Source code for webbpsf_ext.image_manip

from copy import deepcopy
from import hdu
import numpy as np
import multiprocessing as mp
import six

import scipy
from scipy import fftpack
from scipy.ndimage import fourier_shift
from scipy.ndimage.interpolation import rotate

from astropy.convolution import convolve, convolve_fft
from import fits

from poppy.utils import krebin

from .utils import S

# Program bar
from import trange, tqdm

import logging
_log = logging.getLogger('webbpsf_ext')

#    Image manipulation

[docs]def fshift(inarr, delx=0, dely=0, pad=False, cval=0.0, interp='linear', **kwargs): """ Fractional image shift Ported from IDL function Routine to shift an image by non-integer values. Parameters ---------- inarr: ndarray 1D, or 2D array to be shifted. Can also be an image cube assume with shape [nz,ny,nx]. delx : float shift in x (same direction as IDL SHIFT function) dely: float shift in y pad : bool Should we pad the array before shifting, then truncate? Otherwise, the image is wrapped. cval : sequence or float, optional The values to set the padded values for each axis. Default is 0. ((before_1, after_1), ... (before_N, after_N)) unique pad constants for each axis. ((before, after),) yields same before and after constants for each axis. (constant,) or int is a shortcut for before = after = constant for all axes. interp : str Type of interpolation to use during the sub-pixel shift. Valid values are 'linear', 'cubic', and 'quintic'. Returns ------- ndarray Shifted image """ from scipy.interpolate import interp1d, interp2d shape = inarr.shape ndim = len(shape) if ndim == 1: # Return if delx is 0 if np.isclose(delx, 0, atol=1e-5): return inarr # separate shift into an integer and fraction shift intx = fracx = delx - intx if fracx < 0: fracx += 1 intx -= 1 # Pad ends with constant value if pad: padx = np.abs(intx) + 5 out = np.pad(inarr,np.abs(intx),'constant',constant_values=cval) else: padx = 0 out = inarr.copy() # shift by integer portion out = np.roll(out, intx) # if significant fractional shift... if not np.isclose(fracx, 0, atol=1e-5): if interp=='linear': out = out * (1.-fracx) + np.roll(out,1) * fracx elif interp=='cubic': xvals = np.arange(len(out)) fint = interp1d(xvals, out, kind=interp, bounds_error=False, fill_value='extrapolate') out = fint(xvals+fracx) elif interp=='quintic': xvals = np.arange(len(out)) fint = interp1d(xvals, out, kind=5, bounds_error=False, fill_value='extrapolate') out = fint(xvals+fracx) else: raise ValueError(f'interp={interp} not recognized.') out = out[padx:padx+inarr.size] elif ndim == 2: # Return if both delx and dely are 0 if np.isclose(delx, 0, atol=1e-5) and np.isclose(dely, 0, atol=1e-5): return inarr ny, nx = shape # separate shift into an integer and fraction shift intx = inty = fracx = delx - intx fracy = dely - inty if fracx < 0: fracx += 1 intx -= 1 if fracy < 0: fracy += 1 inty -= 1 # Pad ends with constant value if pad: padx = np.abs(intx) + 5 pady = np.abs(inty) + 5 pad_vals = ([pady]*2,[padx]*2) out = np.pad(inarr,pad_vals,'constant',constant_values=cval) else: padx = 0; pady = 0 out = inarr.copy() # shift by integer portion out = np.roll(np.roll(out, intx, axis=1), inty, axis=0) # Check if fracx and fracy are effectively 0 fxis0 = np.isclose(fracx,0, atol=1e-5) fyis0 = np.isclose(fracy,0, atol=1e-5) # If fractional shifts are significant # use bi-linear interpolation between four pixels if interp=='linear': if not (fxis0 and fyis0): # Break bi-linear interpolation into four parts # to avoid NaNs unnecessarily affecting integer shifted dimensions part1 = out * ((1-fracx)*(1-fracy)) part2 = 0 if fyis0 else np.roll(out,1,axis=0)*((1-fracx)*fracy) part3 = 0 if fxis0 else np.roll(out,1,axis=1)*((1-fracy)*fracx) part4 = 0 if (fxis0 or fyis0) else np.roll(np.roll(out, 1, axis=1), 1, axis=0) * fracx*fracy out = part1 + part2 + part3 + part4 elif interp=='cubic' or interp=='quintic': fracx = 0 if fxis0 else fracx fracy = 0 if fxis0 else fracy y = np.arange(out.shape[0]) x = np.arange(out.shape[1]) fint = interp2d(x, y, out, kind=interp) out = fint(x-fracx, y-fracy) else: raise ValueError(f'interp={interp} not recognized.') out = out[pady:pady+ny, padx:padx+nx] elif ndim == 3: # Perform shift on each image in succession kwargs['delx'] = delx kwargs['dely'] = dely kwargs['pad'] = pad kwargs['cval'] = cval kwargs['interp'] = interp out = np.array([fshift(im, **kwargs) for im in inarr]) else: raise ValueError(f'Found {ndim} dimensions {shape}. Only up to 3 dimensions allowed.') return out
[docs]def fourier_imshift(image, xshift, yshift, pad=False, cval=0.0, **kwargs): """Fourier shift image Shift an image by use of Fourier shift theorem Parameters ---------- image : ndarray 2D image or 3D image cube [nz,ny,nx]. xshift : float Number of pixels to shift image in the x direction yshift : float Number of pixels to shift image in the y direction pad : bool Should we pad the array before shifting, then truncate? Otherwise, the image is wrapped. cval : sequence or float, optional The values to set the padded values for each axis. Default is 0. ((before_1, after_1), ... (before_N, after_N)) unique pad constants for each axis. ((before, after),) yields same before and after constants for each axis. (constant,) or int is a shortcut for before = after = constant for all axes. Returns ------- ndarray Shifted image """ shape = image.shape ndim = len(shape) if ndim==2: ny, nx = shape # Pad ends with zeros if pad: padx = np.abs( + 5 pady = np.abs( + 5 pad_vals = ([pady]*2,[padx]*2) im = np.pad(image,pad_vals,'constant',constant_values=cval) else: padx = 0; pady = 0 im = image offset = fourier_shift( np.fft.fft2(im), (yshift,xshift) ) offset = np.fft.ifft2(offset).real offset = offset[pady:pady+ny, padx:padx+nx] elif ndim==3: kwargs['pad'] = pad kwargs['cval'] = cval offset = np.array([fourier_imshift(im, xshift, yshift, **kwargs) for im in image]) else: raise ValueError(f'Found {ndim} dimensions {shape}. Only up 2 or 3 dimensions allowed.') return offset
