arr`. nan : bool, optional Ignore NaNs? Default is True. """ medfunc = np.nanmedian if nan else np.median meanfunc = np.nanmean if nan else np.mean if (axis is None) and (keepdims==False): data = data.ravel() # Scale factor to return result equivalent to standard deviation. sig_scale = 0.6744897501960817 med = medfunc(data, axis=axis, keepdims=True) absdiff = np.abs(data - med) sigma = medfunc(absdiff, axis=axis, keepdims=True) / sig_scale # Check if anything is near 0.0 (below machine precision) mask = sigma < __epsilon if np.any(mask): sigma[mask] = (meanfunc(absdiff, axis=axis, keepdims=True))[mask] / 0.8 mask = sigma < __epsilon if np.any(mask): sigma[mask] = 0.0 if len(sigma)==1: return sigma[0] elif not keepdims: return np.squeeze(sigma) else: return sigma
[docs]def biweightMean(inputData, axis=None, dtype=None, iterMax=25): """Biweight Mean Calculate the mean of a data set using bisquare weighting. Based on the biweight_mean routine from the AstroIDL User's Library. .. versionchanged:: 1.0.3 Added the 'axis' and 'dtype' keywords to make this function more compatible with np.mean() """ if axis is not None: fnc = lambda x: biweightMean(x, dtype=dtype) y0 = np.apply_along_axis(fnc, axis, inputData) else: y = inputData.ravel() if type(y).__name__ == "MaskedArray": y = y.compressed() if dtype is not None: y = y.astype(dtype) n = len(y) closeEnough = 0.03*np.sqrt(0.5/(n-1)) diff = 1.0e30 nIter = 0 y0 = np.median(y) deviation = y - y0 sigma = std(deviation) if sigma < __epsilon: diff = 0 while diff > closeEnough: nIter = nIter + 1 if nIter > iterMax: break uu = ((y-y0)/(6.0*sigma))**2.0 uu = np.where(uu > 1.0, 1.0, uu) weights = (1.0-uu)**2.0 weights /= weights.sum() y0 = (weights*y).sum() deviation = y - y0 prevSigma = sigma sigma = std(deviation, Zero=True) if sigma > __epsilon: diff = np.abs(prevSigma - sigma) / prevSigma else: diff = 0.0 return y0
[docs]def mean(inputData, Cut=3.0, axis=None, dtype=None, keepdims=False, return_std=False, return_mask=False): """Robust Mean Robust estimator of the mean of a data set. Based on the `resistant_mean` function from the AstroIDL User's Library. NaN values are excluded. This function trims away outliers using the median and the median absolute deviation. An approximation formula is used to correct for the truncation caused by trimming away outliers. Parameters ========== inputData : ndarray The input data. Keyword Args ============ Cut : float Sigma for rejection; default is 3.0. axis : None or int or tuple of ints, optional Axis or axes along which the deviation is computed. The default is to compute the deviation of the flattened array. If this is a tuple of ints, a standard deviation is performed over multiple axes, instead of a single axis or all the axes as before. This is the equivalent of reshaping the input data and then taking the standard devation. keepdims : bool, optional If this is set to True, the axes which are reduced are left in the result as dimensions with size one. With this option, the result will broadcast correctly against the original `arr`. return_std : bool Also return the std dev calculated using only the "good" data? return_mask : bool If set to True, then return only boolean array of good (1) and rejected (0) values. """ inputData = np.array(inputData) if np.isnan(inputData).sum() > 0: medfunc = np.nanmedian meanfunc = np.nanmean else: medfunc = np.median meanfunc = np.mean if axis is None: data = inputData.ravel() else: data = inputData if type(data).