Source code for pynrc.simul.apt

"""APT conversion procedures"""

import copy
import os
import logging
from pickle import NONE
import re
import argparse
import pkg_resources
import warnings
from collections import OrderedDict
from lxml import etree

import numpy as np
import yaml, json

import pysiaf
from pysiaf import JWST_PRD_VERSION, rotations, Siaf
# Create this once since it takes time to call multiple times
siaf_nrc = Siaf('NIRCam')

from astropy.table import Table
from import ascii
from astropy.time import Time, TimeDelta
from astropy import units as u

from import tqdm, trange

from .. import conf
from ..nrc_utils import get_detname
from ..maths.coords import jwst_point

from webbpsf_ext.opds import slew_time

import logging
_log = logging.getLogger('pynrc')

instrument_abbreviations = {'nircam': 'NRC', 'fgs': 'FGS', 'niriss': 'NIS',
                            'nirspec': 'NRS', 'miri': 'MIR'}

NONE_STR = str(None).upper()

[docs]class AptInput: """Summary Attributes: exposure_tab (TYPE): Description input_xml (str): Description observation_list_file (str): Description obstab (TYPE): Description output_csv (TYPE): Description pointing_file (str): Description """
[docs] def __init__(self, input_xml=None, pointing_file=None, output_dir=None, output_csv=None, observation_list_file=None): self.logger = logging.getLogger('mirage.apt.apt_inputs') self.input_xml = input_xml self.pointing_file = pointing_file self.output_dir = output_dir self.output_csv = output_csv self.observation_list_file = observation_list_file # Locate the module files, so that we know where to look # for config subdirectory self.config_path = os.path.join(pkg_resources.resource_filename('mirage', ''), 'config')
[docs] def add_epochs(self, intab): """NOT CURRENTLY USED""" # add information on the epoch of each observation # if the user entered a list of epochs, read that in default_date = '2020-10-14' if self.epoch_list is not None: epochs =, header_start=0, data_start=1) else: epochs = Table() epochs['observation'] = intab['obs_label'] epochs['date'] = ['2018-10-14'] * len(intab['obs_label']) epochs['pav3'] = [0.] * len(intab['obs_label']) # insert epoch info for each observation into dictionary epoch_start = [] epoch_pav3 = [] for obs in intab['obs_label']: match = obs == epochs['observation'].data if np.sum(match) == 0: self.logger.error("No valid epoch line found for observation {}".format(obs)) self.logger.error('{}'.format(epochs['observation'].data)) epoch_start.append(default_date) epoch_pav3.append(0.) else: epoch_start.append(epochs['date'][match].data[0]) epoch_pav3.append(epochs['pav3'][match].data[0]) intab['epoch_start_date'] = epoch_start intab['pav3'] = epoch_pav3 return intab
[docs] def add_observation_info(self, intab): """Add information about each observation. Catalog names, dates, PAV3 values, etc., which are retrieved from the observation list yaml file. Parameters ---------- intab : obj astropy.table.Table containing exposure information Returns ------- intab : obj Updated table with information from the observation list yaml file added. """ with open(self.observation_list_file, 'r') as infile: self.obstab = yaml.safe_load(infile) OBSERVATION_LIST_FIELDS = 'Date PAV3 Filter PointSourceCatalog GalaxyCatalog ' \ 'ExtendedCatalog ExtendedScale ExtendedCenter MovingTargetList ' \ 'MovingTargetSersic MovingTargetExtended ' \ 'MovingTargetConvolveExtended MovingTargetToTrack ' \ 'ImagingTSOCatalog GrismTSOCatalog ' \ 'BackgroundRate DitherIndex CosmicRayLibrary CosmicRayScale'.split() nircam_mapping = {'ptsrc': 'PointSourceCatalog', 'galcat': 'GalaxyCatalog', 'ext': 'ExtendedCatalog', 'extscl': 'ExtendedScale', 'extcent': 'ExtendedCenter', 'movptsrc': 'MovingTargetList', 'movgal': 'MovingTargetSersic', 'movext': 'MovingTargetExtended', 'movconv': 'MovingTargetConvolveExtended', 'solarsys': 'MovingTargetToTrack', 'img_tso': 'ImagingTSOCatalog', 'grism_tso': 'GrismTSOCatalog', 'bkgd': 'BackgroundRate', } unique_instrument_names = [name.lower() for name in np.unique(intab['Instrument'])] # initialize dictionary keys for key in OBSERVATION_LIST_FIELDS: intab[key] = [] if 'nircam' in unique_instrument_names: for channel in ['SW', 'LW']: for name, item in nircam_mapping.items(): key = '{}_{}'.format(channel.lower(), name) intab[key] = [] # loop over entries in input dictionary for index, instrument in enumerate(intab['Instrument']): instrument = instrument.lower() # retrieve corresponding entry from observation list entry = _get_entry(self.obstab, intab['entry_number'][index]) if instrument == 'nircam': # keep the number of entries in the dictionary consistent for key in OBSERVATION_LIST_FIELDS: if key in ['Date', 'PAV3', 'Instrument', 'CosmicRayLibrary', 'CosmicRayScale']: value = str(entry[key]) else: value = NONE_STR intab[key].append(value) for channel in ['SW', 'LW']: for name, item in nircam_mapping.items(): key = '{}_{}'.format(channel.lower(), name) if item in 'ExtendedScale ExtendedCenter MovingTargetConvolveExtended BackgroundRate'.split(): intab[key].append(entry['FilterConfig'][channel][item]) else: intab[key].append(self.full_path(entry['FilterConfig'][channel][item])) else: for key in OBSERVATION_LIST_FIELDS: value = str(entry[key]) # Expand catalog names to contain full paths catalog_names = 'PointSourceCatalog GalaxyCatalog ' \ 'ExtendedCatalog MovingTargetList ' \ 'MovingTargetSersic MovingTargetExtended ' \ 'MovingTargetToTrack ImagingTSOCatalog ' \ 'GrismTSOCatalog'.split() if key in catalog_names: value = self.full_path(value) intab[key].append(value) # keep the number of entries in the dictionary consistent if 'nircam' in unique_instrument_names: for channel in ['SW', 'LW']: for name, item in nircam_mapping.items(): key = '{}_{}'.format(channel.lower(), name) intab[key].append(NONE_STR) intab['epoch_start_date'] = intab['Date'] return intab
[docs] def base36encode(self, integer): """ Translate a base 10 integer to base 36 Parameters ---------- integer : int a base 10 integer Returns ------- integer : int The integer translated to base 36 """ chars, encoded = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz', '' while integer > 0: integer, remainder = divmod(integer, 36) encoded = chars[remainder] + encoded return encoded.zfill(2)
[docs] def combine_dicts(self, dict1, dict2): """Combine two dictionaries into a single dictionary. Parameters ---------- dict1 : dict dictionary dict2 : dict dictionary Returns ------- combined : dict Combined dictionary """ combined = dict1.copy() combined.update(dict2) return combined
[docs] def create_input_table(self, verbose=False): """ Main function for creating a table of parameters for each exposure Parameters ---------- verbose : bool If True, extra information is printed to the log """ # Expand paths to full paths # self.input_xml = os.path.abspath(self.input_xml) # self.pointing_file = os.path.abspath(self.pointing_file) if self.output_csv is not None: self.output_csv = os.path.abspath(self.output_csv) if self.observation_list_file is not None: self.observation_list_file = os.path.abspath(self.observation_list_file) # if APT.xml content has already been generated during observation list creation # ( load it here if self.apt_xml_dict is None: raise RuntimeError('self.apt_xml_dict is not defined') # Read in the pointing file and produce dictionary pointing_dictionary = self.get_pointing_info(self.pointing_file, propid=self.apt_xml_dict['ProposalID'][0]) # Check that the .xml and .pointing files agree assert len(self.apt_xml_dict['ProposalID']) == len(pointing_dictionary['obs_num']),\ ('Inconsistent table size from XML file ({}) and pointing file ({}). Something was not ' 'processed correctly in apt_inputs.'.format(len(self.apt_xml_dict['ProposalID']), len(pointing_dictionary['obs_num']))) # Combine the dictionaries observation_dictionary = self.combine_dicts(self.apt_xml_dict, pointing_dictionary) # Add epoch and catalog information observation_dictionary = self.add_observation_info(observation_dictionary) if verbose:'Summary of observation dictionary:') for key in observation_dictionary.keys():'{:<25}: number of elements is {:>5}'.format(key, len(observation_dictionary[key]))) # Global Alignment observations need to have the pointing information for the # FGS exposures updated if 'WfscGlobalAlignment' in observation_dictionary['APTTemplate']: observation_dictionary = self.global_alignment_pointing(observation_dictionary) # Expand the dictionary to have one entry for each detector in each exposure self.exposure_tab = self.expand_for_detectors(observation_dictionary) # For fiducial point overrides, save the pointing aperture and actual aperture separately self.check_aperture_override() # Add start times for each exposure # Ignore warnings as astropy.time.Time will give a warning # related to unknown leap seconds if the date is too far in # the future. with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") self.exposure_tab = _make_start_times(self.exposure_tab) # Fix data for filename generation # Set parallel seq id for j, isparallel in enumerate(self.exposure_tab['ParallelInstrument']): if isparallel: self.exposure_tab['sequence_id'][j] = '2' # set exposure number (new sequence for every combination of seq id and act id and observation number and detector) temp_table = Table([self.exposure_tab['sequence_id'], self.exposure_tab['exposure'], self.exposure_tab['act_id'], self.exposure_tab['obs_num'], self.exposure_tab['detector']], names=('sequence_id', 'exposure', 'act_id', 'obs_num', 'detector')) for obs_num in np.unique(self.exposure_tab['obs_num']): for act_id in np.unique(temp_table['act_id']): # prime_index = np.where((temp_table['sequence_id'] == '1') & (temp_table['act_id'] == act_id) & (temp_table['obs_num'] == obs_num))[0] # parallel_index = np.where((temp_table['sequence_id'] == '2') & (temp_table['act_id'] == act_id) & (temp_table['obs_num'] == obs_num))[0] for detector in np.unique(temp_table['detector']): prime_index = np.where((temp_table['sequence_id'] == '1') & (temp_table['act_id'] == act_id) & (temp_table['obs_num'] == obs_num) & (temp_table['detector']==detector))[0] parallel_index = np.where((temp_table['sequence_id'] == '2') & (temp_table['act_id'] == act_id) & (temp_table['obs_num'] == obs_num) & (temp_table['detector']==detector))[0] temp_table['exposure'][prime_index] = ['{:05d}'.format(n+1) for n in np.arange(len(prime_index))] temp_table['exposure'][parallel_index] = ['{:05d}'.format(n+1) for n in np.arange(len(parallel_index))] self.exposure_tab['exposure'] = list(temp_table['exposure']) if verbose: for key in self.exposure_tab.keys():'{:>20} has {:>10} items'.format(key, len(self.exposure_tab[key]))) # Create a pysiaf.Siaf instance for each instrument in the proposal self.siaf = {} for instrument_name in np.unique(observation_dictionary['Instrument']): self.siaf[instrument_name] = Siaf(instrument_name) # Output to a csv file. if self.output_csv is None: indir, infile = os.path.split(self.input_xml) self.output_csv = os.path.join(self.output_dir, 'Observation_table_for_' + infile.split('.')[0] + '.csv') ascii.write(Table(self.exposure_tab), self.output_csv, format='csv', overwrite=True)'csv exposure list written to {}'.format(self.output_csv))
def check_aperture_override(self): if bool(self.exposure_tab['FiducialPointOverride']) is True: instruments = self.exposure_tab['Instrument'] apertures = self.exposure_tab['aperture'] aperture_key = instrument_abbreviations fixed_apertures = [] for i, (instrument, aperture) in enumerate(zip(instruments, apertures)): inst_match_ap = aperture.startswith(aperture_key[instrument.lower()]) if not inst_match_ap: # Handle the one case we understand, for now if instrument.lower() == 'fgs' and aperture[:3] == 'NRC': obs_num = self.exposure_tab['obs_num'][i] if self.exposure_tab['APTTemplate'][i] == 'WfscGlobalAlignment': guider_number = self.exposure_tab['aperture'][i][3] elif self.exposure_tab['APTTemplate'][i] == 'FgsExternalCalibration': guider_number = _get_guider_number(self.input_xml, obs_num) else: raise ValueError("WARNING: unsupported APT template with Fiducial Override.") guider_aperture = 'FGS{}_FULL'.format(guider_number) fixed_apertures.append(guider_aperture) else: self.logger.error('{} {} {} {}'.format(instrument, aperture, inst_match_ap, aperture_key[instrument.lower()])) raise ValueError('Unknown FiducialPointOverride in program. Instrument = {} but aperture = {}.'.format(instrument, aperture)) else: fixed_apertures.append(aperture) # Add new dictionary entry to document the FiducialPointOverride (pointing aperture) self.exposure_tab['pointing_aperture'] = self.exposure_tab['aperture'] # Rewrite the existing imaging aperture entry to match the primary instrument self.exposure_tab['aperture'] = fixed_apertures else: # Add new dictionary entry to document that the imaging aperture is the # same as the pointing aperture self.exposure_tab['pointing_aperture'] = self.exposure_tab['aperture']
[docs] def expand_for_detectors(self, input_dictionary): """Expand dictionary to have one entry per detector, rather than the one line per module that is in the input Parameters ---------- input_dictionary : dict dictionary containing one entry per module Returns ------- observation_dictionary : dict dictionary expanded to have one entry per detector """ observation_dictionary = {} for key in input_dictionary: observation_dictionary[key] = [] observation_dictionary['detector'] = [] # Read in tables of aperture information nircam_subarray_file = 'NIRCam_subarray_definitions.list' file = os.path.join(conf.PYNRC_PATH, 'sim_params', nircam_subarray_file) nircam_apertures = read_subarray_definition_file(file) for index, instrument in enumerate(input_dictionary['Instrument']): instrument = instrument.lower() if instrument == 'nircam' and input_dictionary['Mode'][index] == 'coron': # For coronagraphic observations, there is no need to expand for detectors. # Coronographic observations will always use only a single detector, which # we already know from the 'aperture' key in the input dictionary detectors = [input_dictionary['aperture'][index][3:5]] # Reset the mode of the coronagraphic observations to be imaging, since # 'coron' is not a supported mode, and those running Mirage with these # files currently have to manually switch the mode over to 'imaging' input_dictionary['Mode'][index] = 'imaging' n_detectors = len(detectors) for key in input_dictionary: observation_dictionary[key].extend(([input_dictionary[key][index]] * n_detectors)) observation_dictionary['detector'].extend(detectors) elif instrument == 'nircam': # if instrument == 'nircam' and input_dictionary['Mode'][index] != 'coron': # NIRCam case: Expand for detectors. Create one entry in each list for each # detector, rather than a single entry for 'ALL' or 'BSALL' # Determine module and subarray of the observation sub = input_dictionary['Subarray'][index] module = input_dictionary['Module'][index] if module == 'ALL': module = ['A', 'B'] else: module = list(module) # Match up `sub` with aperture names in the aperture table # FULL matches up with the standard full frame imaging # apertures as well as full frame Grism apertures matches = np.where(nircam_apertures['Name'] == sub)[0] if len(matches) == 0: raise ValueError("ERROR: aperture {} in not present in the subarray definition file {}" .format(sub, nircam_subarray_file)) # Keep only apertures in the correct module matched_allmod_apertures = nircam_apertures['AperName'][matches].data matched_apertures = [] for mod in module: good = [ap for ap in matched_allmod_apertures if 'NRC{}'.format(mod) in ap] matched_apertures.extend(good) if sub in ['FULL', 'SUB160', 'SUB320', 'SUB640', 'SUB64P', 'SUB160P', 'SUB400P', 'FULLP']: mode = input_dictionary['Mode'][index] template = input_dictionary['APTTemplate'][index] if (sub == 'FULL'): if mode in ['imaging', 'ts_imaging', 'wfss', 'coron']: # This block should catch full-frame observations # in either imaging (including TS imaging) or # wfss mode matched_aps = np.array([ap for ap in matched_apertures if 'GRISM' not in ap]) matched_apertures = [] detectors = [] for ap in matched_aps: detectors.append(ap[3:5]) split = ap.split('_') if len(split) == 3: ap_string = '{}_{}'.format(split[1], split[2]) elif len(split) == 2: ap_string = split[1] matched_apertures.append(ap_string) elif mode == 'ts_grism': # This block should get Grism Time Series # observations that use the full frame matched_apertures = np.array([ap for ap in matched_apertures if 'GRISM' in ap]) filtered_aperture = input_dictionary['aperture'][index] filtered_splits = filtered_aperture.split('_') filtered_ap_no_det = '{}_{}'.format(filtered_splits[1], filtered_splits[2]) detectors = [filtered_splits[0][3:5]] # Get correct apertures apertures_to_add = [] final_matched_apertures = [] final_detectors = [] filtered_ap_det = filtered_aperture[3:5] for ap in matched_apertures: det = ap[3:5] if ap == filtered_aperture or det != filtered_ap_det: final_matched_apertures.append(ap) final_detectors.append(det) matched_apertures = final_matched_apertures detectors = final_detectors else: # 'Standard' imaging subarrays: SUB320, SUB400P, etc matched_apertures = [ap for ap in matched_apertures if sub in ap] detectors = [ap.split('_')[0][3:5] for ap in matched_apertures] matched_apertures = [sub] * len(detectors) elif 'SUBGRISM' in sub: # This should catch only Grism Time Series observations # and engineering imaging observations, which are the # only 2 templates that can use SUBGRISM apertures long_filter = input_dictionary['LongFilter'][index] filter_dependent_apertures = [ap for ap in matched_apertures if len(ap.split('_')) == 3] filtered_aperture = input_dictionary['aperture'][index] filtered_splits = filtered_aperture.split('_') filtered_ap_no_det = '{}_{}'.format(filtered_splits[1], filtered_splits[2]) detectors = [filtered_splits[0][3:5]] # Get correct apertures apertures_to_add = [] final_matched_apertures = [] final_detectors = [] filtered_ap_det = filtered_aperture[3:5] for ap in matched_apertures: det = ap[3:5] if ap == filtered_aperture or det != filtered_ap_det: final_matched_apertures.append(ap) final_detectors.append(det) matched_apertures = [] for ap in final_matched_apertures: split = ap.split('_') if len(split) == 3: ap_string = '{}_{}'.format(split[1], split[2]) elif len(split) == 2: ap_string = split[1] matched_apertures.append(ap_string) detectors = final_detectors else: # TA, WFSC apertures stripped_apertures = [] detectors = [] for ap in matched_apertures: detectors.append(ap[3:5]) split = ap.split('_') if len(split) == 3: ap_string = '{}_{}'.format(split[1], split[2]) elif len(split) == 2: ap_string = split[1] stripped_apertures.append(ap_string) matched_apertures = stripped_apertures full_apertures = ['NRC{}_{}'.format(det, sub) for det, sub in zip(detectors, matched_apertures)] # Add entries to observation dictionary num_entries = len(detectors) #observation_dictionary['Subarray'].extend(matched_apertures) extend? or replace? for key in input_dictionary: #if key not in ['Subarray']: if key not in ['aperture', 'detector', 'Subarray']: observation_dictionary[key].extend(([input_dictionary[key][index]] * num_entries)) observation_dictionary['detector'].extend(detectors) observation_dictionary['aperture'].extend(full_apertures) observation_dictionary['Subarray'].extend(matched_apertures) else: if instrument == 'niriss': detectors = ['NIS'] elif instrument == 'nirspec': detectors = ['NRS'] elif instrument == 'fgs': if input_dictionary['APTTemplate'][index] == 'WfscGlobalAlignment': guider_number = input_dictionary['aperture'][index][3] elif input_dictionary['APTTemplate'][index] == 'FgsExternalCalibration': guider_number = _get_guider_number(self.input_xml, input_dictionary['obs_num'][index]) detectors = ['G{}'.format(guider_number)] elif instrument == 'miri': detectors = ['MIR'] n_detectors = len(detectors) for key in input_dictionary: observation_dictionary[key].extend(([input_dictionary[key][index]] * n_detectors)) observation_dictionary['detector'].extend(detectors) """ # Correct NIRCam aperture names for commissioning subarrays for index, instrument in enumerate(observation_dictionary['Instrument']): instrument = instrument.lower() if instrument == 'nircam': detector = observation_dictionary['detector'][index] sub = observation_dictionary['Subarray'][index] # this should probably better be handled by using the subarray_definitions file upstream if 'DHSPIL' in sub: subarray, module = sub.split('DHSPIL') subarray_size = subarray[3:] detector = 'A3' if module == 'A' else 'B4' aperture_name = 'NRC{}_DHSPIL_SUB{}'.format(detector, subarray_size) elif 'FP1' in sub: subarray, module = sub.split('FP1') subarray_size = subarray[3:] detector = 'A3' if module == 'A' else 'B4' aperture_name = 'NRC{}_FP1_SUB{}'.format(detector, subarray_size) else: aperture_name = 'NRC' + detector + '_' + sub observation_dictionary['aperture'][index] = aperture_name observation_dictionary['detector'][index] = detector """ return observation_dictionary
[docs] def extract_grism_aperture(self, apertures, filter_name): """In the case of a Grism observation (WFSS or GRISM TSO), where a given crossing filter is used, find the appropriate aperture to use. Parameters ---------- apertures : list List of possible grism apertures filter_name : str Name of crossing filter Returns ------- apertures : list Modified list containig the correct aperture """ filter_match = [True if filter_name in mtch else False for mtch in apertures] if any(filter_match): self.logger.debug('EXACT FILTER MATCH') self.logger.debug('{}'.format(filter_match)) apertures = list(np.array(apertures)[filter_match]) else: self.logger.debug('NO EXACT FILTER MATCH') filter_int = int(filter_name[1:4]) aperture_int = np.array([int(ap.split('_')[-1][1:4]) for ap in apertures]) wave_diffs = np.abs(aperture_int - filter_int) min_diff_index = np.where(wave_diffs == np.min(wave_diffs))[0] apertures = list(apertures[min_diff_index]) self.logger.debug('{} {} {} {}'.format(filter_int, aperture_int, min_diff_index, apertures)) return apertures
[docs] def extract_value(self, line): """Extract text from xml line Parameters ---------- line : str Line from xml file Returns ------- line : str Text between > and < in the input line """ gt = line.find('>') lt = line.find('<', gt) return line[gt + 1:lt]
[docs] def full_path(self, in_path): """ If the input path is not None, expand any environment variables and make an absolute path. Return the updated path. Parameters ---------- in_path : str Path to be expanded Returns ------- in_path : str Expanded, absolute path """ if in_path.lower() == 'none': return in_path else: return os.path.abspath(os.path.expandvars(in_path))
[docs] def get_pointing_info(self, file, propid=0, verbose=False): """Read in information from APT's pointing file. Parameters ---------- file : str Name of APT-exported pointing file to be read propid : int Proposal ID number (integer). This is used to create various ID fields Returns ------- pointing : dict Dictionary of pointing-related information TODO ---- extract useful information from header? check visit numbers set parallel proposal number correctly """ tar = [] tile = [] exp = [] dith = [] aperture = [] targ1 = [] targ2 = [] ra = [] dec = [] basex = [] basey = [] dithx = [] dithy = [] v2 = [] v3 = [] idlx = [] idly = [] level = [] type_str = [] expar = [] dkpar = [] ddist = [] observation_number = [] visit_number = [] visit_id = [] visit_grp = [] activity_id = [] observation_label = [] observation_id = [] seq_id = [] act_counter = 1 with open(file) as f: for line in f: # Skip comments and new lines except for the line with the version of the PRD if (line[0] == '#') or (line in ['\n']) or ('=====' in line): # Compare the version of the PRD from APT and pysiaf if 'PRDOPSSOC' in line: apt_prd_version = line.split(' ')[-2] if apt_prd_version != JWST_PRD_VERSION: self.logger.warning(('\n!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\n' 'The pointing file from APT was created using PRD version: {},\n' 'while the current installation of pysiaf uses PRD version: {}.\n' 'This inconsistency may lead to errors in source locations or\n' 'the WCS of simulated data if the apertures being simulated are\n' 'shifted between the two versions. We highly recommend using a\n' 'consistent version of the PRD between APT and pysiaf.\n' '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\n' .format(apt_prd_version, JWST_PRD_VERSION))) else: continue # Extract proposal ID elif line.split()[0] == 'JWST': propid_header = line.split()[7] try: propid = except ValueError: # adopt value passed to function pass if verbose:'Extracted proposal ID {}'.format(propid)) continue elif (len(line) > 1): elements = line.split() # Look for lines that give visit/observation numbers if line[0:2] == '* ': paren = line.rfind('(') if paren == -1: obslabel = line[2:] obslabel = obslabel.strip() else: obslabel = line[2:paren-1] obslabel = obslabel.strip() if (' (' in obslabel) and (')' in obslabel): obslabel = re.split(r' \(|\)', obslabel)[0] skip = False if line[0:2] == '**': v = elements[2] obsnum, visitnum = v.split(':') obsnum = str(obsnum).zfill(3) visitnum = str(visitnum).zfill(3) if (skip is True) and (verbose):'Skipping observation {} ({})'.format(obsnum, obslabel)) try: # Skip the line at the beginning of each # visit that gives info on the target, # but is not actually an observation # These lines have 'Exp' values of 0, # while observations have a value of 1 # (that I've seen so far) # The exception to this rule is TA images. # These have Exp values of 0. Sigh. if (([1]) > 0) & ('NRC' in elements[4] or 'NIS' in elements[4] or 'FGS' in elements[4] or 'NRS' in elements[4] or 'MIR' in elements[4]) ) or (('TA' in elements[4]) & ('NRC' in elements[4] or 'NIS' in elements[4])): if (elements[18] == 'PARALLEL') and ('MIRI' in elements[4]): skip = True if skip: # act_counter += 1 continue act = self.base36encode(act_counter) activity_id.append(act) observation_label.append(obslabel) observation_number.append(obsnum) visit_number.append(visitnum) prop_5digit = "{0:05d}".format(int(propid)) vid = "{}{}{}".format(prop_5digit, obsnum, visitnum) visit_id.append(vid) # Visit group hard coded to 1. It's not clear how APT divides visits up into visit # groups. For now just keep everything in a single visit group. vgrp = '01' visit_grp.append(vgrp) # Parallel sequence is hard coded to 1 (Simulated instrument as prime rather than # parallel) at the moment. Future improvements may allow the proper sequence # number to be constructed. seq = '1' seq_id.append(seq) tar.append([0])) tile.append([1])) exnum = str(elements[2]).zfill(5) exp.append(exnum) dith.append([3])) ap = elements[4] if ('GRISMR_WFSS' in elements[4]): ap = ap.replace('GRISMR_WFSS', 'FULL') elif ('GRISMC_WFSS' in elements[4]): ap = ap.replace('GRISMC_WFSS', 'FULL') aperture.append(ap) targ1.append([5])) targ2.append(elements[6]) ra.append(elements[7]) dec.append(elements[8]) basex.append(elements[9]) basey.append(elements[10]) dithx.append(np.float(elements[11])) dithy.append(np.float(elements[12])) v2.append(np.float(elements[13])) v3.append(np.float(elements[14])) idlx.append(np.float(elements[15])) idly.append(np.float(elements[16])) level.append(elements[17]) type_str.append(elements[18]) expar.append([19])) dkpar.append([20])) ddist.append(np.float(elements[21])) # For the moment we assume that the instrument being simulated is not being # run in parallel, so the parallel proposal number will be all zeros, # as seen in the line below. observation_id.append("V{}P{}{}{}{}".format(vid, '00000000', vgrp, seq, act)) # act_counter += 1 except ValueError as e: if verbose:'Skipping line:\n{}\nproducing error:\n{}'.format(line, e)) pass pointing = {'exposure': exp, 'dither': dith, 'aperture': aperture, 'targ1': targ1, 'targ2': targ2, 'ra': ra, 'dec': dec, 'basex': basex, 'basey': basey, 'dithx': dithx, 'dithy': dithy, 'v2': v2, 'v3': v3, 'idlx': idlx, 'idly': idly, 'ddist': ddist, 'obs_label': observation_label, 'obs_num': observation_number, 'visit_num': visit_number, 'act_id': activity_id, 'visit_id': visit_id, 'visit_group': visit_grp, 'sequence_id': seq_id, 'observation_id': observation_id} return pointing
