Source code for webbpsf_ext.maths

# Import libraries
import numpy as np
from numpy.polynomial import legendre
from scipy.special import eval_legendre

from .coords import dist_image
from .image_manip import frebin

#    Polynomial fitting

[docs]def jl_poly(xvals, coeff, dim_reorder=False, use_legendre=False, lxmap=None, **kwargs): """Evaluate polynomial Replacement for `np.polynomial.polynomial.polyval(wgood, coeff)` to evaluate y-values given a set of xvals and coefficients. Uses matrix multiplication, which is much faster. Beware, the default output array shapes organization may differ from the polyval routine for 2D and 3D results. Parameters ---------- xvals : ndarray 1D array (time, for instance) coeff : ndarray 1D, 2D, or 3D array of coefficients from a polynomial fit. The first dimension should have a number of elements equal to the polynomial degree + 1. Order such that lower degrees are first, and higher degrees are last. Keyword Args ------------ dim_reorder : bool If true, then result to be ordered (nx,ny,nz), otherwise we use the Python preferred ordering (nz,ny,nx) use_legendre : bool Fit with Legendre polynomial, an orthonormal basis set. lxmap : ndarray or None Legendre polynomials are normaly mapped to xvals of [-1,+1]. `lxmap` gives the option to supply the values for xval that should get mapped to [-1,+1]. If set to None, then assumes [xvals.min(),xvals.max()]. Returns ------- float array An array of values where each xval has been evaluated at each set of supplied coefficients. The output shape has the first dimension equal to the number of xvals, and the final dimensions correspond to coeff's latter dimensions. The result is flattened if there is either only one xval or one set of coeff (or both). """ # How many xvals? n = np.size(xvals) try: xdim = len(xvals.shape) except AttributeError: # Handle list xvals = np.array(xvals) xdim = len(xvals.shape) # Handle single value if xdim == 0: xvals = np.array([xvals]) xdim = len(xvals.shape) if xdim>1: raise ValueError('xvals can only have 1 dimension. Found {} dimensions.'.format(xdim)) # Check number of dimensions in coefficients dim = coeff.shape ndim = len(dim) if ndim>3: raise ValueError('coefficient can only have 1, 2, or 3 dimensions. \ Found {} dimensions.'.format(ndim)) if use_legendre: # Values to map to [-1,+1] if lxmap is None: lxmap = [np.min(xvals), np.max(xvals)] # Remap xvals -> lxvals dx = lxmap[1] - lxmap[0] lxvals = 2 * (xvals - (lxmap[0] + dx/2)) / dx # Use Identity matrix to evaluate each polynomial component # xfan = legendre.legval(lxvals, np.identity(dim[0])) # Below method is faster for large lxvals xfan = np.asarray([eval_legendre(n, lxvals) for n in range(dim[0])]) else: # Create an array of exponent values parr = np.arange(dim[0], dtype='float') # If 3D, this reshapes xfan to 2D xfan = xvals**parr.reshape((-1,1)) # Array broadcasting # Reshape coeffs to 2D array cf = coeff.reshape(dim[0],-1) if dim_reorder: # Coefficients are assumed (deg+1,nx,ny) # xvals have length nz # Result to be ordered (nx,ny,nz) # Use np.matmul instead of for speed improvement yfit = np.matmul(cf.T, xfan) # cf.T @ xfan if ndim==1 or n==1: yfit = yfit.ravel() if ndim==3: yfit = yfit.reshape((dim[1],dim[2],n)) else: # This is the Python preferred ordering # Coefficients are assumed (deg+1,ny,nx) # xvals have length nz # Result to be ordered (nz,ny,nx) # Use np.matmul instead of for speed improvement yfit = np.matmul(xfan.T, cf) # xfan.T @ cf if ndim==1 or n==1: yfit = yfit.ravel() if ndim==3: yfit = yfit.reshape((n,dim[1],dim[2])) return yfit
[docs]def jl_poly_fit(x, yvals, deg=1, QR=True, robust_fit=False, niter=25, use_legendre=False, lxmap=None, **kwargs): """Fast polynomial fitting Fit a polynomial to a function using linear least-squares. This function is particularly useful if you have a data cube and want to simultaneously fit a slope to all pixels in order to produce a slope image. Gives the option of performing QR decomposition, which provides a considerable speed-up compared to simply using `np.linalg.lstsq()`. In addition to being fast, it has better numerical stability than linear regressions that involve matrix inversions (ie., `dot(x.T,x)`). Returns the coefficients of the fit for each pixel. Parameters ---------- x : ndarray X-values of the data array (1D). yvals : ndarray Y-values (1D, 2D, or 3D) where the first dimension must have equal length of x. For instance, if x is a time series of a