Source code for pynrc.simul.dms

"""DMS data format routines"""

import numpy as np
import os

from import fits
from astropy.table import Table
from astropy.time import Time, TimeDelta
from astropy import units as u

# STScI modules
import pysiaf
from pysiaf import rotations
from jwst.datamodels import Level1bModel
import warnings

from .apt import DMS_input

import logging
_log = logging.getLogger('pynrc')

[docs]def dec_to_base36(val): """Convert decimal integer to base 36 (0-Z)""" digits ='0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' res = '' while val: val, i = np.divmod(val, 36) res = digits[i] + res return res
[docs]def jw_obs_id(pid, obs_num, visit_num, visit_gp, seq_id, act_id, exp_num): """ JWST Observation info and file naming convention jw<ppppp><ooo><vvv>_<gg><s><aa>_<eeeee>(-<”seg”NNN>)_<detector>_<prodType>.fits ppppp: program ID number ooo: observation number vvv: visit number gg: visit group s: parallel sequence ID (1=prime, 2-5=parallel) aa: activity number (base 36) (only for WFSC, coarse and fine phasing) eeeee: exposure number segNNN: the text “seg” followed by a three-digit segment number (optional) detector: detector name (e.g. ‘nrca1’, ‘nrcblong’, ‘mirimage’) prodType: product type identifier (e.g. ‘uncal’, ‘rate’, ‘cal’) An example Stage 1 product FITS file name is: jw93065002001_02101_00001_nrca1_rate.fits """ act_id_b36 = act_id if isinstance(act_id, str) else dec_to_base36(int(act_id)) res = {} res['program_number'] = '{:05d}'.format(int(pid)) # Program ID number res['observation_number'] = '{:03d}'.format(int(obs_num)) # Observation number res['visit_number'] = '{:03d}'.format(int(visit_num)) # Visit number res['visit_group'] = '{:02d}'.format(int(visit_gp)) # Visit group identifier res['sequence_id'] = '{:01d}'.format(int(seq_id)) # Parallel sequence ID (1=prime, 2-5=parallel) res['activity_id'] = '{:0>2}'.format(act_id_b36) # Activity number (base 36) res['exposure_number'] = '{:05d}'.format(int(exp_num)) # Exposure Number # Visit identifier visit_id = res['program_number'] + res['observation_number'] + res['visit_number'] # Parallel program info par_pid = '{:05d}'.format(0) par_obsnum = '{:03d}'.format(0) par_info = par_pid + par_obsnum + res['visit_group'] + res['sequence_id'] + res['activity_id'] # Observation ID obs_id = 'V' + visit_id + 'P' + par_info res['visit_id'] = visit_id res['obs_id'] = obs_id return res
[docs]def DMS_filename(obs_id_info, detname, segNum=None, prodType='uncal'): """ jw<ppppp><ooo><vvv>_<gg><s><aa>_<eeeee>(-<”seg”NNN>)_<detector>_<prodType>.fits """ vid = obs_id_info['visit_id'] vgp = obs_id_info['visit_group'] sid = obs_id_info['sequence_id'] aid = obs_id_info['activity_id'] eid = obs_id_info['exposure_number'] detname = detname.lower() if 'nrc' in detname: detname = detname[3:] if 'long' in detname: detname = detname[0] + '5' detname = 'nrc' + detname #fname = f'jw{vid}_{vgp}{sid}{aid}_{eid}_nrc[a-b][1-5]_[uncal,rate,cal].fits' part1 = f'jw{vid}_{vgp}{sid}{aid}_{eid}' part2 = "" if segNum is None else f"-seg{segNum:.0f}" part3 = '_' + detname + '_' + prodType + '.fits' fname = part1 + part2 + part3 return fname