[docs] def global_alignment_pointing(self, obs_dict): """Adjust the pointing dictionary information for global alignment observations. Some of the entries need to be changed from NIRCam to FGS. Remember that not all observations in the dictionary will necessarily be WfscGlobalAlignment template. Be sure the leave all other templates unchanged. Parameters ---------- obs_dict : dict Dictionary of observation parameters, as returned from add_observation_info() Returns ------- obs_dict : dict Dictionary with modified values for FGS pointing in Global Alignment templates """ # We'll always be changing NIRCam to FGS, so set up the NIRCam siaf # instance outside of loop nrc_siaf = Siaf('nircam')['NRCA3_FULL'] ga_index = np.array(obs_dict['APTTemplate']) == 'WfscGlobalAlignment' observation_numbers = np.unique(np.array(obs_dict['obs_num'])[ga_index]) for obs_num in observation_numbers: obs_indexes = np.where(np.array(obs_dict['obs_num']) == obs_num)[0] # Get the subarray and aperture entries for the observation aperture_values = np.array(obs_dict['aperture'])[obs_indexes] subarr_values = np.array(obs_dict['Subarray'])[obs_indexes] # Subarray values, which come from the xml file, are correct. The aperture # values, which come from the pointing file, are not correct. We need to # copy over the FGS values from the Subarray column to the aperture column to_fgs = [True if 'FGS' in subarr else False for subarr in subarr_values] aperture_values[to_fgs] = subarr_values[to_fgs] fgs_aperture = aperture_values[to_fgs][0] all_aperture_values = np.array(obs_dict['aperture']) all_aperture_values[obs_indexes] = aperture_values obs_dict['aperture'] = all_aperture_values # Update the pointing info for the FGS exposures fgs = Siaf('fgs')[fgs_aperture] basex, basey = fgs.tel_to_idl(nrc_siaf.V2Ref, nrc_siaf.V3Ref) dithx = np.array(obs_dict['dithx'])[obs_indexes[to_fgs]] dithy = np.array(obs_dict['dithy'])[obs_indexes[to_fgs]] idlx = basex + dithx idly = basey + dithy basex_col = np.array(obs_dict['basex']) basey_col = np.array(obs_dict['basey']) idlx_col = np.array(obs_dict['idlx']) idly_col = np.array(obs_dict['idly']) basex_col[obs_indexes[to_fgs]] = basex basey_col[obs_indexes[to_fgs]] = basey idlx_col[obs_indexes[to_fgs]] = idlx idly_col[obs_indexes[to_fgs]] = idly obs_dict['basex'] = basex_col obs_dict['basey'] = basey_col obs_dict['idlx'] = idlx_col obs_dict['idly'] = idly_col return obs_dict
[docs] def tight_dithers(self, input_dict): """ In NIRCam, when the 'FULL' dither pattern is used, it is possible to set the number of primary dithers to '3TIGHT' rather than just a number (e.g. '3'). If the number of dithers is set to '3TIGHT' remove 'TIGHT' from the entries and leave only the number behind. Parameters ---------- input_dict : dict Dictionary where each key points to a list containing observation details. For example, input_dict['PrimarDither'] is a list of the number of primary dithers for all observations Returns ------- input_dict : dict Updated dictionary where 'TIGHT' has been removed from PrimaryDither list """ inlist = input_dict['PrimaryDithers'] modlist = [v if 'TIGHT' not in v else v.strip('TIGHT') for v in inlist] input_dict['PrimaryDithers'] = modlist return input_dict
def add_options(self, parser=None, usage=None): if parser is None: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(usage=usage, description='Simulate JWST ramp') parser.add_argument("input_xml", help='XML file from APT describing the observations.') parser.add_argument("pointing_file", help='Pointing file from APT describing observations.') parser.add_argument("--output_csv", help="Name of output file containing list of observations.", default=None) parser.add_argument("--observation_list_file", help=('Ascii file containing a list of ' 'observations, times, and roll angles, ' 'catalogs'), default=None) return parser
[docs]def read_subarray_definition_file(filename): """Read in the file that contains a list of subarray names and related information Parameters ---------- filename : str Name of the ascii file containing the table of subarray information Returns ------- data : astropy.table.Table Table containing subarray information """ try: data =, data_start=1, header_start=0) except: raise RuntimeError(("Error: could not read in subarray definitions file: {}" .format(filename))) return data
def _get_entry(dict, entry_number): """Return a numbered entry from a dictionary that corresponds to the observataion_list.yaml. Parameters ---------- dict entry_number Returns ------- """ entry_key = 'EntryNumber{}'.format(entry_number) for key, observation in dict.items(): if entry_key in observation.keys(): return observation[entry_key] def _append_dictionary(base_dictionary, added_dictionary, braid=False): """Append the content of added_dictionary key-by-key to the base_dictionary. This assumes that the keys refer to lists. Parameters ---------- base_dictionary : dict added_dictionary : dict braid : bool If true, the elements of added_dictionary are added in alternating sequence. This is used to synchronize parallel observations with the pointing file. Returns ------- new_dictionary : dict Dictionary where every key holds a list of lists """ new_dictionary = copy.deepcopy(base_dictionary) # extract an arbitrary key name first_key = [key for i, key in enumerate(base_dictionary.keys()) if i == 0][0] # Insert keys from added_dictionary that are not yet present in base_dictionary for key in added_dictionary.keys(): if key not in base_dictionary.keys(): new_dictionary[key] = ['None'] * len(base_dictionary[first_key]) # Append the items for key in new_dictionary.keys(): if key not in added_dictionary.keys(): continue # print('{} {}'.format(key, new_dictionary[key])) if len(new_dictionary[key]) == 0: new_dictionary[key] = added_dictionary[key] else: if braid: # solution from new_dictionary[key] = [sub[i] for i in range(len(added_dictionary[key])) for sub in [new_dictionary[key], added_dictionary[key]]] else: new_dictionary[key] = new_dictionary[key] + added_dictionary[key] return new_dictionary
[docs]class ReadAPTXML(): """Class to open and parse XML files from APT. Can read templates for NircamImaging, NircamEngineeringImaging, WfscCommissioning, WfscGlobaLAlignment, WfscCoarsePhasing, WfscFinePhasing (incomplete), and NircamWfss modes. Attributes ---------- apt: str APT namespace for XML files APTObservationParams: dict Dictionary of APT parameters that accumulates all parameters in all tiles and all observation. Passed out to be further parsed in the apt_inputs script obs_tuple_list: list Compiled list of all the parameters for all tiles in a single observation """
[docs] def __init__(self): # Initialize log self.logger = logging.getLogger('read_apt_xml')'Running read_apt_xml....\n') # Define the APT namespace self.apt = '{}' # Set up dictionary of observation parameters to be populated ProposalParams_keys = ['PI_Name', 'Proposal_category', 'Proposal_subcategory', 'ProposalID', 'Science_category', 'Title'] ObsParams_keys = ['Module', 'Subarray', 'Instrument', 'PrimaryDitherType', 'PrimaryDithers', 'DitherSize', 'SubpixelPositions', 'SubpixelDitherType', 'SmallGridDitherType', 'CoordinatedParallel', 'ParallelInstrument', 'ObservationID', 'TileNumber', 'APTTemplate', 'ApertureOverride', 'ObservationName', 'DitherPatternType', 'ImageDithers', # NIRISS 'number_of_dithers', # uniform name across instruments 'FiducialPointOverride', 'TargetID', 'TargetRA', 'TargetDec' ] FilterParams_keys = ['ShortFilter', 'LongFilter', 'ShortPupil', 'LongPupil', 'ReadoutPattern', 'Groups', 'Integrations', 'FilterWheel', 'PupilWheel', # for NIRISS 'NumOutputs' ] OtherParams_keys = ['Mode', 'Grism', 'CoronMask', 'IntegrationsShort', 'GroupsShort', 'Dither', # MIRI 'GroupsLong', 'ReadoutPatternShort', 'IntegrationsLong', 'Exposures', 'Wavelength', 'ReadoutPatternLong', 'Filter', 'EtcIdLong', 'EtcIdShort', 'EtcId', 'Tracking' ] self.APTObservationParams_keys = ProposalParams_keys + ObsParams_keys + \ FilterParams_keys + OtherParams_keys self.APTObservationParams = {} for key in self.APTObservationParams_keys: self.APTObservationParams[key] = [] self.empty_exposures_dictionary = copy.deepcopy(self.APTObservationParams) self.observation_info = OrderedDict()
[docs] def get_tracking_type(self, observation): """Determine whether the observation uses sidereal or non-sidereal tracking Parameters ---------- observation : etree xml element xml content of observation Returns ------- tracking_type : str "sidereal" or "non-sidereal" based on the target used in the observation """ target_id = observation.find(self.apt + 'TargetID').text targname = target_id.split(' ')[1] matched_key = [key for key in self.target_type if targname == key] if len(matched_key) == 0: raise ValueError('No matching target name for {} in self.target_type'.format(targname)) elif len(matched_key) > 1: raise ValueError('Multiple matching target names for {} in self.target_type.'.format(targname)) else: tracking_type = self.target_type[matched_key[0]] return tracking_type
[docs] def read_xml(self, infile, verbose=False): """Main function. Read in the .xml file from APT, and output dictionary of parameters. Arguments --------- infile (str): Path to input .xml file Returns ------- dict: Dictionary with extracted observation parameters Raises ------ ValueError: If an .xml file is provided that includes an APT template that is not supported. If the .xml file includes a fiducial pointing override with an unknown subarray specification """ # Open XML file, get element tree of the APT proposal with open(infile) as f: tree = etree.parse(f) # Get high-level information: proposal info - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # Set default values propid_default = 42 proptitle_default = 'Looking for my towel' scicat_default = 'Planets and Planet Formation' piname_default = 'D.N. Adams' propcat_default = 'GO' propsubcat_default = 'UNKNOWN' # Get just the element with the proposal information proposal_info = tree.find(self.apt + 'ProposalInformation') # Title try: prop_title = proposal_info.find(self.apt + 'Title').text except: prop_title = proptitle_default # Proposal ID try: prop_id = '{:05d}'.format( + 'ProposalID').text)) except: prop_id = '{:05d}'.format(propid_default) # Proposal Category try: # prop_category = proposal_info.find(self.apt + 'ProposalCategory')[0] # prop_category = etree.QName(prop_category).localname prop_category = proposal_info.find(self.apt + 'ProposalCategory').text except: prop_category = propcat_default # Proposal Sub-Category try: prop_subcategory = proposal_info.find(self.apt + 'ProposalCategorySubtype').text except: prop_subcategory = propsubcat_default # Science Category try: science_category = proposal_info.find(self.apt + 'ScientificCategory').text except: science_category = scicat_default # Principal Investigator Name try: pi_firstname = proposal_info.find('.//' + self.apt + 'FirstName').text pi_lastname = proposal_info.find('.//' + self.apt + 'LastName').text pi_name = ' '.join([pi_firstname, pi_lastname]) except: pi_name = piname_default # Get target names - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - targs = tree.find(self.apt + 'Targets') target_elements = targs.findall(self.apt + 'Target') self.target_info = {} self.target_type = {} for target in target_elements: t_name = target.find(self.apt + 'TargetName').text try: t_coords = target.find(self.apt + 'EquatorialCoordinates').items()[0][1] except AttributeError: # Non-sidereal targets do not have EquatorialCoordinates entries in the xml t_coords = '00 00 00 00 00 00' ra_hour, ra_min, ra_sec, dec_deg, dec_arcmin, dec_arcsec = t_coords.split(' ') ra = '{}:{}:{}'.format(ra_hour, ra_min, ra_sec) dec = '{}:{}:{}'.format(dec_deg, dec_arcmin, dec_arcsec) self.target_info[t_name] = (ra, dec) type_key = [key for key in target.attrib.keys() if 'type' in key] if 'SolarSystem' in target.attrib[type_key[0]]: self.target_type[t_name] = 'non-sidereal' else: self.target_type[t_name] = 'sidereal''target_info:')'{}'.format(self.target_info)) # Get parameters for each observation - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # Find all observations (but use only those that use NIRCam or are WFSC) observation_data = tree.find(self.apt + 'DataRequests') observation_list = observation_data.findall('.//' + self.apt + 'Observation') # Loop through observations, get parameters for i_obs, obs in enumerate(observation_list): observation_number = obs.find(self.apt + 'Number').text.zfill(3) # Create empty list that will be populated with a tuple of parameters # for every observation self.obs_tuple_list = [] # Determine what template is used for the observation template = obs.find(self.apt + 'Template')[0] template_name = etree.QName(template).localname # Are all the templates in the XML file something that we can handle? known_APT_templates = ['NircamImaging', 'NircamWfss', 'WfscCommissioning', 'NircamEngineeringImaging', 'WfscGlobalAlignment', 'WfscCoarsePhasing', 'WfscFinePhasing', 'NircamGrismTimeSeries', 'NircamTimeSeries', 'NircamCoron', 'NirissExternalCalibration', 'NirissWfss', 'NirissAmi', # NIRISS 'NirspecImaging', 'NirspecInternalLamp', # NIRSpec 'MiriMRS', 'MiriImaging', 'MiriCoron', # MIRI 'FgsExternalCalibration', # FGS 'NircamDark', 'NirissDark' # Darks ] if template_name not in known_APT_templates: # If not, turn back now.'No protocol written to read {template_name} template.') # Get observation label label_ele = obs.find(self.apt + 'Label') if label_ele is not None: label = label_ele.text if (' (' in label) and (')' in label): label = re.split(r' \(|\)', label)[0] else: label = 'None' # Get coordinated parallel coordparallel = obs.find(self.apt + 'CoordinatedParallel').text if verbose:'+'*100)'Observation `{}` labelled `{}` uses template `{}`'.format(observation_number, label, template_name)) number_of_entries = len(self.APTObservationParams['Instrument'])'APTObservationParams Dictionary holds {} entries before reading template' .format(number_of_entries)) if coordparallel == 'true':'Coordinated parallel observation') CoordinatedParallelSet = None if coordparallel == 'true': try: CoordinatedParallelSet = obs.find(self.apt + 'CoordinatedParallelSet').text except AttributeError: raise RuntimeError('Program does not specify parallels correctly.') try: obs_label = obs.find(self.apt + 'Label').text except AttributeError: # label tag not present obs_label = 'Observation 1' # Get target name try: targ_name = obs.find(self.apt + 'TargetID').text.split(' ')[1] except IndexError as e:"No target ID for observation: {}".format(obs)) targ_name = obs.find(self.apt + 'TargetID').text.split(' ')[0] # For NIRSpec Internal Lamp if targ_name == 'NONE': self.target_info[targ_name] = ('0', '0') # extract visit numbers visit_numbers = [[0][1]) for element in obs if element.tag.split(self.apt)[1] == 'Visit'] prop_params = [pi_name, prop_id, prop_title, prop_category, science_category, coordparallel, observation_number, obs_label, targ_name] proposal_parameter_dictionary = {'PI_Name': pi_name, 'ProposalID': prop_id, 'Title': prop_title, 'Proposal_category': prop_category, 'Proposal_subcategory': prop_subcategory, 'Science_category': science_category, 'CoordinatedParallel': coordparallel, 'ObservationID': observation_number, 'ObservationName': obs_label, 'TargetID': targ_name, 'TargetRA': self.target_info[targ_name][0], 'TargetDec': self.target_info[targ_name][1] } if template_name in ['NircamImaging', 'NircamEngineeringImaging', 'NirissExternalCalibration', 'NirspecImaging', 'MiriMRS', 'FgsExternalCalibration', 'MiriImaging']: exposures_dictionary = self.read_generic_imaging_template(template, template_name, obs, proposal_parameter_dictionary, verbose=verbose) if coordparallel == 'true': parallel_template_name = etree.QName(obs.find(self.apt + 'FirstCoordinatedTemplate')[0]).localname if parallel_template_name in ['MiriImaging']: pass else: parallel_exposures_dictionary = self.read_parallel_exposures(obs, exposures_dictionary, proposal_parameter_dictionary, verbose=verbose) exposures_dictionary = _append_dictionary(exposures_dictionary, parallel_exposures_dictionary, braid=True) # If template is WFSC Commissioning elif template_name in ['WfscCommissioning']: exposures_dictionary, num_WFCgroups = self.read_commissioning_template(template, template_name, obs, prop_params) # If template is WFSC Global Alignment elif template_name in ['WfscGlobalAlignment']: exposures_dictionary, n_exp = self.read_globalalignment_template(template, template_name, obs, prop_params) # If template is WFSC Coarse Phasing elif template_name in ['WfscCoarsePhasing']: exposures_dictionary, n_tiles_phasing = self.read_coarsephasing_template(template, template_name, obs, prop_params) # If template is WFSC Fine Phasing elif template_name in ['WfscFinePhasing']: exposures_dictionary, n_tiles_phasing = self.read_finephasing_template(template, template_name, obs, prop_params) # If template is NIRCam Grism Time Series elif template_name == 'NircamGrismTimeSeries': exposures_dictionary = self.read_nircam_grism_time_series(template, template_name, obs, proposal_parameter_dictionary) # If template is NIRCam Imaging Time Series elif template_name == 'NircamTimeSeries': exposures_dictionary = self.read_nircam_imaging_time_series(template, template_name, obs, proposal_parameter_dictionary) # NIRISS AMI elif template_name == 'NirissAmi': exposures_dictionary = self.read_niriss_ami_template(template, template_name, obs, proposal_parameter_dictionary, verbose=verbose) # If template is WFSS elif template_name == 'NircamWfss': exposures_dictionary = self.read_nircam_wfss_template(template, template_name, obs, proposal_parameter_dictionary) elif template_name == 'NirissWfss': exposures_dictionary = self.read_niriss_wfss_template(template, template_name, obs, proposal_parameter_dictionary, verbose=verbose) if coordparallel == 'true': parallel_template_name = etree.QName(obs.find(self.apt + 'FirstCoordinatedTemplate')[0]).localname if parallel_template_name in ['MiriImaging']: pass elif parallel_template_name in ['NircamImaging']: parallel_exposures_dictionary = self.read_parallel_exposures(obs, exposures_dictionary, proposal_parameter_dictionary, verbose=verbose) exposures_dictionary = _append_dictionary(exposures_dictionary, parallel_exposures_dictionary, braid=True) else: raise ValueError('Parallel template {} (with primary template {}) not supported.' .format(parallel_template_name, template_name)) elif template_name == 'NircamCoron': exposures_dictionary = self.read_nircam_coronagraphy_template(template, template_name, obs, proposal_parameter_dictionary) elif template_name == 'MiriCoron': # we can't actually simulate this, but parse it anyway to allow handling joint # APT programs containing NIRCam and MIRI together. exposures_dictionary = self.read_miri_coronagraphy_template(template, template_name, obs, proposal_parameter_dictionary) else:'SKIPPED: Observation `{}` labelled `{}` uses template `{}`'.format(observation_number, label, template_name)) continue if verbose:'Dictionary read from template has {} entries.'.format(len(exposures_dictionary['Instrument']))) # # set default number of dithers, for downstream processing # for i, n_dither in enumerate(exposures_dictionary['number_of_dithers']): # if (template_name == 'NircamEngineeringImaging') and (n_dither == '2PLUS'): # exposures_dictionary['number_of_dithers'][i] = '2' # elif int(n_dither) == 0: # exposures_dictionary['number_of_dithers'][i] = '1' # add the exposure dictionary to the main dictionary self.APTObservationParams = _append_dictionary(self.APTObservationParams, exposures_dictionary) # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # Now we need to look for mosaic details, if any mosaic_tiles = obs.findall('.//' + self.apt + 'MosaicTiles') # count only tiles that are included tile_state = np.array([mosaic_tiles[i].find('.//' + self.apt + 'TileState').text for i in range(len(mosaic_tiles))]) n_tiles = np.sum(np.array([True if state == 'Tile Included' else False for state in tile_state])) label = obs_label if verbose:"Found {} tile(s) for observation {} {}".format(n_tiles, observation_number, label)) if len(visit_numbers) > 0:'Found {} visits with numbers: {}'.format(len(visit_numbers), visit_numbers)) if n_tiles > 1: for i in range(n_tiles - 1): self.APTObservationParams = _append_dictionary(self.APTObservationParams, exposures_dictionary) self.observation_info[observation_number] = {} self.observation_info[observation_number]['visit_numbers'] = visit_numbers if verbose: number_of_entries_after = len(self.APTObservationParams['Instrument'])'APTObservationParams Dictionary holds {} entries after reading template ({:+d} entries)' .format(number_of_entries_after, number_of_entries_after-number_of_entries)) if verbose:'Finished reading APT xml file.')'+'*100) # Temporary for creating truth tables to use in tests #bool_cols = ['ParallelInstrument'] #int_cols = ['Groups', 'Integrations'] #final_table = Table() #for key in self.APTObservationParams.keys(): # if key in bool_cols: # data_type = bool # elif key in int_cols: # data_type = str # else: # data_type = str # new_col = Column(data=self.APTObservationParams[key], name=key, dtype=data_type) # final_table.add_column(new_col) #tmpoutdir = '/Users/hilbert/python_repos/mirage/tests/test_data' #filebase = os.path.split(infile)[1] #tmpoutfile = '{}{}'.format(filebase.split('.xml')[0], '.txt') #ascii.write(final_table, os.path.join(tmpoutdir, tmpoutfile), overwrite=True) return self.APTObservationParams
[docs] def add_exposure(self, dictionary, tup): """Add an exposure to the exposure dictionary Parameters ---------- dictionary : dict Information on individual exposures tup : tuple A tuple contianing information to add to dictionary as the next exposure Returns ------- dictionary : dict With new exposure added """ dictionary['PI_Name'].append(tup[0]) dictionary['ProposalID'].append(tup[1]) dictionary['Title'].append(tup[2]) dictionary['Proposal_category'].append(tup[3]) dictionary['Science_category'].append(tup[4]) dictionary['Mode'].append(tup[5]) dictionary['Module'].append(tup[6]) dictionary['Subarray'].append(tup[7]) dictionary['PrimaryDitherType'].append(tup[8]) dictionary['PrimaryDithers'].append(tup[9]) dictionary['SubpixelDitherType'].append(tup[10]) dictionary['SubpixelPositions'].append(tup[11]) dictionary['ShortFilter'].append(tup[12]) dictionary['LongFilter'].append(tup[13]) dictionary['ReadoutPattern'].append(tup[14]) dictionary['Groups'].append(tup[15]) dictionary['Integrations'].append(tup[16]) dictionary['ShortPupil'].append(tup[17]) dictionary['LongPupil'].append(tup[18]) dictionary['Grism'].append(tup[19]) dictionary['CoordinatedParallel'].append(tup[20]) dictionary['ObservationID'].append(tup[21]) dictionary['TileNumber'].append(tup[22]) dictionary['APTTemplate'].append(tup[23]) dictionary['Instrument'].append(tup[24]) dictionary['ObservationName'].append(tup[25]) dictionary['TargetID'].append(tup[26]) dictionary['Tracking'].append(tup[27]) return dictionary
