Source code for webbpsf_ext.psfs

# Import libraries
import numpy as np
import multiprocessing as mp

from . import conf
from .utils import poppy, S
from .maths import jl_poly
from .image_manip import krebin, fshift
from .bandpasses import nircam_grism_res, niriss_grism_res

import logging
_log = logging.getLogger('webbpsf_ext')

from scipy.interpolate import griddata, RegularGridInterpolator

__epsilon = np.finfo(float).eps

[docs]def nproc_use(fov_pix, oversample, nwavelengths, coron=False): """Estimate Number of Processors Attempt to estimate a reasonable number of processors to use for a multi-wavelength calculation. One really does not want to end up swapping to disk with huge arrays. NOTE: Requires ``psutil`` package. Otherwise defaults to ``mp.cpu_count() / 2`` Parameters ----------- fov_pix : int Square size in detector-sampled pixels of final PSF image. oversample : int The optical system that we will be calculating for. nwavelengths : int Number of wavelengths. coron : bool Is the nproc recommendation for coronagraphic imaging? If so, the total RAM usage is different than for direct imaging. """ try: import psutil except ImportError: nproc = int(mp.cpu_count() // 2) if nproc < 1: nproc = 1"No psutil package available, cannot estimate optimal nprocesses.")"Returning nproc=ncpu/2={}.".format(nproc)) return nproc mem = psutil.virtual_memory() avail_GB = mem.available / 1024**3 # Leave 10% for other things avail_GB *= 0.9 fov_pix_over = fov_pix * oversample # For multiprocessing, memory accumulates into the main process # so we have to subtract the total from the available amount reserve_GB = nwavelengths * fov_pix_over**2 * 8 / 1024**3 # If not enough available memory, then just return nproc=1 if avail_GB < reserve_GB: _log.warn('Not enough available memory ({} GB) to \ to hold resulting PSF info ({} GB)!'.\ format(avail_GB,reserve_GB)) return 1 avail_GB -= reserve_GB # Memory formulas are based on fits to memory usage stats for: # fov_arr = np.array([16,32,128,160,256,320,512,640,1024,2048]) # os_arr = np.array([1,2,4,8]) if coron: # Coronagraphic Imaging (in MB) mem_total = (oversample*1024*2.4)**2 * 16 / (1024**2) + 500 if fov_pix > 1024: mem_total *= 1.6 else: # Direct Imaging (also spectral imaging) mem_total = 5*(fov_pix_over)**2 * 8 / (1024**2) + 300. # Convert to GB mem_total /= 1024 # How many processors to split into? nproc = int(avail_GB / mem_total) nproc = np.min([nproc, mp.cpu_count(), poppy.conf.n_processes]) # Each PSF calculation will constantly use multiple processors # when not oversampled, so let's divide by 2 for some time # and memory savings on those large calculations if oversample==1: nproc = np.ceil(nproc / 2) _log.debug('avail mem {}; mem tot: {}; nproc_init: {:.0f}'.\ format(avail_GB, mem_total, nproc)) nproc = np.min([nproc, nwavelengths]) # Resource optimization: # Split iterations evenly over processors to free up minimally used processors. # For example, if there are 5 processes only doing 1 iteration, but a single # processor doing 2 iterations, those 5 processors (and their memory) will not # get freed until the final processor is finished. So, to minimize the number # of idle resources, take the total iterations and divide by two (round up), # and that should be the final number of processors to use. np_max = np.ceil(nwavelengths / nproc) nproc = int(np.ceil(nwavelengths / np_max)) if nproc < 1: nproc = 1 # Multiprocessing can only swap up to 2GB of data from the child # process to the master process. Return nproc=1 if too much data. im_size = (fov_pix_over)**2 * 8 / (1024**3) nproc = 1 if (im_size * np_max) >=2 else nproc _log.debug('avail mem {}; mem tot: {}; nproc_fin: {:.0f}'.\ format(avail_GB, mem_total, nproc)) return int(nproc)