### Copied and modified from MIRAGE
[docs]def create_group_entry(integration, groupnum, endday, endmilli, endsubmilli, endgroup, xd, yd, gap, comp_code, comp_text, barycentric, heliocentric): """Add the GROUP extension to the output file Parameters ---------- integration : int Integration number group_number : int Group number endday : int Days since Jan 1 2000 endmilli : integer Milliseconds of the day for given time endsubmilli : int Time since last millisecond? endgroup : str End group time, e.g. '2016-01-18T02:43:26.061' xd : int Number_of_columns e.g. 2048 yd : int Number_of_rows e.g. 2048 gap : int Number of gaps in telemetry comp_code : int Completion code number e.g. 0 (nominal?) comp_text : str Completion code text e.g. 'COMPLETE'-from howard 'Normal Completion' - from mark barycentric : float Barycentric end time (mjd) 57405.11165225 heliocentric : float Heliocentric end time (mjd) 57405.1163058 Returns ------- group : nump.ndarray Input values organized into format needed for group entry in JWST formatted file """ group = np.ndarray( (1, ), dtype=[ ('integration_number', '<i2'), ('group_number', '<i2'), ('end_day', '<i2'), ('end_milliseconds', '<i4'), ('end_submilliseconds', '<i2'), ('group_end_time', 'S26'), ('number_of_columns', '<i2'), ('number_of_rows', '<i2'), ('number_of_gaps', '<i2'), ('completion_code_number', '<i2'), ('completion_code_text', 'S36'), ('bary_end_time', '<f8'), ('helio_end_time', '<f8') ] ) group[0]['integration_number'] = integration group[0]['group_number'] = groupnum group[0]['end_day'] = endday group[0]['end_milliseconds'] = endmilli group[0]['end_submilliseconds'] = endsubmilli group[0]['group_end_time'] = endgroup group[0]['number_of_columns'] = xd group[0]['number_of_rows'] = yd group[0]['number_of_gaps'] = gap group[0]['completion_code_number'] = comp_code group[0]['completion_code_text'] = comp_text group[0]['bary_end_time'] = barycentric group[0]['helio_end_time'] = heliocentric return group
### Copied and modified from MIRAGE
[docs]def populate_group_table(starttime, grouptime, ramptime, numint, numgroup, ny, nx): """Create some reasonable values to fill the GROUP extension table. These will not be completely correct because access to other ssb scripts and more importantly, databases, is necessary. But they should be close. Parameters ---------- starttime : astropy.time.Time Starting time of exposure grouptime : float Exposure time of a single group (seconds) ramptime : float Exposure time of the entire exposure (seconds) numint : int Number of integrations in data numgroup : int Number of groups per integration ny : int Number of pixels in the y dimension nx : int Number of pixels in the x dimension Returns ------- grouptable : numpy.ndarray Group extension data for all groups in the exposure """ import warnings # Create the table with a first row populated by garbage grouptable = create_group_entry(999, 999, 0, 0, 0, 'void', 0, 0, 0, 0, 'void', 1., 1.) # Quantities that are fixed for all exposures compcode = 0 comptext = 'Normal Completion' numgap = 0 # May want to ignore warnings as astropy.time.Time will give a warning # related to unknown leap seconds if the date is too far in # the future. with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") baseday = Time('2020-01-01T00:00:00') # Integration start times rampdelta = TimeDelta(ramptime, format='sec') groupdelta = TimeDelta(grouptime, format='sec') intstarts = starttime + (np.arange(numint)*rampdelta) for integ in range(numint): groups = np.arange(1, numgroup+1) groupends = intstarts[integ] + (np.arange(1, numgroup+1)*groupdelta) endday = (groupends - baseday).jd # If the integration has a single group, force endday to be an array if isinstance(endday, float): endday = np.array([endday]) enddayint = [ for s in endday] # Now to get end_milliseconds, we need milliseconds from the beginning # of the day inday = TimeDelta(endday - enddayint, format='jd') endmilli = inday.sec * 1000. endmilli_int = [ for s in endmilli] # Submilliseconds - just use a random number endsubmilli = (endmilli - endmilli_int)*1000 # endsubmilli = np.random.randint(0, 1000, len(endmilli)) # Group end time. need to remove : and - and make lowercase t groupending = groupends.isot # Approximate these as just the group end time in mjd barycentric = groupends.mjd heliocentric = groupends.mjd # For the case of an integration with a single group, force quantities to be # arrays so that everything is consistent if isinstance(groupending, str): groupending = np.array([groupending]) barycentric = np.array([barycentric]) heliocentric = np.array([heliocentric]) for grp, day, milli, submilli, grpstr, bary, helio in zip(groups, endday, endmilli, endsubmilli, groupending, barycentric, heliocentric): entry = create_group_entry(integ+1, grp, day, milli, submilli, grpstr, nx, ny, numgap, compcode, comptext, bary, helio) grouptable = np.vstack([grouptable, entry]) # Now remove the top garbage row from the table grouptable = grouptable[1:] return grouptable
[docs]def level1b_data_model(obs_params, sci_data=None, zero_data=None): """ obs_params : dict Dictionary of parameters to populate DMS header. See `create_DMS_HDUList` in """ if sci_data is None: sci_shape = (obs_params['nints'], obs_params['ngroups'], obs_params['ysize'], obs_params['xsize']) zero_shape = (obs_params['nints'], obs_params['ysize'], obs_params['xsize']) sci_data = np.zeros(sci_shape, dtype='uint16') zero_data = np.zeros(zero_shape, dtype='uint16') # Make sure data is a 4D array if len(sci_data.shape)<4: nz, ny, nx = sci_data.shape sci_data = sci_data.reshape([1,nz,ny,nx]) zero_data = zero_data.reshape([1,ny,nx]) try: # A ModuleNotFoundError bug exists in current version of jwst pipeline # Should work to just try again if encountered outModel = Level1bModel(data=sci_data, zeroframe=zero_data) except ModuleNotFoundError: outModel = Level1bModel(data=sci_data, zeroframe=zero_data) # Update from 'Level1bModel' to 'RampModel' # TODO: Is this correct?? # outModel.meta.model_type = 'RampModel' outModel.meta.origin = 'STScI' outModel.meta.filetype = 'uncalibrated' # 'raw' # Proposal information outModel.meta.program.pi_name = obs_params['pi_name'] outModel.meta.program.title = obs_params['title'] outModel.meta.program.category = obs_params['category'] outModel.meta.program.sub_category = obs_params['sub_category'] outModel.meta.program.science_category = obs_params['science_category'] outModel.meta.program.continuation_id = 0 # Science target information = obs_params['target_name'] = obs_params['catalog_name'] = obs_params['ra'] = obs_params['dec'] = obs_params['ra'] = obs_params['dec'] = obs_params.get('mu_RA') = obs_params.get('mu_DEC') = '2000-01-01 00:00:00.0000000' outModel.meta.coordinates.reference_frame = 'ICRS' # Exposure Type # Possible types: # NRC_DARK, NRC_FLAT, NRC_LED, NRC_FOCUS, # NRC_TACQ, NRC_TACONFIRM # NRC_IMAGE, NRC_CORON, NRC_GRISM # NRC_WFSS, NRC_TSIMAGE, NRC_TSGRISM outModel.meta.exposure.type = obs_params['exp_type'].upper() # Specify whether the exposure is part of a TSO observation if outModel.meta.exposure.type.lower() in ['nrc_tsimage', 'nrc_tsgrism']: outModel.meta.visit.tsovisit = True else: outModel.meta.visit.tsovisit = False # Background Target? outModel.meta.observation.bkgdtarg = False # Number of expected exposures outModel.meta.visit.total_exposures = obs_params['nexposures'] # Instrument info outModel.meta.telescope = 'JWST' = 'NIRCAM' outModel.meta.instrument.module = obs_params['module'] = obs_params['channel'] outModel.meta.instrument.detector = obs_params['detector'] outModel.meta.exposure.sca_num = obs_params['det_obj'].scaid # Filter and pupil info filt = obs_params['filter'] pupil = obs_params['pupil'] if 'GRISM0' in