[docs]def pad_or_cut_to_size(array, new_shape, fill_val=0.0, offset_vals=None, shift_func=fshift, **kwargs): """ Resize an array to a new shape by either padding with zeros or trimming off rows and/or columns. The output shape can be of any arbitrary amount. Parameters ---------- array : ndarray A 1D, 2D, or 3D array. If 3D, then taken to be a stack of images that are cropped or expanded in the same fashion. new_shape : tuple Desired size for the output array. For 2D case, if a single value, then will create a 2-element tuple of the same value. fill_val : scalar, optional Value to pad borders. Default is 0.0 offset_vals : tuple Option to perform image shift in the (xpix) direction for 1D, or (ypix,xpix) direction for 2D/3D prior to cropping or expansion. shift_func : function Function to use for shifting. Usually either `fshift` or `fourier_imshift`. Returns ------- output : ndarray An array of size new_shape that preserves the central information of the input array. """ shape_orig = array.shape ndim = len(shape_orig) if ndim == 1: # is_1d = True # Reshape array to a 2D array with nx=1 array = array.reshape((1,1,-1)) nz, ny, nx = array.shape if isinstance(new_shape, (float,int,,np.int64)): nx_new = int(new_shape+0.5) ny_new = 1 new_shape = (ny_new, nx_new) elif len(new_shape) < 2: nx_new = new_shape[0] ny_new = 1 new_shape = (ny_new, nx_new) else: ny_new, nx_new = new_shape output = np.zeros(shape=(nz,ny_new,nx_new), dtype=array.dtype) elif (ndim == 2) or (ndim == 3): if ndim==2: nz = 1 ny, nx = array.shape array = array.reshape([nz,ny,nx]) else: nz, ny, nx = array.shape if isinstance(new_shape, (float,int,,np.int64)): ny_new = nx_new = int(new_shape+0.5) new_shape = (ny_new, nx_new) elif len(new_shape) < 2: ny_new = nx_new = new_shape[0] new_shape = (ny_new, nx_new) else: ny_new, nx_new = new_shape output = np.zeros(shape=(nz,ny_new,nx_new), dtype=array.dtype) else: raise ValueError(f'Found {ndim} dimensions {shape_orig}. Only up to 3 dimensions allowed.') # Return if no difference in shapes # This needs to occur after the above so that new_shape is verified to be a tuple # If offset_vals is set, then continue to perform shift function if (array.shape == new_shape) and (offset_vals is None): return array # Input the fill values if fill_val != 0: output += fill_val # Pixel shift values if offset_vals is not None: if ndim == 1: ny_off = 0 if isinstance(offset_vals, (float,int,,np.int64)): nx_off = offset_vals elif len(offset_vals) < 2: nx_off = offset_vals[0] else: raise ValueError('offset_vals should be a single value.') else: if len(offset_vals) == 2: ny_off, nx_off = offset_vals else: raise ValueError('offset_vals should have two values.') else: nx_off = ny_off = 0 if nx_new>nx: n0 = (nx_new - nx) / 2 n1 = n0 + nx elif nx>nx_new: n0 = (nx - nx_new) / 2 n1 = n0 + nx_new else: n0, n1 = (0, nx) n0 = int(n0+0.5) n1 = int(n1+0.5) if ny_new>ny: m0 = (ny_new - ny) / 2 m1 = m0 + ny elif ny>ny_new: m0 = (ny - ny_new) / 2 m1 = m0 + ny_new else: m0, m1 = (0, ny) m0 = int(m0+0.5) m1 = int(m1+0.5) if (nx_new>=nx) and (ny_new>=ny): #print('Case 1') output[:,m0:m1,n0:n1] = array.copy() for i, im in enumerate(output): output[i] = shift_func(im, nx_off, ny_off, pad=True, cval=fill_val, **kwargs) elif (nx_new<=nx) and (ny_new<=ny): #print('Case 2') if (nx_off!=0) or (ny_off!=0): array_temp = array.copy() for i, im in enumerate(array_temp): array_temp[i] = shift_func(im, nx_off, ny_off, pad=True, cval=fill_val, **kwargs) output = array_temp[:,m0:m1,n0:n1] else: output = array[:,m0:m1,n0:n1] elif (nx_new<=nx) and (ny_new>=ny): #print('Case 3') if nx_off!=0: array_temp = array.copy() for i, im in enumerate(array_temp): array_temp[i] = shift_func(im, nx_off, 0, pad=True, cval=fill_val, **kwargs) output[:,m0:m1,:] = array_temp[:,:,n0:n1] else: output[:,m0:m1,:] = array[:,:,n0:n1] for i, im in enumerate(output): output[i] = shift_func(im, 0, ny_off, pad=True, cval=fill_val, **kwargs) elif (nx_new>=nx) and (ny_new<=ny): #print('Case 4') if ny_off!=0: array_temp = array.copy() for i, im in enumerate(array_temp): array_temp[i] = shift_func(im, 0, ny_off, pad=True, cval=fill_val, **kwargs) output[:,:,n0:n1] = array_temp[:,m0:m1,:] else: output[:,:,n0:n1] = array[:,m0:m1,:] for i, im in enumerate(output): output[i] = shift_func(im, nx_off, 0, pad=True, cval=fill_val, **kwargs) # Flatten if input and output arrays are 1D if (ndim==1) and (ny_new==1): output = output.flatten() elif ndim==2: output = output[0] return output
[docs]def rotate_offset(data, angle, cen=None, cval=0.0, order=1, reshape=True, recenter=True, shift_func=fshift, **kwargs): """Rotate and offset an array. Same as `rotate` in `scipy.ndimage.interpolation` except that it rotates around a center point given by `cen` keyword. The array is rotated in the plane defined by the two axes given by the `axes` parameter using spline interpolation of the requested order. Default rotation is clockwise direction. Parameters ---------- data : ndarray The input array. angle : float The rotation angle in degrees (rotates in clockwise direction). cen : tuple Center location around which to rotate image. Values are expected to be `(xcen, ycen)`. recenter : bool Do we want to reposition so that `cen` is the image center? shift_func : function Function to use for shifting. Usually either `fshift` or `fourier_imshift`. Keyword Args ------------ axes : tuple of 2 ints, optional The two axes that define the plane of rotation. Default is the first two axes. reshape : bool, optional If `reshape` is True, the output shape is adapted so that the input array is contained completely in the output. Default is True. order : int, optional The order of the spline interpolation, default is 1. The order has to be in the range 0-5. mode : str, optional Points outside the boundaries of the input are filled according to the given mode ('constant', 'nearest', 'reflect', 'mirror' or 'wrap'). Default is 'constant'. cval : scalar, optional Value used for points outside the boundaries of the input if ``mode='constant'``. Default is 0.0 prefilter : bool, optional The parameter prefilter determines if the input is pre-filtered with `spline_filter` before interpolation (necessary for spline interpolation of order > 1). If False, it is assumed that the input is already filtered. Default is True. Returns ------- rotate : ndarray or None The rotated data. """ # Return input data if angle is set to None or 0 # and if if ((angle is None) or (angle==0)) and (cen is None): return data shape_orig = data.shape ndim = len(shape_orig) if ndim==2: ny, nx = shape_orig nz = 1 elif ndim==3: nz, ny, nx = shape_orig else: raise ValueError(f'Found {ndim} dimensions {shape_orig}. Only 2 or 3 dimensions allowed.') if 'axes' not in kwargs.keys(): kwargs['axes'] = (2,1) kwargs['order'] = order kwargs['cval'] = cval xcen, ycen = (nx/2, ny/2) if cen is None: cen = (xcen, ycen) xcen_new, ycen_new = cen delx, dely = (xcen-xcen_new, ycen-ycen_new) # Reshape into a 3D array if nz=1 data = data.reshape([nz,ny,nx]) # Return rotate function if rotating about center if np.allclose((delx, dely), 0, atol=1e-5): return rotate(data, angle, reshape=reshape, **kwargs).squeeze() # fshift interp type if order <=1: interp='linear' elif order <=3: interp='cubic' else: interp='quintic' # Pad and then shift array new_shape = (int(ny+2*abs(dely)), int(nx+2*abs(delx))) images_shift = [] for im in data: im_pad = pad_or_cut_to_size(im, new_shape, fill_val=cval) im_new = shift_func(im_pad, delx, dely, cval=cval, interp=interp) images_shift.append(im_new) images_shift = np.asarray(images_shift) # Remove additional dimension in the case of single image #images_shift = images_shift.squeeze() # Rotate images # TODO: Should reshape=True or reshape=reshape? images_shrot = rotate(images_shift, angle, reshape=True, **kwargs) if reshape: return images_shrot.squeeze() else: # Shift back to it's location if recenter: images_rot = images_shrot else: images_rot = [] for im in images_shrot: im_new = shift_func(im, -1*delx, -1*dely, pad=True, cval=cval, interp=interp) images_rot.append(im_new) images_rot = np.asarray(images_rot) images_fin = [] for im in images_rot: im_new = pad_or_cut_to_size(im, (ny,nx)) images_fin.append(im_new) images_fin = np.asarray(images_fin) return images_fin.squeeze()
[docs]def frebin(image, dimensions=None, scale=None, total=True): """Fractional rebin Python port from the IDL Shrink or expand the size of a 1D or 2D array by an arbitary amount using bilinear interpolation. Conserves flux by ensuring that each input pixel is equally represented in the output array. Can also input an image cube. Parameters ---------- image : ndarray Input image ndarray (1D, 2D). Can also be an image cube assumed to have shape [nz,ny,nx]. dimensions : tuple or None Desired size of output array (take priority over scale). scale : tuple or None Factor to scale output array size. A scale of 2 will increase the number of pixels by 2 (ie., finer pixel scale). total : bool Conserves the surface flux. If True, the output pixels will be the sum of pixels within the appropriate box of the input image. Otherwise, they will be the average. Returns ------- ndarray The binned ndarray """ shape = image.shape ndim = len(shape) if ndim>2: ndim_temp = 2 sh_temp = shape[-2:] else: ndim_temp = ndim sh_temp = shape if dimensions is not None: if isinstance(dimensions, float): dimensions = [int(dimensions)] * ndim_temp elif isinstance(dimensions, int): dimensions = [dimensions] * ndim_temp elif len(dimensions) != ndim_temp: raise RuntimeError("The number of input dimensions don't match the image shape.") elif scale is not None: if isinstance(scale, float) or isinstance(scale, int): dimensions = list(map(int, map(lambda x: x+0.5, map(lambda x: x*scale, sh_temp)))) elif len(scale) != ndim_temp: raise RuntimeError("The number of input dimensions don't match the image shape.") else: dimensions = [scale[i]*sh_temp[i] for i in range(len(scale))] else: raise RuntimeError('Incorrect parameters to rebin.\n\frebin(image, dimensions=(x,y))\n\frebin(image, scale=a') #print(dimensions) if ndim==1: nlout = 1 nsout = dimensions[0] nsout = int(nsout+0.5) dimensions = [nsout] elif ndim==2: nlout, nsout = dimensions nlout = int(nlout+0.5) nsout = int(nsout+0.5) dimensions = [nlout, nsout] elif ndim==3: kwargs = {'dimensions': dimensions, 'scale': scale, 'total': total} result = np.array([frebin(im, **kwargs) for im in image]) return result elif ndim > 3: raise ValueError(f'Found {ndim} dimensions {shape}. Only up to 3 dimensions allowed.') if nlout != 1: nl = shape[0] ns = shape[1] else: nl = nlout ns = shape[0] sbox = ns / float(nsout) lbox = nl / float(nlout) #print(sbox,lbox) # Contract by integer amount if (sbox.is_integer()) and (lbox.is_integer()): image = image.reshape((nl,ns)) result = krebin(image, (nlout,nsout)) if not total: result /= (sbox*lbox) if nl == 1: return result[0,:] else: return result ns1 = ns - 1 nl1 = nl - 1 if nl == 1: #1D case _log.debug("Rebinning to Dimension: %s" % nsout) result = np.zeros(nsout) for i in range(nsout): rstart = i * sbox istart = int(rstart) rstop = rstart + sbox if int(rstop) < ns1: istop = int(rstop) else: istop = ns1 frac1 = float(rstart) - istart frac2 = 1.0 - (rstop - istop) #add pixel values from istart to istop and subtract fraction pixel #from istart to rstart and fraction pixel from rstop to istop result[i] = np.sum(image[istart:istop + 1]) - frac1 * image[istart] - frac2 * image[istop] if total: return result else: return result / (float(sbox) * lbox) else: _log.debug("Rebinning to Dimensions: %s, %s" % tuple(dimensions)) #2D case, first bin in second dimension temp = np.zeros((nlout, ns)) result = np.zeros((nsout, nlout)) #first lines for i in range(nlout): rstart = i * lbox istart = int(rstart) rstop = rstart + lbox if int(rstop) < nl1: istop = int(rstop) else: istop = nl1 frac1 = float(rstart) - istart frac2 = 1.0 - (rstop - istop) if istart == istop: temp[i, :] = (1.0 - frac1 - frac2) * image[istart, :] else: temp[i, :] = np.sum(image[istart:istop + 1, :], axis=0) -\ frac1 * image[istart, :] - frac2 * image[istop, :] temp = np.transpose(temp) #then samples for i in range(nsout): rstart = i * sbox istart = int(rstart) rstop = rstart + sbox if int(rstop) < ns1: istop = int(rstop) else: istop = ns1 frac1 = float(rstart) - istart frac2 = 1.0 - (rstop - istop) if istart == istop: result[i, :] = (1. - frac1 - frac2) * temp[istart, :] else: result[i, :] = np.sum(temp[istart:istop + 1, :], axis=0) -\ frac1 * temp[istart, :] - frac2 * temp[istop, :] if total: return np.transpose(result) else: return np.transpose(result) / (sbox * lbox)