__name__ == "MaskedArray": data = data.compressed() if dtype is not None: data = data.astype(dtype) # Scale factor to return result equivalent to standard deviation. sig_scale = 0.6744897501960817 # Calculate the median absolute deviation data0 = medfunc(data, axis=axis, keepdims=True) absdiff = np.abs(data-data0) medAbsDev = medfunc(absdiff, axis=axis, keepdims=True) / sig_scale mask = medAbsDev < __epsilon if np.any(mask): medAbsDev[mask] = (meanfunc(absdiff, axis=axis, keepdims=True))[mask] / 0.8 # First cut using the median absolute deviation cutOff = Cut*medAbsDev good = absdiff <= cutOff data_naned = data.copy() data_naned[~good] = np.nan dataMean = np.nanmean(data_naned, axis=axis, keepdims=True) dataSigma = np.nanstd(data_naned, axis=axis, keepdims=True) #dataSigma = np.sqrt( np.nansum((data_naned-dataMean)**2.0) / len(good) ) # Calculate sigma if Cut > 1.0: sigmaCut = Cut else: sigmaCut = 1.0 if sigmaCut <= 4.5: poly_sigcut = -0.15405 + 0.90723*sigmaCut - 0.23584*sigmaCut**2.0 + 0.020142*sigmaCut**3.0 dataSigma = dataSigma / poly_sigcut cutOff = Cut*dataSigma good = absdiff <= cutOff if return_mask: return np.reshape(~np.isnan(data_naned), inputData.shape) data_naned = data.copy() data_naned[~good] = np.nan dataMean = np.nanmean(data_naned, axis=axis, keepdims=True) if return_std: dataSigma = np.nanstd(data_naned, axis=axis, keepdims=True) if len(dataMean)==1: if return_std: return dataMean[0], dataSigma[0] else: return dataMean[0] if not keepdims: if return_std: return np.squeeze(dataMean), np.squeeze(dataSigma) else: return np.squeeze(dataMean) else: if return_std: return dataMean, dataSigma else: return dataMean
def _mean_old(inputData, Cut=3.0, axis=None, dtype=None): """Robust mean Robust estimator of the mean of a data set. Based on the resistant_mean function from the AstroIDL User's Library. .. versionchanged:: 1.0.3 Added the 'axis' and 'dtype' keywords to make this function more compatible with np.mean() """ inputData = np.array(inputData) if axis is not None: fnc = lambda x: _mean_old(x, dtype=dtype) dataMean = np.apply_along_axis(fnc, axis, inputData) else: data = inputData.ravel() if type(data).__name__ == "MaskedArray": data = data.compressed() if dtype is not None: data = data.astype(dtype) data0 = np.median(data) absdiff = np.abs(data-data0) medAbsDev = np.median(absdiff) / 0.6745 if medAbsDev < __epsilon: medAbsDev = absdiff.mean() / 0.8000 cutOff = Cut*medAbsDev good = np.where( absdiff <= cutOff ) good = good[0] dataMean = data[good].mean() dataSigma = np.sqrt( ((data[good]-dataMean)**2.0).sum() / len(good) ) if Cut > 1.0: sigmaCut = Cut else: sigmaCut = 1.0 if sigmaCut <= 4.5: dataSigma = dataSigma / (-0.15405 + 0.90723*sigmaCut - 0.23584*sigmaCut**2.0 + 0.020142*sigmaCut**3.0) cutOff = Cut*dataSigma good = np.where( absdiff <= cutOff ) good = good[0] dataMean = data[good].mean() if len(good) > 3: dataSigma = np.sqrt( ((data[good]-dataMean)**2.0).sum() / len(good) ) if Cut > 1.0: sigmaCut = Cut else: sigmaCut = 1.0 if sigmaCut <= 4.5: dataSigma = dataSigma / (-0.15405 + 0.90723*sigmaCut - 0.23584*sigmaCut**2.0 + 0.020142*sigmaCut**3.0) dataSigma = dataSigma / np.sqrt(len(good)-1) return dataMean