pupil: pupil = 'GRISMR' elif 'GRISM90' in pupil: pupil = 'GRISMC' elif 'CIRC' in pupil: pupil = 'MASKRND' elif 'WEDGE' in pupil: pupil = 'MASKBAR' filt = 'UNKNOWN' if filt is None else filt pupil = 'UNKNOWN' if pupil is None else pupil outModel.meta.instrument.filter = filt outModel.meta.instrument.pupil = pupil # Coronagraphic mask for non-TA observations apername = obs_params['siaf_ap'].AperName coronmsk = obs_params['coron_mask'].upper() if ('MASK' in coronmsk) and ('TA' not in apername): # Need to add module A or B after MASK string coronmsk = coronmsk[:4] + obs_params['module'] + coronmsk[4:] outModel.meta.instrument.coronagraph = coronmsk # Detector information = obs_params['subarray_name'] # subarray_bounds indexed to zero, but values in header should be indexed to 1. outModel.meta.subarray.xstart = obs_params['xstart'] outModel.meta.subarray.ystart = obs_params['ystart'] outModel.meta.subarray.xsize = obs_params['xsize'] outModel.meta.subarray.ysize = obs_params['ysize'] outModel.meta.subarray.fastaxis = obs_params['fastaxis'] outModel.meta.subarray.slowaxis = obs_params['slowaxis'] # MULTIACCUM Settings outModel.meta.exposure.readpatt = obs_params['readpatt'] outModel.meta.exposure.noutputs = obs_params['noutputs'] outModel.meta.exposure.nframes = obs_params['nframes'] outModel.meta.exposure.ngroups = obs_params['ngroups'] outModel.meta.exposure.frame_divisor = obs_params['nframes'] outModel.meta.exposure.nints = obs_params['nints'] outModel.meta.exposure.integration_start = obs_params['integration_start'] outModel.meta.exposure.integration_end = obs_params['integration_end'] outModel.meta.exposure.nresets_at_start = obs_params['nresets1'] outModel.meta.exposure.nresets_between_ints = obs_params['nresets2'] outModel.meta.exposure.sample_time = obs_params['sample_time'] outModel.meta.exposure.frame_time = obs_params['frame_time'] outModel.meta.exposure.group_time = obs_params['group_time'] outModel.meta.exposure.groupgap = obs_params['groupgap'] outModel.meta.exposure.drop_frames1 = 0 # Always 0 for NIRCam outModel.meta.exposure.drop_frames3 = 0 # Always 0 for NIRCam outModel.meta.exposure.nsamples = 1 # Always 1 for NIRCam outModel.meta.exposure.integration_time = obs_params['integration_time'] outModel.meta.exposure.exposure_time = obs_params['exposure_time'] # INT_TIMES table to be saved in INT_TIMES extension outModel.int_times = obs_params['int_times'] # Start date and time as specified in obs params # This is absolute start time of entire set of visits / exposures start_time_string = obs_params['date-obs'] + 'T' + obs_params['time-obs'] # Get visit absolute start time visit_time = Time(start_time_string) + obs_params.get('visit_start_relative',0)*u.second visit_time_str = visit_time.utc.value visit_time_str = ' '.join(visit_time_str.split('T')) # Add offset time to get beginning of observation and update start_time_string texp_start_relative = obs_params.get('texp_start_relative', 0) start_time = Time(start_time_string) + texp_start_relative * u.second start_time_string = start_time.utc.value # Total time to complete an integration and exposures (including reset fraems) tint_tot = obs_params['tint_plus_overhead'] texp_tot = obs_params['texp_plus_overhead'] # Get observation end time end_time = start_time + texp_tot*u.second end_time_string = end_time.utc.value # Date and time of this observation date_obs, time_obs = start_time_string.split('T') = date_obs outModel.meta.observation.time = time_obs outModel.meta.time_sys = 'UTC' outModel.meta.time_unit = 's' # UTC ISO string values # tnow = # = 'T'.join(tnow.iso.split(' ')) outModel.meta.visit.start_time = visit_time_str outModel.meta.observation.date_beg = start_time_string outModel.meta.observation.date_end = end_time_string # set the exposure start time outModel.meta.exposure.start_time = start_time.mjd outModel.meta.exposure.end_time = start_time.mjd + texp_tot / (24*3600.) outModel.meta.exposure.mid_time = start_time.mjd + texp_tot / (24*3600.) / 2. outModel.meta.exposure.duration = texp_tot # populate the GROUP extension table # n_int, n_group, n_y, n_x = # with warnings.catch_warnings(): # warnings.simplefilter("ignore") # = populate_group_table(start_time, obs_params['group_time'], obs_params['integration_time'], # n_int, n_group, n_y, n_x) = obs_params['group_times'] # Observation/program ID information outModel.meta.observation.observation_label = obs_params.get('obs_label') try: obs_id_dict = obs_params['obs_id_info'] except KeyError: _log.warn("'obs_id_info' is not a valid key in obs_params") else: outModel.meta.observation.program_number = obs_id_dict['program_number'] outModel.meta.observation.observation_number = obs_id_dict['observation_number'] outModel.meta.observation.visit_number = obs_id_dict['visit_number'] outModel.meta.observation.visit_group = obs_id_dict['visit_group'] outModel.meta.observation.sequence_id = obs_id_dict['sequence_id'] outModel.meta.observation.activity_id = obs_id_dict['activity_id'] exp_num_str = str(int(obs_id_dict['exposure_number'])) # Remove leading 0s outModel.meta.observation.exposure_number = exp_num_str outModel.meta.observation.visit_id = obs_id_dict['visit_id'] outModel.meta.observation.obs_id = obs_id_dict['obs_id'] # Telescope pointing siaf_ap = obs_params['siaf_ap'] pa_v3 = obs_params['pa_v3'] # ra_v1, dec_v1, and pa_v3 are not used by the level 2 pipelines # compute pointing of V1 axis ra_obs, dec_obs = (obs_params['ra_obs'], obs_params['dec_obs']) attitude_matrix = rotations.attitude(siaf_ap.V2Ref, siaf_ap.V3Ref, ra_obs, dec_obs, pa_v3) pointing_ra_v1, pointing_dec_v1 = rotations.pointing(attitude_matrix, 0., 0.) outModel.meta.pointing.ra_v1 = pointing_ra_v1 outModel.meta.pointing.dec_v1 = pointing_dec_v1 outModel.meta.pointing.pa_v3 = pa_v3 # Dither information # Certain dither info should be None if string is 'NONE' pri_dithers = obs_params.get('pridith_points_packing') if (pri_dithers is not None) and (pri_dithers.upper()=='NONE'): pri_dithers = None sub_dith_type = obs_params.get('subpixel_pattern') if (sub_dith_type is not None) and (sub_dith_type.upper()=='NONE'): sub_dith_type = None sgd_type = obs_params.get('sgd_pattern') if (sgd_type is not None) and (sgd_type.upper()=='NONE'): sgd_type = None # If SGD, then PATT_NUM holds the current position number position_number = obs_params.get('position_number') if sgd_type is None else obs_params.get('subpixel_number') outModel.meta.dither.primary_type = obs_params.get('pridith_pattern_type') outModel.meta.dither.primary_dither_type = pri_dithers outModel.meta.dither.primary_points = obs_params.get('pridith_npoints') outModel.meta.dither.position_number = position_number # outModel.meta.dither.pattern_start = obs_params.get('pattern_start') outModel.meta.dither.total_points = obs_params.get('total_points') # outModel.meta.dither.dither_points = obs_params.get('dither_points') outModel.meta.dither.pattern_size = obs_params.get('pattern_size') outModel.meta.dither.small_grid_pattern = sgd_type outModel.meta.dither.subpixel_pattern = sub_dith_type outModel.meta.dither.subpixel_total_points = obs_params.get('subpixel_total_points') outModel.meta.dither.subpixel_number = obs_params.get('subpixel_number') # not valid outModel.meta.dither.x_offset = obs_params.get('x_offset') outModel.meta.dither.y_offset = obs_params.get('y_offset') ### Header keywords and associated attributes # PATTTYPE = primary_type / Primary dither pattern type # PRIDTYPE = primary_dither_type / Primary dither points and packing # PRIDTPTS = primary_points / Number of points in primary dither pattern # PATT_NUM = position_number / Position number in primary pattern # PATTSTRT = pattern_start / Starting point in pattern # NUMDTHPT = total_points / Total number of points in pattern # NRIMDTPT = dither_points / Number of points in image dither pattern # PATTSIZE = pattern_size / Primary dither pattern size # SMGRDPAT = small_grid_pattern / Name of small grid dither pattern # SUBPXPTS = subpixel_total_points/ Number of points in subpixel dither pattern # SUBPXPAT = subpixel_pattern / Subpixel dither pattern type ### Examples of types # outModel.meta.dither.primary_type = 'NONE' # outModel.meta.dither.primary_dither_type = '1' # outModel.meta.dither.primary_points = 1 # outModel.meta.dither.position_number = 1 # outModel.meta.dither.pattern_start = 1 # outModel.meta.dither.total_points = 5 # outModel.meta.dither.dither_points = 10 # outModel.meta.dither.pattern_size = 'DEFAULT' # outModel.meta.dither.small_grid_pattern = '5-POINT-DIAMOND' # outModel.meta.dither.subpixel_total_points = 5 # outModel.meta.dither.subpixel_pattern = 'SMALL-GRID-DITHER' # WCS Info = siaf_ap.AperName outModel.meta.wcsinfo.wcsaxes = 2 outModel.meta.wcsinfo.crval1 = ra_obs outModel.meta.wcsinfo.crval2 = dec_obs outModel.meta.wcsinfo.crpix1 = siaf_ap.XSciRef outModel.meta.wcsinfo.crpix2 = siaf_ap.YSciRef outModel.meta.wcsinfo.ctype1 = 'RA---TAN' outModel.meta.wcsinfo.ctype2 = 'DEC--TAN' outModel.meta.wcsinfo.cunit1 = 'deg' outModel.meta.wcsinfo.cunit2 = 'deg' outModel.meta.wcsinfo.v2_ref = siaf_ap.V2Ref outModel.meta.wcsinfo.v3_ref = siaf_ap.V3Ref outModel.meta.wcsinfo.vparity = siaf_ap.VIdlParity outModel.meta.wcsinfo.v3yangle = siaf_ap.V3IdlYAngle outModel.meta.wcsinfo.cdelt1 = siaf_ap.XSciScale / 3600. outModel.meta.wcsinfo.cdelt2 = siaf_ap.YSciScale / 3600. # Grism TSO data have the XREF_SCI and YREF_SCI keywords populated. # These are used to describe the location of the source on the detector. try: outModel.meta.wcsinfo.siaf_xref_sci = obs_params['XREF_SCI'] outModel.meta.wcsinfo.siaf_yref_sci = obs_params['YREF_SCI'] except KeyError: outModel.meta.wcsinfo.siaf_xref_sci = siaf_ap.XSciRef outModel.meta.wcsinfo.siaf_yref_sci = siaf_ap.YSciRef # V3 roll angle at the ref point roll_ref = compute_local_roll(pa_v3, ra_obs, dec_obs, siaf_ap.V2Ref, siaf_ap.V3Ref) outModel.meta.wcsinfo.roll_ref = roll_ref outModel.meta.filename = obs_params['filename'] return outModel
[docs]def save_level1b_fits(outModel, obs_params, save_dir=None, **kwargs): """Save Level1bModel to FITS and update headers""" # Check if save directory specified in obs_params if save_dir is None: save_dir = obs_params.get('save_dir') file_path = outModel.meta.filename if save_dir is not None: # Create directory and intermediates if they don't exist os.makedirs(save_dir, exist_ok=True) file_path = os.path.join(save_dir, file_path) # Save model to DMS FITS file print(f' Saving: {file_path}') # Update header information update_dms_headers(file_path, obs_params) update_headers_pynrc_info(file_path, obs_params, **kwargs)
[docs]def create_DMS_HDUList(sci_data, zero_data, obs_params, save_dir=None, **kwargs): """Save Level 1b to FITS file""" outModel = level1b_data_model(obs_params, sci_data=sci_data, zero_data=zero_data) save_level1b_fits(outModel, obs_params, save_dir=save_dir, **kwargs)