data cube with size NZ, then the data cube must follow the Python convention (NZ,NY,NZ). Keyword Args ------------ deg : int Degree of polynomial to fit to the data. QR : bool Perform QR decomposition? Default=True. robust_fit : bool Perform robust fitting, iteratively kicking out outliers until convergence. niter : int Maximum number of iterations for robust fitting. If convergence is attained first, iterations will stop. use_legendre : bool Fit with Legendre polynomials, an orthonormal basis set. lxmap : ndarray or None Legendre polynomials are normally mapped to xvals of [-1,+1]. `lxmap` gives the option to supply the values for xval that should get mapped to [-1,+1]. If set to None, then assumes [xvals.min(),xvals.max()]. Example ------- Fit all pixels in a data cube to get slope image in terms of ADU/sec >>> nz, ny, nx = cube.shape >>> tvals = (np.arange(nz) + 1) * 10.737 >>> coeff = jl_poly_fit(tvals, cube, deg=1) >>> bias = coeff[0] # Bias image (y-intercept) >>> slope = coeff[1] # Slope image (DN/sec) """ from .robust import medabsdev orig_shape = yvals.shape ndim = len(orig_shape) cf_shape = list(yvals.shape) cf_shape[0] = deg+1 if ndim==1: assert len(x)==len(yvals), 'X and Y must have the same length' else: assert len(x)==orig_shape[0], 'X and Y.shape[0] must have the same length' # Get different components to fit if use_legendre: # Values to map to [-1,+1] if lxmap is None: lxmap = [np.min(x), np.max(x)] # Remap xvals -> lxvals dx = lxmap[1] - lxmap[0] lx = 2 * (x - (lxmap[0] + dx/2)) / dx # Use Identity matrix to evaluate each polynomial component # a = legendre.legval(lx, np.identity(deg+1)) # Below method is faster for large lxvals a = np.asarray([eval_legendre(n, lx) for n in range(deg+1)]) else: # Normalize x values to closer to 1 for numerical stability with large inputs xnorm = np.mean(x) x = x / xnorm a = np.asarray([x**num for num in range(deg+1)], dtype='float') b = yvals.reshape([orig_shape[0],-1]) # Fast method, but numerically unstable for overdetermined systems #cov = np.linalg.pinv(np.matmul(a,a.T)) #coeff_all = np.matmul(cov,np.matmul(a,b)) if QR: # Perform QR decomposition of the A matrix q, r = np.linalg.qr(a.T, 'reduced') # computing Q^T*b (project b onto the range of A) # Use np.matmul instead of for speed improvement qTb = np.matmul(q.T,b) # q.T @ b # solving R*x = Q^T*b coeff_all = np.linalg.lstsq(r, qTb, rcond=None)[0] else: coeff_all = np.linalg.lstsq(a.T, b, rcond=None)[0] if robust_fit: # Normally, we would weight both the x and y (ie., a and b) values # then plug those into the lstsq() routine. However, this means we # can no longer use the same x values for a series of y values. Each # fit would have differently weight x-values, requiring us to fit # each element individually, which would be very slow. # Instead, we will compromise by "fixing" outliers in order to # preserve the quickness of this routine. The fixed outliers become # the new data that we refit. close_factor = 0.03 close_enough = np.max([close_factor * np.sqrt(0.5/(x.size-1)), 1e-20]) err = 0 for i in range(niter): # compute absolute value of residuals (fit minus data) yvals_mod = jl_poly(x, coeff_all, use_legendre=use_legendre) abs_resid = np.abs(yvals_mod - b) # compute the scaling factor for the standardization of residuals # using the median absolute deviation of the residuals # 6.9460 is a tuning constant (4.685/0.6745) abs_res_scale = 6.9460 * np.median(abs_resid, axis=0) # standardize residuals w = abs_resid / abs_res_scale.reshape([1,-1]) # exclude outliers outliers = w>1 # Create a version with outliers fixed # Se yvals_fix = b.copy() yvals_fix[outliers] = yvals_mod[outliers] # Ignore fits with no outliers ind_fit = outliers.sum(axis=0) > 0 if ind_fit[ind_fit].size == 0: break if QR: # Use np.matmul instead of for speed improvement qTb = np.matmul(q.T,yvals_fix[:,ind_fit]) # q.T @ yvals_fix[:,ind_fit] coeff_all[:,ind_fit] = np.linalg.lstsq(r, qTb, rcond=None)[0] else: coeff_all[:,ind_fit] = np.linalg.lstsq(a.T, yvals_fix[:,ind_fit], rcond=None)[0] prev_err = medabsdev(abs_resid, axis=0) if i==0 else err err = medabsdev(abs_resid, axis=0) diff = np.abs((prev_err - err)/err) #print(coeff_all.mean(axis=1), coeff_all.std(axis=1), np.nanmax(diff), ind_fit[ind_fit].size) if 0 < np.nanmax(diff) < close_enough: break if not use_legendre: parr = np.arange(deg+1, dtype='float') coeff_all = coeff_all / (xnorm**parr.reshape([-1,1])) return coeff_all.reshape(cf_shape)