[docs] def read_generic_imaging_template(self, template, template_name, obs, proposal_parameter_dictionary, verbose=False, parallel=False): """Read imaging template content regardless of instrument. Save content to object attributes. Support for coordinated parallels is included. Parameters ---------- template : etree xml element xml content of template template_name : str name of the template obs : etree xml element xml content of observation proposal_parameter_dictionary : dict Dictionary of proposal parameters to extract from template Returns ------- exposures_dictionary : OrderedDict Dictionary containing relevant exposure parameters """ if parallel: # boolean indicating which instrument is not prime but parallel parallel_instrument = True if template_name == 'FgsExternalCalibration': instrument = 'FGS' elif template_name == 'MiriImaging': instrument = 'MIRI' elif template_name == 'NirissImaging': instrument = 'NIRISS' elif template_name == 'NircamImaging': instrument = 'NIRCAM' prime_instrument = obs.find(self.apt + 'Instrument').text if verbose:'Prime: {} Parallel: {}'.format(prime_instrument, instrument)) prime_template = obs.find(self.apt + 'Template')[0] prime_template_name = etree.QName(prime_template).localname prime_ns = "{{{}/Template/{}}}".format(self.apt.replace('{', '').replace('}', ''), prime_template_name) if verbose:'PRIME TEMPLATE NAME IS: {}'.format(prime_template_name)) else: instrument = obs.find(self.apt + 'Instrument').text parallel_instrument = False prime_instrument = instrument prime_template = template prime_template_name = template_name exposures_dictionary = copy.deepcopy(self.empty_exposures_dictionary) ns = "{{{}/Template/{}}}".format(self.apt.replace('{','').replace('}',''), template_name) DitherPatternType = None if ((prime_instrument in ['NIRCAM', 'FGS']) or (prime_instrument == 'NIRISS' and prime_template_name == 'NirissWfss')): dither_key_name = 'PrimaryDithers' elif prime_instrument in ['NIRISS', 'MIRI', 'NIRSPEC']: dither_key_name = 'ImageDithers' # number of dithers defaults to 1 number_of_dithers = 1 number_of_subpixel_positions = 1 number_of_primary_dithers = 1 number_of_subpixel_dithers = 1 # Check the target type in order to decide whether the tracking should be # sidereal or non-sidereal tracking = self.get_tracking_type(obs) if instrument.lower() == 'nircam': # NIRCam uses FilterConfig structure to specifiy exposure parameters # store Module, Subarray, ... fields observation_dict = {} for field in template: key = field.tag.split(ns)[1] value = field.text observation_dict[key] = value if "PrimaryDitherType" in observation_dict.keys(): if observation_dict["PrimaryDitherType"] == "WFSC": observation_dict["SubpixelDitherType"] = "WFSC" # Determine if there is an aperture override override = obs.find('.//' + self.apt + 'FiducialPointOverride') FiducialPointOverride = True if override is not None else False # Get the number of primary and subpixel dithers primary_dithers_present = dither_key_name in observation_dict.keys() if primary_dithers_present: number_of_primary_dithers = observation_dict[dither_key_name] if (template_name == 'NircamEngineeringImaging') and (number_of_primary_dithers == '2PLUS'): # Handle the special case for 2PLUS number_of_primary_dithers = 2 # Deal with cases like 2TIGHTGAPS, 8NIRSPEC, etc. try: test = except ValueError: number_of_primary_dithers = observation_dict[dither_key_name][0] else:'Primary dither element {} not found, use default primary dithers value (1).'.format(dither_key_name)) # Find the number of subpixel dithers if not parallel: if observation_dict['SubpixelDitherType'] in ['3-POINT-WITH-MIRI-F770W']: # Handle the special case for MIRI number_of_subpixel_dithers = 3 elif "-WITH-NIRISS" in observation_dict['SubpixelDitherType']: number_of_subpixel_dithers =['SubpixelDitherType'][0]) elif observation_dict['SubpixelDitherType'] in ['STANDARD', 'IMAGING', 'SMALL-GRID-DITHER']: number_of_subpixel_dithers =['SubpixelPositions']) else: # For parallel instrument we ignore any dither info and set values to 0 number_of_primary_dithers = 0 number_of_subpixel_dithers = 0 # The exception is if NIRISS WFSS is prime, in which case the dither pattern # (from NIRISS) can be imposed on only the second of each trio of exposures # (the exposure that is matched up to the NIRISS grism exposure), OR to all # three of each trio of exposures (meaning those matched up to the direct, # grism, and direct NIRISS exposures). # This doesn't actually matter at the moment since parallel instrument dither values # in the table are ignored. if prime_instrument == 'NIRISS' and prime_template_name == 'NirissWfss': observation_dict['PrimaryDithers'] = prime_template.find(prime_ns + dither_key_name).text # In the case where PrimaryDithers is e.g. 2-POINT-WITH-NIRCam, # extract the '2' and place it in the PrimaryDithers field try: int_dithers =['PrimaryDithers']) except ValueError: observation_dict['PrimaryDitherType'] = copy.deepcopy(observation_dict['PrimaryDithers']) observation_dict['PrimaryDithers'] = observation_dict['PrimaryDithers'][0] observation_dict['DitherSize'] = prime_template.find(prime_ns + 'DitherSize').text number_of_primary_dithers =['PrimaryDithers'][0]) number_of_subpixel_dithers = 1 # Combine primary and subpixel dithers number_of_dithers = str( * number_of_subpixel_dithers)'Number of dithers: {} primary * {} subpixel = {}'.format(number_of_primary_dithers, number_of_subpixel_dithers, number_of_dithers)) # Find filter parameters for all filter configurations within obs filter_configs = template.findall('.//' + ns + 'FilterConfig') # loop over filter configurations for filter_config_index, filter_config in enumerate(filter_configs): filter_config_dict = {} # print('Filter config index {}'.format(filter_config_index)) for element in filter_config: key = element.tag.split(ns)[1] value = element.text # Engineering template directly sets filters and pupils separately if template_name == 'NircamEngineeringImaging': for k in ['ShortFilter', 'ShortPupil', 'LongFilter', 'LongPupil']: if key == k: filter_config_dict[k] = value else: # Imaging template needs to parse some pupil settings for paired filters if key == 'ShortFilter': ShortPupil, ShortFilter = self.separate_pupil_and_filter(value) filter_config_dict['ShortPupil'] = ShortPupil filter_config_dict['ShortFilter'] = ShortFilter elif key == 'LongFilter': LongPupil, LongFilter = self.separate_pupil_and_filter(value) filter_config_dict['LongPupil'] = LongPupil filter_config_dict['LongFilter'] = LongFilter if key not in ['ShortFilter', 'ShortPupil', 'LongFilter', 'LongPupil']: filter_config_dict[key] = value for key in self.APTObservationParams_keys: if key in filter_config_dict.keys(): value = filter_config_dict[key] elif key in observation_dict.keys(): value = observation_dict[key] elif key in proposal_parameter_dictionary.keys(): value = proposal_parameter_dictionary[key] elif key == 'Instrument': value = instrument elif key == 'ParallelInstrument': value = parallel_instrument elif key == 'number_of_dithers': value = str(number_of_dithers) elif key == 'FiducialPointOverride': value = str(FiducialPointOverride) elif key == 'APTTemplate': value = template_name elif key == 'Tracking': value = tracking elif key == 'Mode': value = 'imaging' elif key == 'NumOutputs': subarray = template.find(ns + 'Subarray').text value = 4 if subarray=='FULL' else 1 else: value = NONE_STR exposures_dictionary[key].append(value) ########################################################## # If NIRCam is prime with NIRISS WFSS parallel, then a DITHER_DIRECT # field will be added to the xml, describing whether the direct images # on either side of the grism exposure should be ditered. In a rare case # of the prime instrument having to conform to what the parallel instrument # is doing, this means that the NIRCam exposures taken at the same time as # the NIRISS direct images will also be dithered or not to match NIRISS. In # this special mode, NIRISS direct images are taken before and after each # grism exposure. Therefore for the NIRCam prime exposures, you can collect # them into groups of 3, and the dither_direct value will affect the first # and third exposures in each group. If dither_direct is false then all dithering, # primary and subpixel, are skipped. If dither_direct is true, then primary # and subpixel dithers are both done. It is guaranteed (by APT) in this case that # then number of exposures is a multiple of 3. try: dither_direct = observation_dict['DitherNirissWfssDirectImages'] if dither_direct == 'NO_DITHERING': if verbose:'NIRISS WFSS parallel and NO_DITHERING set for direct imgages. Adjusting ' 'number_of_dithers to 1 for the matching NIRCam exposures.')) num_dithers = exposures_dictionary['number_of_dithers'] for counter in range(0, len(num_dithers), 3): num_dithers[counter: counter+3] = ['1', num_dithers[counter+1], '1'] except: pass ############################################################ else: # Determine if there is an aperture override override = obs.find('.//' + self.apt + 'FiducialPointOverride') FiducialPointOverride = True if override is not None else False for element in template: element_tag_stripped = element.tag.split(ns)[1] # loop through exposures and collect dither parameters if element_tag_stripped == 'DitherPatternType': DitherPatternType = element.text elif element_tag_stripped == 'ImageDithers': number_of_primary_dithers = int(element.text) elif element_tag_stripped == 'SubpixelPositions': if element.text != 'NONE': number_of_subpixel_positions = elif element_tag_stripped == 'PrimaryDithers': if (element.text is not None) & (element.text != 'NONE'): number_of_primary_dithers = int(element.text) elif element_tag_stripped == 'Dithers': dither_key = 'MrsDitherSpecification' if template_name=='MiriMRS' else 'DitherSpecification' DitherPatternType = element.find(ns + dither_key).find(ns + 'DitherType').text number_of_primary_dithers = int(DitherPatternType[0]) elif element_tag_stripped == 'SubpixelDithers': if element.text is not None: number_of_subpixel_dithers = int(element.text) # handle the NIRISS AMI case if number_of_subpixel_positions > number_of_subpixel_dithers: number_of_subpixel_dithers = np.copy(number_of_subpixel_positions) # Determine if there is an aperture override override = obs.find('.//' + self.apt + 'FiducialPointOverride') FiducialPointOverride = True if override is not None else False # To reduce confusion, if this is the parallel instrument, # set the number of dithers to zero, since the prime # instrument controls the number of dithers if parallel: number_of_primary_dithers = 0 number_of_subpixel_dithers = 0 # Combine primary and subpixel dithers number_of_dithers = str(number_of_primary_dithers * number_of_subpixel_dithers) # Different SI conventions of how to list exposure parameters # The MIRI Imaging template is extra different from the others, so adjust # which XML tags we're looking for if that's being used miri_exposure_list_tag = 'Filters' if template_name=='MiriImaging' else 'ExposureList' individual_exposure_tag = 'FilterConfig' if template_name=='MiriImaging' else 'Exposure' if ((instrument.lower() == 'niriss') and (element_tag_stripped == 'ExposureList')) | \ ((instrument.lower() == 'fgs') and (element_tag_stripped == 'Exposures'))| \ ((instrument.lower() == 'miri') and (element_tag_stripped == miri_exposure_list_tag))| \ ((instrument.lower() == 'nirspec') and (element_tag_stripped == 'Exposures')): for exposure in element.findall(ns + individual_exposure_tag): exposure_dict = {} # Load dither information into dictionary exposure_dict['DitherPatternType'] = DitherPatternType if (number_of_dithers is None) | (number_of_dithers == 'NONE'): number_of_dithers = 1 * number_of_subpixel_positions exposure_dict[dither_key_name] = exposure_dict['number_of_dithers'] = exposure_dict[dither_key_name] for exposure_parameter in exposure: parameter_tag_stripped = exposure_parameter.tag.split(ns)[1] # if verbose: # print('{} {}'.format(parameter_tag_stripped, exposure_parameter.text)) exposure_dict[parameter_tag_stripped] = exposure_parameter.text # fill dictionary to return for key in self.APTObservationParams_keys: if key in exposure_dict.keys(): value = exposure_dict[key] elif key in proposal_parameter_dictionary.keys(): value = proposal_parameter_dictionary[key] elif key == 'Instrument': value = instrument elif key == 'ParallelInstrument': value = parallel_instrument elif key == 'FiducialPointOverride': value = str(FiducialPointOverride) elif key == 'APTTemplate': value = template_name elif key == 'Tracking': value = tracking else: value = NONE_STR if (key in ['PrimaryDithers', 'ImageDithers']) and (str(value) == 'None'): value = '1' if (key == 'Mode'): if template_name not in ['NirissAmi']: value = 'imaging' else: value = 'ami' exposures_dictionary[key].append(value) # add keys that were not defined in self.APTObservationParams_keys # (to be fixed in Class.__init__ later ) for key in exposure_dict.keys(): if key not in self.APTObservationParams_keys: # if key not yet present, create entry if key not in exposures_dictionary.keys(): exposures_dictionary[key] = [str(exposure_dict[key])] else: exposures_dictionary[key].append(str(exposure_dict[key])) if not parallel:'Number of dithers: {} primary * {} subpixel = {}'.format(number_of_primary_dithers, number_of_subpixel_dithers, number_of_dithers)) for key in exposures_dictionary.keys(): if type(exposures_dictionary[key]) is not list: exposures_dictionary[key] = list(exposures_dictionary[key]) # make sure all list items in the returned dictionary have the same length for key, item in exposures_dictionary.items(): if len(item) == 0: exposures_dictionary[key] = [0] * len(exposures_dictionary['Instrument']) return exposures_dictionary
def read_commissioning_template(self, template, template_name, obs, prop_params): # Get proposal parameters pi_name, prop_id, prop_title, prop_category, science_category, coordparallel, i_obs, obs_label, target_name = prop_params # dictionary that holds the content of this observation only exposures_dictionary = copy.deepcopy(self.empty_exposures_dictionary) # Set namespace ns = "{}" # Set parameters that are constant for all WFSC obs #typeflag = template_name typeflag = 'imaging' grismval = 'N/A' subarr = 'FULL' amps = 4 pdithtype = 'NONE' pdither = '1' sdithtype = 'STANDARD' sdither = '1' # Find observation-specific parameters mod = template.find(ns + 'Module').text num_WFCgroups = int(template.find(ns + 'ExpectedWfcGroups').text) # Find filter parameters for all filter configurations within obs filter_configs = template.findall('.//' + ns + 'FilterConfig') # Check the target type in order to decide whether the tracking should be # sidereal or non-sidereal tracking = self.get_tracking_type(obs) for filt in filter_configs: sfilt = filt.find(ns + 'ShortFilter').text try: lfilt = filt.find(ns + 'LongFilter').text except AttributeError: lfilt = 'F480M' rpatt = filt.find(ns + 'ReadoutPattern').text grps = filt.find(ns + 'Groups').text ints = filt.find(ns + 'Integrations').text # Separate pupil and filter in case of filter that is # mounted in the pupil wheel if ' + ' in sfilt: split_ind = sfilt.find(' + ') short_pupil = sfilt[0:split_ind] sfilt = sfilt[split_ind + 1:] else: short_pupil = 'CLEAR' if ' + ' in lfilt: p = lfilt.find(' + ') long_pupil = lfilt[0:p] lfilt = lfilt[p + 1:] else: long_pupil = 'CLEAR' # Repeat for the number of expected WFSC groups + 1 for j in range(num_WFCgroups + 1): # Add all parameters to dictionary tup_to_add = (pi_name, prop_id, prop_title, prop_category, science_category, typeflag, mod, subarr, pdithtype, pdither, sdithtype, sdither, sfilt, lfilt, rpatt, grps, ints, short_pupil, long_pupil, grismval, coordparallel, i_obs , j + 1, template_name, 'NIRCAM', obs_label, target_name, tracking) exposures_dictionary = self.add_exposure(exposures_dictionary, tup_to_add) self.obs_tuple_list.append(tup_to_add) # Add the number of dithers number_of_dithers = int(pdither) * int(sdither) exposures_dictionary['number_of_dithers'] = [str(number_of_dithers)] * len(exposures_dictionary['Instrument']) # Force 4 amp readout exposures_dictionary['NumOutputs'] = [amps] * len(exposures_dictionary['Instrument']) # make sure all list items in the returned dictionary have the same length for key, item in exposures_dictionary.items(): if len(item) == 0: exposures_dictionary[key] = [0] * len(exposures_dictionary['Instrument']) # self.APTObservationParams = self.add_exposure(self.APTObservationParams, tup_to_add) # self.obs_tuple_list.append(tup_to_add) return exposures_dictionary, num_WFCgroups def read_globalalignment_template(self, template, template_name, obs, prop_params): # Get proposal parameters pi_name, prop_id, prop_title, prop_category, science_category, coordparallel, i_obs, obs_label, target_name = prop_params # dictionary that holds the content of this observation only exposures_dictionary = copy.deepcopy(self.empty_exposures_dictionary) ns = "{}" # Set parameters that are constant for all WFSC obs #typeflag = template_name typeflag = 'imaging' grismval = 'N/A' short_pupil = 'CLEAR' subarr = 'FULL' pdither = '1' pdithtype = 'NONE' sdithtype = 'STANDARD' sdither = '1' # Determine the Global Alignment Iteration Type GA_iteration = obs.find('.//' + ns + 'GaIteration').text if GA_iteration == 'ADJUST1' or GA_iteration == 'CORRECT': # 3 NIRCam and 1 FGS images n_exp = 4 elif GA_iteration == 'ADJUST2' or GA_iteration == 'CORRECT+ADJUST': # 5 NIRCam and 2 FGS n_exp = 7 elif GA_iteration == 'BSCORRECT': # 2 NIRCam and 1 FGS n_exp = 3 # Find observation-specific parameters mod = template.find(ns + 'Module').text # num_WFCgroups = int(template.find(ns + 'ExpectedWfcGroups').text) # Find filter parameters for all filter configurations within obs ga_nircam_configs = template.findall('.//' + ns + 'NircamParameters') ga_fgs_configs = template.findall('.//' + ns + 'FgsParameters') # Check the target type in order to decide whether the tracking should be # sidereal or non-sidereal tracking = self.get_tracking_type(obs) for conf in ga_nircam_configs: sfilt = conf.find(ns + 'ShortFilter').text try: lfilt = conf.find(ns + 'LongFilter').text except AttributeError: lfilt = 'F480M' rpatt = conf.find(ns + 'ReadoutPattern').text grps = conf.find(ns + 'Groups').text ints = conf.find(ns + 'Integrations').text # Separate pupil and filter in case of filter that is # mounted in the pupil wheel if ' + ' in sfilt: split_ind = sfilt.find(' + ') short_pupil = sfilt[0:split_ind] sfilt = sfilt[split_ind + 1:] else: short_pupil = 'CLEAR' if ' + ' in lfilt: p = lfilt.find(' + ') long_pupil = lfilt[0:p] lfilt = lfilt[p + 1:] else: long_pupil = 'CLEAR' for fgs_conf in ga_fgs_configs: fgs_grps = fgs_conf.find(ns + 'Groups').text fgs_ints = fgs_conf.find(ns + 'Integrations').text guider_det_num = _get_guider_number_from_special_requirements(self.apt, obs) fgs_subarr = "FGS{}_FULL".format(guider_det_num) # Repeat for the number of exposures for j in range(n_exp): # Add all parameters to dictionary if j==2 or j==5: # This is an FGS image as part of GA # Add FGS exposure to the dictionary tup_to_add = (pi_name, prop_id, prop_title, prop_category, science_category, typeflag, 'N/A', fgs_subarr, pdithtype, pdither, sdithtype, sdither, 'N/A', 'N/A', 'FGSRAPID', fgs_grps, fgs_ints, 'N/A', 'N/A', 'N/A', coordparallel, i_obs, j + 1, template_name, 'FGS', obs_label, target_name, tracking) else: # This is a NIRCam image as part of GA tup_to_add = (pi_name, prop_id, prop_title, prop_category, science_category, typeflag, mod, subarr, pdithtype, pdither, sdithtype, sdither, sfilt, lfilt, rpatt, grps, ints, short_pupil, long_pupil, grismval, coordparallel, i_obs, j + 1, template_name, 'NIRCAM', obs_label, target_name, tracking) exposures_dictionary = self.add_exposure(exposures_dictionary, tup_to_add) self.obs_tuple_list.append(tup_to_add) # Add the number of dithers number_of_dithers = int(pdither) * int(sdither) exposures_dictionary['number_of_dithers'] = [str(number_of_dithers)] * len( exposures_dictionary['Instrument']) # make sure all list items in the returned dictionary have the same length for key, item in exposures_dictionary.items(): if len(item) == 0: exposures_dictionary[key] = [0] * len(exposures_dictionary['Instrument']) # self.APTObservationParams = self.add_exposure(self.APTObservationParams, tup_to_add) # self.obs_tuple_list.append(tup_to_add) # All exposures are full frame 4 amp readouts exposures_dictionary['NumOutputs'] = [4] * len(exposures_dictionary['NumOutputs']) # Add the target RA and Dec to the exposure dictionary exposures_dictionary['TargetRA'] = [self.target_info[target_name][0]] * len(exposures_dictionary['NumOutputs']) exposures_dictionary['TargetDec'] = [self.target_info[target_name][1]] * len(exposures_dictionary['NumOutputs']) return exposures_dictionary, n_exp def read_coarsephasing_template(self, template, template_name, obs, prop_params): # Get proposal parameters pi_name, prop_id, prop_title, prop_category, science_category, coordparallel, i_obs, obs_label, target_name = prop_params # dictionary that holds the content of this observation only exposures_dictionary = copy.deepcopy(self.empty_exposures_dictionary) ns = "{}" # Set parameters that are constant for all WFSC obs #typeflag = template_name typeflag = 'imaging' grismval = 'N/A' pdither = '1' pdithtype = 'NONE' sdithtype = 'STANDARD' sdither = '1' # Find the module and derive the subarrays mod = template.find(ns + 'Module').text mods = [mod] * 12 if mod == 'A': subarrs = ['SUB96DHSPILA'] + ['FULL'] * 6 if mod == 'B': subarrs = ['SUB96DHSPILB'] + ['FULL'] * 6 # Find the exposure parameters for the In Focus, DHS, and Defocus modes readouts = [r.text for r in obs.findall('.//' + ns + 'ReadoutPattern')] groups = [g.text for g in obs.findall('.//' + ns + 'Groups')] integrations = [i.text for i in obs.findall('.//' + ns + 'Integrations')] inds = [0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2] readouts = np.array(readouts)[inds] groups = np.array(groups)[inds] integrations = np.array(integrations)[inds] # List the pupils and filters in the appropriate order sw_pupils = ['CLEAR', 'GDHS0', 'GDHS0', 'GDHS60', 'GDHS60', 'WLP8', 'WLM8'] sw_filts = ['F212N', 'F150W2', 'F150W2', 'F150W2', 'F150W2', 'F212N', 'F212N'] lw_pupils = ['F405N'] * 7 lw_filts = ['F444W'] * 7 # Check the target type in order to decide whether the tracking should be # sidereal or non-sidereal tracking = self.get_tracking_type(obs) for i in range(7): mod = mods[i] subarr = subarrs[i] sfilt = sw_filts[i] lfilt = lw_filts[i] short_pupil = sw_pupils[i] long_pupil = lw_pupils[i] rpatt = readouts[i] grps = groups[i] ints = integrations[i] # Repeat for two dithers for j in range(2): # Add all parameters to dictionary tup_to_add = (pi_name, prop_id, prop_title, prop_category, science_category, typeflag, mod, subarr, pdithtype, pdither, sdithtype, sdither, sfilt, lfilt, rpatt, grps, ints, short_pupil, long_pupil, grismval, coordparallel, i_obs, j + 1, template_name, 'NIRCAM', obs_label, target_name, tracking) exposures_dictionary = self.add_exposure(exposures_dictionary, tup_to_add) self.obs_tuple_list.append(tup_to_add) # Add the number of dithers number_of_dithers = int(pdither) * int(sdither) exposures_dictionary['number_of_dithers'] = [str(number_of_dithers)] * len( exposures_dictionary['Instrument']) # make sure all list items in the returned dictionary have the same length for key, item in exposures_dictionary.items(): if len(item) == 0: exposures_dictionary[key] = [0] * len(exposures_dictionary['Instrument']) # self.APTObservationParams = self.add_exposure(self.APTObservationParams, tup_to_add) # self.obs_tuple_list.append(tup_to_add) n_tiles_phasing = 14 return exposures_dictionary, n_tiles_phasing def read_finephasing_template(self, template, template_name, obs, prop_params): # Get proposal parameters pi_name, prop_id, prop_title, prop_category, science_category, coordparallel, i_obs, obs_label, target_name = prop_params # dictionary that holds the content of this observation only exposures_dictionary = copy.deepcopy(self.empty_exposures_dictionary) ns = "{}" # Set parameters that are constant for all WFSC obs #typeflag = template_name typeflag = 'imaging' grismval = 'N/A' pdither = '1' pdithtype = 'NONE' sdithtype = 'STANDARD' sdither = '1' # Find the module and derive the subarrays mod = template.find(ns + 'Module').text # Determine the sensing type, and list the pupils and filters # in the appropriate order sensing_type = obs.find('.//' + ns + 'SensingType').text # Check the target type in order to decide whether the tracking should be # sidereal or non-sidereal tracking = self.get_tracking_type(obs) n_configs = 0 n_dithers = [] subarrs = [] mods = [] sw_pupils = [] sw_filts = [] lw_pupils = [] lw_filts = [] readouts = [] groups = [] integrations = [] if sensing_type in ['LOS Jitter', 'Both']: ########## IF WE WANT TO MODEL TARGET ACQ: # n_configs += 2 # n_dithers += [1] * n_configs # subarrs += ['SUB64FP1' + mod, 'SUB8FP1' + mod] # mods += subarrs # sw_pupils += ['CLEAR', 'CLEAR'] # sw_filts += ['F212N', 'F200W'] # lw_pupils += ['F405N'] * n_configs # default? # lw_filts += ['F444W'] * n_configs # default? # # Find/define the exposure parameters for the target # # acquisition and LOS imaging modes # readouts += ['RAPID', 'RAPID'] # acq_groups = obs.find('.//' + ns + 'AcqNumGroups').text # LOSimg_groups = obs.find('.//' + ns + 'LosImgNumGroups').text # groups += [acq_groups, LOSimg_groups] # LOSimg_ints = obs.find('.//' + ns + 'LosImgNumInts').text # integrations += [1, LOSimg_ints] n_configs += 1 n_dithers += [1] * n_configs subarrs += ['SUB8FP1{}'.format(mod)] mods += [mod] sw_pupils += ['CLEAR'] sw_filts += ['F200W'] lw_pupils += ['F405N'] * n_configs # default? lw_filts += ['F444W'] * n_configs # default? # Find/define the exposure parameters for the target # acquisition and LOS imaging modes readouts += ['RAPID'] groups += [obs.find('.//' + ns + 'LosImgNumGroups').text] integrations += [obs.find('.//' + ns + 'LosImgNumInts').text] if sensing_type in ['Fine Phasing', 'Both']: # Deterimine what diversity of sensing diversity = obs.find('.//' + ns + 'Diversity').text if diversity == 'ALL': n_configs_fp = 5 n_configs += n_configs_fp elif diversity == 'ALL+187N': n_configs_fp = 7 n_configs += n_configs_fp elif diversity == 'PM8': n_configs_fp = 2 n_configs += n_configs_fp n_dithers += [2] * n_configs_fp subarrs += ['FULL'] * n_configs_fp mods += [mod] * n_configs_fp sw_pupils += ['WLM8', 'WLP8', 'WLP8', 'WLM8', 'CLEAR', 'WLM8', 'WLP8'][:n_configs_fp] sw_filts += ['F212N', 'F212N', 'WLP4', 'WLP4', 'WLP4', 'F187N', 'F187N'][:n_configs_fp] lw_pupils += ['F405N'] * n_configs_fp lw_filts += ['F444W'] * n_configs_fp # Find the exposure parameters for the +/- 8, + 12, and +/-4 modes readouts_fp = [r.text for r in obs.findall('.//' + ns + 'ReadoutPattern')] groups_fp = [g.text for g in obs.findall('.//' + ns + 'Groups')] integrations_fp = [i.text for i in obs.findall('.//' + ns + 'Integrations')] inds = [0, 0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3][:n_configs_fp] readouts += list(np.array(readouts_fp)[inds]) groups += list(np.array(groups_fp)[inds]) integrations += list(np.array(integrations_fp)[inds]) sensing = obs.find('.//' + self.apt + 'WavefrontSensing').text if sensing == 'SENSING_ONLY': n_repeats = 1 else: n_repeats = 2 for z in range(n_repeats): for i in range(n_configs): subarr = subarrs[i] mod = mods[i] sfilt = sw_filts[i] lfilt = lw_filts[i] short_pupil = sw_pupils[i] long_pupil = lw_pupils[i] rpatt = readouts[i] grps = groups[i] ints = integrations[i] n_dith = n_dithers[i] # Add all parameters to dictionary tup_to_add = (pi_name, prop_id, prop_title, prop_category, science_category, typeflag, mod, subarr, pdithtype, pdither, sdithtype, sdither, sfilt, lfilt, rpatt, grps, ints, short_pupil, long_pupil, grismval, coordparallel, i_obs, 1, template_name, 'NIRCAM', obs_label, target_name, tracking) exposures_dictionary = self.add_exposure(exposures_dictionary, tup_to_add) exposures_dictionary['number_of_dithers'] += str(n_dith) self.obs_tuple_list.append(tup_to_add) # make sure all list items in the returned dictionary have the same length for key, item in exposures_dictionary.items(): if len(item) == 0: exposures_dictionary[key] = [0] * len(exposures_dictionary['Instrument']) # self.APTObservationParams = self.add_exposure(self.APTObservationParams, tup_to_add) # self.obs_tuple_list.append(tup_to_add) n_tiles_phasing = sum(n_dithers) * n_repeats return exposures_dictionary, n_tiles_phasing