[docs]def image_rescale(HDUlist_or_filename, pixscale_out, pixscale_in=None, dist_in=None, dist_out=None, cen_star=True, shape_out=None): """ Rescale image flux Scale the flux and rebin an image to some new pixel scale and distance. The object's physical units (AU) are assumed to be constant, so the total angular size changes if the distance to the object changes. IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT UNITS BE IN PHOTONS/SEC/PIXEL (not mJy/arcsec) Parameters ========== HDUlist_or_filename : HDUList or str Input either an HDUList or file name. pixscale_out : float Desired pixel scale (asec/pix) of returned image. Will be saved in header info. Keyword Args ============ pixscale_in : float or None Input image pixel scale. If None, then tries to grab info from the header. dist_in : float Input distance (parsec) of original object. If not set, then we look for the header keywords 'DISTANCE' or 'DIST'. dist_out : float Output distance (parsec) of object in image. Will be saved in header info. If not set, then assumed to be same as input distance. cen_star : bool Is the star placed in the central pixel? If so, then the stellar flux is assumed to be a single pixel that is equal to the maximum flux in the image. Rather than rebinning that pixel, the total flux is pulled out and re-added to the central pixel of the final image. shape_out : tuple, int, or None Desired size for the output array (ny,nx). If a single value, then will create a 2-element tuple of the same value. Returns ======= HDUlist of the new image. """ if isinstance(HDUlist_or_filename, six.string_types): hdulist = elif isinstance(HDUlist_or_filename, fits.HDUList): hdulist = HDUlist_or_filename else: raise ValueError("Input must be a filename or HDUlist") header = hdulist[0].header # Try to update input pixel scale if it exists in header if pixscale_in is None: key_test = ['PIXELSCL','PIXSCALE'] for k in key_test: if k in header: pixscale_in = header[k] if pixscale_in is None: raise KeyError("Cannot determine input image pixel scale.") # Try to update input distance if it exists in header if dist_in is None: key_test = ['DISTANCE','DIST'] for k in key_test: if k in header: dist_in = header[k] # If output distance is not set, set to input distance if dist_out is None: dist_out = 'None' if dist_in is None else dist_in fratio = 1 elif dist_in is None: raise ValueError('Input distance should not be None if output distance is specified.') else: fratio = dist_in / dist_out # Scale the input flux by inverse square law image = (hdulist[0].data) * fratio**2 # If we move the image closer while assuming same number of pixels with # the same AU/pixel, then this implies we've increased the angle that # the image subtends. So, each pixel would have a larger angular size. # New image scale in arcsec/pixel imscale_new = pixscale_in * fratio # Before rebinning, we want the flux in the central pixel to # always be in the central pixel (the star). So, let's save # and remove that flux then add back after the rebinning. if cen_star: mask_max = image==image.max() star_flux = image[mask_max][0] image[mask_max] = 0 # Rebin the image to get a pixel scale that oversamples the detector pixels fact = imscale_new / pixscale_out image_new = frebin(image, scale=fact) # Restore stellar flux to the central pixel. ny, nx = image_new.shape if cen_star: image_new[ny//2, nx//2] += star_flux if shape_out is not None: image_new = pad_or_cut_to_size(image_new, shape_out) hdu_new = fits.PrimaryHDU(image_new) hdu_new.header = hdulist[0].header.copy() hdulist_new = fits.HDUList([hdu_new]) hdulist_new[0].header['PIXELSCL'] = (pixscale_out, 'arcsec/pixel') hdulist_new[0].header['PIXSCALE'] = (pixscale_out, 'arcsec/pixel') hdulist_new[0].header['DISTANCE'] = (dist_out, 'parsecs') return hdulist_new
[docs]def model_to_hdulist(args_model, sp_star, bandpass): """HDUList from model FITS file. Convert disk model to an HDUList with units of photons/sec/pixel. If observed filter is different than input filter, we assume that the disk has a flat scattering, meaning it scales with stellar continuum. Pixel sizes and distances are left unchanged, and stored in header. Parameters ---------- args_model - tuple Arguments describing the necessary model information: - fname : Name of model file or an HDUList - scale0 : Pixel scale (in arcsec/pixel) - dist0 : Assumed model distance - wave_um : Wavelength of observation - units0 : Assumed flux units (e.g., MJy/arcsec^2 or muJy/pixel) sp_star : :mod:`pysynphot.spectrum` A pysynphot spectrum of central star. Used to adjust observed photon flux if filter differs from model input bandpass : :mod:`pysynphot.obsbandpass` Output `Pysynphot` bandpass from instrument class. This corresponds to the flux at the entrance pupil for the particular filter. """ #filt, mask, pupil = args_inst fname, scale0, dist0, wave_um, units0 = args_model wave0 = wave_um * 1e4 #### Read in the image, then convert from mJy/arcsec^2 to photons/sec/pixel if isinstance(fname, fits.HDUList): hdulist = fname else: # Open file hdulist = # Get rid of any non-standard header keywords hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(hdulist[0].data) for k in hdulist[0].header.keys(): try: hdu.header[k] = hdulist[0].header[k] except ValueError: pass hdulist = fits.HDUList(hdu) # Break apart units0 units_list = units0.split('/') if 'mJy' in units_list[0]: units_pysyn = S.units.mJy() elif 'uJy' in units_list[0]: units_pysyn = S.units.muJy() elif 'nJy' in units_list[0]: units_pysyn = S.units.nJy() elif 'MJy' in units_list[0]: hdulist[0].data *= 1000 # Convert to Jy units_pysyn = S.units.Jy() elif 'Jy' in units_list[0]: # Jy should be last units_pysyn = S.units.Jy() else: errstr = "Do not recognize units0='{}'".format(units0) raise ValueError(errstr) # Convert from input units to photlam (photons/sec/cm^2/A/angular size) im = units_pysyn.ToPhotlam(wave0, hdulist[0].data) # We assume scattering is flat in photons/sec/A # This means everything scales with stellar continuum sp_star.convert('photlam') wstar, fstar = (sp_star.wave/1e4, sp_star.flux) # Compare observed wavelength to image wavelength wobs_um = bandpass.avgwave() / 1e4 # Current bandpass wavelength wdel = np.linspace(-0.1,0.1) f_obs = np.interp(wobs_um+wdel, wstar, fstar) f0 = np.interp(wave_um+wdel, wstar, fstar) im *= np.mean(f_obs / f0) # Convert to photons/sec/pixel im *= bandpass.equivwidth() * S.refs.PRIMARY_AREA # If input units are per arcsec^2 then scale by pixel scale # This will be ph/sec for each oversampled pixel if ('arcsec' in units_list[1]) or ('asec' in units_list[1]): im *= scale0**2 elif 'mas' in units_list[1]: im *= (scale0*1000)**2 # Save into HDUList hdulist[0].data = im hdulist[0].header['UNITS'] = 'photons/sec' hdulist[0].header['PIXELSCL'] = (scale0, 'arcsec/pixel') hdulist[0].header['PIXSCALE'] = (scale0, 'arcsec/pixel') # Alternate keyword hdulist[0].header['DISTANCE'] = (dist0, 'parsecs') return hdulist