########################################################################### # Binning and stats ###########################################################################
[docs]def hist_indices(values, bins=10, return_more=False): """Histogram indices This function bins an input of values and returns the indices for each bin. This is similar to the reverse indices functionality of the IDL histogram routine. It's also much faster than doing a for loop and creating masks/indices at each iteration, because we utilize a sparse matrix constructor. Returns a list of indices grouped together according to the bin. Only works for evenly spaced bins. Parameters ---------- values : ndarray Input numpy array. Should be a single dimension. bins : int or ndarray If bins is an int, it defines the number of equal-width bins in the given range (10, by default). If bins is a sequence, it defines the bin edges, including the rightmost edge. In the latter case, the bins must encompass all values. return_more : bool Option to also return the values organized by bin and the value of the centers (igroups, vgroups, center_vals). Example ------- Find the standard deviation at each radius of an image >>> rho = dist_image(image) >>> binsize = 1 >>> bins = np.arange(rho.min(), rho.max() + binsize, binsize) >>> igroups, vgroups, center_vals = hist_indices(rho, bins, True) >>> # Get the standard deviation of each bin in image >>> std = binned_statistic(igroups, image, func=np.std) """ from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix values_flat = values.ravel() vmin = values_flat.min() vmax = values_flat.max() N = len(values_flat) try: # assume it's already an array binsize = bins[1] - bins[0] except TypeError: # if bins is an integer binsize = (vmax - vmin) / bins bins = np.arange(vmin, vmax + binsize, binsize) bins[0] = vmin bins[-1] = vmax # Central value of each bin center_vals = bins[:-1] + binsize / 2. nbins = center_vals.size # TODO: If input bins is an array that doesn't span the full set of input values, # then we need to set a warning. if (vmin<bins[0]) or (vmax>bins[-1]): raise ValueError("Bins must encompass entire set of input values.") digitized = ((nbins-1.0) / (vmax-vmin) * (values_flat-vmin)).astype( csr = csr_matrix((values_flat, [digitized, np.arange(N)]), shape=(nbins, N)) # Split indices into their bin groups igroups = np.split(csr.indices, csr.indptr[1:-1]) if return_more: vgroups = np.split(, csr.indptr[1:-1]) return (igroups, vgroups, center_vals) else: return igroups
[docs]def binned_statistic(x, values, func=np.mean, bins=10): """Binned statistic Compute a binned statistic for a set of data. Drop-in replacement for scipy.stats.binned_statistic. Parameters ---------- x : ndarray A sequence of values to be binned. Or a list of binned indices from hist_indices(). values : ndarray The values on which the statistic will be computed. func : func The function to use for calculating the statistic. bins : int or ndarray If bins is an int, it defines the number of equal-width bins in the given range (10, by default). If bins is a sequence, it defines the bin edges, including the rightmost edge. This doesn't do anything if x is a list of indices. Example ------- Find the standard deviation at each radius of an image >>> rho = dist_image(image) >>> binsize = 1 >>> radial_bins = np.arange(rho.min(), rho.max() + binsize, binsize) >>> radial_stds = binned_statistic(rho, image, func=np.std, bins=radial_bins) """ values_flat = values.ravel() try: # This will be successful if x is not already a list of indices # Check if bins is a single value if (len(np.array(bins))==1) and (bins is not None): igroups = hist_indices(x, bins=bins, return_more=False) res = np.array([func(values_flat[ind]) for ind in igroups]) # Otherwise we assume bins is a list or array defining edge locations else: bins = np.array(bins) # Check if binsize is the same for all bins bsize = bins[1:] - bins[:-1] # Make sure bins encompass full set of input values ind_bin = (x>=bins.min()) & (x<=bins.max()) x = x[ind_bin] values_flat = values_flat[ind_bin] if np.isclose(bsize.min(), bsize.max()): igroups = hist_indices(x, bins=bins, return_more=False) res = np.array([func(values_flat[ind]) for ind in igroups]) else: # If non-uniform bins, just use scipy.stats.binned_statistic from scipy import stats res, _, _ = stats.binned_statistic(x, values, func, bins) except: # Assume that input is a list of indices igroups = x res = np.array([func(values_flat[ind]) for ind in igroups]) return res