[docs] def read_nircam_grism_time_series(self, template, template_name, obs, proposal_parameter_dictionary): """Parse a NIRCam Grism Time Series observation template from an APT xml file. Produce an exposure dictionary that lists all exposures (excluding dithers) from the template Parameters ---------- template : lxml.etree._Element Template section from APT xml template_name : str The type of template (e.g. 'NirissWfss') obs : lxml.etree._Element Observation section from APT xml proposal_param_dict : dict Dictionary of proposal level information from the xml file (e.g. PI, Science Category, etc) Returns ------- exposures_dictionary : dict Dictionary containing details on all exposures contained within the template. These details include things like filter, pupil, readout pattern, subarray, etc. Specifically for Grism Time Series, there will be entries for the TA exposure and the Time Series exposure. """ # Dictionary that holds the content of this observation only exposures_dictionary = copy.deepcopy(self.empty_exposures_dictionary) # Set namespace ns = "{}" # Observation-wide info instrument = obs.find(self.apt + 'Instrument').text # Get target name try: targ_name = obs.find(self.apt + 'TargetID').text.split(' ')[1] except IndexError as e:"No target ID for observation: {}".format(obs)) targ_name = obs.find(self.apt + 'TargetID').text.split(' ')[0] # Mode specific info, including target acq acq_target = template.find(ns + 'AcqTargetID').text if acq_target == 'Same Target as Observation': acq_target = targ_name acq_readout_pattern = template.find(ns + 'AcqReadoutPattern').text acq_groups = template.find(ns + 'AcqGroups').text acq_filter = 'F335M' acq_subarray = 'SUB32TATSGRISM' acq_integrations = '1' module = template.find(ns + 'Module').text subarray = template.find(ns + 'Subarray').text readout_pattern = template.find(ns + 'ReadoutPattern').text groups = template.find(ns + 'Groups').text integrations = template.find(ns + 'Integrations').text num_exps = template.find(ns + 'NumExps').text num_outputs = template.find(ns + 'NumOutputs').text # Number of amplifiers used # Check the target type in order to decide whether the tracking should be # sidereal or non-sidereal tracking = self.get_tracking_type(obs) # Neither TA exposures nor Grism Time Series exposures allow dithering number_of_dithers = '1' number_of_subpixel_positions = '1' number_of_primary_dithers = '1' number_of_subpixel_dithers = '1' short_pupil_filter = template.find(ns + 'ShortPupilFilter').text long_pupil_filter = template.find(ns + 'LongPupilFilter').text short_pupil, short_filter = self.separate_pupil_and_filter(short_pupil_filter) long_pupil, long_filter = self.separate_pupil_and_filter(long_pupil_filter) # Populate observation dictionary with TA and Time Series exposures exposures_dictionary['Instrument'] = [instrument] * 2 exposures_dictionary['Module'] = [module] * 2 exposures_dictionary['TargetID'] = [acq_target, targ_name] exposures_dictionary['APTTemplate'] = [template_name] * 2 exposures_dictionary['Mode'] = ['imaging', 'ts_grism'] exposures_dictionary['Subarray'] = [acq_subarray, subarray] exposures_dictionary['ReadoutPattern'] = [acq_readout_pattern, readout_pattern] exposures_dictionary['Groups'] = [acq_groups, groups] exposures_dictionary['Integrations'] = [acq_integrations, integrations] exposures_dictionary['Exposures'] = ['1', num_exps] exposures_dictionary['NumOutputs'] = ['1', num_outputs] exposures_dictionary['PrimaryDithers'] = [number_of_primary_dithers, number_of_primary_dithers] exposures_dictionary['SubpixelPositions'] = [number_of_subpixel_dithers, number_of_subpixel_dithers] exposures_dictionary['ImageDithers'] = [number_of_dithers, number_of_dithers] exposures_dictionary['number_of_dithers'] = [number_of_dithers, number_of_dithers] exposures_dictionary['ShortFilter'] = [NONE_STR, short_filter] exposures_dictionary['ShortPupil'] = [NONE_STR, short_pupil] exposures_dictionary['LongFilter'] = [acq_filter, long_filter] exposures_dictionary['LongPupil'] = ['CLEAR', long_pupil] exposures_dictionary['FiducialPointOverride'] = [str(False)] * 2 exposures_dictionary['ParallelInstrument'] = [False] * 2 exposures_dictionary['Tracking'] = [tracking] * 2 # Populate other keywords with None for key in self.APTObservationParams_keys: value = 'reset_value' if key in proposal_parameter_dictionary.keys() and key != 'TargetID': value = [proposal_parameter_dictionary[key]] * 2 elif exposures_dictionary[key] == []: value = [NONE_STR] * 2 if value != 'reset_value': exposures_dictionary[key].extend(value) return exposures_dictionary
[docs] def read_nircam_imaging_time_series(self, template, template_name, obs, proposal_parameter_dictionary): """Parse a NIRCam Imaging Time Series observation template from an APT xml file. Produce an exposure dictionary that lists all exposures (excluding dithers) from the template Parameters ---------- template : lxml.etree._Element Template section from APT xml template_name : str The type of template (e.g. 'NirissWfss') obs : lxml.etree._Element Observation section from APT xml proposal_param_dict : dict Dictionary of proposal level information from the xml file (e.g. PI, Science Category, etc) Returns ------- exposures_dictionary : dict Dictionary containing details on all exposures contained within the template. These details include things like filter, pupil, readout pattern, subarray, etc. Specifically for Grism Time Series, there will be entries for the TA exposure and the Time Series exposure. """ # Dictionary that holds the content of this observation only exposures_dictionary = copy.deepcopy(self.empty_exposures_dictionary) # Set namespace ns = "{}" # Observation-wide info instrument = obs.find(self.apt + 'Instrument').text # Check the target type in order to decide whether the tracking should be # sidereal or non-sidereal tracking = self.get_tracking_type(obs) # Get target name try: targ_name = obs.find(self.apt + 'TargetID').text.split(' ')[1] except IndexError as e:"No target ID for observation: {}".format(obs)) targ_name = obs.find(self.apt + 'TargetID').text.split(' ')[0] # Mode specific info, including target acq acq_target = template.find(ns + 'AcqTargetID').text if acq_target == 'Same Target as Observation': acq_target = targ_name acq_readout_pattern = template.find(ns + 'AcqReadoutPattern').text acq_groups = template.find(ns + 'AcqGroups').text acq_filter = 'F335M' acq_subarray = 'SUB32TATS' acq_integrations = '1' module = template.find(ns + 'Module').text subarray = template.find(ns + 'Subarray').text readout_pattern = template.find(ns + 'ReadoutPattern').text groups = template.find(ns + 'Groups').text integrations = template.find(ns + 'Integrations').text num_exps = template.find(ns + 'NumExps').text if subarray == 'FULL': num_outputs = 4 else: num_outputs = 1 # Neither TA exposures nor Grism Time Series exposures allow dithering number_of_dithers = '1' number_of_subpixel_positions = '1' number_of_primary_dithers = '1' number_of_subpixel_dithers = '1' short_pupil = template.find(ns + 'ShortPupil').text short_filter = template.find(ns + 'ShortFilter').text long_pupil = template.find(ns + 'LongPupil').text long_filter = template.find(ns + 'LongFilter').text # Populate observation dictionary with TA and Time Series exposures exposures_dictionary['Instrument'] = [instrument] * 2 exposures_dictionary['Module'] = [module] * 2 exposures_dictionary['TargetID'] = [acq_target, targ_name] exposures_dictionary['APTTemplate'] = [template_name] * 2 exposures_dictionary['Mode'] = ['imaging', 'ts_imaging'] exposures_dictionary['Subarray'] = [acq_subarray, subarray] exposures_dictionary['ReadoutPattern'] = [acq_readout_pattern, readout_pattern] exposures_dictionary['Groups'] = [acq_groups, groups] exposures_dictionary['Integrations'] = [acq_integrations, integrations] exposures_dictionary['Exposures'] = ['1', num_exps] exposures_dictionary['NumOutputs'] = ['1', num_outputs] exposures_dictionary['PrimaryDithers'] = [number_of_primary_dithers, number_of_primary_dithers] exposures_dictionary['SubpixelPositions'] = [number_of_subpixel_dithers, number_of_subpixel_dithers] exposures_dictionary['ImageDithers'] = [number_of_dithers, number_of_dithers] exposures_dictionary['number_of_dithers'] = [number_of_dithers, number_of_dithers] exposures_dictionary['ShortFilter'] = [NONE_STR, short_filter] exposures_dictionary['ShortPupil'] = [NONE_STR, short_pupil] exposures_dictionary['LongFilter'] = [acq_filter, long_filter] exposures_dictionary['LongPupil'] = ['CLEAR', long_pupil] exposures_dictionary['FiducialPointOverride'] = [str(False)] * 2 exposures_dictionary['ParallelInstrument'] = [False] * 2 exposures_dictionary['Tracking'] = [tracking] * 2 # Populate other keywords with None for key in self.APTObservationParams_keys: value = 'reset_value' if key in proposal_parameter_dictionary.keys() and key != 'TargetID': value = [proposal_parameter_dictionary[key]] * 2 elif exposures_dictionary[key] == []: value = [NONE_STR] * 2 if value != 'reset_value': exposures_dictionary[key].extend(value) return exposures_dictionary
[docs] def read_nircam_wfss_template(self, template, template_name, obs, proposal_param_dict): """Parse a NIRCam WFSS observation template from an APT xml file. Produce an exposure dictionary that lists all exposures (excluding dithers) from the template. Parameters ---------- template : lxml.etree._Element Template section from APT xml template_name : str The type of template (e.g. 'NirissWfss') obs : lxml.etree._Element Observation section from APT xml proposal_param_dict : dict Dictionary of proposal level information from the xml file (e.g. PI, Science Category, etc) Returns ------- exposures_dictionary : dict Dictionary containing details on all exposures contained within the template. These details include things like filter, pupil, readout pattern, subarray, etc """ # Dictionary that holds the content of this observation only exposures_dictionary = copy.deepcopy(self.empty_exposures_dictionary) # Set namespace ns = "{}" # Observation-wide info instrument = obs.find(self.apt + 'Instrument').text module = template.find(ns + 'Module').text subarr = template.find(ns + 'Subarray').text # Check the target type in order to decide whether the tracking should be # sidereal or non-sidereal tracking = self.get_tracking_type(obs) # Determine if there is an aperture override override = obs.find('.//' + self.apt + 'FiducialPointOverride') FiducialPointOverride = True if override is not None else False # Get primary and subpixel dither values for the grism exposures primary_dither_type_grism = template.find(ns + 'PrimaryDitherType').text if primary_dither_type_grism.lower() != 'none': primary_dither_grism = template.find(ns + 'PrimaryDithers').text else: primary_dither_grism = '1' subpix_dither_type_grism = template.find(ns + 'SubpixelPositions').text if subpix_dither_type_grism.lower() != 'none': subpix_dither_grism = subpix_dither_type_grism[0] else: subpix_dither_grism = '1' grism_number_of_dithers = str(int(primary_dither_grism) * int(subpix_dither_grism)) # Direct and out of field images are never dithered primary_dither_direct = '1' primary_dither_type_direct = 'None' subpix_dither_direct = '1' subpix_dither_type_direct = 'None' direct_number_of_dithers = '1' # Which grism(s) are to be used grismval = template.find(ns + 'Grism').text if grismval == 'BOTH': grismval = ['GRISMR', 'GRISMC'] else: grismval = [grismval] explist = template.find(ns + 'ExposureList') expseqs = explist.findall(ns + 'ExposureSequences') # if BOTH was specified for the grism, # then we need to repeat the sequence of # grism/direct/grism/direct/outoffield for each grism for grism_number, grism in enumerate(grismval): out_of_field_dict = {} for expseq in expseqs: # sequence = grism, direct, grism, direct, outoffield, outoffield # if grism == both, entire sequence is done for grismr, # then repeated for grismc # Mini dictionary just for exposure sequence exp_seq_dict = {} # Switch the order of the grism and direct # exposures from that within xml file in order for them to be chronological grismexp = expseq.find(ns + 'GrismExposure') grism_typeflag = 'wfss' grism_short_filter = grismexp.find(ns + 'ShortFilter').text grism_long_filter = grismexp.find(ns + 'LongFilter').text grism_readpatt = grismexp.find(ns + 'ReadoutPattern').text grism_groups = grismexp.find(ns + 'Groups').text grism_integrations = grismexp.find(ns + 'Integrations').text # Separate SW pupil and filter in case of filter # that is mounted in the pupil wheel grism_short_pupil, grism_short_filter = self.separate_pupil_and_filter(grism_short_filter) grism_long_pupil = grism # Check to see if the direct image will be collected # This will be either 'true' or 'false' direct_done = expseq.find(ns + 'DirectImage').text # We need to collect the information about the direct image even if it is # not being observed, because the same info will be used for the out of field # observations later. directexp = expseq.find(ns + 'DiExposure') direct_typeflag = 'imaging' direct_grism = 'N/A' direct_short_filter = directexp.find(ns + 'ShortFilter').text direct_long_filter = directexp.find(ns + 'LongFilter').text direct_readpatt = directexp.find(ns + 'ReadoutPattern').text direct_groups = directexp.find(ns + 'Groups').text direct_integrations = directexp.find(ns + 'Integrations').text # Separate pupil and filter in case of filter # that is mounted in the pupil wheel direct_short_pupil, direct_short_filter = self.separate_pupil_and_filter(direct_short_filter) direct_long_pupil, direct_long_filter = self.separate_pupil_and_filter(direct_long_filter) # Only add the direct image if APT says it will be observed if direct_done == 'true': exp_seq_dict['Mode'] = [grism_typeflag, direct_typeflag] exp_seq_dict['Module'] = [module] * 2 exp_seq_dict['Subarray'] = [subarr] * 2 exp_seq_dict['PrimaryDitherType'] = [primary_dither_type_grism, primary_dither_type_direct] exp_seq_dict['PrimaryDithers'] = [primary_dither_grism, primary_dither_direct] exp_seq_dict['SubpixelPositions'] = [subpix_dither_grism, subpix_dither_direct] exp_seq_dict['SubpixelDitherType'] = [subpix_dither_type_grism, subpix_dither_type_direct] exp_seq_dict['CoordinatedParallel'] = ['false'] * 2 exp_seq_dict['Instrument'] = [instrument] * 2 exp_seq_dict['ParallelInstrument'] = [False] * 2 exp_seq_dict['ShortFilter'] = [grism_short_filter, direct_short_filter] exp_seq_dict['LongFilter'] = [grism_long_filter, direct_long_filter] exp_seq_dict['ReadoutPattern'] = [grism_readpatt, direct_readpatt] exp_seq_dict['Groups'] = [grism_groups, direct_groups] exp_seq_dict['Integrations'] = [grism_integrations, direct_integrations] exp_seq_dict['ShortPupil'] = [grism_short_pupil, direct_short_pupil] exp_seq_dict['LongPupil'] = [grism_long_pupil, direct_long_pupil] exp_seq_dict['Grism'] = [grism, direct_grism] exp_seq_dict['ObservationID'] = [proposal_param_dict['ObservationID']] * 2 exp_seq_dict['TileNumber'] = ['1'] * 2 exp_seq_dict['APTTemplate'] = [template_name] * 2 exp_seq_dict['ObservationName'] = [proposal_param_dict['ObservationName']] * 2 exp_seq_dict['number_of_dithers'] = [grism_number_of_dithers, direct_number_of_dithers] exp_seq_dict['FilterWheel'] = ['none'] * 2 # used for NIRISS exp_seq_dict['PupilWheel'] = ['none'] * 2 # used for NIRISS exp_seq_dict['FiducialPointOverride'] = [FiducialPointOverride] * 2 exp_seq_dict['Tracking'] = [tracking] * 2 else: exp_seq_dict['Mode'] = [grism_typeflag] exp_seq_dict['Module'] = [module] exp_seq_dict['Subarray'] = [subarr] exp_seq_dict['PrimaryDitherType'] = [primary_dither_type_grism] exp_seq_dict['PrimaryDithers'] = [primary_dither_grism] exp_seq_dict['SubpixelPositions'] = [subpix_dither_grism] exp_seq_dict['SubpixelDitherType'] = [subpix_dither_type_grism] exp_seq_dict['CoordinatedParallel'] = ['false'] exp_seq_dict['Instrument'] = [instrument] exp_seq_dict['ParallelInstrument'] = [False] exp_seq_dict['ShortFilter'] = [grism_short_filter] exp_seq_dict['LongFilter'] = [grism_long_filter] exp_seq_dict['ReadoutPattern'] = [grism_readpatt] exp_seq_dict['Groups'] = [grism_groups] exp_seq_dict['Integrations'] = [grism_integrations] exp_seq_dict['ShortPupil'] = [grism_short_pupil] exp_seq_dict['LongPupil'] = [grism_long_pupil] exp_seq_dict['Grism'] = [grism] exp_seq_dict['ObservationID'] = [proposal_param_dict['ObservationID']] exp_seq_dict['TileNumber'] = ['1'] exp_seq_dict['APTTemplate'] = [template_name] exp_seq_dict['ObservationName'] = [proposal_param_dict['ObservationName']] exp_seq_dict['number_of_dithers'] = [grism_number_of_dithers] exp_seq_dict['FilterWheel'] = ['none'] # used for NIRISS exp_seq_dict['PupilWheel'] = ['none'] # used for NIRISS exp_seq_dict['FiducialPointOverride'] = [FiducialPointOverride] exp_seq_dict['Tracking'] = [tracking] # Add exp_seq_dict to the exposures_dictionary exposures_dictionary = self.append_to_exposures_dictionary(exposures_dictionary, exp_seq_dict, proposal_param_dict) # Now we need to add the two out-of-field exposures, which are # not present in the APT file (but are in the associated pointing # file from APT.) We can just duplicate the entries for the direct # images taken immediately prior. Out of field exposures are collected # for each grism in the observation out_of_field_dict['Mode'] = [direct_typeflag] * 2 out_of_field_dict['Module'] = [module] * 2 out_of_field_dict['Subarray'] = [subarr] * 2 out_of_field_dict['PrimaryDitherType'] = [primary_dither_type_direct] * 2 out_of_field_dict['PrimaryDithers'] = [primary_dither_direct] * 2 out_of_field_dict['SubpixelPositions'] = [subpix_dither_direct] * 2 out_of_field_dict['SubpixelDitherType'] = [subpix_dither_type_direct] * 2 out_of_field_dict['CoordinatedParallel'] = ['false'] * 2 out_of_field_dict['Instrument'] = [instrument] * 2 out_of_field_dict['ParallelInstrument'] = [False] * 2 out_of_field_dict['ShortFilter'] = [direct_short_filter] * 2 out_of_field_dict['LongFilter'] = [direct_long_filter] * 2 out_of_field_dict['ReadoutPattern'] = [direct_readpatt] * 2 out_of_field_dict['Groups'] = [direct_groups] * 2 out_of_field_dict['Integrations'] = [direct_integrations] * 2 out_of_field_dict['ShortPupil'] = [direct_short_pupil] * 2 out_of_field_dict['LongPupil'] = [direct_long_pupil] * 2 out_of_field_dict['Grism'] = [direct_grism] * 2 out_of_field_dict['ObservationID'] = [proposal_param_dict['ObservationID']] * 2 out_of_field_dict['TileNumber'] = ['1'] * 2 out_of_field_dict['APTTemplate'] = [template_name] * 2 out_of_field_dict['ObservationName'] = [proposal_param_dict['ObservationName']] * 2 out_of_field_dict['number_of_dithers'] = [direct_number_of_dithers] * 2 out_of_field_dict['FilterWheel'] = ['none'] * 2 # used for NIRISS out_of_field_dict['PupilWheel'] = ['none'] * 2 # used for NIRISS out_of_field_dict['FiducialPointOverride'] = [FiducialPointOverride] * 2 out_of_field_dict['Tracking'] = [tracking] * 2 # Add out_of_field_dict to the exposures_dictionary exposures_dictionary = self.append_to_exposures_dictionary(exposures_dictionary, out_of_field_dict, proposal_param_dict) # Make sure all entries are lists for key in exposures_dictionary.keys(): if type(exposures_dictionary[key]) is not list: exposures_dictionary[key] = list(exposures_dictionary[key]) # Make sure all list items in the returned dictionary have the same length for key, item in exposures_dictionary.items(): if len(item) == 0: exposures_dictionary[key] = [0] * len(exposures_dictionary['Instrument']) return exposures_dictionary
[docs] def read_nircam_coronagraphy_template(self, template, template_name, obs, proposal_param_dict, parallel=False, verbose=False): """Parse a NIRCam coronagraphy observation template from an APT xml file. Produce an exposure dictionary that lists all exposures (excluding dithers) from the template. Parameters ---------- template : lxml.etree._Element Template section from APT xml template_name : str The type of template (e.g. 'NirissAmi') obs : lxml.etree._Element Observation section from APT xml proposal_param_dict : dict Dictionary of proposal level information from the xml file (e.g. PI, Science Category, etc) parallel : bool If True, template should be for parallel observations. If False, NIRISS WFSS observation is assumed to be prime Returns ------- exposures_dictionary : dict Dictionary containing details on all exposures contained within the template. These details include things like filter, pupil, readout pattern, subarray, etc exp_len : int Dictionary length to use when comparing to that from a parallel observation. This is not necessarily the same as the true length of the dictionary due to the way in which APT groups overvations """ instrument = 'NIRCam' if verbose: print(f"Reading template {template_name}") # Dictionary that holds the content of this observation only exposures_dictionary = copy.deepcopy(self.empty_exposures_dictionary) # Set namespace ncc = "{}" mod = 'A' # by policy, always mod A for coronagraphy if verbose:"Reading NIRCam Coronagraphy template") parallel_instrument = False dither_key_name = 'DitherPattern' # Check the target type in order to decide whether the tracking should be # sidereal or non-sidereal tracking = self.get_tracking_type(obs) # Determine if there is an aperture override override = obs.find('.//' + self.apt + 'FiducialPointOverride') FiducialPointOverride = True if override is not None else False subarray = template.find(ncc + 'Subarray').text # Find the number of dithers # We treat the coronagraphy dithers as subpixel dithers, with 1 primary dither. primary_dithers_pattern = 'NONE' number_of_primary_dithers = 1 subpix_dithers_pattern = template.find(ncc + 'DitherPattern').text if subpix_dithers_pattern.upper() != 'NONE': # first character of the dither pattern name is the number of points in it, so: number_of_subpixel_dithers = int(subpix_dithers_pattern[0]) subpix_dither_type = 'SMALL-GRID-DITHER' else: number_of_subpixel_dithers = 1 subpix_dither_type = NONE_STR number_of_astrometric_dithers = 0 # it's optional, and off by default coronmask = template.find(ncc + 'CoronMask').text # APT outputs the incorrect aperture name. It specifies # SUB320 for both MASK430R and MASKLWB cases. Fix that here. if subarray != 'FULL': if coronmask == 'MASK430R': subarray = 'SUB320{}430R'.format(mod) elif coronmask == 'MASKLWB': subarray = 'SUB320{}LWB'.format(mod) elif coronmask == 'MASK335R': subarray = 'SUB320{}335R'.format(mod) elif coronmask == 'MASKSWB': subarray = 'SUB640{}SWB'.format(mod) elif coronmask == 'MASK210R': subarray = 'SUB640{}210R'.format(mod) coron_sci_detector = 'A2' if coronmask=='MASK210R' else \ 'A4' if coronmask=='MASKSWB' else 'A5' using_lw = coron_sci_detector =='A5' if using_lw: # Long wave channel is being used long_pupil = 'WEDGELYOT' if coronmask=='MASKLWB' else 'CIRCLYOT' short_pupil = 'n/a' # not even read out, no data downloaded filter_key_name = 'LongFilter' else: # Short wave channel short_pupil = 'WEDGELYOT' if coronmask == 'MASKSWB' else 'CIRCLYOT' long_pupil = 'n/a' filter_key_name = 'ShortFilter' # Get information about any TA exposures ta_targ = template.find(ncc + 'AcqTargetID').text if ta_targ.upper() != 'NONE': ta_readout = template.find(ncc + 'AcqReadoutPattern').text ta_groups = template.find(ncc + 'AcqGroups').text ta_filter = template.find(ncc + 'AcqFilter').text ta_brightness = template.find(ncc + 'AcqTargetBrightness').text ta_dithers_pattern = 'NONE' # TA uses subarrays # from NIRCam_subarray_definitions.list we have: # NRCA2_FSTAMASK210R SUBFSA210R 1 # NRCA5_FSTAMASK335R SUBFSA335R 1 # NRCA5_FSTAMASK430R SUBFSA430R 1 # NRCA5_FSTAMASKLWB SUBFSALWB 1 # NRCA4_FSTAMASKSWB SUBFSASWB 1 # NRCA2_TAMASK210R SUBNDA210R 1 # NRCA5_TAMASK335R SUBNDA335R 1 # NRCA5_TAMASK430R SUBNDA430R 1 # NRCA5_TAMASKLWBL SUBNDALWBL 1 # NRCA5_TAMASKLWB SUBNDALWBS 1 # NRCA4_TAMASKSWB SUBNDASWBL 1 # NRCA4_TAMASKSWBS SUBNDASWBS 1 ta_subarray = 'SUB' + ('NDA' if ta_brightness=='BRIGHT' else 'FSA') + coronmask[4:] # For the bar occulters, which have L and S (long and short) side TA subarrays, # it turns out that which aperture gets used for TA depends on the science filter in a non-obvious way # See table 7-7 of NIRCam OSS docs, as provided by Stansberry to Perrin # For MIRAGE at this point we haven't yet parsed the first science filter, and for now it's not critical # enough to get this right, so let's just pick reasonable defaults. # TODO improve later, if we decide it's important if ta_subarray =='SUBNDASWB': # ta_side should be S for F182M, F187M,F210M otherwise it's L. Default for now can be L for F200W ta_aperture_side = 'L' ta_subarray += ta_aperture_side elif ta_subarray == 'SUBNDALWB': # ta_side should be L for F460M,F480M otherwise it's S. Default for now can be S ta_aperture_side = 'S' ta_subarray += ta_aperture_side"Read TA exposure parameters {ta_readout}, {ta_groups}; inferred subarray= {ta_subarray}") # Do not look for the text attribute yet since this keyword may not be present astrometric_confirmation_imaging = template.find(ncc + 'OptionalConfirmationImage').text if astrometric_confirmation_imaging.upper() == 'TRUE': number_of_astrometric_dithers = 2 # at the initial position for TA, and after move to the occulter astrom_readout_pattern = template.find(ncc + 'ConfirmationReadoutPattern').text astrom_readout_groups = template.find(ncc + 'ConfirmationGroups').text astrom_readout_ints = template.find(ncc + 'ConfirmationIntegrations').text astrom_readout_detector = 'FULL' # f'NRC{sci_detector}_FULL' # Combine primary and subpixel dithers number_of_dithers = str(number_of_primary_dithers * number_of_subpixel_dithers) ta_dict = {} ta_exposures = copy.deepcopy(self.empty_exposures_dictionary) if ta_targ.upper() != 'NONE': ta_dict['ReadoutPattern'] = ta_readout ta_dict['Groups'] = ta_groups ta_dict['Integrations'] = 1 ta_dict[filter_key_name] = ta_filter ta_dict['TABrightness'] = ta_brightness