[docs]def mode(inputData, axis=None, dtype=None): """ Robust estimator of the mode of a data set using the half-sample mode. .. versionadded: 1.0.3 """ if axis is not None: fnc = lambda x: mode(x, dtype=dtype) dataMode = np.apply_along_axis(fnc, axis, inputData) else: # Create the function that we can use for the half-sample mode def _hsm(data): if data.size == 1: return data[0] elif data.size == 2: return data.mean() elif data.size == 3: i1 = data[1] - data[0] i2 = data[2] - data[1] if i1 < i2: return data[:2].mean() elif i2 > i1: return data[1:].mean() else: return data[1] else: wMin = data[-1] - data[0] N = int(data.size/2 + data.size%2) for i in range(0, N): w = data[i+N-1] - data[i] if w < wMin: wMin = w j = i return _hsm(data[j:j+N]) data = inputData.ravel() if type(data).__name__ == "MaskedArray": data = data.compressed() if dtype is not None: data = data.astype(dtype) # The data need to be sorted for this to work data = np.sort(data) # Find the mode dataMode = _hsm(data) return dataMode
[docs]def std(inputData, Zero=False, axis=None, dtype=None, keepdims=False, return_mask=False): """Robust Sigma Based on the robust_sigma function from the AstroIDL User's Library. Calculate a resistant estimate of the dispersion of a distribution. Use the median absolute deviation as the initial estimate, then weight points using Tukey's Biweight. See, for example, "Understanding Robust and Exploratory Data Analysis," by Hoaglin, Mosteller and Tukey, John Wiley & Sons, 1983, or equation 9 in Beers et al. (1990, AJ, 100, 32). Parameters ========== inputData : ndarray The input data. Keyword Args ============ axis : None or int or tuple of ints, optional Axis or axes along which the deviation is computed. The default is to compute the deviation of the flattened array. If this is a tuple of ints, a standard deviation is performed over multiple axes, instead of a single axis or all the axes as before. This is the equivalent of reshaping the input data and then taking the standard devation. keepdims : bool, optional If this is set to True, the axes which are reduced are left in the result as dimensions with size one. With this option, the result will broadcast correctly against the original `arr`. return_mask : bool If set to True, then only return boolean array of good (1) and rejected (0) values. """ inputData = np.array(inputData) if np.isnan(inputData).sum() > 0: medfunc = np.nanmedian meanfunc = np.nanmean else: medfunc = np.median meanfunc = np.mean if axis is None: data = inputData.ravel() else: data = inputData if type(data).__name__ == "MaskedArray": data = data.compressed() if dtype is not None: data = data.astype(dtype) # Scale factor to return result equivalent to standard deviation. sig_scale = 0.6744897501960817 # Calculate the median absolute deviation if Zero: data0 = 0.0 else: data0 = medfunc(data, axis=axis, keepdims=True) absdiff = np.abs(data-data0) medAbsDev = medfunc(absdiff, axis=axis, keepdims=True) / sig_scale mask = medAbsDev < __epsilon if np.any(mask): medAbsDev[mask] = (meanfunc(absdiff, axis=axis, keepdims=True))[mask] / 