[docs]def distort_image(hdulist_or_filename, ext=0, to_frame='sci', fill_value=0, xnew_coords=None, ynew_coords=None, return_coords=False, aper=None, sci_cen=None, pixelscale=None, oversamp=None): """ Distort an image Apply SIAF instrument distortion to an image that is assumed to be in its ideal coordinates. The header information should contain the relevant SIAF point information, such as SI instrument, aperture name, pixel scale, detector oversampling, and detector position ('sci' coords). This function then transforms the image to the new coordinate system using scipy's RegularGridInterpolator (linear interpolation). Parameters ---------- hdulist_or_filename : str or HDUList A PSF from WebbPSF, either as an HDUlist object or as a filename ext : int Extension of HDUList to perform distortion on. fill_value : float or None Value used to fill in any blank space by the skewed PSF. Default = 0. If set to None, values outside the domain are extrapolated. to_frame : str Type of input coordinates. * 'tel': arcsecs V2,V3 * 'sci': pixels, in conventional DMS axes orientation * 'det': pixels, in raw detector read out axes orientation * 'idl': arcsecs relative to aperture reference location. xnew_coords : None or ndarray Array of x-values in new coordinate frame to interpolate onto. Can be a 1-dimensional array of unique values, in which case the final image will be of size (ny_new, nx_new). Or a 2d array that corresponds to full regular grid and has same shape as `ynew_coords` (ny_new, nx_new). If set to None, then final image is same size as input image, and coordinate grid spans the min and max values of siaf_ap.convert(xidl,yidl,'idl',to_frame). ynew_coords : None or ndarray Array of y-values in new coordinate frame to interpolate onto. Can be a 1-dimensional array of unique values, in which case the final image will be of size (ny_new, nx_new). Or a 2d array that corresponds to full regular grid and has same shape as `xnew_coords` (ny_new, nx_new). If set to None, then final image is same size as input image, and coordinate grid spans the min and max values of siaf_ap.convert(xidl,yidl,'idl',to_frame). return_coords : bool In addition to returning the final image, setting this to True will return the full set of new coordinates. Output will then be (psf_new, xnew, ynew), where all three array have the same shape. aper : None or :mod:`pysiaf.Aperture` Option to pass the SIAF aperture if it is already known or specified to save time on generating a new one. If set to None, then automatically determines a new `pysiaf` aperture based on information stored in the header. sci_cen : tuple or None Science pixel values associated with center of array. If set to None, then will grab values from DET_X and DET_Y header keywords. pixelscale : float or None Pixel scale of input image in arcsec/pixel. If set to None, then will search for PIXELSCL and PIXSCALE keywords in header. oversamp : int or None Oversampling of input image relative to native detector pixel scale. If set to None, will search for OSAMP and DET_SAMP keywords. """ import pysiaf from scipy.interpolate import RegularGridInterpolator def _get_default_siaf(instrument, aper_name): # Create new naming because SIAF requires special capitalization if instrument == "NIRCAM": siaf_name = "NIRCam" elif instrument == "NIRSPEC": siaf_name = "NIRSpec" else: siaf_name = instrument # Select a single SIAF aperture siaf = pysiaf.Siaf(siaf_name) aper = siaf.apertures[aper_name] return aper # Read in input PSF if isinstance(hdulist_or_filename, str): hdu_list = elif isinstance(hdulist_or_filename, fits.HDUList): hdu_list = hdulist_or_filename else: raise ValueError("input must be a filename or HDUlist") if aper is None: # Log instrument and detector names instrument = hdu_list[0].header["INSTRUME"].upper() aper_name = hdu_list[0].header["APERNAME"].upper() # Pull default values aper = _get_default_siaf(instrument, aper_name) # Pixel scale information ny, nx = hdu_list[ext].shape if pixelscale is None: # Pixel scale of input image try: pixelscale = hdu_list[ext].header["PIXELSCL"] except: pixelscale = hdu_list[ext].header["PIXSCALE"] if oversamp is None: # Image oversampling relative to detector try: oversamp = hdu_list[ext].header["OSAMP"] except: oversamp = hdu_list[ext].header["DET_SAMP"] # Get 'sci' reference location where PSF is observed if sci_cen is None: xsci_cen = hdu_list[ext].header["DET_X"] # center x location in pixels ('sci') ysci_cen = hdu_list[ext].header["DET_Y"] # center y location in pixels ('sci') else: xsci_cen, ysci_cen = sci_cen # ############################################### # Create an array of indices (in pixels) for where the PSF is located on the detector nx_half, ny_half = ( (nx-1)/2., (ny-1)/2. ) xlin = np.linspace(-1*nx_half, nx_half, nx) ylin = np.linspace(-1*ny_half, ny_half, ny) xarr, yarr = np.meshgrid(xlin, ylin) # Convert the PSF center point from pixels to arcseconds using pysiaf xidl_cen, yidl_cen = aper.sci_to_idl(xsci_cen, ysci_cen) # Get 'idl' coords xidl = xarr * pixelscale + xidl_cen yidl = yarr * pixelscale + yidl_cen # ############################################### # Create an array of indices (in pixels) that the final data will be interpolated onto xnew_cen, ynew_cen = aper.convert(xsci_cen, ysci_cen, 'sci', to_frame) # If new x and y values are specified, create a meshgrid if (xnew_coords is not None) and (ynew_coords is not None): if len(xnew_coords.shape)==1 and len(ynew_coords.shape)==1: xnew, ynew = np.meshgrid(xnew_coords, ynew_coords) elif len(xnew_coords.shape)==2 and len(ynew_coords.shape)==2: assert xnew_coords.shape==ynew_coords.shape, "If new x and y inputs are a grid, must be same shapes" xnew, ynew = xnew_coords, ynew_coords elif to_frame=='sci': xnew = xarr / oversamp + xnew_cen ynew = yarr / oversamp + ynew_cen else: xv, yv = aper.convert(xidl, yidl, 'idl', to_frame) xmin, xmax = (xv.min(), xv.max()) ymin, ymax = (yv.min(), yv.max()) # Range xnew from 0 to 1 xnew = xarr - xarr.min() xnew /= xnew.max() # Set to xmin to xmax xnew = xnew * (xmax - xmin) + xmin # Make sure center value is xnew_cen xnew += xnew_cen - np.median(xnew) # Range ynew from 0 to 1 ynew = yarr - yarr.min() ynew /= ynew.max() # Set to ymin to ymax ynew = ynew * (ymax - ymin) + ymin # Make sure center value is xnew_cen ynew += ynew_cen - np.median(ynew) # Convert requested coordinates to 'idl' coordinates xnew_idl, ynew_idl = aper.convert(xnew, ynew, to_frame, 'idl') # ############################################### # Interpolate using Regular Grid Interpolator xvals = xlin * pixelscale + xidl_cen yvals = ylin * pixelscale + yidl_cen func = RegularGridInterpolator((yvals,xvals), hdu_list[ext].data, method='linear', bounds_error=False, fill_value=fill_value) # Create an array of (yidl, xidl) values to interpolate onto pts = np.array([ynew_idl.flatten(),xnew_idl.flatten()]).transpose() psf_new = func(pts).reshape(xnew.shape) # Make sure we're not adding flux to the system via interpolation artifacts sum_orig = hdu_list[ext].data.sum() sum_new = psf_new.sum() if sum_new > sum_orig: psf_new *= (sum_orig / sum_new) if return_coords: return (psf_new, xnew, ynew) else: return psf_new