ta_dict[dither_key_name] = ta_dithers_pattern ta_dict['number_of_dithers'] = 1 # TA is never dithered ta_dict['ShortPupil'] = short_pupil ta_dict['LongPupil'] = long_pupil ta_dict['CoronMask'] = coronmask for key in self.APTObservationParams_keys: if key in ta_dict.keys(): value = ta_dict[key] elif key in proposal_param_dict.keys(): value = proposal_param_dict[key] elif key == 'Instrument': value = instrument elif key == 'ParallelInstrument': value = parallel_instrument elif key == 'FiducialPointOverride': value = str(FiducialPointOverride) elif key == 'APTTemplate': value = template_name elif key == 'Tracking': value = tracking elif key == 'Mode': # value = 'imaging' value = 'coron' elif key == 'Module': value = mod elif key == 'Subarray': value = ta_subarray elif key == 'PrimaryDithers': value = ta_dithers_pattern else: value = NONE_STR ta_exposures[key].append(value) # Setup astrometric exposures, if present # If direct images are requested, we need to add a separate # entry in the exposure dictionary for them. if astrometric_confirmation_imaging.upper() == 'TRUE': astrometric_exp_dict = {} astrometric_exposures = copy.deepcopy(self.empty_exposures_dictionary) astrometric_exp_dict[dither_key_name] = astrometric_exp_dict['number_of_dithers'] = astrometric_exp_dict[dither_key_name] astrometric_exp_dict[filter_key_name] = ta_filter astrometric_exp_dict['ReadoutPattern'] = astrom_readout_pattern astrometric_exp_dict['Groups'] = astrom_readout_groups astrometric_exp_dict['Integrations'] = astrom_readout_ints astrometric_exp_dict['ImageDithers'] = number_of_astrometric_dithers astrometric_exp_dict['EtcId'] = '-1' astrometric_exp_dict['ShortPupil'] = short_pupil astrometric_exp_dict['LongPupil'] = long_pupil astrometric_exp_dict['CoronMask'] = coronmask for key in self.APTObservationParams_keys: if key in astrometric_exp_dict.keys(): dir_value = astrometric_exp_dict[key] elif key in proposal_param_dict.keys(): dir_value = proposal_param_dict[key] elif key == 'Instrument': dir_value = instrument elif key == 'ParallelInstrument': dir_value = parallel_instrument elif key == 'FiducialPointOverride': dir_value = str(FiducialPointOverride) elif key == 'APTTemplate': dir_value = template_name elif key == 'Tracking': dir_value = tracking elif (key == 'Mode'): # dir_value = 'imaging' dir_value = 'coron' elif key == 'Module': dir_value = mod elif key == 'Subarray': dir_value = astrom_readout_detector elif key == 'PrimaryDithers': dir_value = number_of_astrometric_dithers else: dir_value = NONE_STR astrometric_exposures[key].append(dir_value) # Now that we have the correct number of dithers, we can # begin populating the exposure dictionary science_exposures = copy.deepcopy(self.empty_exposures_dictionary) for element in template.find(ncc+'Filters'): element_tag_stripped = element.tag.split(ncc)[1] # Get exposure information if element_tag_stripped == 'FilterConfig': exposure_dict = {} # Load dither information into dictionary exposure_dict[dither_key_name] = exposure_dict['number_of_dithers'] = exposure_dict[dither_key_name] exposure_dict['SubpixelDitherType'] = subpix_dither_type exposure_dict['ReadoutPattern'] = element.find(ncc + 'ReadoutPattern').text exposure_dict['Groups'] = element.find(ncc + 'Groups').text exposure_dict['Integrations'] = element.find(ncc + 'Integrations').text exposure_dict[filter_key_name] = element.find(ncc + 'Filter').text exposure_dict['ShortPupil'] = short_pupil exposure_dict['LongPupil'] = long_pupil exposure_dict['CoronMask'] = coronmask # print(exposure_dict ) # Filter, ReadoutPattern, Groups, Integrations, # set subarray also # Store all entries in exposure_dict as lists, so that everything # is consistent regardless of whether there is a direct image #for exposure_parameter in exposure: # parameter_tag_stripped = exposure_parameter.tag.split(ncc)[1] # exposure_dict[parameter_tag_stripped] = exposure_parameter.text # Fill dictionary to return for key in self.APTObservationParams_keys: if key in exposure_dict.keys(): value = exposure_dict[key] elif key in proposal_param_dict.keys(): value = proposal_param_dict[key] elif key == 'Instrument': value = instrument elif key == 'ParallelInstrument': value = parallel_instrument elif key == 'FiducialPointOverride': value = str(FiducialPointOverride) elif key == 'APTTemplate': value = template_name elif key == 'Tracking': value = tracking elif (key == 'Mode'): value = 'coron' elif key == 'Module': value = mod elif key == 'Subarray': value = subarray # elif key == 'PrimaryDithers': # value = primary_dithers_pattern # elif key == 'SubpixelPositions': # value = subpix_dithers_pattern elif key == 'PrimaryDithers': value = number_of_primary_dithers elif key == 'SubpixelPositions': value = number_of_subpixel_dithers elif key == 'PrimaryDitherType': value = primary_dithers_pattern elif key == 'SubpixelDitherType': value = subpix_dithers_pattern elif key == 'SmallGridDitherType': value = subpix_dithers_pattern else: value = NONE_STR science_exposures[key].append(value) # After collecting information for all exposures, we need to # put them in the correct order. TA exposures first, followed by # any astrometric confirmation images, then all science observations. # This is based on the order shown in the pointing file. if ta_targ.upper() != 'NONE': for key in science_exposures: exposures_dictionary[key] = list(ta_exposures[key]) # print(f"Number of TA exposure specs: {len(ta_exposures[key])}") if astrometric_confirmation_imaging.upper() == 'TRUE': for key in science_exposures: exposures_dictionary[key] = list(exposures_dictionary[key]) + list(astrometric_exposures[key]) # print(f"Number of astrometric exposure specs: {len(astrometric_exposures[key])}") for key in science_exposures: exposures_dictionary[key] = list(exposures_dictionary[key]) + list(science_exposures[key]) # print(f"Number of science exposure specs: {len(science_exposures[key])}")'Number of dithers for NIRCam coron exposure: {} primary * {} subpixel = {}'.format(number_of_primary_dithers, number_of_subpixel_dithers, number_of_dithers)) if astrometric_confirmation_imaging.upper() == 'TRUE':'Number of dithers for astrometric confirmation image: {}'.format(number_of_astrometric_dithers)) for key in exposures_dictionary.keys(): if type(exposures_dictionary[key]) is not list: exposures_dictionary[key] = list(exposures_dictionary[key]) # Make sure all list items in the returned dictionary have the same length for key, item in exposures_dictionary.items(): if len(item) == 0: exposures_dictionary[key] = [0] * len(exposures_dictionary['Instrument'])"Total number of exposures for this observation: {len(exposures_dictionary[key])}") return exposures_dictionary
[docs] def read_miri_coronagraphy_template(self, template, template_name, obs, proposal_param_dict, parallel=False, verbose=False): """Parse a MIRI coronagraphy observation template from an APT xml file. Produce an exposure dictionary that lists all exposures (excluding dithers) from the template. Parameters ---------- template : lxml.etree._Element Template section from APT xml template_name : str The type of template (e.g. 'NirissAmi') obs : lxml.etree._Element Observation section from APT xml proposal_param_dict : dict Dictionary of proposal level information from the xml file (e.g. PI, Science Category, etc) parallel : bool If True, template should be for parallel observations. If False, NIRISS WFSS observation is assumed to be prime Returns ------- exposures_dictionary : dict Dictionary containing details on all exposures contained within the template. These details include things like filter, pupil, readout pattern, subarray, etc exp_len : int Dictionary length to use when comparing to that from a parallel observation. This is not necessarily the same as the true length of the dictionary due to the way in which APT groups overvations """ instrument = 'MIRI' if verbose: print(f"Reading template {template_name}")"Reading {template_name} template") # Dictionary that holds the content of this observation only exposures_dictionary = copy.deepcopy(self.empty_exposures_dictionary) # Set namespace mc = "{}" parallel_instrument = False dither_key_name = 'DitherPattern' # Check the target type in order to decide whether the tracking should be # sidereal or non-sidereal tracking = self.get_tracking_type(obs) # Determine if there is an aperture override override = obs.find('.//' + self.apt + 'FiducialPointOverride') FiducialPointOverride = True if override is not None else False # Find the number of dithers # We treat the coronagraphy dithers as subpixel dithers, with 1 primary dither. primary_dithers_pattern = 'NONE' number_of_primary_dithers = 1 subpix_dithers_pattern = template.find(mc + 'Dither').text if subpix_dithers_pattern.upper() != 'NONE': # first character of the dither pattern name is the number of points in it, so: number_of_subpixel_dithers = int(subpix_dithers_pattern[0]) subpix_dither_type = 'SMALL-GRID-DITHER' else: number_of_subpixel_dithers = 1 subpix_dither_type = NONE_STR # Get information about any TA exposures ta_targ = template.find(mc + 'AcqTargetID').text if ta_targ.upper() != 'NONE': ta_readout = template.find(mc + 'AcqReadoutPattern').text ta_groups = template.find(mc + 'AcqGroups').text ta_filter = template.find(mc + 'AcqFilter').text ta_dithers_pattern = 'NONE' ta_subarray = 'MIRISUBARRAYTBD'"Read TA exposure parameters {ta_readout}, {ta_groups}; inferred subarray= {ta_subarray}") # Combine primary and subpixel dithers number_of_dithers = str(number_of_primary_dithers * number_of_subpixel_dithers) ta_dict = {} ta_exposures = copy.deepcopy(self.empty_exposures_dictionary) if ta_targ.upper() != 'NONE': ta_dict['ReadoutPattern'] = ta_readout ta_dict['Groups'] = ta_groups ta_dict['Integrations'] = 1 ta_dict['Filter'] = ta_filter ta_dict[dither_key_name] = ta_dithers_pattern ta_dict['number_of_dithers'] = 1 # TA is never dithered ta_dict['Pupil'] = 'TBD' for key in self.APTObservationParams_keys: if key in ta_dict.keys(): value = ta_dict[key] elif key in proposal_param_dict.keys(): value = proposal_param_dict[key] elif key == 'Instrument': value = instrument elif key == 'ParallelInstrument': value = parallel_instrument elif key == 'FiducialPointOverride': value = str(FiducialPointOverride) elif key == 'APTTemplate': value = template_name elif key == 'Tracking': value = tracking elif key == 'Mode': value = 'imaging' elif key == 'Subarray': value = ta_subarray elif key == 'PrimaryDithers': value = ta_dithers_pattern else: value = NONE_STR ta_exposures[key].append(value) # Now that we have the correct number of dithers, we can # begin populating the exposure dictionary science_exposures = copy.deepcopy(self.empty_exposures_dictionary) for element in template.find(mc+'Filters'): element_tag_stripped = element.tag.split(mc)[1] # Get exposure information if element_tag_stripped == 'FilterConfig': exposure_dict = {} # Load dither information into dictionary exposure_dict[dither_key_name] = exposure_dict['number_of_dithers'] = exposure_dict[dither_key_name] exposure_dict['SubpixelDitherType'] = subpix_dither_type exposure_dict['ReadoutPattern'] = element.find(mc + 'ReadoutPattern').text exposure_dict['Groups'] = element.find(mc + 'Groups').text exposure_dict['Integrations'] = element.find(mc + 'Integrations').text exposure_dict['Filter'] = element.find(mc + 'Filter').text coron_type = element.find(mc + 'Mask').text if coron_type=='LYOT': coron_mask='MASKLYOT' coronagraph='LYOT_2300' else: coron_mask='MASK' + exposure_dict['Filter'][1:5] coronagraph = '4QPM_' + exposure_dict['Filter'][1:5] exposure_dict['Pupil'] = coron_mask exposure_dict['Subarray'] = coron_mask exposure_dict['CoronMask'] = coronagraph # print(exposure_dict ) # Filter, ReadoutPattern, Groups, Integrations, # Store all entries in exposure_dict as lists, so that everything # is consistent regardless of whether there is a direct image #for exposure_parameter in exposure: # parameter_tag_stripped = exposure_parameter.tag.split(ncc)[1] # exposure_dict[parameter_tag_stripped] = exposure_parameter.text # Fill dictionary to return for key in self.APTObservationParams_keys: if key in exposure_dict.keys(): value = exposure_dict[key] elif key in proposal_param_dict.keys(): value = proposal_param_dict[key] elif key == 'Instrument': value = instrument elif key == 'ParallelInstrument': value = parallel_instrument elif key == 'FiducialPointOverride': value = str(FiducialPointOverride) elif key == 'APTTemplate': value = template_name elif key == 'Tracking': value = tracking elif (key == 'Mode'): value = 'coron' elif key == 'PrimaryDithers': value = primary_dithers_pattern elif key == 'SubpixelPositions': value = subpix_dithers_pattern else: value = NONE_STR science_exposures[key].append(value) # After collecting information for all exposures, we need to # put them in the correct order. TA exposures first, followed by # any astrometric confirmation images, then all science observations. # This is based on the order shown in the pointing file. # HACK: For MIRI don't make rows for the TA exposures. # This is because the pointing file parsing ignores them, so we have to be consistent (for now) include_MIRI_TAs = False if ta_targ.upper() != 'NONE' and include_MIRI_TAs: for key in science_exposures: exposures_dictionary[key] = list(ta_exposures[key]) # print(f"Number of TA exposure specs: {len(ta_exposures[key])}") for key in science_exposures: exposures_dictionary[key] = list(exposures_dictionary[key]) + list(science_exposures[key]) # print(f"Number of science exposure specs: {len(science_exposures[key])}")'Number of dithers for MIRI coron exposure: {} primary * {} subpixel = {}'.format(number_of_primary_dithers, number_of_subpixel_dithers, number_of_dithers)) for key in exposures_dictionary.keys(): if type(exposures_dictionary[key]) is not list: exposures_dictionary[key] = list(exposures_dictionary[key]) # Make sure all list items in the returned dictionary have the same length for key, item in exposures_dictionary.items(): if len(item) == 0: exposures_dictionary[key] = [0] * len(exposures_dictionary['Instrument'])"Total number of exposures for this observation: {len(exposures_dictionary[key])}") return exposures_dictionary
[docs] def read_parallel_exposures(self, obs, exposures_dictionary, proposal_parameter_dictionary, verbose=False): """Read the exposures of the parallel instrument. Parameters ---------- obs : APT xml element Observation section of xml file exposures_dictionary : dict Exposures of the prime instrument proposal_parameter_dictionary : dict Parameters to extract verbose : bool Verbosity Returns ------- parallel_exposures_dictionary : dict Parallel exposures. """ # Determine what template is used for the parallel observation template = obs.find(self.apt + 'FirstCoordinatedTemplate')[0] template_name = etree.QName(template).localname if template_name in ['NircamImaging', 'NircamEngineeringImaging', 'NirissExternalCalibration', 'NirspecImaging', 'MiriMRS', 'FgsExternalCalibration']: parallel_exposures_dictionary = self.read_generic_imaging_template(template, template_name, obs, proposal_parameter_dictionary, parallel=True, verbose=verbose) elif template_name == 'NirissWfss': parallel_exposures_dictionary = self.read_niriss_wfss_template(template, template_name, obs, proposal_parameter_dictionary, parallel=True) else: raise ValueError('Parallel observation template {} not supported.'.format(template_name)) # Find length of the exposures dictionary to compare parallel_length = len(parallel_exposures_dictionary['number_of_dithers']) exposures_dictionary_length = len(exposures_dictionary['number_of_dithers']) if parallel_length != exposures_dictionary_length: raise RuntimeError('Mismatch in the number of parallel observations.') return parallel_exposures_dictionary
[docs] def append_to_exposures_dictionary(self, exp_dictionary, exposure_seq_dict, prop_param_dict): """Append exposure(s) information from a dictionary to an existing exposures dictionary Parameters ---------- exp_dictionary : dict Dictionary containing information on multiple exposures exposure_seq_dict : dict Dictionary containing information on a single exposure. This dictionary should have the same keys as exp_dictionary. The contents of this dictionary will be added to exp_dictionary prop_param_dict : dict A dictionary containing proposal-wide information, such as title and PI name Reutrns ------- exp_dictionary : dict With the new exposure(s) added """ keys = list(exposure_seq_dict.keys()) number_of_exposures = len(exposure_seq_dict[keys[0]]) for key in self.APTObservationParams_keys: if key in exposure_seq_dict.keys(): value = exposure_seq_dict[key] elif key in prop_param_dict.keys(): value = [prop_param_dict[key]] * number_of_exposures else: value = [NONE_STR] * number_of_exposures if (key in ['PrimaryDithers', 'ImageDithers']) and ((value is None) or (value == 'None')): value = ['1'] * number_of_exposures exp_dictionary[key].extend(value) # add keys that were not defined in self.APTObservationParams_keys for key in exposure_seq_dict.keys(): if key not in self.APTObservationParams_keys: # if key not yet present, create entry if key not in exp_dictionary.keys():'Key {} not present in APTObservationParams nor exposures_dictionary'.format(key)) exp_dictionary[key] = [str(exposure_seq_dict[key])] else:'Key {} not present in APTObservationParams'.format(key)) exp_dictionary[key].append(str(exposure_seq_dict[key])) return exp_dictionary
[docs] def read_niriss_ami_template(self, template, template_name, obs, proposal_param_dict, parallel=False, verbose=False): """Parse a NIRISS AMI observation template from an APT xml file. Produce an exposure dictionary that lists all exposures (excluding dithers) from the template. Parameters ---------- template : lxml.etree._Element Template section from APT xml template_name : str The type of template (e.g. 'NirissAmi') obs : lxml.etree._Element Observation section from APT xml proposal_param_dict : dict Dictionary of proposal level information from the xml file (e.g. PI, Science Category, etc) parallel : bool If True, template should be for parallel observations. If False, NIRISS WFSS observation is assumed to be prime Returns ------- exposures_dictionary : dict Dictionary containing details on all exposures contained within the template. These details include things like filter, pupil, readout pattern, subarray, etc exp_len : int Dictionary length to use when comparing to that from a parallel observation. This is not necessarily the same as the true length of the dictionary due to the way in which APT groups overvations """ instrument = 'NIRISS' # Dummy module name for NIRISS. Needed for consistency in dictionary entry mod = 'N' long_filter = 'N/A' long_pupil = 'N/A' # Dictionary that holds the content of this observation only exposures_dictionary = copy.deepcopy(self.empty_exposures_dictionary) # Set namespace ns = "{}" if verbose:"Reading NIRISS AMI template") parallel_instrument = False DitherPatternType = None dither_key_name = 'ImageDithers' # number of dithers defaults to 1 number_of_dithers = 1 number_of_subpixel_positions = 1 number_of_primary_dithers = 1 number_of_subpixel_dithers = 1 number_of_direct_dithers = 0 # Check the target type in order to decide whether the tracking should be # sidereal or non-sidereal tracking = self.get_tracking_type(obs) # Determine if there is an aperture override override = obs.find('.//' + self.apt + 'FiducialPointOverride') FiducialPointOverride = True if override is not None else False subarray = template.find(ns + 'Subarray').text ta_subarray = 'SUBTAAMI' # Find the number of primary, subpixel, and optionally, direct image dithers primary_dithers = template.find(ns + 'PrimaryDithers').text subpix_dithers = template.find(ns + 'SubpixelPositions').text # Get information about any TA exposures ta_targ = template.find(ns + 'AcqTarget').text if ta_targ.upper() != 'NONE': ta_readout = template.find(ns + 'AcqReadoutPattern').text ta_groups = template.find(ns + 'AcqGroups').text ta_dithers = 4 # Do not look for the text attribute yet since this keyword may not be present direct_imaging = template.find(ns + 'DirectImaging').text if primary_dithers.upper() != 'NONE': number_of_primary_dithers = int(primary_dithers) if subpix_dithers.upper() != 'NONE': number_of_subpixel_dithers = if direct_imaging.upper() == 'TRUE': image_dithers = template.find(ns + 'ImageDithers').text if image_dithers.upper() != 'NONE': number_of_direct_dithers = else: number_of_direct_dithers = 1 # Combine primary and subpixel dithers number_of_dithers = str(number_of_primary_dithers * number_of_subpixel_dithers) ta_dict = {} ta_exposures = copy.deepcopy(self.empty_exposures_dictionary) if ta_targ.upper() != 'NONE': ta_dict['ReadoutPattern'] = ta_readout ta_dict['Groups'] = ta_groups ta_dict['Integrations'] = 1 ta_dict['Filter'] = 'F480M' ta_dict[dither_key_name] = ta_dithers ta_dict['number_of_dithers'] = ta_dict[dither_key_name] for key in self.APTObservationParams_keys: if key in ta_dict.keys(): value = ta_dict[key] elif key in proposal_param_dict.keys(): value = proposal_param_dict[key] elif key == 'Instrument': value = instrument elif key == 'ParallelInstrument': value = parallel_instrument elif key == 'FiducialPointOverride': value = str(FiducialPointOverride) elif key == 'APTTemplate': value = template_name elif key == 'Tracking': value = tracking elif key == 'Mode': value = 'imaging' elif key == 'Module': value = mod elif key == 'Subarray': value = ta_subarray elif key == 'PrimaryDithers': value = ta_dithers else: value = NONE_STR ta_exposures[key].append(value) # Now that we have the correct number of dithers, we can # begin populating the exposure dictionary for element in template: element_tag_stripped = element.tag.split(ns)[1] # Get exposure information if element_tag_stripped == 'ExposureList': science_exposures = copy.deepcopy(self.empty_exposures_dictionary) direct_exposures = copy.deepcopy(self.empty_exposures_dictionary) for exposure in element.findall(ns + 'Exposure'): exposure_dict = {} direct_dict = {} # Load dither information into dictionary exposure_dict[dither_key_name] = exposure_dict['number_of_dithers'] = exposure_dict[dither_key_name] if direct_imaging.upper() == 'TRUE': direct_dict[dither_key_name] = direct_dict['number_of_dithers'] = direct_dict[dither_key_name] # Store all entries in exposure_dict as lists, so that everything # is consistent regardless of whether there is a direct image for exposure_parameter in exposure: parameter_tag_stripped = exposure_parameter.tag.split(ns)[1] exposure_dict[parameter_tag_stripped] = exposure_parameter.text # If direct images are requested, we need to add a separate # entry in the exposure dictionary for them. if direct_imaging.upper() == 'TRUE': direct_dict['Filter'] = exposure_dict['Filter'] direct_dict['ReadoutPattern'] = exposure_dict['DirectReadoutPattern'] direct_dict['Groups'] = exposure_dict['DirectGroups'] direct_dict['Integrations'] = exposure_dict['DirectIntegrations'] direct_dict['ImageDithers'] = image_dithers direct_dict['EtcId'] = exposure_dict['DirectEtcId'] # Fill dictionary to return for key in self.APTObservationParams_keys: if key in exposure_dict.keys(): value = exposure_dict[key] elif key in proposal_param_dict.keys(): value = proposal_param_dict[key] elif key == 'Instrument': value = instrument elif key == 'ParallelInstrument': value = parallel_instrument elif key == 'FiducialPointOverride': value = str(FiducialPointOverride) elif key == 'APTTemplate': value = template_name elif key == 'Tracking': value = tracking elif (key == 'Mode'): value = 'ami' elif key == 'Module': value = mod elif key == 'Subarray': value = subarray elif key == 'PrimaryDithers': value = primary_dithers elif key == 'SubpixelPositions': value = subpix_dithers else: value = NONE_STR science_exposures[key].append(value) if direct_imaging.upper() == 'TRUE': if key in direct_dict.keys(): dir_value = direct_dict[key] elif key in proposal_param_dict.keys(): dir_value = proposal_param_dict[key] elif key == 'Instrument': dir_value = instrument elif key == 'ParallelInstrument': dir_value = parallel_instrument elif key == 'FiducialPointOverride': dir_value = str(FiducialPointOverride) elif key == 'APTTemplate': dir_value = template_name elif key == 'Tracking': dir_value = tracking elif (key == 'Mode'): dir_value = 'imaging' elif key == 'Module': dir_value = mod elif key == 'Subarray': dir_value = subarray elif key == 'PrimaryDithers': dir_value = number_of_direct_dithers else: dir_value = NONE_STR direct_exposures[key].append(dir_value) # After collecting information for all exposures, we need to # put them in the correct order. TA exposures first, followed by # all science observations, and then any direct images. # This is based on the order shown in the pointing file. if ta_targ.upper() != 'NONE': for key in science_exposures: exposures_dictionary[key] = list(ta_exposures[key]) + list(science_exposures[key]) else: for key in science_exposures: exposures_dictionary[key] = list(science_exposures[key]) if direct_imaging.upper() == 'TRUE': for key in science_exposures: exposures_dictionary[key] = list(exposures_dictionary[key]) + list(direct_exposures[key])'Number of dithers for AMI exposure: {} primary * {} subpixel = {}'.format(number_of_primary_dithers, number_of_subpixel_dithers, number_of_dithers)) if direct_imaging.upper() == 'TRUE':'Number of dithers for direct image: {}'.format(number_of_direct_dithers)) for key in exposures_dictionary.keys(): if type(exposures_dictionary[key]) is not list: exposures_dictionary[key] = list(exposures_dictionary[key]) # Make sure all list items in the returned dictionary have the same length for key, item in exposures_dictionary.items(): if len(item) == 0: exposures_dictionary[key] = [0] * len(exposures_dictionary['Instrument']) return exposures_dictionary