[docs]def radial_std(im_diff, pixscale=None, oversample=None, supersample=False, func=np.std): """Generate contrast curve of PSF difference Find the standard deviation within fixed radial bins of a differenced image. Returns two arrays representing the 1-sigma contrast curve at given distances. Parameters ========== im_diff : ndarray Differenced image of two PSFs, for instance. Keywords ======== pixscale : float Pixel scale of the input image oversample : int Is the input image oversampled compared to detector? If set, then the binsize will be pixscale*oversample (if supersample=False). supersample : bool If set, then oversampled data will have a binsize of pixscale, otherwise the binsize is pixscale*oversample. func_std : func The function to use for calculating the radial standard deviation. """ from astropy.convolution import convolve, Gaussian1DKernel # Set oversample to 1 if supersample keyword is set oversample = 1 if supersample or (oversample is None) else oversample # Rebin data data_rebin = frebin(im_diff, scale=1/oversample) # Determine pixel scale of rebinned data pixscale = 1 if pixscale is None else oversample*pixscale # Pixel distances rho = dist_image(data_rebin, pixscale=pixscale) # Get radial profiles binsize = pixscale bins = np.arange(rho.min(), rho.max() + binsize, binsize) nan_mask = np.isnan(data_rebin) igroups, _, rr = hist_indices(rho[~nan_mask], bins, True) stds = binned_statistic(igroups, data_rebin[~nan_mask], func=func) stds = convolve(stds, Gaussian1DKernel(1)) # Ignore corner regions arr_size = np.min(data_rebin.shape) * pixscale mask = rr < (arr_size/2) return rr[mask], stds[mask]
[docs]def find_closest(A, B): """ Find closest indices Given two arrays, A and B, find the indices in B whose values are closest to those in A. Returns an array with size equal to A. This is much much faster than something like, especially for large arrays: `np.argmin(np.abs(A - B[:, np.newaxis]), axis=0)` """ # Make sure these are array a = np.asarray(A) if np.size(B)==1: b = np.asarray([B]) else: b = np.asarray(B) # Flatten a array a_shape = a.shape if len(a_shape)>1: a = a.flatten() # b needs to be sorted isort = np.argsort(B) b = b[isort] # Find indices of arghigh = np.searchsorted(b,a) arglow = np.maximum(arghigh-1,0) arghigh = np.minimum(arghigh,len(b)-1) # Look at deltas and choose closest delta_high = np.abs(b[arghigh]-a) delta_low = np.abs(b[arglow]-a) closest_arg = np.where(delta_high>delta_low,arglow,arghigh) return isort[closest_arg].reshape(a_shape)
[docs]def fit_bootstrap(pinit, datax, datay, function, yerr_systematic=0.0, nrand=1000, return_more=False): """Bootstrap fitting routine Bootstrap fitting algorithm to determine the uncertainties on the fit parameters. Parameters ---------- pinit : ndarray Initial guess for parameters to fit datax, datay : ndarray X and Y values of data to be fit function : func Model function yerr_systematic : float or array_like of floats Systematic uncertainites contributing to additional error in data. This is treated as independent Normal error on each data point. Can have unique values for each data point. If 0, then we just use the standard deviation of the residuals to randomize the data. nrand : int Number of random data sets to generate and fit. return_more : bool If true, then also return the full set of fit parameters for the randomized data to perform a more thorough analysis of the distribution. Otherewise, just reaturn the mean and standard deviations. """ from scipy import optimize def errfunc(p, x, y): return function(x, p) - y # Fit first time pfit, perr = optimize.leastsq(errfunc, pinit, args=(datax, datay), full_output=0) # Get the stdev of the residuals residuals = errfunc(pfit, datax, datay) sigma_res = np.std(residuals) sigma_err_total = np.sqrt(sigma_res**2 + yerr_systematic**2) # Some random data sets are generated and fitted randomdataY = datay + np.random.normal(scale=sigma_err_total, size=(nrand, len(datay))) ps = [] for i in range(nrand): # randomDelta = np.random.normal(0., sigma_err_total, len(datay)) # datay_rand = datay + randomDelta datay_rand = randomdataY[i] randomfit, randomcov = optimize.leastsq(errfunc, pinit, args=(datax, datay_rand), full_output=0) ps.append(randomfit) ps = np.array(ps) mean_pfit = np.mean(ps,axis=0) err_pfit = np.std(ps,axis=0) if return_more: return mean_pfit, err_pfit, ps else: return mean_pfit, err_pfit