def _convolve_psfs_for_mp(arg_vals): """ Internal helper routine for parallelizing computations across multiple processors, specifically for convolving position-dependent PSFs with an extended image or field of PSFs. """ im, psf, ind_mask = arg_vals ny, nx = im.shape ny_psf, nx_psf = psf.shape try: # Get region to perform convolution xtra_pix = int(nx_psf/2 + 10) ind = np.argwhere(ind_mask.sum(axis=0)>0) ix1, ix2 = (np.min(ind), np.max(ind)) ix1 -= xtra_pix ix1 = 0 if ix1<0 else ix1 ix2 += xtra_pix ix2 = nx if ix2>nx else ix2 xtra_pix = int(ny_psf/2 + 10) ind = np.argwhere(ind_mask.sum(axis=1)) iy1, iy2 = (np.min(ind), np.max(ind)) iy1 -= xtra_pix iy1 = 0 if iy1<0 else iy1 iy2 += xtra_pix iy2 = ny if iy2>ny else iy2 except ValueError: # No return 0 im_temp = im.copy() im_temp[~ind_mask] = 0 if np.allclose(im_temp,0): # No need to convolve anything if no flux! res = im_temp else: # Normalize PSF sum to 1.0 # Otherwise convolve_fft may throw an error if psf.sum() is too small norm = psf.sum() psf = psf / norm res = convolve_fft(im_temp[iy1:iy2,ix1:ix2], psf, fftn=fftpack.fftn, ifftn=fftpack.ifftn, allow_huge=True) res *= norm im_temp[iy1:iy2,ix1:ix2] = res res = im_temp return res def _convolve_psfs_for_mp_old(arg_vals): """ Internal helper routine for parallelizing computations across multiple processors, specifically for convolving position-dependent PSFs with an extended image or field of PSFs. """ im, psf, ind_mask = arg_vals im_temp = im.copy() im_temp[~ind_mask] = 0 if np.allclose(im_temp,0): # No need to convolve anything if no flux! res = im_temp else: # Normalize PSF sum to 1.0 # Otherwise convolve_fft may throw an error if psf.sum() is too small norm = psf.sum() psf = psf / norm res = convolve_fft(im_temp, psf, fftn=fftpack.fftn, ifftn=fftpack.ifftn, allow_huge=True) res *= norm return res def _crop_hdul(hdul_sci_image, psf_shape): # Science image aperture info im_input = hdul_sci_image[0].data hdr_im = hdul_sci_image[0].header # Crop original image in case of unnecessary zeros zmask = im_input!=0 row_sum = zmask.sum(axis=0) col_sum = zmask.sum(axis=1) indx = np.where(row_sum>0)[0] indy = np.where(col_sum>0)[0] try: ix1, ix2 = indx[0], indx[-1]+1 except IndexError: # In case all zeroes ix1 = int(im_input.shape[1] / 2) ix2 = ix1 + 1 try: iy1, iy2 = indy[0], indy[-1]+1 except IndexError: # In case all zeroes iy1 = int(im_input.shape[0] / 2) iy2 = iy1 + 1 # Expand indices to accommodate PSF size ny_psf, nx_psf = psf_shape ny_im, nx_im = im_input.shape ix1 -= int(nx_psf/2 + 5) ix2 += int(nx_psf/2 + 5) iy1 -= int(ny_psf/2 + 5) iy2 += int(ny_psf/2 + 5) # Make sure we don't go out of bounds if ix1<0: ix1 = 0 if ix2>nx_im: ix2 = nx_im if iy1<0: iy1 = 0 if iy2>ny_im: iy2 = ny_im # Make HDU and copy header info hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(im_input[iy1:iy2,ix1:ix2]) try: hdu.header['XIND_REF'] = hdr_im['XIND_REF'] - ix1 hdu.header['YIND_REF'] = hdr_im['YIND_REF'] - iy1 except: try: hdu.header['XCEN'] = hdr_im['XCEN'] - ix1 hdu.header['YCEN'] = hdr_im['YCEN'] - iy1 except: hdu.header['XIND_REF'] = im_input.shape[1] / 2 - ix1 hdu.header['YIND_REF'] = im_input.shape[0] / 2 - iy1 hdu.header['CFRAME'] = hdr_im['CFRAME'] if 'PIXELSCL' in hdr_im.keys(): hdu.header['PIXELSCL'] = hdr_im['PIXELSCL'] if 'OSAMP' in hdr_im.keys(): hdu.header['OSAMP'] = hdr_im['OSAMP'] hdu.header['APERNAME'] = hdr_im['APERNAME'] hdu.header['IX1'] = ix1 hdu.header['IX2'] = ix2 hdu.header['IY1'] = iy1 hdu.header['IY2'] = iy2 return fits.HDUList([hdu])
[docs]def convolve_image(hdul_sci_image, hdul_psfs, return_hdul=False, output_sampling=None, crop_zeros=True): """ Convolve image with various PSFs Takes an extended image, breaks it up into subsections, then convolves each subsection with the nearest neighbor PSF. The subsection sizes and locations are determined from PSF 'sci' positions. Parameters ========== hdul_sci_image : HDUList Image to convolve. Requires header info of: - APERNAME : SIAF aperture that images is placed in - PIXELSCL : Pixel scale of image (arcsec/pixel) - OSAMP : Oversampling relative to detector pixels - CFRAME : Coordinate frame of image ('sci', 'tel', 'idl', 'det') - XCEN : Image x-position corresponding to aperture reference location - YCEN : Image y-position corresponding to aperture reference location - XIND_REF, YIND_REF : Alternative for (XCEN, YCEN) hdul_psfs : HDUList Multi-extension FITS. Each HDU element is a different PSF for some location within some field of view. Must have same pixel scale as hdul_sci_image. Keyword Args ============ return_hdul : bool Return as an HDUList, otherwise return as an image. output_sampling : None or int Sampling output relative to detector. If None, then return same sampling as input image. crop_zeros : bool For large images that are zero-padded, this option will first crop off the extraneous zeros (but accounting for PSF size to not tuncate resulting convolution at edges), then place the convolved subarray image back into a full frame of zeros. This process can improve speeds by a factor of a few, with no resulting differences. Should always be set to True; only provided as an option for debugging purposes. """ import pysiaf # Get SIAF aperture info hdr_psf = hdul_psfs[0].header siaf = pysiaf.siaf.Siaf(hdr_psf['INSTRUME']) siaf_ap_psfs = siaf[hdr_psf['APERNAME']] if crop_zeros: hdul_sci_image_orig = hdul_sci_image hdul_sci_image = _crop_hdul(hdul_sci_image, hdul_psfs[0].data.shape) # Science image aperture info im_input = hdul_sci_image[0].data hdr_im = hdul_sci_image[0].header siaf_ap_sci = siaf[hdr_im['APERNAME']] # Get tel coordinates for all PSFs xvals = np.array([hdu.header['XVAL'] for hdu in hdul_psfs]) yvals = np.array([hdu.header['YVAL'] for hdu in hdul_psfs]) if 'tel' in hdr_psf['CFRAME']: xtel_psfs, ytel_psfs = (xvals, yvals) else: xtel_psfs, ytel_psfs = siaf_ap_psfs.convert(xvals, yvals, hdr_psf['CFRAME'], 'tel') # Get tel coordinates for every pixel in science image # Size of input image in arcsec ysize, xsize = im_input.shape # Image index corresponding