[docs] def read_niriss_wfss_template(self, template, template_name, obs, proposal_param_dict, parallel=False, verbose=False): """Parse a NIRISS WFSS observation template from an APT xml file. Produce an exposure dictionary that lists all exposures (excluding dithers) from the template. Parameters ---------- template : lxml.etree._Element Template section from APT xml template_name : str The type of template (e.g. 'NirissWfss') obs : lxml.etree._Element Observation section from APT xml proposal_param_dict : dict Dictionary of proposal level information from the xml file (e.g. PI, Science Category, etc) parallel : bool If True, template should be for parallel observations. If False, NIRISS WFSS observation is assumed to be prime Returns ------- exposures_dictionary : dict Dictionary containing details on all exposures contained within the template. These details include things like filter, pupil, readout pattern, subarray, etc exp_len : int Dictionary length to use when comparing to that from a parallel observation. This is not necessarily the same as the true length of the dictionary due to the way in which APT groups overvations """ instrument = 'NIRISS' # Dummy module name for NIRISS. Needed for consistency in dictionary entry mod = 'N' subarr = 'FULL' long_filter = 'N/A' long_pupil = 'N/A' # Dictionary that holds the content of this observation only exposures_dictionary = copy.deepcopy(self.empty_exposures_dictionary) # Set namespace ns = "{}" # Template from the prime instrument is needed if WFSS is parallel to a nircam imaging observation. # In that case we need to look into the nircam observation to see if the niriss direct images are # to be dithered if verbose:"Reading NIRISS WFSS template") if parallel: prime_template = obs.find(self.apt + 'Template')[0] prime_template_name = etree.QName(prime_template).localname prime_ns = "{{{}/Template/{}}}".format(self.apt.replace('{', '').replace('}', ''), prime_template_name) # Boolean indicating which instrument is not prime but parallel parallel_instrument = True prime_instrument = obs.find(self.apt + 'Instrument').text if verbose:'Prime: {} Parallel: {}'.format(prime_instrument, instrument)) pdither_grism = prime_template.find(prime_ns + 'PrimaryDithers').text pdither_type_grism = prime_template.find(prime_ns + 'PrimaryDitherType').text dither_direct = prime_template.find(prime_ns + 'DitherNirissWfssDirectImages').text sdither_type_grism = prime_template.find(prime_ns + 'CoordinatedParallelSubpixelPositions').text try: sdither_grism = str([0])) except ValueError: sdither_grism = prime_template.find(prime_ns + 'SubpixelPositions').text else: parallel_instrument = False prime_instrument = instrument dither_direct = 'NO_DITHERING' sdither_type_grism = 'None' sdither_grism = '1' # Dither size can be SMALL, MEDIUM, LARGE. Only look for this if NIRISS is prime #pdither_type_grism = template.find(ns + 'DitherSize').text try: pdither_type_grism = template.find(ns + 'PrimaryDitherType').text except AttributeError: pdither_type_grism = 'None' # Can be various types # WFSS stand-alone observation or WFSS as parallel to NIRCam prime imaging: # this will be the number of primary dithers. # WFSS as prime, with NIRCam imaging as parallel, this will be a string. # (e.g. '2-POINT-LARGE-NIRCam') dvalue = template.find(ns + 'PrimaryDithers').text try: pdither_grism = str( except ValueError: # When NIRISS is prime with NIRCam parallel, the PrimaryDithers field can be # (e.g. '2-POINT-LARGE-NIRCAM'), where the first character is always the number # of dither positions. Not sure how to save both this name as well as the DitherSize # value. I don't think there are header keywords for both, with PATTTYPE being the # only keyword for dither pattern names. pdither_grism = str([0])) # Check if this observation has parallels coordinated_parallel = obs.find(self.apt + 'CoordinatedParallel').text explist = template.find(ns + 'ExposureList') expseqs = explist.findall(ns + 'ExposureSequences') # Check the target type in order to decide whether the tracking should be # sidereal or non-sidereal tracking = self.get_tracking_type(obs) # Determine if there is an aperture override override = obs.find('.//' + self.apt + 'FiducialPointOverride') FiducialPointOverride = True if override is not None else False delta_exp_dict_length = 0 for expseq in expseqs: # Grism values are listed for each ExposureSequence grismval = expseq.find(ns + 'Sequence').text if grismval == 'BOTH': grismval = ['GR150R', 'GR150C'] both_grisms = True entry_repeats = [2, 3] else: grismval = [grismval] both_grisms = False entry_repeats = [3] filter_name = expseq.find(ns + 'Filter').text # Loop over grism selections for grism_number, grism in enumerate(grismval): # sequence = direct pre, dithered grism, direct post # but if grism == both: direct pre1, dithered grism, direct pre2, # dithered grism2, direct post # Mini dictionary just for exposure sequence exp_seq_dict = {} # Collect info on the direct exposure directexp = expseq.find(ns + 'DiExposure') # Check to see if the user requested extra direct dithers. # Handle xml files from older versions of APT where ShouldDither # is not present try: extra_direct_dithers = directexp.find(ns + 'ShouldDither').text except AttributeError: extra_direct_dithers = 'false' typeflag = 'imaging' if dither_direct == 'NO_DITHERING': pdither = '1' # direct image has no dithers pdither_type = 'None' # direct image has no dithers sdither = '1' sdither_type = 'None' else: pdither = pdither_grism pdither_type = pdither_type_grism sdither = sdither_grism sdither_type = sdither_type_grism tile = '1' direct_grismvalue = 'N/A' #pupil = 'CLEARP' # NIRISS filter MUST be in filter wheel, not PUPIL wheel pupil = 'CLEAR' rpatt = directexp.find(ns + 'ReadoutPattern').text grps = directexp.find(ns + 'Groups').text ints = directexp.find(ns + 'Integrations').text # Collect info on grism exposure grismexp = expseq.find(ns + 'GrismExposure') grism_typeflag = 'wfss' grism_pupil = grism grism_rpatt = grismexp.find(ns + 'ReadoutPattern').text grism_grps = grismexp.find(ns + 'Groups').text grism_ints = grismexp.find(ns + 'Integrations').text # Update values in dictionary repeats = entry_repeats[grism_number] exp_seq_dict['Module'] = ['N'] * repeats exp_seq_dict['Subarray'] = ['FULL'] * repeats # Niriss WFSS is always full frame exp_seq_dict['CoordinatedParallel'] = [coordinated_parallel] * repeats exp_seq_dict['Instrument'] = [instrument] * repeats exp_seq_dict['ParallelInstrument'] = [parallel_instrument] * repeats exp_seq_dict['ShortFilter'] = [filter_name] * repeats exp_seq_dict['LongFilter'] = [long_filter] * repeats exp_seq_dict['LongPupil'] = [long_pupil] * repeats exp_seq_dict['ObservationID'] = [proposal_param_dict['ObservationID']] * repeats exp_seq_dict['TileNumber'] = [tile] * repeats exp_seq_dict['APTTemplate'] = [template_name] * repeats exp_seq_dict['ObservationName'] = [proposal_param_dict['ObservationName']] * repeats exp_seq_dict['PupilWheel'] = [filter_name] * repeats exp_seq_dict['FiducialPointOverride'] = [FiducialPointOverride] * repeats exp_seq_dict['Tracking'] = [tracking] * repeats if not both_grisms: if extra_direct_dithers == 'true': primary_dither_list = [pdither, pdither_grism, str(int(pdither)+2)] num_of_dither_list = [str(int(pdither)*int(sdither)), str(int(pdither_grism)*int(sdither_grism)), str(int(pdither) * int(sdither) * 3)] else: primary_dither_list = [pdither, pdither_grism, pdither] num_of_dither_list = [str(int(pdither)*int(sdither)), str(int(pdither_grism)*int(sdither_grism)), str(int(pdither)*int(sdither))] exp_seq_dict['Mode'] = [typeflag, grism_typeflag, typeflag] exp_seq_dict['PrimaryDitherType'] = [pdither_type, pdither_type_grism, pdither_type] exp_seq_dict['PrimaryDithers'] = primary_dither_list exp_seq_dict['SubpixelPositions'] = [sdither, sdither_grism, sdither] exp_seq_dict['SubpixelDitherType'] = [sdither_type, sdither_type_grism, sdither_type] exp_seq_dict['ReadoutPattern'] = [rpatt, grism_rpatt, rpatt] exp_seq_dict['Groups'] = [grps, grism_grps, grps] exp_seq_dict['Integrations'] = [ints, grism_ints, ints] exp_seq_dict['ShortPupil'] = [pupil, grism_pupil, pupil] exp_seq_dict['Grism'] = [direct_grismvalue, grism, direct_grismvalue] exp_seq_dict['number_of_dithers'] = num_of_dither_list exp_seq_dict['FilterWheel'] = [pupil, grism_pupil, pupil] else: if grism_number == 0: exp_seq_dict['Mode'] = [typeflag, grism_typeflag] exp_seq_dict['PrimaryDitherType'] = [pdither_type, pdither_type_grism] exp_seq_dict['PrimaryDithers'] = [pdither, pdither_grism] exp_seq_dict['SubpixelPositions'] = [sdither, sdither_grism] exp_seq_dict['SubpixelDitherType'] = [sdither_type, sdither_type_grism] exp_seq_dict['ReadoutPattern'] = [rpatt, grism_rpatt] exp_seq_dict['Groups'] = [grps, grism_grps] exp_seq_dict['Integrations'] = [ints, grism_ints] exp_seq_dict['ShortPupil'] = [pupil, grism_pupil] exp_seq_dict['Grism'] = [direct_grismvalue, grism] exp_seq_dict['number_of_dithers'] = [str(int(pdither)*int(sdither)), str(int(pdither_grism)*int(sdither_grism))] exp_seq_dict['FilterWheel'] = [pupil, grism_pupil] elif grism_number == 1: if extra_direct_dithers == 'true': primary_dither_list = [str(int(pdither)+3), pdither_grism, str(int(pdither)+2)] num_of_dither_list = [str((int(pdither)*int(sdither))*4), str(int(pdither_grism)*int(sdither_grism)), str(int(pdither)*int(sdither)*3)] else: primary_dither_list = [str(int(pdither)+1), pdither_grism, pdither] num_of_dither_list = [str((int(pdither)*int(sdither))*2), str(int(pdither_grism)*int(sdither_grism)), str(int(pdither)*int(sdither))] exp_seq_dict['Mode'] = [typeflag, grism_typeflag, typeflag] exp_seq_dict['PrimaryDitherType'] = [pdither_type, pdither_type_grism, pdither_type] exp_seq_dict['PrimaryDithers'] = primary_dither_list exp_seq_dict['SubpixelPositions'] = [sdither, sdither_grism, sdither] exp_seq_dict['SubpixelDitherType'] = [sdither_type, sdither_type_grism, sdither_type] exp_seq_dict['ReadoutPattern'] = [rpatt, grism_rpatt, rpatt] exp_seq_dict['Groups'] = [grps, grism_grps, grps] exp_seq_dict['Integrations'] = [ints, grism_ints, ints] exp_seq_dict['ShortPupil'] = [pupil, grism_pupil, pupil] exp_seq_dict['Grism'] = [direct_grismvalue, grism, direct_grismvalue] exp_seq_dict['number_of_dithers'] = num_of_dither_list exp_seq_dict['FilterWheel'] = [pupil, grism_pupil, pupil] ####################################################################### # Update exposure dictionary to return # Add out_of_field_dict to the exposures_dictionary exposures_dictionary = self.append_to_exposures_dictionary(exposures_dictionary, exp_seq_dict, proposal_param_dict) # Make sure all entries are lists for key in exposures_dictionary.keys(): if type(exposures_dictionary[key]) is not list: exposures_dictionary[key] = list(exposures_dictionary[key]) # Make sure all list items in the returned dictionary have the same length for key, item in exposures_dictionary.items(): if len(item) == 0: exposures_dictionary[key] = [0] * len(exposures_dictionary['Instrument']) # Dictionary length to use when comparing to that from a parallel observation exp_len = len(exposures_dictionary['number_of_dithers']) + delta_exp_dict_length return exposures_dictionary
[docs] def separate_pupil_and_filter(self, filter_string): """Filters listed for NIRCam observations can take the form 'F164N+F444W' in cases where filters in the filter wheel and the pupil wheel are used in combination. This function separates the two values. Parameters ---------- filter_string : str Filter name as given in xml file from APT Returns ------- filter_name : str Name of the filter in the filter wheel pupil_name : str Name of the filter in the pupil wheel """ if '+' in filter_string: pupil_name, filter_name = filter_string.split('+') pupil_name = pupil_name.strip() filter_name = filter_name.strip() else: pupil_name = 'CLEAR' filter_name = filter_string return pupil_name, filter_name
def _get_guider_number(xml_file, observation_number): """"Parse the guider number for a particular FGSExternalCalibration or WfscGlobalAlignment observation. """ observation_number = int(observation_number) apt_namespace = '{}' fgs_namespace = '{}' with open(xml_file) as f: tree = etree.parse(f) observation_data = tree.find(apt_namespace + 'DataRequests') observation_list = observation_data.findall('.//' + apt_namespace + 'Observation') for obs in observation_list: if int(obs.findtext(apt_namespace + 'Number')) == observation_number: try: detector = obs.findtext('.//' + fgs_namespace + 'Detector') number = detector[-1] return number except TypeError: number = _get_guider_number_from_special_requirements(apt_namespace, obs) return number raise RuntimeError('Could not find guider number in observation {} in {}'.format(observation_number, xml_file)) def _get_guider_number_from_special_requirements(apt_namespace, obs): """Parse the guider number from the SpecialRequirements for a particular WfscGlobalAlignment observation. """ sr = [x for x in obs.iterchildren() if x.tag.split(apt_namespace)[1] == "SpecialRequirements"][0] try: gs = [x for x in sr.iterchildren() if x.tag.split(apt_namespace)[1] == "GuideStarID"][0] except IndexError: raise IndexError('There is no Guide Star Special Requirement for this observation') # Pull out the guide star ID and the guider number guider = [x for x in gs.iterchildren() if x.tag.split(apt_namespace)[1] == "Guider"][0].text if not isinstance(guider, int): guider = guider.lower().replace(' ', '').split('guider')[1] return guider def _make_start_times(obs_info): """Create exposure start times for each entry in the observation dictionary. Parameters ---------- obs_info : dict Dictionary of exposures. Development was around a dictionary containing APT xml-derived properties as well as pointing file properties. Should be before expanding to have one entry for each detector in each exposure. Returns ------- obs_info : dict Modified dictionary with observation dates and times added """ logger = logging.getLogger('mirage.apt.apt_inputs') date_obs = [] time_obs = [] expstart = [] nframe = [] nskip = [] namp = [] if 'epoch_start_date' in obs_info.keys(): epoch_base_date = obs_info['epoch_start_date'][0] else: epoch_base_date = obs_info['Date'][0] base = Time(obs_info['epoch_start_date'][0]) #base = Time(epoch_base_date + 'T' + epoch_base_time) base_date, base_time = base.iso.split() # Pick some arbirary overhead values act_overhead = 90 # seconds. (filter change) visit_overhead = 600 # seconds. (slew) # Get visit, activity_id, dither_id info for first exposure ditherid = obs_info['dither'][0] actid = obs_info['act_id'][0] visit = obs_info['visit_num'][0] obsid = obs_info['ObservationID'][0] exp = obs_info['exposure'][0] entry_num = obs_info['entry_number'][0] for i, instrument in enumerate(obs_info['Instrument']): # Get dither/visit # Files with the same activity_id should have the same start time # Overhead after a visit break should be large, smaller between # exposures within a visit next_actid = obs_info['act_id'][i] next_visit = obs_info['visit_num'][i] next_obsname = obs_info['obs_label'][i] next_ditherid = obs_info['dither'][i] next_obsid = obs_info['ObservationID'][i] next_exp = obs_info['exposure'][i] next_entry_num = obs_info['entry_number'][i] # Find the readpattern of the file readpatt = obs_info['ReadoutPattern'][i] groups =['Groups'][i]) integrations =['Integrations'][i]) if instrument.lower() in ['miri', 'nirspec']: nframe.append(0) nskip.append(0) namp.append(0) date_obs.append(base_date) time_obs.append(base_time) expstart.append(base.mjd) else: if instrument.lower() == 'niriss': readout_pattern_file = 'niriss_readout_pattern.txt' subarray_def_file = 'niriss_subarrays.list' elif instrument.lower() == 'fgs': readout_pattern_file = 'guider_readout_pattern.txt' subarray_def_file = 'guider_subarrays.list' elif instrument.lower() == 'nircam': readout_pattern_file = 'nircam_read_pattern_definitions.list' subarray_def_file = 'NIRCam_subarray_definitions.list' file = os.path.join(conf.PYNRC_PATH, 'sim_params', readout_pattern_file) readpatt_def = file = os.path.join(conf.PYNRC_PATH, 'sim_params', subarray_def_file) subarray_def = match2 = readpatt == readpatt_def['name'] if np.sum(match2) == 0: raise RuntimeError(("WARNING!! Readout pattern {} not found in definition file." .format(readpatt))) # Now get nframe and nskip so we know how many frames in a group fpg =['nframe'][match2][0]) spg =['nskip'][match2][0]) nframe.append(fpg) nskip.append(spg) # Get the aperture name. For non-NIRCam instruments, # this is simply the obs_info['aperture']. But for NIRCam, # we need to be careful of entries like NRCBS_FULL, which is used # for observations using all 4 shortwave B detectors. In that case, # we need to build the aperture name from the combination of detector # and subarray name. aperture = obs_info['aperture'][i] # Get the number of amps from the subarray definition file match = aperture == subarray_def['AperName'] if np.sum(match) == 0: if '_MASKLWB' in aperture or '_MASKSWB' in aperture: apsplit = aperture.split('_') no_filter = '{}_{}'.format(apsplit[0], apsplit[1]) match = no_filter == subarray_def['AperName'] # needed for NIRCam case if np.sum(match) == 0:'Aperture: {} does not match any entries in the subarray definition file. Guessing at the ' 'aperture for the purpose of calculating the exposure time and number of amps.'.format(aperture))) sub = aperture.split('_')[1] aperture = [apername for apername, name in np.array(subarray_def['AperName', 'Name']) if (sub in apername) or (sub in name)] match = aperture == subarray_def['AperName'] if len(aperture) > 1 or len(aperture) == 0 or np.sum(match) == 0: raise ValueError('Cannot combine detector and subarray {}\ into valid aperture name.'.format(sub)) # We don't want aperture as a list aperture = aperture[0] # For grism tso observations, get the number of # amplifiers to use from the APT file. # For other modes, check the subarray def table. try: amp = int(obs_info['NumOutputs'][i]) except ValueError: amp = subarray_def['num_amps'][match][0] # Default to amps=4 for subarrays that can have 1 or 4 # if the number of amps is not defined. Hopefully we # should never enter this code block given the lines above. if amp == 0: amp = 4'Aperture {} can be used with 1 or 4 readout amplifiers. Defaulting to use 4.' 'In the future this information should be made a user input.'.format(aperture))) namp.append(amp) # same activity ID # Remove this for now, since Mirage was not correctly # specifying activities. At the moment all exposures have # the same activity ID, which means we must allow the # the epoch_start_date to change even if the activity ID # does not. This will change back in the future when we # figure out more realistic activity ID values. #if next_actid == actid: # # in this case, the start time should remain the same # date_obs.append(base_date) # time_obs.append(base_time) # expstart.append(base.mjd) # continue epoch_date = obs_info['epoch_start_date'][i] #epoch_time = copy.deepcopy(epoch_base_time0) # new epoch - update the base time if epoch_date != epoch_base_date: epoch_base_date = copy.deepcopy(epoch_date) #base = Time(epoch_base_date + 'T' + epoch_base_time) base = Time(obs_info['epoch_start_date'][i]) base_date, base_time = base.iso.split() basereset = True date_obs.append(base_date) time_obs.append(base_time) expstart.append(base.mjd) actid = copy.deepcopy(next_actid) visit = copy.deepcopy(next_visit) obsid = copy.deepcopy(next_obsid) obsname = copy.deepcopy(next_obsname) ditherid = copy.deepcopy(next_ditherid) exp = copy.deepcopy(next_exp) entry_num = copy.deepcopy(next_entry_num) continue # new observation or visit (if a different epoch time has # not been provided) if ((next_obsid != obsid) | (next_visit != visit)): # visit break. Larger overhead overhead = visit_overhead elif ((next_actid > actid) & (next_visit == visit)): # This block should be updated when we have more realistic # activity IDs # same visit, new activity. Smaller overhead overhead = act_overhead elif ((next_ditherid != ditherid) & (next_visit == visit)): # same visit, new dither position. Smaller overhead overhead = act_overhead else: # same observation, activity, dither. Filter changes # will still fall in here, which is not accurate overhead = 0. # Reset frame captured in exptime below # For cases where the base time needs to change # continue down here siaf_inst = obs_info['Instrument'][i].upper() siaf_obj = Siaf(siaf_inst)[aperture] # Calculate the readout time for a single frame frametime = _calc_frame_time(siaf_inst, aperture, siaf_obj.XSciSize, siaf_obj.YSciSize, amp) # Estimate total exposure time exptime = ((fpg + spg) * groups + fpg) * integrations * frametime if ((next_obsid == obsid) & (next_visit == visit) & (next_actid == actid) & (next_ditherid == ditherid) & (next_entry_num == entry_num)): # If we are in the same exposure (but with a different detector), # then we should keep the start time the same delta = TimeDelta(0., format='sec') else: # If we are moving on to the next exposure, activity, or visit # then move the start time by the expoure time of the current # exposure, plus the overhead delta = TimeDelta(exptime + overhead, format='sec') base += delta base_date, base_time = base.iso.split() # Add updated dates and times to the list date_obs.append(base_date) time_obs.append(base_time) expstart.append(base.mjd) # increment the activity ID and visit actid = copy.deepcopy(next_actid) visit = copy.deepcopy(next_visit) obsname = copy.deepcopy(next_obsname) ditherid = copy.deepcopy(next_ditherid) obsid = copy.deepcopy(next_obsid) exp = copy.deepcopy(next_exp) entry_num = copy.deepcopy(next_entry_num) obs_info['date_obs'] = date_obs obs_info['time_obs'] = time_obs obs_info['nframe'] = nframe obs_info['nskip'] = nskip obs_info['namp'] = namp return obs_info def _calc_frame_time(instrument, aperture, xdim, ydim, amps): """Calculate the readout time for a single frame of a given size and number of amplifiers. Note that for NIRISS and FGS, the fast readout direction is opposite to that in NIRCam, so we switch xdim and ydim so that we can keep a single equation. Parameters: ----------- instrument : str Name of the instrument being simulated aperture : str Name of aperture being simulated (e.g "NRCA1_FULL") Currently this is only used to check for the FGS ACQ1 aperture, which uses a unique value of colpad below. xdim : int Number of columns in the frame ydim : int Number of rows in the frame amps : int Number of amplifiers used to read out the frame Returns: -------- frametime : float Readout time in seconds for the frame """ instrument = instrument.lower() if instrument == "nircam": colpad = 12 # Fullframe if amps == 4: rowpad = 1 fullpad = 1 else: # All subarrays rowpad = 2 fullpad = 0 if ((xdim <= 8) & (ydim <= 8)): # The smallest subarray rowpad = 3 elif instrument == "niriss": # Reverse x and y since NIRISS's fast readout direction is # opposite of NIRCam's tmpx = copy.deepcopy(xdim) xdim = copy.deepcopy(ydim) ydim = tmpx colpad = 12 # Fullframe if amps == 4: rowpad = 1 fullpad = 1 else: rowpad = 2 fullpad = 0 elif instrument == 'fgs': # Reverse x and y since FGS's fast readout direction is # opposite of NIRCam's tmpx = copy.deepcopy(xdim) xdim = copy.deepcopy(ydim) ydim = tmpx colpad = 12 fullpad = 0 if ((xdim == 2048) & (ydim == 2048)): rowpad = 1 fullpad = 1 else: rowpad = 2 if ((xdim <= 32) & (ydim <= 32)): colpad = 6 rowpad = 1 return ((1.0 * xdim / amps + colpad) * (ydim + rowpad) + fullpad) * 1.e-5 ### Modified from MIRAGE
[docs]def get_pointing_info(pointing_files, propid=0, verbose=False, all_inst=False): """Read in information from APT's pointing file. Parameters ---------- file : str Name of APT-exported pointing file to be read propid : int Proposal ID number (integer). This is used to create various ID fields all_inst : bool If False, only NIRCam, otherwise get all instruments. Returns ------- pointing : dict Dictionary of pointing-related information TODO ---- extract useful information from header? check visit numbers set parallel proposal number correctly """ from .dms import jw_obs_id tar = [] tile = [] dith = [] aperture = [] targ1 = [] targ2 = [] ra = [] dec = [] basex = [] basey = [] dithx = [] dithy = [] v2 = [] v3 = [] idlx = [] idly = [] level_arr = [] type_str = [] expar = [] dkpar = [] ddist = [] observation_label = [] obs_id_all = [] obs_num_int = [] visit_num_int = [] pri_dith_arr = [] sub_dith_arr = [] grp_counter = 1 act_counter = 1 expnum = 1 with open(pointing_files) as f: for line in f: # Skip comments and new lines except for the line with the version of the PRD if (line[0] == '#') or (line in ['\n']) or ('=====' in line): # Compare the version of the PRD from APT and pysiaf if 'PRDOPSSOC' in line: apt_prd_version = line.split(' ')[-2] if apt_prd_version != JWST_PRD_VERSION:'The pointing file from APT was created using PRD version: {},\n' 'while the current installation of pysiaf uses PRD version: {}.\n' .format(apt_prd_version, JWST_PRD_VERSION))) else: continue # Extract proposal ID elif line.split()[0] == 'JWST': propid_header = line.split()[7] try: propid = except ValueError: # adopt value passed to function pass if verbose:'Extracted proposal ID {}'.format(propid)) continue elif (len(line) > 1): elements = line.split() # Look for lines that give visit/observation numbers if line[0:2] == '* ': paren = line.rfind('(') if paren == -1: obslabel = line[2:] obslabel = obslabel.strip() else: obslabel = line[2:paren-1] obslabel = obslabel.strip() if (' (' in obslabel) and (')' in obslabel): obslabel = re.split(r' \(|\)', obslabel)[0] skip = False if line[0:2] == '**': v = elements[2] obsnum, visitnum = v.split(':') obsnum = str(obsnum).zfill(3) visitnum = str(visitnum).zfill(3) # At beginning of each visit, reset numbers grp_counter = 2 # Default to 2 since GS acq is 1 act_counter = 1 expnum = 1 if (skip is True) and (verbose):'Skipping observation {} ({})'.format(obsnum, obslabel)) try: # Only care about NIRCam if all_inst: do_this = ([1]) > 0) else: do_this = (([1]) > 0) & ('NRC' in elements[4])) or \ (('TA' in elements[4]) & ('NRC' in elements[4])) if do_this: level = elements[17] type_val = elements[18] if (type_val == 'PARALLEL'): skip = True if skip: # act_counter += 1 continue observation_label.append(obslabel) # Visit Groups and Activity numbers ap = elements[4] if type_val=='T_ACQ': grp_counter = 2 act_counter = 2 # First activity is always subarray switch elif type_val=='CONFIRM': grp_counter = 3 if 'TA' not in ap: act_counter += 1 # Add additional activity for SAM elif ('MASK' in ap) and (type_val=='SCIENCE'): if (level=='TARGET') and ('FULL' not in ap): act_counter += 1 # Add additional activity for FULL->subarray elif (level=='TARGET') and (act_counter==1): act_counter += 1 # Add additional activity (NRCSUBMAIN, SUBARRAY=FULL) elif (level == 'FILTER'): act_counter += 1 # Start of new activity expnum = 1 # Reset exposure number grp_counter = 3 # Parallel sequence is hard coded to 1 (Simulated instrument as prime rather than # parallel) at the moment. Future improvements may allow the proper sequence # number to be constructed. seq = '1' # Set activity ID to 1 tar.append([0])) tile.append([1])) exnum =[2]) # exp.append(str(exnum).zfill(5)) dith_pos =[3]) dith.append(dith_pos) # If pointing file exp and dith are both 1, then reset exposure num to 1 # otherwise increment by 1. # Reset primary dither position on new target, filter, or tile if level in ['TARGET', 'FILTER', 'TILE']: pri_dith_pos = 1 sub_dith_pos = 1 elif level=='DITHER': pri_dith_pos += 1 sub_dith_pos = 1 elif level=='SUBDITHER': sub_dith_pos += 1 pri_dith_arr.append(pri_dith_pos) sub_dith_arr.append(sub_dith_pos) # if ('GRISMR_WFSS' in elements[4]): # ap = ap.replace('GRISMR_WFSS', 'FULL') # elif ('GRISMC_WFSS' in elements[4]): # ap = ap.replace('GRISMC_WFSS', 'FULL') aperture.append(ap) targ1.append([5])) targ2.append(elements[6]) ra.append(np.float(elements[7])) dec.append(np.float(elements[8])) basex.append(np.float(elements[9])) basey.append(np.float(elements[10])) dithx.append(np.float(elements[11])) dithy.append(np.float(elements[12])) v2.append(np.float(elements[13])) v3.append(np.float(elements[14])) idlx.append(np.float(elements[15])) idly.append(np.float(elements[16])) level_arr.append(level) type_str.append(elements[18]) expar.append([19])) dkpar.append([20])) ddist.append(np.float(elements[21])) # For the moment we assume that the instrument being simulated is not being # run in parallel, so the parallel proposal number will be all zeros, # as seen in the line below. # observation_id.append("V{}P{}{}{}{}".format(vid, '00000000', vgrp, seq, act)) # act_counter += 1 # Use dither position as a proxy for exp ID. # Each dither should have it's own file obs_id = jw_obs_id(propid, obsnum, visitnum, grp_counter, seq, act_counter, expnum) obs_id_all.append(obs_id) obs_num_int.append(int(obsnum)) visit_num_int.append(int(visitnum)) # Increment exposure number expnum += 1 # Increment group counter after target acq # useful for TSO if type_val=='T_ACQ': grp_counter += 1 expnum = 1 # Reset exposure counter # Increment activity coun elif type_val=='CONFIRM': act_counter += 1 expnum = 1 # Reset exposure counter except ValueError as e: if verbose:'Skipping line:\n{}\nproducing error:\n{}'.format(line, e)) pass pointing = { 'aperture': np.array(aperture), 'pri_dith': np.array(pri_dith_arr), 'sub_dith': np.array(sub_dith_arr), 'targ1': np.array(targ1), 'targ2': np.array(targ2), 'ra': np.array(ra), 'dec': np.array(dec), 'basex': np.array(basex), 'basey': np.array(basey), 'dithx': np.array(dithx), 'dithy': np.array(dithy), 'v2': np.array(v2), 'v3': np.array(v3), 'idlx': np.array(idlx), 'idly': np.array(idly), 'obs_label': np.array(observation_label), 'obs_num': np.array(obs_num_int), 'visit_num': np.array(visit_num_int), 'obs_id_info': np.array(obs_id_all), 'level': np.array(level_arr), 'type': np.array(type_str), 'ddist': np.array(ddist), } return pointing