0.8 # These will be set to 0 later mask0 = medAbsDev < __epsilon u = (data-data0) / (6.0 * medAbsDev) u2 = u**2.0 good = u2 <= 1.0 if return_mask: return good & ~np.isnan(data) # These values will be set to NaN later # if fewer than 3 good points to calculate stdev ngood = good.sum(axis=axis, keepdims=True) mask_nan = ngood < 2 if mask_nan.sum() > 0: print("WARNING: NaN's will be present due to weird distributions") # Set bad points to NaNs u2[~good] = np.nan numerator = np.nansum( (data - data0)**2 * (1.0 - u2)**4.0, axis=axis, keepdims=True) nElements = len(data) if axis is None else data.shape[axis] denominator = np.nansum( (1.0 - u2) * (1.0 - 5.0*u2), axis=axis, keepdims=True) sigma = np.sqrt( nElements*numerator / (denominator*(denominator-1.0)) ) sigma[mask0] = 0 sigma[mask_nan] = np.nan if len(sigma)==1: return sigma[0] elif not keepdims: return np.squeeze(sigma) else: return sigma
def _std_old(inputData, Zero=False, axis=None, dtype=None): """ Robust estimator of the standard deviation of a data set. Based on the robust_sigma function from the AstroIDL User's Library. .. versionchanged:: 1.0.3 Added the 'axis' and 'dtype' keywords to make this function more compatible with np.std() """ if axis is not None: fnc = lambda x: _std_old(x, dtype=dtype) sigma = np.apply_along_axis(fnc, axis, inputData) else: data = inputData.ravel() if type(data).__name__ == "MaskedArray": data = data.compressed() if dtype is not None: data = data.astype(dtype) if Zero: data0 = 0.0 else: data0 = np.median(data) medAbsDev = np.median(np.abs(data-data0)) / 0.6744897501960817 if medAbsDev < __epsilon: medAbsDev = np.mean(np.abs(data-data0)) / 0.8000 if medAbsDev < __epsilon: sigma = 0.0 return sigma u = (data-data0) / 6.0 / medAbsDev u2 = u**2.0 good = np.where( u2 <= 1.0 ) good = good[0] if len(good) < 3: print("WARNING: Distribution is too strange to compute standard deviation") sigma = -1.0 return sigma numerator = ((data[good]-data0)**2.0 * (1.0-u2[good])**2.0).sum() nElements = (data.ravel()).shape[0] denominator = ((1.0-u2[good])*(1.0-5.0*u2[good])).sum() sigma = nElements*numerator / (denominator*(denominator-1.0)) if sigma > 0: sigma = np.sqrt(sigma) else: sigma = 0.0 return sigma
[docs]def checkfit(inputData, inputFit, epsilon, delta, BisquareLimit=6.0): """ Determine the quality of a fit and biweights. Returns a tuple with elements: 0. Robust standard deviation analog 1. Fractional median absolute deviation of the residuals 2. Number of input points given non-zero weight in the calculation 3. Bisquare weights of the input points 4. Residual values scaled by sigma This function is based on the rob_checkfit routine from the AstroIDL User's Library. """ data = inputData.ravel() fit = inputFit.ravel() if type(data).__name__ == "MaskedArray": data = data.compressed() if type(fit).__name__ == "MaskedArray": fit = fit.compressed() deviation = data - fit sigma = std(deviation, Zero=True) if sigma < epsilon: return (sigma, 0.0, 0, 0.0, 0.0) toUse = (np.where( np.abs(fit) > epsilon ))[0] if len(toUse) < 3: fracDev = 0.0 else: fracDev = np.median(np.abs(deviation[toUse]/fit[toUse])) if fracDev < delta: return (sigma, fracDev, 0, 0.0, 0.0) biweights = np.abs(deviation)/(BisquareLimit*sigma) toUse = (np.where(biweights > 1))[0] if len(toUse) > 0: biweights[toUse] = 1.0 nGood = len(data) - len(toUse) scaledResids = (1.0 - biweights**2.0) scaledResids = scaledResids / scaledResids.sum() return (sigma, fracDev, nGood, biweights, scaledResids)