[docs]def update_dms_headers(filename, obs_params): """ Given the name of a valid partially populated level 1b JWST file, add a couple simple WCS parameters from the SIAF keywords, which contain information about the telescope pointing. It presumes all the accessed keywords are present from the JWST pipeline data model. Parameters ---------- filename : str file name obs_params : dict Dictionary of parameters to populate DMS header. See `create_DMS_HDUList` in """ hdulist =, mode='update') pheader = hdulist[0].header fheader = hdulist[1].header try: v2ref = float(pheader['V2_REF']) v3ref = float(pheader['V3_REF']) v3idlyang = float(pheader['V3I_YANG']) vparity = int(pheader['VPARITY']) pa_v3 = float(pheader['PA_V3']) except: v2ref = float(fheader['V2_REF']) v3ref = float(fheader['V3_REF']) v3idlyang = float(fheader['V3I_YANG']) vparity = int(fheader['VPARITY']) pa_v3 = float(fheader['PA_V3']) ra_ref = fheader['CRVAL1'] dec_ref = fheader['CRVAL2'] local_roll = compute_local_roll(pa_v3, ra_ref, dec_ref, v2ref, v3ref) pa_aper_deg = local_roll - vparity * v3idlyang D2R = np.pi / 180.0 fheader['PC1_1'] = -np.cos(pa_aper_deg * D2R) fheader['PC1_2'] = np.sin(pa_aper_deg * D2R) fheader['PC2_1'] = np.sin(pa_aper_deg * D2R) fheader['PC2_2'] = np.cos(pa_aper_deg * D2R) fheader['RA_REF'] = ra_ref fheader['DEC_REF'] = dec_ref fheader['ROLL_REF'] = local_roll fheader['WCSAXES'] = len(fheader['CTYPE*']) fheader['SIAF'] = (pysiaf.JWST_PRD_VERSION, "SIAF PRD version") # Segment exposure information if obs_params['EXSEGNUM'] is not None: pheader['EXSEGNUM'] = obs_params['EXSEGNUM'] if obs_params['EXSEGTOT'] is not None: pheader['EXSEGTOT'] = obs_params['EXSEGTOT'] # Now we need to adjust the data model header keyword # If we leave it as Level1bModel, the pipeline doesn't # work properly # TODO: Check if this is actually the case # if '1b' in pheader['DATAMODL']: # pheader['DATAMODL'] = 'RampModel' hdulist.flush() hdulist.close()
[docs]def update_headers_pynrc_info(filename, obs_params, **kwargs): """Add pynrc info to headers""" hdulist =, mode='update') pheader = hdulist[0].header fheader = hdulist[1].header # Add file info from kwargs kw_to_hkey = { # Keyword Arg : (Header key, Header comment) 'json_file' : ('APTJSON', 'APT JSON file input.'), 'sm_acct_file' : ('APTSMRT', 'APT smart accounting file input.'), 'pointing_file' : ('APTPOINT', 'APT pointing file input.'), 'xml_file' : ('APTXML', 'APT XML file input.'), } for kw in kw_to_hkey.keys(): hkey, comment = kw_to_hkey[kw] pheader[hkey] = (kwargs.get(kw), comment) # Insert pynrc header comment hkey_first = 'APTJSON' pheader.insert(hkey_first, '', after=False) pheader.insert(hkey_first, ('', 'pyNRC information'), after=False) pheader.insert(hkey_first, '', after=False) # Input telescope pointing info pheader['RA_IN'] = (obs_params['ra_obs'],'RA of observered SIAF aperture.') pheader['DEC_IN'] = (obs_params['dec_obs'], 'DEC of observered SIAF aperture.') pheader['PAV3_IN'] = (obs_params['pa_v3'], 'Telescope position angle relative to V3.') pheader['ROLL_IN'] = (obs_params['roll_offset'], 'Roll angle relative to nominal V3 PA.') pheader['ELONG_IN'] = (obs_params['solar_elong'], 'Solar elongation (deg).') pheader['PITCH_IN'] = (obs_params['pitch_ang'], 'Telescope pitch angle relative to sun (deg).') pheader['WFEDRIFT'] = (obs_params['wfe_drift'], 'Delta WFE drift from baseline OPD (nm RMS)') # Add actual dither offset information kw_to_hkey = { # Keyword Arg : (Header key, Header comment) 'xoffset_act' : ('XOFFACT', 'x dither offset in arcsec (idl coords)'), 'yoffset_act' : ('YOFFACT', 'y dither offset in arcsec (idl coords)'), } for