[docs]def build_dict_from_xml(xml_file, keys, verbose=False): """Read in the .xml file from APT, and output dictionary of parameters. Arguments --------- infile (str): Path to input .xml file Returns ------- dict: Dictionary with extracted observation parameters Raises ------ ValueError: If an .xml file is provided that includes an APT template that is not supported. If the .xml file includes a fiducial pointing override with an unknown subarray specification """ temp = ReadAPTXML() pointing_info = temp.read_xml(xml_file, verbose=verbose) keys_pointing = list(pointing_info.keys()) out_dict = {} for k in keys: out_dict[k] = [] instrument_list = set(pointing_info['Instrument']) for inst in instrument_list: good = np.where(np.array(pointing_info['Instrument']) == inst)[0] if inst.upper() == 'NIRCAM': ndithers = np.array(pointing_info['number_of_dithers'])[good] nel = len(ndithers) for k in keys: vals = np.array(pointing_info[k])[good] for i in range(nel): val = vals[i] ndith = int(ndithers[i]) # Append filters for each dither position for j in range(ndith): out_dict[k].append(val) for k in keys: out_dict[k] = np.array(out_dict[k]) return out_dict
[docs]def get_ditherinfo(xml_file, verbose=False): """Dither information""" keys = [ 'APTTemplate', 'PrimaryDitherType', 'PrimaryDithers', 'DitherSize', 'SubpixelPositions', 'SubpixelDitherType', 'SmallGridDitherType', 'DitherPatternType', 'ImageDithers', 'number_of_dithers' ] return build_dict_from_xml(xml_file, keys, verbose=verbose)
[docs]def get_siaf_detectors(apname): """List detectors associated with SIAF aperture name""" str_arr = apname.split('_') detid = str_arr[0] det_amod = ['NRCA1', 'NRCA2', 'NRCA3', 'NRCA4', 'NRCA5'] det_bmod = ['NRCB1', 'NRCB2', 'NRCB3', 'NRCB4', 'NRCB5'] if detid=='NRCAS': # NRCAS_FULL uses all mod A detectors return det_amod elif detid=='NRCBS': # NRCBS_FULL uses all mod B detectors return det_bmod elif detid=='NRCALL': return det_amod + det_bmod else: return [detid]
[docs]def update_eng_detectors(visit_dict): """Update detectors used for engineering templates Engineering templates always use all detectors operated with the same subarray settings, but there are not always SIAF apertures for every detector for certain subarray settings (e.g., SUBGRISM), so some of the auto-generated detector from `get_siaf_detectors` will usually be incorrect. """ apt_template = visit_dict.get('APTTemplate') if (apt_template is not None) and ('engineering' not in apt_template.lower()): _log.warn(f'APT template {apt_template} is not Engineering. Returning...') return det_amod = ['NRCA1', 'NRCA2', 'NRCA3', 'NRCA4', 'NRCA5'] det_bmod = ['NRCB1', 'NRCB2', 'NRCB3', 'NRCB4', 'NRCB5'] # Update detectors used detectors = [] for mod in visit_dict['ModuleAPT']: if mod=='A': dets = det_amod elif mod=='B': dets = det_bmod else: dets = det_amod + det_bmod detectors.append(dets) visit_dict['detectors'] = np.array(detectors) # Update names of apertures apertures = [] for i, subname in enumerate(visit_dict['subarray_name']): mod = visit_dict['ModuleAPT'][i] if subname=='FULL': if mod=='A': aps = 'NRCAS_FULL' elif mod=='B': aps = 'NRCBS_FULL' else: aps = 'NRCALL_FULL' elif ('SUBGRISM' in subname): pix = subname[8:] # GRISMTS for SW, although some of these apertures are undefined in SIAF! aps_amod = [f'NRCA{j}_GRISMTS{pix}' for j in [1,2,3,4]] aps_bmod = [f'NRCB{j}_GRISMTS{pix}' for j in [1,2,3,4]] lw_filter = visit_dict['lw_filters'][i] # Only certain filters are allowed. Default to F322W2 if some other filter specified. if lw_filter not in ['F322W2', 'F277W', 'F356W', 'F444W']: lw_filter = 'F322W2' aps_amod = aps_amod + [f'NRCA5_GRISM{pix}_{lw_filter}'] aps_bmod = aps_bmod + [f'NRCB5_GRISM{pix}_{lw_filter}'] if mod=='A': aps = aps_amod elif mod=='B': aps = aps_bmod else: aps = aps_amod + aps_bmod elif ('SUB' in subname) and ('GRISM' not in subname) and ('DHS' not in subname): pix = subname[3:] subp = subname[-1]=='P' if subp: pix = pix[:-1] aps_amod = [f'NRCA{j}_SUB{pix}' for j in [1,2,3,4,5]] aps_bmod = [f'NRCB{j}_SUB{pix}' for j in [1,2,3,4,5]] if subp: aps_amod[2] = aps_amod[2] + 'P' aps_amod[4] = aps_amod[4] + 'P' aps_bmod[0] = aps_bmod[0] + 'P' aps_bmod[4] = aps_bmod[4] + 'P' if mod=='A': aps = aps_amod elif mod=='B': aps = aps_bmod else: aps = aps_amod + aps_bmod else: _log.warn(f'{subname} not yet supported. Setting apertures to None') aps = 'NONE' apertures.append(aps) visit_dict['aperture'] = np.array(apertures)
[docs]def get_readmodes(xml_file, verbose=False): """Readout information for each exposure""" key_update = { 'Mode' : 'mode', 'Subarray' : 'subarray_name', 'ReadoutPattern' : 'readout', 'Integrations' : 'nints', 'Groups' : 'ngroups', 'NumOutputs' : 'noutputs', } res = build_dict_from_xml(xml_file, key_update.keys(), verbose=verbose) out_dict = {} for k in key_update.keys(): out_dict[key_update[k]] = res[k] return out_dict
[docs]def get_target_info(xml_file, verbose=False): """Target for each each exposure""" key_update = { 'TargetID' : 'TargetID', 'TargetRA' : 'TargetRA', 'TargetDec': 'TargetDec', } res = build_dict_from_xml(xml_file, key_update.keys(), verbose=verbose) out_dict = {} for k in key_update.keys(): out_dict[key_update[k]] = res[k] return out_dict
[docs]def get_filter_info(xml_file, verbose=False): """Filter information for each exposure""" key_update = { 'Module' : 'ModuleAPT', 'ShortFilter' : 'sw_filters', 'ShortPupil' : 'sw_pupils', 'LongFilter' : 'lw_filters', 'LongPupil' : 'lw_pupils', 'CoronMask' : 'coron_mask', } res = build_dict_from_xml(xml_file, key_update.keys(), verbose=verbose) out_dict = {} for k in key_update.keys(): out_dict[key_update[k]] = res[k] # Certain filters in pupil wheel should be stored in filter # For instance filter settings 'F405N+F444W' were parsed as # placing 'LongPupil':'F405N' and 'LongFilter':'F444W', # but in order to correctly create pynrc observations, we want # to set filter='F405N'. for i, val in enumerate(out_dict['sw_pupils']): if (val[0] == 'F') and (val != 'FLAT'): new_pup = 'WLP4' if out_dict['sw_filters'][i]=='WLP4' else 'CLEAR' out_dict['sw_filters'][i] = val out_dict['sw_pupils'][i] = new_pup for i, val in enumerate(out_dict['lw_pupils']): if (val[0] == 'F') and (val != 'FLAT'): out_dict['lw_filters'][i] = val out_dict['lw_pupils'][i] = 'CLEAR' # If filter is set to WLP4, set pupil depending on pupil setting for i, val in enumerate(out_dict['sw_filters']): if val=='WLP4': sw_pup = out_dict['sw_pupils'][i] if sw_pup=='WLP8': new_pup = 'WLP12' elif sw_pup=='WLM8': new_pup = 'WLM4' else: new_pup = 'WLP4' out_dict['sw_pupils'][i] = new_pup out_dict['sw_filters'][i] = 'CLEAR' return out_dict
[docs]def get_timing_info(timing_json_file, smart_accounting_file): f = open(timing_json_file) timing_info = json.load(f) f.close # Use smart accounting file to get order of visits obs_visit_num = [] with open(smart_accounting_file) as f: for line in f: good = (line[0]==' ') & (':' in line) if good: obs_visit_num.append(line[1:8]) # Place visit dictionaries in sequence visit_dict = OrderedDict() for vn in obs_visit_num: obs_num, visit_num = vn.split(':') obs_num = int(obs_num) visit_num = int(visit_num) # Search for obs:visit in timing_info for dobs in timing_info['observations']: if dobs['id'] == obs_num: for dvisit in dobs['visits']: if dvisit['id'] == visit_num: visit_dict[vn] = dvisit # Get start times of each exposure tval = 0 for k in visit_dict.keys(): exp_start_times = [] comp_list = visit_dict[k]['components'] for d in comp_list: # Save visit start time and slew duration if d['type']=='VISIT_SLEW': visit_dict[k]['visit_start'] = tval visit_dict[k]['slew_duration'] = d['duration'] # Append science exposure start times if d['type']=='SCIENCE': exp_start_times.append(tval) tval += d['duration'] visit_dict[k]['exp_start_times'] = np.array(exp_start_times) return visit_dict
[docs]def get_proposal_info(xml_file, verbose=False): """Get basic program information""" temp = ReadAPTXML() program_info = temp.read_xml(xml_file, verbose=verbose) obs_params = { # Proposal info 'pi_name' : program_info['PI_Name'][0], 'title' : program_info['Title'][0], 'pid' : program_info['ProposalID'][0], 'category' : program_info['Proposal_category'][0], 'sub_category' : program_info['Proposal_subcategory'][0], 'science_category' : program_info['Science_category'][0], } return obs_params
[docs]def get_roll_info(xml_file): with open(xml_file) as f: tree = etree.parse(f) apt = '{}' LinkingRequirements = tree.find(apt + 'LinkingRequirements') OrientFromLink = LinkingRequirements.findall('.//' + apt + 'OrientFromLink') # Loop through PA offset links roll_dict = {} for i, orient in enumerate(OrientFromLink): obs1 = orient.get('PrimaryObs') obs2 = orient.get('OrientFromObs') obs1_num = int(obs1.split('(Obs ')[-1][:-1]) obs2_num = int(obs2.split('(Obs ')[-1][:-1]) pa_min = int(orient.get('MinAngle').split(' ')[0]) pa_max = int(orient.get('MaxAngle').split(' ')[0]) # Store PA offset link roll_dict[i] = { 'PrimaryObs' : obs1_num, 'OrientFromObs' : obs2_num, 'MinPA' : pa_min, 'MaxPA' : pa_max, } if len(roll_dict)==0: return None else: return roll_dict
[docs]def get_orient_specreq(xml_file): """ Grab V3 PA Range special requirements from XML file TODO: Value is specified in the aperture PA, not V3 PA. Need to calculate V3 PA. """ with open(xml_file) as f: tree = etree.parse(f) apt = '{}' orient_dict = {} # Get special requirements for Orient Range OrientRanges = tree.findall('.//' + apt + 'OrientRange') # Loop through each orient ranges PA offset links for ORange in OrientRanges: obs_num = ORange.getparent().getparent().find(apt+'Number').text.zfill(3) orient_dict[obs_num] = { 'OrientMin' : float(ORange.get('OrientMin').split(' ')[0]), 'OrientMax' : float(ORange.get('OrientMax').split(' ')[0]), } if len(orient_dict)==0: return None else: return orient_dict
[docs]def gen_all_apt_visits(xml_file, pointing_file, sm_acct_file, json_file, rand_seed=None): """ Read in APT output files and return a dictionary that holds all necessary visit information to create an observation in DMS format. Each visit is placed in an ordered dictionary according to that within the Smart Accounting file. """ rng = np.random.default_rng(rand_seed) timing_info = get_timing_info(json_file, sm_acct_file) target_info = get_target_info(xml_file) pointing_info = get_pointing_info(pointing_file) read_modes = get_readmodes(xml_file) filter_info = get_filter_info(xml_file) dith_info = get_ditherinfo(xml_file) roll_info = get_roll_info(xml_file) orient_info = get_orient_specreq(xml_file) # Save visit information to its own dictionary visits_dict = OrderedDict() for k in timing_info.keys(): obs_num, visit_num = k.split(':') ind = (pointing_info['obs_num'] == int(obs_num)) & (pointing_info['visit_num'] == int(visit_num)) # Pointing might have non-NIRCam files # This will only keep those with relevant obs_num and visit_num if ind.sum()>0: visits_dict[k] = { 'obs_num': int(obs_num), 'visit_num': int(visit_num), 'visit_start': timing_info[k]['visit_start'], 'slew_duration': timing_info[k]['slew_duration'], 'visit_duration': timing_info[k]['scheduling_duration'], 'exp_start_times': timing_info[k]['exp_start_times'], } # Add roll offset info to relevant visits if orient_info is not None: for k_obs in orient_info.keys(): d_orient = orient_info[k_obs] # Cycle through each visit to find obs num matches for key in visits_dict.keys(): d = visits_dict[key] obs_num = d['obs_num'] # Only update if statment is True d['orient_info'] = d_orient if (obs_num==int(k_obs)) else d.get('orient_info') # Add orientation special requierment info to relevant visits if roll_info is not None: for k_roll in roll_info.keys(): d_roll = roll_info[k_roll] onum1 = d_roll['PrimaryObs'] onum2 = d_roll['OrientFromObs'] # Cycle through each visit to find obs num matches for key in visits_dict.keys(): d = visits_dict[key] obs_num = d['obs_num'] # Only update if statment is True d['roll_info'] = d_roll if (obs_num==onum1) or (obs_num==onum2) else d.get('roll_info') template_key = 'APTTemplate' for key in visits_dict.keys(): d = visits_dict[key] # Select specific observation and visit number obs_num, visit_num = (d['obs_num'], d['visit_num']) ind = (pointing_info['obs_num'] == obs_num) & (pointing_info['visit_num'] == visit_num) # Only need 1 entry per visit for dither information for k in dith_info.keys(): if k in d.keys(): pass else: d[k] = dith_info[k][ind]#[0] # Add a random seed for random dither offsets and noise d['rand_seed_dith'] = rng.integers(0, 2**32-1) d['rand_seed_noise'] = rng.integers(0, 2**32-1) # Pointing, Filter, and Readout information for dict_append in [target_info, pointing_info, filter_info, read_modes]: for k in dict_append.keys(): if k in d.keys(): pass else: d[k] = dict_append[k][ind] # Only need single template name if template_key in d.keys(): d[template_key] = d[template_key][0] # Add all detectors apertures = d['aperture'] detectors_all = [] for ap in apertures: detnames = get_siaf_detectors(ap) detectors_all.append(detnames) detectors_all = np.array(detectors_all) d['detectors'] = detectors_all # Update detectors and apertures if an Engineering Template template_name = d.get(template_key) if (template_name is not None) and ('engineering' in template_name.lower()): update_eng_detectors(d) return visits_dict
[docs]def get_exp_type(visit_type, visit_mode, pupil): """ Possible Exposure Types: NRC_DARK, NRC_FLAT, NRC_LED, NRC_FOCUS, NRC_TACQ, NRC_TACONFIRM, NRC_IMAGE, NRC_GRISM, NRC_CORON, NRC_WFSS, NRC_TSIMAGE, NRC_TSGRISM """ types_dict = { "imaging" : "NRC_IMAGE", "wfss" : "NRC_WFSS", "ts_imaging" : "NRC_TSIMAGE", "ts_grism" : "NRC_TSGRISM", } visit_type = visit_type.upper() visit_mode = visit_mode.lower() pupil = pupil.upper() if pupil == 'FLAT': exp_type = 'NRC_DARK' elif 'T_ACQ' in visit_type: exp_type = 'NRC_TACQ' elif 'CONFIRM' in visit_type: exp_type = 'NRC_TACONFIRM' elif ('RND' in pupil) or ('BAR' in pupil) or ('CIRC' in pupil) or ('WEDGE' in pupil): exp_type = 'NRC_CORON' elif 'SCIENCE' in visit_type: try: exp_type = types_dict[visit_mode] except: if 'GRISM' in pupil: exp_type = 'NRC_GRISM' else: exp_type = 'NRC_IMAGE' else: _log.error(f'type: {visit_type}, mode: {visit_mode}, pupil: {pupil}') raise RuntimeError('Cannot determine exp_type.') return exp_type
[docs]def create_det_class(visit_dict, exp_id, detname, grp_id=1, seq_id=1, act_id='01'): from ..pynrc_core import DetectorOps from .dms import dec_to_base36 # Ensure standardized detector naming convention ("NRC[A/B][1-5]") det_id = get_detname(detname) act_id_b36 = act_id if isinstance(act_id, str) else dec_to_base36(int(act_id)) visit_group = '{:02d}'.format(int(grp_id)) # Visit group identifier sequence_id = '{:01d}'.format(int(seq_id)) # Parallel sequence ID (1=prime, 2-5=parallel) activity_id = '{:0>2}'.format(act_id_b36) # Activity number (base 36) exposure_number = '{:05d}'.format(int(exp_id)) # Exposure Number par_info_grab = visit_group + sequence_id + activity_id + '_' + exposure_number # Get list of all parameters strung together par_info_all = [] for d in visit_dict['obs_id_info']: par_info = d['visit_group'] + d['sequence_id'] + d['activity_id'] + '_' + d['exposure_number'] par_info_all.append(par_info) par_info_all = np.array(par_info_all) # Grab indices for specified info ind_mask = (par_info_all == par_info_grab) if ind_mask.sum()==0: _log.error("d['visit_group'] + d['sequence_id'] + d['activity_id'] + '_' + d['exposure_number']") print("Valid values:\n", par_info_all) raise IndexError(f'Not valid: {par_info_grab}; visit_group:{grp_id}, exp_id:{exp_id}, seq_id:{seq_id}, act_id:{act_id}') # Grab indices for specified exposure number # exp_ids_visit = np.array([int(d['exposure_number']) for d in visit_dict['obs_id_info']]) # ind_mask = (exp_ids_visit == int(exp_id)) # Get siaf aperture names exp_apnames = visit_dict['aperture'][ind_mask] if exp_apnames.size==1: apname = visit_dict['aperture'][ind_mask][0] else: ind_det = (visit_dict['detectors'][ind_mask] == det_id) apname = visit_dict['aperture'][ind_mask][ind_det][0] if ('NRCAS' in apname) or ('NRCBS' in apname) or ('NRCALL' in apname): apname = det_id + '_FULL' # pysiaf aperture siaf_ap = siaf_nrc[apname] # Build detector operations class readout = visit_dict['readout'][ind_mask][0] nint = visit_dict['nints'][ind_mask][0] ngroup = visit_dict['ngroups'][ind_mask][0] xpix, ypix = np.array([siaf_ap.XSciSize, siaf_ap.YSciSize]).astype('int') x0, y0 = np.array(siaf_ap.dms_corner()) - 1 # Check if number of amplifiers was specified in APT file (e.g., grism timeseries) noutputs = visit_dict['noutputs'][ind_mask][0] if (noutputs is not None) and (noutputs==1): wind_mode = 'WINDOW' elif (xpix >= 2048) and (ypix>=2048): wind_mode = 'FULL' noutputs = 4 elif (xpix >= 2048): wind_mode = 'STRIPE' noutputs = 4 else: wind_mode = 'WINDOW' noutputs = 1 # Detector class det = DetectorOps(detector=det_id, read_mode=readout, nint=nint, ngroup=ngroup, wind_mode=wind_mode, xpix=xpix, ypix=ypix, x0=x0, y0=y0) return det
[docs]def create_obs_params(filt, pupil, mask, det, siaf_ap, ra_dec, date_obs, time_obs="12:00:00.000", pa_v3=None, siaf_ap_obs=None, xyoff_idl=(0,0), visit_level='TARGET', visit_type='SCIENCE', time_series=False, time_visit_offset=0, time_exp_offset=0, segNum=None, segTot=None, int_range=None, filename=None, **kwargs): """ Generate obs_params dictionary An obs_params dictionary is used to create a jwst data model (e.g., Level1bModel). Additional ``**kwargs`` will add/update elements to the final output dictionary. Parameters ========== filt : str Observed filter pupil : str Observed pupil mask (e.g., GRISMR, GRISMC, CIRCLYOT, etc) det : DetectorOps NIRCam detector operations class siaf_ap : pysiaf Aperture SIAF aperture class used for telescope pointing ra_dec : tuple, list RA and Dec in degrees associated with observation pointing data_obs : str YYYY-MM-DD Keyword Arg =========== time_obs : str HH:MM:SS pa_v3 : float or None Telescope V3 position angle. If set to None, then will automatically determine from date and ra/dec. siaf_ap_obs : pysiaf Aperture SIAF aperture class used for to observe (if different from `siaf_ap`) xyoff_idl : tuple, list (x,y) offset in arcsec ('idl' coords) to dither observation visit_type : str 'T_ACQ', 'CONFIRM', or 'SCIENCE' time_series : bool Is this a time series observation? time_exp_offset : float Exposure start time (in seconds) relative to beginning of observation execution. segNum : int The segment number of the current product. Only for TSO. segTot : int The total number of segments. Only for TSO. int_range : list Integration indices to use filename : str or None Name of output filename. """ from .dms import populate_group_table, jw_obs_id pupil = 'CLEAR' if pupil is None else pupil # Ensure standardized detector naming convention ("NRC[A/B][1-5]") det_id = get_detname(det.detname) # Multiaccum class ma = det.multiaccum siaf_ap_ref = siaf_ap ra, dec = ra_dec # Ensure 3 decimal points in time_obs try: # Split off decimal point after string # Add a bunch of zeros, then truncate tsplit = time_obs.split('.') sub_sec = (tsplit[1] + '000')[:3] time_obs = '.'.join([tsplit[0], sub_sec]) except: # If no decimal, just add zeros time_obs = time_obs + '.000' output = get_tel_angles(ra, dec, obs_date=date_obs, obs_time=time_obs) pitch_ang = output['pitch_deg'] pa_v3_nom = output['v3pa_deg'] sol_elong = pitch_ang + 90 if pa_v3 is None: pa_v3 = pa_v3_nom # TODO: Maybe add an orient ranges constraint here? if siaf_ap_obs is None: apname = siaf_ap_ref.AperName if ('NRCAS' in apname) or ('NRCBS' in apname) or ('NRCALL' in apname): apname = det_id + '_FULL' siaf_ap_obs = siaf_nrc[apname] xoff_idl, yoff_idl = xyoff_idl v2_ref, v3_ref = siaf_ap_ref.convert(xoff_idl, yoff_idl, 'idl', 'tel') att = rotations.attitude(v2_ref, v3_ref, ra, dec, pa_v3) # Set attitude correction matrices for each aperture siaf_ap_ref.set_attitude_matrix(att) siaf_ap_obs.set_attitude_matrix(att) # Calculate their ra/dec reference locations ra_ref, dec_ref = siaf_ap_ref.reference_point('sky') ra_obs, dec_obs = siaf_ap_obs.reference_point('sky') # Possible Exposure Types: # NRC_DARK, NRC_FLAT, NRC_LED, NRC_FOCUS, # NRC_TACQ, NRC_TACONFIRM # NRC_IMAGE, NRC_CORON, NRC_GRISM # NRC_WFSS, NRC_TSIMAGE, NRC_TSGRISM if time_series: visit_mode = 'ts_grism' if 'GRISM' in pupil else 'ts_imaging' else: visit_mode = 'wfss' if 'GRISM' in pupil else 'imaging' exp_type = get_exp_type(visit_type, visit_mode, pupil) if int_range is None: integration_start = 1 integration_end = ma.nint nint_seg = ma.nint else: integration_start = int_range[0] + 1 integration_end = int_range[1] nint_seg = int_range[1] - int_range[0] # Start time for integrations considered in this segment start_time_string = date_obs + 'T' + time_obs # Time offset of exposure start relative to beginning of program execution # t_offset_sec = det.time_total_int1 + time_exp_offset # if integration_start>1: # t_offset_sec += (integration_start-2) * det.time_total_int2 # t_offset_sec = (integration_start-1) * det.time_total_int1 + time_exp_offset if integration_start==1: t_offset_sec = det.time_total_int1 + (nint_seg-1) * det.time_total_int2 + time_exp_offset else: t_offset_sec = nint_seg * det.time_total_int2 + time_exp_offset start_time_int = Time(start_time_string) + t_offset_sec*u.second ramptime = det.time_total_int1 if det.time_total_int2==0 else det.time_total_int2 group_times = populate_group_table(start_time_int, det.time_group, ramptime, nint_seg, det.multiaccum.ngroup, det.xpix, det.ypix) # Create a dummy observation ID obs_id_info = jw_obs_id(1337, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1) obs_params = { # Proposal info 'pi_name' : 'UNKNOWN', 'title' : 'UNKNOWN', 'category' : 'UNKNOWN', 'sub_category' : 'UNKNOWN', 'science_category' : 'UNKNOWN', # Target info 'target_name' : 'UNKNOWN', 'catalog_name' : 'UNKNOWN', 'ra' : ra, # Target RA 'dec' : dec, # Target Dec # Pointing info 'pa_v3' : pa_v3, # Telescope position angle relative to V3 'roll_offset' : 0, # Roll angle relative to nominal V3 PA 'solar_elong' : sol_elong, # Solar elongation (deg) 'pitch_ang' : pitch_ang, # Telescope pitch angle relative to sun (deg) 'siaf_ap' : siaf_ap_obs, # Observed SIAF aperture 'ra_obs' : ra_obs, # RA of observered SIAF aperture ref location 'dec_obs' : dec_obs, # Dec of observed SIAF aperture ref location 'siaf_ap_ref' : siaf_ap_ref, # Reference SIAF aperture 'ra_ref' : ra_ref, # RA of reference SIAF aperture ref location 'dec_ref' : dec_ref, # Dec of reference SIAF aperture ref location # Observation info 'date-obs' : date_obs, 'time-obs' : time_obs, 'obs_id_info' : obs_id_info, 'obs_label' : 'UNKNOWN', # Exposure Start time relative to TIME-OBS (seconds) 'texp_start_relative' : time_exp_offset, # Visit start offset from date/time-obs 'visit_start_relative' : time_visit_offset, # Instrument configuration 'det_obj' : det, 'module' : det.module, 'channel' : 'LONG' if 'LW' in else 'SHORT', 'detector' : det.detname, 'filter' : filt, 'pupil' : pupil, 'coron_mask' : mask, # Observation Type 'visit_level': visit_level, # e.g., TAREGT, DITHER, FILTER 'visit_type' : visit_type, # e.g., T_ACQ, CONFIRM, SCIENCE 'visit_mode' : visit_mode, 'exp_type' : exp_type, # Subarray 'subarray_name' : 'UNKNOWN', # subarray_bounds indexed to zero, but values in header should be indexed to 1. 'xstart' : det.x0+1 if det.fastaxis>0 else 2048-det.x0-det.xpix+1, 'ystart' : det.y0+1 if det.slowaxis>0 else 2048-det.y0-det.ypix+1, 'xsize' : det.xpix, 'ysize' : det.ypix, 'fastaxis' : det.fastaxis, 'slowaxis' : det.slowaxis, 'noutputs' : det.nout, # MULTIACCUM 'readpatt' : det.multiaccum.read_mode, 'nframes' :, 'ngroups' : det.multiaccum.ngroup, 'nints' : det.multiaccum.nint, 'sample_time' : int(1e6/det._pixel_rate), 'frame_time' : det.time_frame, 'group_time' : det.time_group, 'groupgap' : det.multiaccum.nd2, 'nresets1' : det.multiaccum.nr1, 'nresets2' : det.multiaccum.nr2, 'integration_time' : det.time_int, 'exposure_time' : det.time_exp, 'tint_plus_overhead' : det.time_total_int1, 'texp_plus_overhead' : det.time_total, # Create INT_TIMES table, to be saved in INT_TIMES extension # Currently, this is all integrations within the exposure, despite segment 'int_times' : det.int_times_table(date_obs, time_obs, offset_seconds=time_exp_offset), 'integration_start' : integration_start, 'integration_end' : integration_end, # Group times only populate for the current 'group_times' : group_times, # Dither information defaults (update later) 'pridith_pattern_type' : 'NONE', # Primary dither pattern name 'pridith_points_packing': None, # Primary dither points and packing 'pridith_npoints' : 1, # Number of points in primary dither pattern 'position_number' : 1, # Primary dither position number 'pattern_start' : 1, # Starting point in pattern (???) 'total_points' : 1, # Total number of points in pattern 'dither_points' : 1, # Number of points in image dither pattern 'pattern_size' : 'DEFAULT', # Primary dither pattern size 'sgd_pattern' : 'NONE', # Small grid dither pattern name 'subpixel_number' : 1, # Subpixel dither position number 'subpixel_total_points' : 1, # Total number of subpixel dither positions 'subpixel_pattern' : 'STANDARD', # Subpixel dither pattern name 'x_offset' : xoff_idl, # Dither pointing offset from starting position in x (arcsec) 'y_offset' : yoff_idl, # Dither pointing offset from starting position in y (arcsec) } if segNum is not None: obs_params['EXSEGNUM'] = segNum obs_params['EXSEGTOT'] = segTot else: obs_params['EXSEGNUM'] = None obs_params['EXSEGTOT'] = None # Add file path parameters obs_params['filename'] = filename obs_params['save_dir'] = None # Add any kwargs to final dictionary output res = {**obs_params, **kwargs} return res