to reference point try: xcen_im = hdr_im['XIND_REF'] ycen_im = hdr_im['YIND_REF'] except: try: xcen_im = hdr_im['XCEN'] ycen_im = hdr_im['YCEN'] except: ycen_im, xcen_im = np.array(im_input.shape) / 2 try: pixscale = hdr_im['PIXELSCL'] except: pixscale = hdul_psfs[0].header['PIXELSCL'] xvals_im = np.arange(xsize).astype('float') - xcen_im yvals_im = np.arange(ysize).astype('float') - ycen_im xarr_im, yarr_im = np.meshgrid(xvals_im, yvals_im) xref, yref = siaf_ap_sci.reference_point(hdr_im['CFRAME']) if (hdr_im['CFRAME'] == 'tel') or (hdr_im['CFRAME'] == 'idl'): xarr_im *= pixscale xarr_im += xref yarr_im *= pixscale yarr_im += yref elif (hdr_im['CFRAME'] == 'sci') or (hdr_im['CFRAME'] == 'det'): xarr_im /= hdr_im['OSAMP'] xarr_im += xref yarr_im /= hdr_im['OSAMP'] yarr_im += yref # Convert each element in image array to tel coords xtel_im, ytel_im = siaf_ap_sci.convert(xarr_im, yarr_im, hdr_im['CFRAME'], 'tel') # Create mask for input image for each PSF to convolve # For each pixel, find PSF that is closest on the sky # Go row-by-row to save on memory npsf = len(hdul_psfs) mask_arr = np.zeros([npsf, ysize, xsize], dtype='bool') for iy in range(ysize): rho_arr = (xtel_im[iy].reshape([-1,1]) - xtel_psfs.reshape([1,-1]))**2 \ + (ytel_im[iy].reshape([-1,1]) - ytel_psfs.reshape([1,-1]))**2 # Calculate indices corresponding to closest PSF for each pixel im_ind = np.argmin(rho_arr, axis=1) mask = np.asarray([im_ind==i for i in range(npsf)]) mask_arr[:,iy,:] = mask del rho_arr, im_ind, mask, xtel_im, ytel_im # Make sure all pixels have a mask value of 1 somewhere (and only in one mask!) mask_sum = mask_arr.sum(axis=0) ind_bad = (mask_sum != 1) nbad = len(mask_sum[ind_bad]) assert np.allclose(mask_sum, 1), f"{nbad} pixels in mask not assigned a PSF." # Split into workers im_conv = np.zeros_like(im_input) worker_args = [(im_input, hdul_psfs[i].data, mask_arr[i]) for i in range(npsf)] for wa in tqdm(worker_args, desc='Convolution', leave=False): im_conv += _convolve_psfs_for_mp(wa) # Ensure there are no negative values from convolve_fft im_conv[im_conv<0] = 0 # If we cropped the original input, put convolved image into full array if crop_zeros: hdul_sci_image_crop = hdul_sci_image hdul_sci_image = hdul_sci_image_orig im_conv_crop = im_conv im_conv = np.zeros_like(hdul_sci_image[0].data) hdr_crop = hdul_sci_image_crop[0].header ix1, ix2 = (hdr_crop['IX1'], hdr_crop['IX2']) iy1, iy2 = (hdr_crop['IY1'], hdr_crop['IY2']) im_conv[iy1:iy2,ix1:ix2] = im_conv_crop # Scale to specified output sampling output_sampling = 1 if output_sampling is None else output_sampling scale = output_sampling / hdr_im['OSAMP'] im_conv = frebin(im_conv, scale=scale) if return_hdul: hdul = deepcopy(hdul_sci_image) hdul[0].data = im_conv hdul[0].header['OSAMP'] = output_sampling return hdul else: return im_conv
def _convolve_image_old(hdul_sci_image, hdul_psfs, aper=None, nsplit=None): """ Convolve image with various PSFs Takes an extended image, breaks it up into subsections, then convolves each subsection with the nearest neighbor PSF. The subsection sizes and locations are determined from PSF 'sci' positions. Parameters ========== hdul_sci_image : HDUList Disk model. Requires header keyword 'PIXELSCL'. hdul_psfs : HDUList Multi-extension FITS. Each HDU element is a different PSF for some location within some field of view. aper : :mod:`pysiaf.aperture.JwstAperture` Option to specify the reference SIAF aperture. """ import pysiaf # Get SIAF aperture info hdr = hdul_psfs[0].header if aper is None: siaf = pysiaf.siaf.Siaf(hdr['INSTRUME']) siaf_ap = siaf[hdr['APERNAME']] else: siaf_ap = aper # Get xsci and ysci coordinates xvals = np.array([hdu.header['XVAL'] for hdu in hdul_psfs]) yvals = np.array([hdu.header['YVAL'] for hdu in hdul_psfs]) if 'sci' in hdr['CFRAME']: xsci, ysci = (xvals, yvals) else: xsci, ysci = siaf_ap.convert(xvals, yvals, hdr['CFRAME'], 'sci') xoff_sci_asec_psfs = (xsci - siaf_ap.XSciRef) * siaf_ap.XSciScale yoff_sci_asec_psfs = (ysci - siaf_ap.YSciRef) * siaf_ap.YSciScale # Size of input image in arcsec im_input = hdul_sci_image[0].data pixscale = hdul_sci_image[0].header['PIXELSCL'] ysize, xsize = im_input.shape ysize_asec = ysize * pixscale xsize_asec = xsize * pixscale # Create mask for input image for each PSF to convolve rho_arr = [] coords_asec = (xoff_sci_asec_psfs, yoff_sci_asec_psfs) for xv, yv in np.transpose(coords_asec): cen = (xsize_asec/2 + xv, ysize_asec/2 + yv) yarr, xarr = np.indices((ysize,xsize)) xarr = xarr*pixscale - cen[0] yarr = yarr*pixscale - cen[1] rho = np.sqrt(xarr**2 + yarr**2) rho_arr.append(rho) rho_arr = np.asarray(rho_arr) # Calculate indices corresponding to closest PSF im_indices = np.argmin(rho_arr, axis=0) del rho_arr # Create an image mask for each PSF npsf = len(hdul_psfs) mask_arr = np.asarray([im_indices==i for i in range(npsf)]) # Split into workers worker_args = [(im_input, hdul_psfs[i].data, mask_arr[i]) for i in range(npsf)] # nsplit = 4 nsplit = 1 if nsplit is None else nsplit if nsplit>1: im_conv = [] try: with mp.Pool(nsplit) as pool: for res in tqdm(pool.imap_unordered(_convolve_psfs_for_mp_old, worker_args), total=npsf): im_conv.append(res) pool.close() if im_conv[0] is None: raise RuntimeError('Returned None values. Issue with multiprocess??') except Exception as e: print('Caught an exception during multiprocess.') print('Closing multiprocess pool.') pool.terminate() pool.close() raise e else: print('Closing multiprocess pool.') im_conv = np.asarray(im_conv).sum(axis=0) else: im_conv = np.zeros_like(im_input) for wa in tqdm(worker_args): im_conv += _convolve_psfs_for_mp(wa) # im_conv = np.sum(np.asarray([_convolve_psfs_for_mp(wa) for wa in tqdm(worker_args)]), axis=0) return im_conv