kw in kw_to_hkey.keys(): hkey, comment = kw_to_hkey[kw] pheader[hkey] = (kwargs.get(kw), comment) # Add random seed info rand_init = obs_params.get('rand_seed_init') rand_dith = obs_params.get('rand_seed_dith') rand_noise = obs_params.get('rand_seed_noise') rand_dwfe = obs_params.get('rand_seed_dwfe') pheader['RANDINIT'] = (rand_init, "Random seed to init program sim") pheader['RANDDITH'] = (rand_dith, "Random seed for dither errors") pheader['RANDNOIS'] = (rand_noise, "Random seed for ramp noise init") pheader['RANDDWFE'] = (rand_dwfe, "Random seed for delta WFE IEC component") # Add noise parameter settings kw_to_hkey = { # Keyword Arg : (Header key, Header comment) 'include_poisson' : ('POISSON', 'Include Poisson noise?'), 'include_dark' : ('ADDDARK', 'Include dark current?'), 'include_bias' : ('ADDBIAS', 'Include bias image?'), 'include_ktc' : ('ADDKTC', 'Include kTC noise?'), 'include_rn' : ('ADDRN', 'Include read noise?'), 'include_cpink' : ('CPINK', 'Include correlated amplifer 1/f noise?'), 'include_upink' : ('UPINK', 'Include uncorrelated amplifer 1/f noise?'), 'include_acn' : ('ACN', 'Include alternating column noise?'), 'apply_ipc' : ('ADDIPC', 'Add interpixel capacitance?'), 'apply_ppc' : ('ADDPPC', 'Add post-pixel coupling signal bleed?'), 'amp_crosstalk' : ('XTALK', 'Add amplifier crosstalk?'), 'include_refoffsets' : ('REFOFFS', 'Include reference offsets?'), 'include_refinst' : ('REFINST', 'Include reference pixel instability?'), 'include_colnoise' : ('COLNOISE','Include sporatic column noise?'), 'add_crs' : ('ADDCR', 'Add cosmic rays events?'), 'cr_model' : ('CRMODEL', 'Cosmic ray model SUNMAX, SUNMIN, or FLARES.'), 'cr_scale' : ('CRSCALE', 'Cosmic ray model scaling.'), 'apply_nonlinearity' : ('ADDLIN', 'Include pixel nonlinearity?'), 'random_nonlin' : ('RANDLIN', 'Add noise to nonlinearity function?'), 'apply_flats' : ('ADDFLATS','Include pflat and lflat field variations?'), } for kw in kw_to_hkey.keys(): hkey, comment = kw_to_hkey[kw] pheader[hkey] = (kwargs.get(kw), comment) hdulist.flush() hdulist.close()
[docs]def compute_local_roll(pa_v3, ra_ref, dec_ref, v2_ref, v3_ref): """ Computes the position angle of V3 (measured N to E) at the reference point of an aperture. Parameters ---------- pa_v3 : float Position angle of V3 at (V2, V3) = (0, 0) [in deg] v2_ref, v3_ref : float Reference point in the V2, V3 frame [in arcsec] ra_ref, dec_ref : float RA and DEC corresponding to V2_REF and V3_REF, [in deg] Returns ------- new_roll : float The value of ROLL_REF (in deg) """ v2 = np.deg2rad(v2_ref / 3600) v3 = np.deg2rad(v3_ref / 3600) ra_ref = np.deg2rad(ra_ref) dec_ref = np.deg2rad(dec_ref) pa_v3 = np.deg2rad(pa_v3) M = np.array([[np.cos(ra_ref) * np.cos(dec_ref), -np.sin(ra_ref) * np.cos(pa_v3) + np.cos(ra_ref) * np.sin(dec_ref) * np.sin(pa_v3), -np.sin(ra_ref) * np.sin(pa_v3) - np.cos(ra_ref) * np.sin(dec_ref) * np.cos(pa_v3)], [np.sin(ra_ref) * np.cos(dec_ref), np.cos(ra_ref) * np.cos(pa_v3) + np.sin(ra_ref) * np.sin(dec_ref) * np.sin(pa_v3), np.cos(ra_ref) * np.sin(pa_v3) - np.sin(ra_ref) * np.sin(dec_ref) * np.cos(pa_v3)], [np.sin(dec_ref), -np.cos(dec_ref) * np.sin(pa_v3), np.cos(dec_ref) * np.cos(pa_v3)] ]) return _roll_angle_from_matrix(M, v2, v3)
def _roll_angle_from_matrix(matrix, v2, v3): X = -(matrix[2, 0] * np.cos(v2) + matrix[2, 1] * np.sin(v2)) * np.sin(v3) + matrix[2, 2] * np.cos(v3) Y = (matrix[0, 0] * matrix[1, 2] - matrix[1, 0] * matrix[0, 2]) * np.cos(v2) + \ (matrix[0, 1] * matrix[1, 2] - matrix[1, 1] * matrix[0, 2]) * np.sin(v2) new_roll = np.rad2deg(np.arctan2(Y, X)) if new_roll < 0: new_roll += 360 return new_roll