[docs]def gen_image_from_coeff(inst, coeff, coeff_hdr, sp_norm=None, nwaves=None, use_sp_waveset=False, return_oversample=False): """Generate PSF Create an image (direct, coronagraphic, grism, or DHS) based on a set of instrument parameters and PSF coefficients. The image is noiseless and doesn't take into account any non-linearity or saturation effects, but is convolved with the instrument throughput. Pixel values are in counts/sec. The result is effectively an idealized slope image. If no spectral dispersers, then this returns a single image or list of images if sp_norm is a list of spectra. Parameters ---------- coeff : ndarray A cube of polynomial coefficients for generating PSFs. This is generally oversampled with a shape (fov_pix*oversamp, fov_pix*oversamp, deg). coeff_hdr : FITS header Header information saved while generating coefficients. sp_norm : :mod:`pysynphot.spectrum` A normalized Pysynphot spectrum to generate image. If not specified, the default is flat in phot lam (equal number of photons per spectral bin). The default is normalized to produce 1 count/sec within that bandpass, assuming the telescope collecting area. Coronagraphic PSFs will further decrease this flux. nwaves : int Option to specify the number of evenly spaced wavelength bins to generate and sum over to make final PSF. Useful for wide band filters with large PSFs over continuum source. use_sp_waveset : bool Set this option to use `sp_norm` waveset instead of bandpass waveset. Useful if user inputs a high-resolution spectrum with line emissions, so may wants to keep a grism PSF (for instance) at native resolution rather than blurred with the bandpass waveset. TODO: Test. return_oversample: bool If True, then instead returns the oversampled version of the PSF. Keyword Args ------------ grism_order : int Grism spectral order (default=1). ND_acq : bool ND acquisition square in coronagraphic mask. """ # Sort out any spectroscopic modes if ('NIRCam') or ('NIRISS'): is_grism = inst.is_grism else: is_grism = False is_dhs = False if ('MIRI') or ('NIRSpec'): is_slitspec = inst.is_slitspec else: is_slitspec = False # Get Bandpass bp = inst.bandpass # Get wavelength range npix = coeff.shape[-1] # waveset = create_waveset(bp, npix, nwaves=nwaves, is_grism=is_grism) # List of sp observation converted to count rate obs_list = create_obslist(bp, npix, nwaves=nwaves, is_grism=is_grism, sp_norm=sp_norm, use_sp_waveset=use_sp_waveset) nspec = len(obs_list) # Get wavelength range waveset = obs_list[0].binwave wgood = waveset / 1e4 w1 = wgood.min() w2 = wgood.max() wrange = w2 - w1 # Create a PSF for each wgood wavelength use_legendre = True if coeff_hdr['LEGNDR'] else False lxmap = [coeff_hdr['WAVE1'], coeff_hdr['WAVE2']] psf_fit = jl_poly(wgood, coeff, use_legendre=use_legendre, lxmap=lxmap) # Multiply each monochromatic PSFs by the binned e/sec at each wavelength # Array broadcasting: [nx,ny,nwave] x [1,1,nwave] # Do this for each spectrum/observation if nspec==1: psf_fit *= obs_list[0].binflux.reshape([-1,1,1]) psf_list = [psf_fit] else: psf_list = [psf_fit*obs.binflux.reshape([-1,1,1]) for obs in obs_list] del psf_fit # The number of pixels to span spatially fov_pix = int(coeff_hdr['FOVPIX']) oversample = int(coeff_hdr['OSAMP']) fov_pix_over = int(fov_pix * oversample) # Grism spectroscopy if is_grism: pupil_mask = inst.pupil_mask if 'GRISM0' in pupil_mask: pupil_mask = 'GRISMR' elif 'GRISM90' in pupil_mask: pupil_mask = 'GRISMC' # spectral resolution in um/pixel # res is in pixels per um and dw is inverse grism_order = inst._grism_order if'NIRCam': res, dw = nircam_grism_res(pupil_mask, inst.module, grism_order) elif'NIRISS': res, dw = niriss_grism_res(grism_order) # Number of real pixels that spectra will span npix_spec = int(wrange // dw + 1 + fov_pix) npix_spec_over = int(npix_spec * oversample) spec_list = [] spec_list_over = [] for psf_fit in psf_list: # If GRISMC (along columns) rotate image by 90 deg CW to disperse left-to-right if 'GRISMC' in pupil_mask: psf_fit = np.rot90(psf_fit, k=1, axes=(1,2)) # Create oversampled spectral image spec_over = np.zeros([fov_pix_over, npix_spec_over]) # Place each PSF at its dispersed location (left-to-right) for i, w in enumerate(wgood): # Separate shift into an integer and fractional shift delx = oversample * (w-w1) / dw # Number of oversampled pixels to shift intx = int(delx) fracx = delx - intx if fracx < 0: fracx = fracx + 1 intx = intx - 1 # TODO: Benchmark and compare these two different methods # spec_over[:,intx:intx+fov_pix_over] += fshift(psf_fit[i], delx=fracx, interp='cubic') im = psf_fit[i] im_part1 = im*(1.-fracx) im_part2 = np.roll(im,1,axis=1)*fracx im_part2[:,0] = 0 # Right side of PSF rolls over to left side; set to 0 instead spec_over[:,intx:intx+fov_pix_over] += (im_part1 + im_part2) spec_over[spec_over<__epsilon] = 0 # Rotate spectrum to its V2/V3 coordinates spec_bin = krebin(spec_over, (fov_pix,npix_spec)) if 'GRISMC' in pupil_mask: # Rotate image 90 deg CCW to disperse bottom-to-top spec_over = np.rot90(spec_over, k=-1) spec_bin = np.rot90(spec_bin, k=-1) elif ('NIRCam') and (inst.module=='B'): # Flip for sci coords to disperse right-to-left spec_over = spec_over[:,::-1] spec_bin = spec_bin[:,::-1] # Rebin ovesampled spectral image to real pixels spec_list.append(spec_bin) spec_list_over.append(spec_over) # Wavelength solutions dw_over = dw/oversample w1_spec = w1 - dw_over*fov_pix_over/2 wspec_over = np.arange(npix_spec_over)*dw_over + w1_spec wspec = wspec_over.reshape((npix_spec,-1)).mean(axis=1) if ('NIRCam') and ('GRISMR' in pupil_mask) and (inst.module=='B'): # Flip wavelength for sci coords wspec = wspec[::-1] if nspec == 1: spec_list = spec_list[0] spec_list_over = spec_list_over[0] # _log.debug('jl_poly: {:.2f} sec; binflux: {:.2f} sec; disperse: {:.2f} sec'.format(t5-t4, t6-t5, t7-t6)) # Return list of wavelengths for each horizontal pixel as well as spectral image if return_oversample: return (wspec_over, spec_list_over) else: return (wspec, spec_list) # DHS spectroscopy elif is_dhs: raise NotImplementedError('DHS has yet to be fully included') # Imaging else: # Create source image slopes (no noise) data_list = [] data_list_over = [] eps = np.finfo(float).eps for psf_fit in psf_list: data_over = psf_fit.sum(axis=0) data_over[data_over<=eps] = data_over[data_over>eps].min() / 10 data_list_over.append(data_over) data_list.append(krebin(data_over, (fov_pix,fov_pix))) if nspec == 1: data_list = data_list[0] data_list_over = data_list_over[0] #_log.debug('jl_poly: {:.2f} sec; binflux: {:.2f} sec; PSF sum: {:.2f} sec'.format(t5-t4, t6-t5, t7-t6)) if return_oversample: return data_list_over else: return data_list