[docs]def make_disk_image(inst, disk_params, sp_star=None, pixscale_out=None, dist_out=None, shape_out=None): """ Rescale disk model flux to desired pixel scale and distance. If instrument bandpass is different from disk model, scales flux assuming a grey scattering model. Returns image flux values in photons/sec. Parameters ========== inst : mod::webbpsf_ext instrument class E.g. NIRCam_ext, MIRI_ext classes disk_params : dict Arguments describing the necessary model information: - 'file' : Path to model file or an HDUList. - 'pixscale' : Pixel scale (arcsec/pixel). - 'dist' : Assumed model distance in parsecs. - 'wavelength' : Wavelength of observation in microns. - 'units' : String of assumed flux units (ie., MJy/arcsec^2 or muJy/pixel) - 'cen_star' : True/False. Is a star already placed in the central pixel? Will Convert from [M,m,u,n]Jy/[arcsec^2,pixel] to photons/sec/pixel Keyword Args ============ sp_star : :mod:`pysynphot.spectrum` A pysynphot spectrum of central star. Used to adjust observed photon flux if filter differs from model input pixscale_out : float Desired pixelscale of returned image. If None, then use instrument's oversampled pixel scale. dist_out : float Distance to place disk at. Flux is scaled appropriately relative to the input distance specified in `disk_params`. shape_out : tuple, int, or None Desired size for the output array (ny,nx). If a single value, then will create a 2-element tuple of the same value. """ from .spectra import stellar_spectrum # Get stellar spectrum if sp_star is None: sp_star = stellar_spectrum('flat') # Set desired distance to be the same as the stellar object if dist_out is None: dist_out = disk_params['dist'] # Create disk image for input bandpass from model keys = ['file', 'pixscale', 'dist', 'wavelength', 'units'] args_model = tuple(disk_params[k] for k in keys) # Open model file and scale disk emission to new bandpass, assuming grey scattering properties hdul_model = model_to_hdulist(args_model, sp_star, inst.bandpass) # Change pixel scale (default is same as inst pixel oversampling) # Provide option to move disk to a different distance # `dist_in` and `pixscale_in` will be pulled from HDUList header if pixscale_out is None: pixscale_out = inst.pixelscale / inst.oversample hdul_disk_image = image_rescale(hdul_model, pixscale_out, dist_out=dist_out, cen_star=disk_params['cen_star'], shape_out=shape_out) # copy_keys = [ # 'INSTRUME', 'APERNAME', 'FILTER', 'DET_SAMP', # 'DET_NAME', 'DET_X', 'DET_Y', 'DET_V2', 'DET_V3', # ] # head_temp = inst.psf_coeff_header # for key in copy_keys: # try: # hdul_disk_image[0].header[key] = (head_temp[key], head_temp.comments[key]) # except (AttributeError, KeyError): # pass # Make sure these keywords match current instrument aperture, # which could be different from PSF-generated aperture name. hdul_disk_image[0].header['INSTRUME'] = hdul_disk_image[0].header['FILTER'] = inst.filter hdul_disk_image[0].header['OSAMP'] = inst.oversample hdul_disk_image[0].header['DET_SAMP'] = inst.oversample hdul_disk_image[0].header['DET_NAME'] = inst.aperturename.split('_')[0] siaf_ap = inst.siaf_ap hdul_disk_image[0].header['APERNAME'] = siaf_ap.AperName hdul_disk_image[0].header['DET_X'] = siaf_ap.XSciRef hdul_disk_image[0].header['DET_Y'] = siaf_ap.YSciRef hdul_disk_image[0].header['DET_V2'] = siaf_ap.V2Ref hdul_disk_image[0].header['DET_V3'] = siaf_ap.V3Ref return hdul_disk_image
[docs]def rotate_shift_image(hdul, index=0, angle=0, delx_asec=0, dely_asec=0, shift_func=fshift, **kwargs): """ Rotate/Shift image Rotate then offset image by some amount. Positive angles rotate the image counter-clockwise. Parameters ========== hdul : HDUList Input HDUList index : int Specify HDU index, usually 0 angle : float Rotate entire scene by some angle. Positive angles rotate counter-clockwise. delx_asec : float Offset in x direction (specified in arcsec). Pixel scale should be included in header keyword 'PIXELSCL'. dely_asec : float Offset in x direction (specified in arcsec). Pixel scale should be included in header keyword 'PIXELSCL'. shift_func : function Function to use for shifting. Usually either `fshift` or `fourier_imshift`. Keyword Args ============ order : int, optional The order of the spline interpolation, default is 3. The order has to be in the range 0-5. mode : {'reflect', 'constant', 'nearest', 'mirror', 'wrap'}, optional The `mode` parameter determines how the input array is extended beyond its boundaries. Default is 'constant'. Behavior for each valid value is as follows: 'reflect' (`d c b a | a b c d | d c b a`) The input is extended by reflecting about the edge of the last pixel. 'constant' (`k k k k | a b c d | k k k k`) The input is extended by filling all values beyond the edge with the same constant value, defined by the `cval` parameter. 'nearest' (`a a a a | a b c d | d d d d`) The input is extended by replicating the last pixel. 'mirror' (`d c b | a b c d | c b a`) The input is extended by reflecting about the center of the last pixel. 'wrap' (`a b c d | a b c d | a b c d`) The input is extended by wrapping around to the opposite edge. cval : scalar, optional Value to fill past edges of input if `mode` is 'constant'. Default is 0.0. prefilter : bool, optional Determines if the input array is prefiltered with `spline_filter` before interpolation. The default is True, which will create a temporary `float64` array of filtered values if `order > 1`. If setting this to False, the output will be slightly blurred if `order > 1`, unless the input is prefiltered, i.e. it is the result of calling `spline_filter` on the original input. """ # from copy import deepcopy PA_offset = kwargs.get('PA_offset') if PA_offset is not None: _log.warn('`PA_offset` is deprecated. Please use `angle` keyword instead. Setting angle=PA_offset for now.') angle = PA_offset # Rotate if np.abs(angle)!=0: im_rot = rotate(hdul[index].data, -1*angle, reshape=False, **kwargs) else: im_rot = hdul[index].data delx, dely = np.array([delx_asec, dely_asec]) / hdul[0].header['PIXELSCL'] # Get position offsets order = kwargs.get('order', 3) if order <=1: interp='linear' elif order <=3: interp='cubic' else: interp='quintic' im_new = shift_func(im_rot, delx, dely, pad=True, interp=interp) # Create new HDU and copy header hdu_new = fits.PrimaryHDU(im_new) hdu_new.header = hdul[index].header return fits.HDUList(hdu_new)
# Copy and replace specified index # hdu_new = deepcopy(hdul) # hdu_new[index] = im_new # return hdu_new
[docs]def crop_zero_rows_cols(image, symmetric=True, return_indices=False): """Crop off rows and columns that are all zeros.""" zmask = (image!=0) row_sum = zmask.sum(axis=0) col_sum = zmask.sum(axis=1) if symmetric: nx1 = np.where(row_sum>0)[0][0] nx2 = np.where(row_sum[::-1]>0)[0][0] ny1 = np.where(col_sum>0)[0][0] ny2 = np.where(col_sum[::-1]>0)[0][0] crop_border = np.min([nx1,nx2,ny1,ny2]) ix1 = iy1 = crop_border ix2 = image.shape[1] - crop_border iy2 = image.shape[0] - crop_border else: indx = np.where(row_sum>0)[0] indy = np.where(col_sum>0)[0] ix1, ix2 = indx[0], indx[-1]+1 iy1, iy2 = indy[0], indy[-1]+1 im_new = image[iy1:iy2,ix1:ix2] if return_indices: return im_new, [ix1,ix2,iy1,iy2] else: return im_new