[docs]def linefit(inputX, inputY, iterMax=25, Bisector=False, BisquareLimit=6.0, CloseFactor=0.03): """ Outlier resistance two-variable linear regression function. Based on the robust_linefit routine in the AstroIDL User's Library. """ xIn = inputX.ravel() yIn = inputY.ravel() if type(yIn).__name__ == "MaskedArray": xIn = xIn.compress(np.logical_not(yIn.mask)) yIn = yIn.compressed() n = len(xIn) np.logical_not(yIn.mask) x0 = xIn.sum() / n y0 = yIn.sum() / n x = xIn - x0 y = yIn - y0 cc = np.zeros(2) ss = np.zeros(2) sigma = 0.0 yFit = yIn badFit = 0 nGood = n lsq = 0.0 yp = y if n > 5: s = np.argsort(x) u = x[s] v = y[s] nHalf = n//2 -1 x1 = np.median(u[0:nHalf]) x2 = np.median(u[nHalf:]) y1 = np.median(v[0:nHalf]) y2 = np.median(v[nHalf:]) if np.abs(x2-x1) < __epsilon: x1 = u[0] x2 = u[-1] y1 = v[0] y2 = v[-1] cc[1] = (y2-y1)/(x2-x1) cc[0] = y1 - cc[1]*x1 yFit = cc[0] + cc[1]*x sigma, fracDev, nGood, biweights, scaledResids = checkfit(yp, yFit, __epsilon, __delta) if nGood < 2: lsq = 1.0 if lsq == 1 or n < 6: sx = x.sum() sy = y.sum() sxy = (x*y).sum() sxx = (x*x).sum() d = sxx - sx*sx if np.abs(d) < __epsilon: return (0.0, 0.0) ySlope = (sxy - sx*sy) / d yYInt = (sxx*sy - sx*sxy) / d if Bisector: syy = (y*y).sum() d = syy - sy*sy if np.abs(d) < __epsilon: return (0.0, 0.0) tSlope = (sxy - sy*sx) / d tYInt = (syy*sx - sy*sxy) / d if np.abs(tSlope) < __epsilon: return (0.0, 0.0) xSlope = 1.0/tSlope xYInt = -tYInt / tSlope if ySlope > xSlope: a1 = yYInt b1 = ySlope r1 = np.sqrt(1.0+ySlope**2.0) a2 = xYInt b2 = xSlope r2 = np.sqrt(1.0+xSlope**2.0) else: a2 = yYInt b2 = ySlope r2 = np.sqrt(1.0+ySlope**2.0) a1 = xYInt b1 = xSlope r1 = np.sqrt(1.0+xSlope**2.0) yInt = (r1*a2 + r2*a1) / (r1 + r2) slope = (r1*b2 + r2*b1) / (r1 + r2) r = np.sqrt(1.0+slope**2.0) if yInt > 0: r = -r u1 = slope / r u2 = -1.0/r u3 = yInt / r yp = u1*x + u2*y + u3 yFit = y*0.0 ss = yp else: slope = ySlope yInt = yYInt yFit = yInt + slope*x cc[0] = yInt cc[1] = slope sigma, fracDev, nGood, biweights, scaledResids = checkfit(yp, yFit, __epsilon, __delta) if nGood < 2: cc[0] = cc[0] + y0 - cc[1]*x0 return cc[::-1] sigma1 = (100.0*sigma) closeEnough = CloseFactor * np.sqrt(0.5/(n-1)) if closeEnough < __delta: closeEnough = __delta diff = 1.0e20 nIter = 0 while diff > closeEnough: nIter = nIter + 1 if nIter > iterMax: break sigma2 = sigma1 sigma1 = sigma sx = (biweights*x).sum() sy = (biweights*y).sum() sxy = (biweights*x*y).sum() sxx = (biweights*x*x).sum() d = sxx - sx*sx if np.abs(d) < __epsilon: return (0.0, 0.0) ySlope = (sxy - sx*sy) / d yYInt = (sxx*sy - sx*sxy) / d slope = ySlope yInt = yYInt if Bisector: syy = (biweights*y*y).sum() d = syy - sy*sy if np.abs(d) < __epsilon: return (0.0, 0.0) tSlope = (sxy - sy*sx) / d tYInt = (syy*sx - sy*sxy) / d if np.abs(tSlope) < __epsilon: return (0.0, 0.0) xSlope = 1.0/tSlope xYInt = -tYInt / tSlope if ySlope > xSlope: a1 = yYInt b1 = ySlope r1 = np.sqrt(1.0+ySlope**2.0) a2 = xYInt b2 = xSlope r2 = np.sqrt(1.0+xSlope**2.0) else: a2 = yYInt b2 = ySlope