[docs]def create_waveset(bp, npix, nwaves=None, is_grism=False): waveset = np.copy(bp.wave) if nwaves is not None: # Evenly spaced wavelengths waveset = np.linspace(waveset.min(), waveset.max(), nwaves) elif is_grism: waveset = waveset else: # For generating the PSF, let's save some time and memory by not using # ever single wavelength in the bandpass. # Do NOT do this for dispersed modes. binsize = 1 if npix>2000: binsize = 7 elif npix>1000: binsize = 5 elif npix>700: binsize = 3 if binsize>1: excess = waveset.size % binsize waveset = waveset[:waveset.size-excess] waveset = waveset.reshape(-1,binsize) # Reshape waveset = waveset[:,binsize//2] # Use the middle values waveset = np.concatenate(([bp.wave[0]],waveset,[bp.wave[-1]])) return waveset
[docs]def create_obslist(bp, npix, nwaves=None, is_grism=False, sp_norm=None, use_sp_waveset=False): waveset = create_waveset(bp, npix, nwaves=nwaves, is_grism=is_grism) wgood = waveset / 1e4 w1 = wgood.min() w2 = wgood.max() # Flat spectrum with equal photon flux in each spectal bin if sp_norm is None: sp_flat = S.ArraySpectrum(waveset, 0*waveset + 10.) = 'Flat spectrum in flam' # Bandpass unit response is the flux (in flam) of a star that # produces a response of one count per second in that bandpass sp_norm = sp_flat.renorm(bp.unit_response(), 'flam', bp) # Make sp_norm a list of spectral objects if it already isn't if not isinstance(sp_norm, list): sp_norm = [sp_norm] nspec = len(sp_norm) # Set up an observation of the spectrum using the specified bandpass if use_sp_waveset: if nspec>1: raise AttributeError("Only 1 spectrum allowed when use_sp_waveset=True.") # Modify waveset if use_sp_waveset=True obs_list = [] for sp in sp_norm: # Select only wavelengths within bandpass waveset = sp.wave waveset = waveset[(waveset>=w1*1e4) and (waveset<=w2*1e4)] obs_list.append(S.Observation(sp, bp, binset=waveset)) else: # Use the bandpass wavelength set to bin the fluxes obs_list = [S.Observation(sp, bp, binset=waveset) for sp in sp_norm] # Convert to count rate for obs in obs_list: obs.convert('counts') return obs_list
[docs]def make_coeff_resid_grid(xin, yin, cf_resid, xgrid, ygrid): # Create 2D grid arrays of coordinates xnew, ynew = np.meshgrid(xgrid,ygrid) nx, ny = len(xgrid), len(ygrid) _log.warn("Interpolating coefficient residuals onto regular grid...") sh = cf_resid.shape cf_resid_grid = np.zeros([ny,nx,sh[1],sh[2],sh[3]]) # Cycle through each coefficient to interpolate onto V2/V3 grid for i in range(sh[1]): cf_resid_grid[:,:,i,:,:] = griddata((xin, yin), cf_resid[:,i,:,:], (xnew, ynew), method='cubic') return cf_resid_grid
[docs]def field_coeff_func(v2grid, v3grid, cf_fields, v2_new, v3_new, method='linear'): """Interpolation function for PSF coefficient residuals Uses `RegularGridInterpolator` to quickly determine new coefficient residulas at specified points. Parameters ---------- v2grid : ndarray V2 values corresponding to `cf_fields`. v3grid : ndarray V3 values corresponding to `cf_fields`. cf_fields : ndarray Coefficient residuals at different field points Shape is (nV3, nV2, ncoeff, ypix, xpix) v2_new : ndarray New V2 point(s) to interpolate on. Same units as v2grid. v3_new : ndarray New V3 point(s) to interpolate on. Same units as v3grid. """ func = RegularGridInterpolator((v3grid, v2grid), cf_fields, method=method, bounds_error=False, fill_value=None) pts = np.array([v3_new,v2_new]).transpose() if np.size(v2_new)>1: res = np.asarray([func(pt).squeeze() for pt in pts]) else: res = func(pts) # If only 1 point, remove first axes res = res.squeeze() if res.shape[0]==1 else res return res