r2 = np.sqrt(1.0+ySlope**2.0) a1 = xYInt b1 = xSlope r1 = np.sqrt(1.0+xSlope**2.0) yInt = (r1*a2 + r2*a1) / (r1 + r2) slope = (r1*b2 + r2*b1) / (r1 + r2) r = np.sqrt(1.0+slope**2.0) if yInt > 0: r = -r u1 = slope / r u2 = -1.0/r u3 = yInt / r yp = u1*x + u2*y + u3 yFit = y*0.0 ss = yp else: yFit = yInt + slope*x cc[0] = yInt cc[1] = slope sigma, fracDev, nGood, biweights, scaledResids = checkfit(yp, yFit, __epsilon, __delta) if nGood < 2: badFit = 1 break diff1 = np.abs(sigma1 - sigma)/sigma diff2 = np.abs(sigma2 - sigma)/sigma if diff1 < diff2: diff = diff1 else: diff = diff2 cc[0] = cc[0] + y0 - cc[1]*x0 return cc[::-1]
[docs]def polyfit(inputX, inputY, order, iterMax=25): """ Outlier resistance two-variable polynomial function fitter. Based on the robust_poly_fit routine in the AstroIDL User's Library. Unlike robust_poly_fit, two different polynomial fitters are used because np.polyfit does not support non-uniform weighting of the data. For the weighted fitting, the SciPy Orthogonal Distance Regression module (scipy.odr) is used. """ from scipy import odr def polyFunc(B, x, order=order): out = x*0.0 for i in range(order+1): out = out + B[i]*x**i model = odr.Model(polyFunc) x = inputX.ravel() y = inputY.ravel() if type(y).__name__ == "MaskedArray": x = x.compress(np.logical_not(y.mask)) y = y.compressed() n = len(x) x0 = x.sum() / n y0 = y.sum() / n u = x v = y nSeg = int(order + 2) if (nSeg/2)*2 == nSeg: nSeg = nSeg + 1 minPts = nSeg*3 if n < 1000: lsqFit = 1 cc = np.polyfit(u, v, order) yFit = np.polyval(cc, u) else: lsqFit = 0 q = np.argsort(u) u = u[q] v = v[q] nPerSeg = np.zeros(nSeg, dtype='int') + n//nSeg nLeft = n - nPerSeg[0]*nSeg nPerSeg[nSeg//2] = nPerSeg[nSeg//2] + nLeft r = np.zeros(nSeg) s = np.zeros(nSeg) print(nPerSeg) r[0] = np.median(u[0:nPerSeg[0]]) s[0] = np.median(v[0:nPerSeg[0]]) i2 = nPerSeg[0]-1 for i in range(1,nSeg): i1 = i2 i2 = i1 + nPerSeg[i] r[i] = np.median(u[i1:i2]) s[i] = np.median(v[i1:i2]) cc = np.polyfit(r, s, order) yFit = np.polyval(cc, u) sigma, fracDev, nGood, biweights, scaledResids = checkfit(v, yFit, __epsilon, __delta) if nGood == 0: return cc if nGood < minPts: if lsqFit == 0: cc = np.polyfit(u, v, order) yFit = np.polyval(cc, u) sigma, fracDev, nGood, biweights, scaledResids = checkfit(v, yFit, __epsilon, __delta) if nGood == 0: return cc # return __processPoly(x0, y0, order, cc) nGood = n - nGood if nGood < minPts: return 0 closeEnough = 0.03*np.sqrt(0.5/(n-1)) if closeEnough < __delta: closeEnough = __delta diff = 1.0e10 sigma1 = 100.0*sigma nIter = 0 while diff > closeEnough: nIter = nIter + 1 if nIter > iterMax: break sigma2 = sigma1 sigma1 = sigma g = (np.where(biweights > 0))[0] if len(g) < len(biweights): u = u[g] v = v[g] biweights = biweights[g] try: ## Try the fancy method... data = odr.RealData(u, v, sy=1.0/biweights) fit = odr.ODR(data, model, beta0=cc[::-1]) out = cc = out.beta[::-1] except: ## And then give up when it doesn't work cc = np.polyfit(u, v, order) yFit = np.polyval(cc, u) sigma, fracDev, nGood, biweights, scaledResids = checkfit(v, yFit, __epsilon, __delta) if nGood < minPts: return cc diff1 = np.abs(sigma1 - sigma)/sigma diff2 = np.abs(sigma2 - sigma)/sigma if diff1 < diff2: diff = diff1 else: diff = diff2 return cc