[docs]def populate_obs_params(visit_dict, exp_id, detname, date_obs, time_obs='12:00:00.000', pa_v3=None, segNum=None, segTot=None, int_range=None, det=None, obs_params=None, grp_id=1, seq_id=1, act_id='01', **kwargs): """ Create obs_params from visit dictionary An obs_params dictionary is used to create a jwst data model (e.g., Level1bModel). If passing ``obs_params`` parameter, this gets updated based on the input arguments. Additional ``**kwargs`` will add/update elements to the final output dictionary Parameters ========== visit_dict : dict Uses gen_all_apt_visits() to create a dictionary of visit information. Each visit has a series of exposure IDs. exp_id : int Unique exposure ID generate observations detname : str Options NRC[A/B][1-5] data_obs : str YYYY-MM-DD time_obs : str HH:MM:SS Keyword Arg =========== pa_v3 : float or None Option to specify telescope V3 position angle. If not set, then automatically calculated from RA/Dec and observation date/time. segNum : int The segment number of the current product. Only for TSO. segTot : int The total number of segments. Only for TSO. int_range : list Integration indices to use obs_params : dict An initial obs_params dictionary. Any duplicate keywords will be updated. """ from .dms import DMS_filename from astropy import units as u from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord # Ensure standardized detector naming convention ("NRC[A/B][1-5]") det_id = get_detname(detname) # Build detector operations class if det is None: det = create_det_class(visit_dict, exp_id, det_id, grp_id=grp_id, seq_id=seq_id, act_id=act_id) # Grab indices for specified exposure number obs_dict_arr = visit_dict['obs_id_info'] exp_ids = np.array([int(d['exposure_number']) for d in obs_dict_arr]) grp_ids = np.array([int(d['visit_group']) for d in obs_dict_arr]) seq_ids = np.array([int(d['sequence_id']) for d in obs_dict_arr]) act_ids = np.array([ d['activity_id'] for d in obs_dict_arr]) nexp = len(exp_ids) ind_mask = (exp_ids == int(exp_id)) & (grp_ids == int(grp_id)) & \ (seq_ids == int(seq_id)) & (act_ids == act_id) # Dictionary info of observation, visit, exposure, etc obs_id_info = visit_dict['obs_id_info'][ind_mask][0] obs_label = visit_dict['obs_label'][ind_mask][0] # Get siaf aperture names exp_apnames = visit_dict['aperture'][ind_mask] if exp_apnames.size==1: apname = visit_dict['aperture'][ind_mask][0] else: ind_det = (visit_dict['detectors'][ind_mask] == det_id) apname = visit_dict['aperture'][ind_mask][ind_det][0] siaf_ap_ref = siaf_nrc[apname] if ('NRCAS' in apname) or ('NRCBS' in apname) or ('NRCALL' in apname): apname = det_id + '_FULL' # pysiaf aperture siaf_ap = siaf_nrc[apname] # Subarray name subarray_name = visit_dict['subarray_name'][ind_mask][0] # Make sure det_id exists in exposure detectors_all = visit_dict['detectors'][ind_mask][0] if det_id not in detectors_all: raise ValueError(f'{det_id} not a requested observation. Valid values: {detectors_all}') # target_name = visit_dict['targ2'][ind_mask][0] # ra = visit_dict['ra'][ind_mask][0] # dec = visit_dict['dec'][ind_mask][0] # Get target name and RA/Dec from target_name = visit_dict['TargetID'][ind_mask][0] ra_str = visit_dict['TargetRA'][ind_mask][0] dec_str = visit_dict['TargetDec'][ind_mask][0] coords = SkyCoord(ra_str, dec_str, unit=(u.hourangle, u.deg), frame='icrs', equinox='J2000', obstime='J2000') ra = coords.ra.deg dec = coords.dec.deg # Instrument config filt_key = f'{}_filters' pupil_key = f'{}_pupils' filt = visit_dict[filt_key][ind_mask][0] pupil = visit_dict[pupil_key][ind_mask][0] mask = visit_dict['coron_mask'][ind_mask][0] # Possible Exposure Types: # NRC_DARK, NRC_FLAT, NRC_LED, # NRC_TACQ, NRC_TACONFIRM, # NRC_IMAGE, NRC_GRISM, NRC_CORON, # NRC_TSIMAGE, NRC_TSGRISM, # NRC_FOCUS, NRC_WFSS level_val = visit_dict['level'][ind_mask][0] type_val = visit_dict['type'][ind_mask][0] mode_val = visit_dict['mode'][ind_mask][0] time_series = True if 'ts' in mode_val.lower() else False exp_type = get_exp_type(type_val, mode_val, pupil) # Dither offset position xoffset = visit_dict['idlx'][ind_mask][0] yoffset = visit_dict['idly'][ind_mask][0] ddist = visit_dict['ddist'][ind_mask][0] # Dither information pri_dith_type = visit_dict['PrimaryDitherType'][ind_mask][0] pri_dith_size = visit_dict['DitherSize'][ind_mask][0] sub_dith_type = visit_dict['SubpixelDitherType'][ind_mask][0] sgd_type = visit_dict['SmallGridDitherType'][ind_mask][0] dither_points = visit_dict['number_of_dithers'][ind_mask][0] try: pri_dithers = visit_dict['PrimaryDithers'][ind_mask][0] # e.g., '3TIGHT' except ValueError: pri_dithers = NONE_STR try: npri_dith = int(visit_dict['PrimaryDithers'][ind_mask][0]) except ValueError: try: npri_dith = int(visit_dict['PrimaryDithers'][ind_mask][0][0]) except ValueError: npri_dith = NONE_STR try: nsub_dith = int(visit_dict['SubpixelPositions'][ind_mask][0]) except ValueError: nsub_dith = 1 pri_pos_num = int(visit_dict['pri_dith'][ind_mask][0]) sub_pos_num = int(visit_dict['sub_dith'][ind_mask][0]) # # Certain dither info should be None if string is 'NONE' # if (pri_dithers is not None) and (pri_dithers.upper()=='NONE'): # pri_dithers = None # if (sub_dith_type is not None) and (sub_dith_type.upper()=='NONE'): # sub_dith_type = None # if (sgd_type is not None) and (sgd_type.upper()=='NONE'): # sgd_type = None # Create output filename filename = DMS_filename(obs_id_info, det.detname, segNum=segNum, prodType='uncal') # Exposure start times offset time_exp_offset = visit_dict['exp_start_times'][ind_mask][0] # Visit start time time_visit_offset = visit_dict['visit_start'] # Ensure 3 decimal points in time_obs try: # Split off decimal point after string # Add a bunch of zeros, then truncate tsplit = time_obs.split('.') sub_sec = (tsplit[1] + '000')[:3] time_obs = '.'.join([tsplit[0], sub_sec]) except: # If no decimal, just add zeros time_obs = time_obs + '.000' # Create intial obs_params dictionary obs_params_init = create_obs_params(filt, pupil, mask, det, siaf_ap_ref, (ra, dec), date_obs, time_obs=time_obs, pa_v3=pa_v3, siaf_ap_obs=siaf_ap, xyoff_idl=(xoffset,yoffset), visit_level=level_val, visit_type=type_val, time_series=time_series, time_visit_offset=time_visit_offset, time_exp_offset=time_exp_offset, segNum=segNum, segTot=segTot, int_range=int_range, filename=filename) # Update V3 PA with Orient Ranges special requirement # Update V3 PA with roll information orient_info = visit_dict.get('orient_info') roll_info = visit_dict.get('roll_info') if (orient_info is not None) or (roll_info is not None): pa_v3_input = pa_v3 pa_v3 = obs_params_init['pa_v3'] # Make sure we constrain within V3 PA limits within field of regard output = get_tel_angles(ra, dec, obs_date=date_obs, obs_time=time_obs) if orient_info is not None: v3pa_min = np.max([output['v3pa_min'], orient_info['OrientMin']]) v3pa_max = np.min([output['v3pa_max'], orient_info['OrientMax']]) else: v3pa_min, v3pa_max = (output['v3pa_min'], output['v3pa_max']) # If initial input was None, then we have free reign to calculate nominal values if pa_v3_input is None: # Set min value to negative if it's greater than max value if v3pa_min > v3pa_max: v3pa_min = v3pa_min - 360 # Nominal value is then average of min and max constraints pa_v3 = (v3pa_min + v3pa_max) / 2 # Ensure PA is 0-360 if pa_v3 < 0: pa_v3 += 360 # Otherwise, check if specified pa_v3 is outside of bounds elif pa_v3 < v3pa_min: _log.warn(f'{pa_v3:.2f} is less than allowed {v3pa_min:.2f} for the given date!') elif pa_v3 > v3pa_max: _log.warn(f'{pa_v3:.2f} is greater than allowed {v3pa_max:.2f} for the given date!') if roll_info is not None: obs_num = visit_dict['obs_num'] dpa_max = np.abs([roll_info['MinPA'], roll_info['MaxPA']]).max() if roll_info['MaxPA'] < 0: dpa_max *= -1 # Add or subtract max roll depending obs if obs_num==roll_info['PrimaryObs']: pa_v3 = pa_v3 + dpa_max / 2 elif obs_num==roll_info['OrientFromObs']: pa_v3 = pa_v3 - dpa_max / 2 if pa_v3 < v3pa_min: pa_v3 = v3pa_min elif pa_v3 > v3pa_max: pa_v3 = v3pa_max # Update Roll and V3 PA obs_params_init['roll_offset'] = pa_v3 - obs_params_init['pa_v3'] obs_params_init['pa_v3'] = pa_v3 # Update pitch angle (solar elongation stays the same) pitch_orig = obs_params_init['pitch_ang'] roll_ang = obs_params_init['roll_offset'] vpitch_rad = np.deg2rad(pitch_orig) vroll_rad = np.deg2rad(roll_ang) pitch_new = np.rad2deg(np.arctan(np.tan(vpitch_rad) / np.cos(vroll_rad))) del_pitch = np.abs(pitch_orig - pitch_new) if roll_ang>0: pitch_new += del_pitch else: pitch_new -= del_pitch obs_params_init['pitch_ang'] = pitch_new obs_params_temp = { # Proposal info 'pi_name' : 'UNKNOWN', 'title' : 'UNKNOWN', 'category' : 'UNKNOWN', 'sub_category' : 'UNKNOWN', 'science_category' : 'UNKNOWN', # Target info 'target_name' : target_name, 'catalog_name' : 'UNKNOWN', # Observation info 'obs_id_info' : obs_id_info, 'obs_label' : obs_label, 'exp_type' : exp_type, 'subarray_name' : subarray_name, 'nexposures' : nexp, # Total number of planned exposures in visit # Dither information defaults (update later) 'pridith_pattern_type' : pri_dith_type,# Primary dither pattern name 'pridith_points_packing': pri_dithers, # Primary dither points and packing 'pridith_npoints' : npri_dith, # Number of points in primary dither pattern 'position_number' : pri_pos_num, # Primary dither position number 'pattern_start' : 1, # Starting point in pattern (???) 'total_points' : dither_points,# Total number of points in pattern 'dither_points' : dither_points,# Number of points in image dither pattern 'pattern_size' : pri_dith_size,# Primary dither pattern size 'sgd_pattern' : sgd_type, # Small grid dither pattern name 'subpixel_number' : sub_pos_num, # Subpixel dither position number 'subpixel_total_points' : nsub_dith, # Total number of subpixel dither positions 'subpixel_pattern' : sub_dith_type,# Subpixel dither pattern name 'x_offset' : xoffset, # Dither pointing offset from starting position in x (arcsec) 'y_offset' : yoffset, # Dither pointing offset from starting position in y (arcsec) 'ddist' : ddist, # Movement relative to previous exposure (arcsec) } obs_params_temp = {**obs_params_init, **obs_params_temp} # Merge dictionaries # obs_params => obs_params_temp => kwargs if obs_params is None: obs_params = {} res = {**obs_params, **obs_params_temp, **kwargs} return res
[docs]def file_segmenting(det, max_size_MB=320): ma = det.multiaccum # Determine number of segments to break FITS file into npix_int = det.xpix * det.ypix * ma.nread_tot int_size_MB = 2 * npix_int / (1024*1024) # 2 bytes/pix nint_max = np.max([int(max_size_MB / int_size_MB), 1]) # Number of FITS segments to split nseg = ma.nint / nint_max nseg = int(nseg) if nseg.is_integer() else int(nseg)+1 # Number of ints in each segment nint_per_seg = ma.nint / nseg nint_per_seg = int(nint_per_seg) if nint_per_seg.is_integer() else int(nint_per_seg)+1 # Built integer indices iseg1 = np.arange(nseg)*nint_per_seg iseg2 = iseg1 + nint_per_seg iseg2[-1] = ma.nint iseg_list = [(i1,i2) for i1,i2 in zip(iseg1,iseg2)] # print(nseg, nint_per_seg) return iseg_list
[docs]class DMS_input(): """ Class to generate a series of observation dictionaries in order to build DMS-like files. Loads APT files to generate the necessary observation information. Usage: json_file = 'NRC-21.timing.json' sm_acct_file = 'NRC-21.smart_accounting' pointing_file = 'NRC-21.pointing' xml_file = 'NRC-21.xml' obs_input = DMS_input(xml_file, pointing_file, json_file, sm_acct_file) # Update observation time and telescope PA obs_input.obs_date = '2022-03-01' obs_input.obs_time = '12:00:00.000' obs_input.pa_v3 = 45 # Create a list of observation parameters obs_params_all = obs_input.gen_all_obs_params() # Select one of the parameter dictionaries obs_params = obs_params_all[0] # Create a series of science data based on observation params # that results in sci_data and zero_data 16-bit numpy arrays out_model = level1b_data_model(obs_params, sci_data, zero_data) # Save to FITS file # Performs minor updates to the saved FITS file save_level1b_fits(out_model, obs_params, save_dir) """
[docs] def __init__(self, xml_file, pointing_file, json_file, sm_acct_file, save_dir=None, obs_date='2022-03-01', obs_time='12:00:00', pa_v3=None, rand_seed_init=None): self.files = { 'xml_file' : xml_file, 'pointing_file' : pointing_file, 'json_file' : json_file, 'sm_acct_file' : sm_acct_file, } self.proposal_info = get_proposal_info(xml_file) # Series of dictionaries, one per visit # Dictionaries are ordered according to smart accounting order information self.program_info = gen_all_apt_visits(xml_file, pointing_file, sm_acct_file, json_file, rand_seed=rand_seed_init) # Create unique labels for each exposure self.labels = self._gen_obs_labels() self._obs_date = obs_date self._obs_time = obs_time self._pa_v3 = pa_v3 self.save_dir = save_dir
@property def obs_date(self): """Date of observations""" if self._obs_date is None: return '2022-03-01' else: return self._obs_date @obs_date.setter def obs_date(self, value): self._obs_date = value @property def obs_time(self): """Start time of observations""" if self._obs_time is None: return '12:00:00.000' else: return self._obs_time @obs_time.setter def obs_time(self, value): self._obs_time = value @property def pa_v3(self): return self._pa_v3 @pa_v3.setter def pa_v3(self, value): self._pa_v3 = value def _gen_label(self, visit_id, exp_id, det_id, grp_id, seq_id, act_id): "Create unique label ID" detname = get_detname(det_id) return f'{visit_id}_{exp_id}_{detname}_{grp_id}_{seq_id}_{act_id}' def _gen_obs_labels(self): """Create unique label for each observation""" labels = [] visit_ids = self.program_info.keys() for vid in visit_ids: visit_dict = self.program_info[vid] exp_ids = np.array([int(d['exposure_number']) for d in visit_dict['obs_id_info']]) grp_ids = np.array([int(d['visit_group']) for d in visit_dict['obs_id_info']]) seq_ids = np.array([int(d['sequence_id']) for d in visit_dict['obs_id_info']]) act_ids = np.array([ d['activity_id'] for d in visit_dict['obs_id_info']]) # For each exposure id, get detector id for i in range(len(exp_ids)): det_ids = visit_dict['detectors'][i] eid = exp_ids[i] gid = grp_ids[i] sid = seq_ids[i] aid = act_ids[i] for detname in det_ids: label = self._gen_label(vid, eid, detname, gid, sid, aid) labels.append(label) return labels def _parse_label(self, label): """Parse label to get visit_id, exp_id, det_id, grp_id, seq_id, act_id""" # visit_id, exp_id, det_id = label.split('_') return label.split('_')
[docs] def gen_obs_params(self, visit_id, exp_id, det_id, det=None, seg_num=None, seg_tot=None, int_range=None, grp_id=1, seq_id=1, act_id='01'): """Generate a single set of observation parameters for a given exposure""" kwargs = self.proposal_info date_obs = self.obs_date time_obs = self.obs_time pa_v3 = self.pa_v3 kwargs['grp_id'] = grp_id kwargs['seq_id'] = seq_id kwargs['act_id'] = act_id visit_dict = self.program_info[visit_id] detname = get_detname(det_id) res = populate_obs_params(visit_dict, exp_id, detname, date_obs, time_obs=time_obs, pa_v3=pa_v3, det=det, segNum=seg_num, segTot=seg_tot, int_range=int_range, **kwargs) res['visit_key'] = visit_id res['save_dir'] = self.save_dir return res
# def gen_obs_param(self, visit_id, exp_id, det_id, det=None, # seg_num=None, seg_tot=None, int_range=None): # """Generate a single set of observation parameters for a given exposure""" # args = (visit_id, exp_id, det_id) # kwargs = {'det': det, 'seg_num': seg_num, 'seg_tot': seg_tot, 'int_range': int_range} # return self.gen_obs_params(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def gen_all_obs_params(self): """Generate a full set of parameters for all exposures""" obs_params_all = [] all_labels = self.labels for label in tqdm(all_labels, desc='Obs Params', leave=False): visit_id, exp_id, det_id, grp_id, seq_id, act_id = self._parse_label(label) visit_dict = self.program_info[visit_id] det = create_det_class(visit_dict, exp_id, det_id, grp_id=grp_id, seq_id=seq_id, act_id=act_id) # Get FITS segmenting iseg_list = file_segmenting(det) seg_tot = len(iseg_list) if seg_tot>1: for ii in range(seg_tot): obspar = self.gen_obs_params(visit_id, exp_id, det_id, det=det, seg_num=ii, seg_tot=seg_tot, int_range=iseg_list[ii], grp_id=grp_id, seq_id=seq_id, act_id=act_id) obs_params_all.append(obspar) else: obspar = self.gen_obs_params(visit_id, exp_id, det_id, det=det, grp_id=grp_id, seq_id=seq_id, act_id=act_id) obs_params_all.append(obspar) return obs_params_all
def gen_pitch_array(self, nvals=1000, pitch_init=None): f1 = self.files['xml_file'] f2 = self.files['pointing_file'] f3 = self.files['json_file'] f4 = self.files['sm_acct_file'] return pitch_vs_time(f1, f2, f3, f4, obs_date=self.obs_date, obs_time=self.obs_time, pitch_init=pitch_init, nvals=nvals)
[docs] def make_jwst_point(self, visit_id, exp_id, detname, obs_params=None, base_std=0, dith_std=0, rand_seed=None, grp_id=1, seq_id=1, act_id='01'): """Create jwst_point object Parameters ========== visit_id : str obsnum:visitnum, for example: '007:001' exp_id : int Exposure number detname : str Name of detector, such as 'NRCA5'. Keyword Args ============ obs_params : dict Option to pass any already generated obs_params dictionary rather than generating it automatically. Should be part of the associated visit. base_std : float or None The 1-sigma pointing uncertainty per axis for telescope slew. If None, then standard deviation is chosen to be either 5 mas or 100 mas, depending on `use_ta` attribute (default: True). dith_std : float or None The 1-sigma pointing uncertainty per axis for dithers. If None, then standard deviation is chosen to be either 2.5 or 5 mas, depending on `use_sgd` attribute (default: True). rand_seed : None or int Random seed to use for generating repeatable random offsets. """ # Visit dictionary visit_dict = self.program_info[visit_id] # Create a single observation parameter dictionary if not passed if obs_params is None: obs_params = self.gen_obs_params(visit_id, exp_id, detname, grp_id=grp_id, seq_id=seq_id, act_id=act_id) # Filter by type value (SCIENCE, T_ACQ, CONFIRM) type_arr = visit_dict['type'] if obs_params['visit_type'] == 'SCIENCE': ind = (type_arr == obs_params['visit_type']) else: # Get exposure IDs obs_dict_arr = visit_dict['obs_id_info'] exp_ids = np.array([d['exposure_number'] for d in obs_dict_arr]) ind = (exp_ids == obs_params['obs_id_info']['exposure_number']) # Ensure detector name is valid detname = get_detname(detname) det_ids = visit_dict['detectors'][ind] if detname not in det_ids: raise ValueError(f'{detname} not valid for Visit {visit_id}.') return gen_jwst_pointing(visit_dict, obs_params, base_std=base_std, dith_std=dith_std, rand_seed=rand_seed)
[docs]def gen_pointing_info(*args, **kwargs): """ **Deprecated. Use ``gen_jwst_pointing`` instead.** Create telescope pointing sequence for a given visit / exposure. """ _log.warn("Deprecated. Use `gen_jwst_pointing` function instead in the future.") return gen_jwst_pointing(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]def gen_jwst_pointing(visit_dict, obs_params, base_std=None, dith_std=None, rand_seed=None, rand_seed_base=None): """ Create telescope pointing sequence for a given visit / exposure. Keyword Args ============ base_std : float or array-like or None The 1-sigma pointing uncertainty per axis for telescope slew. If None, then standard deviation is chosen to be either 5 mas or 100 mas, depending on `use_ta` attribute (default: True). dith_std : float or array-like or None The 1-sigma pointing uncertainty per axis for dithers. If None, then standard deviation is chosen to be either 2.5 or 5 mas, depending on `use_sgd` attribute (default: True). rand_seed : None or int Random seed to use for generating repeatable random offsets. rand_seed_base : None or int Use a separate random seed for telescope slew offset. Then, `rand_seed` corresponds only to relative dithers. Useful for multiple exposures with same initial slew, but independent dither pattern realizations. """ # Reference aperture (e.g., NRCALL_FULL) for telescope pointing ap_ref_name = obs_params['siaf_ap_ref'].AperName # Observed aperture (e.g., NRCA5_FULL) for detector ap_obs_name = obs_params['siaf_ap'].AperName # Reference RA/Dec of aperture prior to offseting/dithering ra_ref, dec_ref = (obs_params['ra'], obs_params['dec']) pos_ang = obs_params['pa_v3'] # Filter by type value (SCIENCE, T_ACQ, CONFIRM) type_arr = visit_dict['type'] if obs_params['visit_type'] == 'SCIENCE': ind = (type_arr == obs_params['visit_type']) base_offset = (visit_dict['basex'][ind][0], visit_dict['basey'][ind][0]) dith_offsets = list(zip(visit_dict['dithx'][ind], visit_dict['dithy'][ind])) else: # For T_ACQ and CONFIRM, index by individual exposure ID obs_dict_arr = visit_dict['obs_id_info'] exp_ids = np.array([d['exposure_number'] for d in obs_dict_arr]) ind = exp_ids == obs_params['obs_id_info']['exposure_number'] base_offset = (visit_dict['basex'][ind][0], visit_dict['basey'][ind][0]) dith_offsets = [(visit_dict['dithx'][ind][0], visit_dict['dithy'][ind][0])] if rand_seed is None: rand_seed = visit_dict.get('rand_seed_dith') tel_pointing = jwst_point(ap_obs_name, ap_ref_name, ra_ref, dec_ref, pos_ang=pos_ang, base_offset=base_offset, dith_offsets=dith_offsets, base_std=base_std, dith_std=dith_std, rand_seed=rand_seed, rand_seed_base=rand_seed_base) # Standard SAM or SGD subpixel_pattern = obs_params.get('subpixel_pattern', 'NONE') tel_pointing.use_sgd = True if 'SMALL-GRID-DITHER' in subpixel_pattern.upper() else False return tel_pointing
[docs]def get_tel_angles(ra, dec, obs_date='2022-03-01', obs_time='12:00:00'): """ For a given RA, Dec and date, return the telescope pitch and V3 PA angles. """ import datetime from .skyvec2ins import skyvec2ins # Create datetime object args1 = np.array(obs_date.split('-')) args2 = np.array(obs_time.split(':')) try: sec_split = args2[-1].split('.') args2[-1] = sec_split[0] args3 = (np.array([sec_split[1]]).astype('float')*1e5).astype('int') except: args3 = np.array(['0']) args = np.concatenate((args1, args2, args3)).astype('int') time_obs = datetime.datetime(*args) # Get array of information res = skyvec2ins(ra, dec, time_obs, npoints=3, nrolls=100) mask_obs = res[1].astype('bool') # Observabilitiy mask elong_deg = np.rad2deg(res[2]) # Solar elongation v3pa_deg = np.rad2deg(res[3]) # V3 Position Angle pitch_deg = elong_deg - 90 # Telescope pitch angles (valid from -5 to 45) pitch = pitch_deg[0,0] mask = mask_obs[:,0] if mask.sum()==0: _log.warn(f"Source RA, Dec = ({ra:.1f}, {dec:.1f}) deg is not visible on {obs_date}!") v3pa_lims = np.array([v3pa_deg[0,0], v3pa_deg[-1,0]]) else: v3pa_masked = v3pa_deg[mask,0] v3pa_lims = np.array([v3pa_masked[0], v3pa_masked[-1]]) # Check if max-min is too large, indicating min should actually be negative # This might be a case where the V3PA range is something like 355 to 5. if np.abs(v3pa_lims[0]-v3pa_lims[1]) > 30: v3pa_max = v3pa_lims.min() v3pa_min = v3pa_lims.max() - 360 else: v3pa_min = v3pa_lims.min() v3pa_max = v3pa_lims.max() v3pa = (v3pa_max + v3pa_min) / 2 return {'pitch_deg': pitch, 'v3pa_deg': v3pa, 'v3pa_min': v3pa_min,'v3pa_max': v3pa_max}
[docs]def pitch_vs_time(xml_file, pointing_file, timing_json_file, smart_accounting_file, obs_date='2022-03-01', obs_time='12:00:00', pitch_init=None, nvals=1000): timing_info = get_timing_info(timing_json_file, smart_accounting_file) pointing_info = get_pointing_info(pointing_file, all_inst=True) roll_info = get_roll_info(xml_file) orient_info = get_orient_specreq(xml_file) slew_durations = np.array([timing_info[k]['slew_duration'] for k in timing_info.keys()]) visit_durations = np.array([timing_info[k]['scheduling_duration'] for k in timing_info.keys()]) # Get pitch angle for each visit pitch_angles = [] for k in list(timing_info.keys()): obs_num, visit_num = np.array(k.split(':')).astype('int') ind = (pointing_info['obs_num'] == obs_num) & (pointing_info['visit_num'] == visit_num) ra = pointing_info['ra'][ind][0] dec = pointing_info['dec'][ind][0] res = get_tel_angles(ra, dec, obs_date=obs_date, obs_time=obs_time) # Nominal pitch angle for time and date pitch_angle = res['pitch_deg'] # V3 PA limits pa_v3_nom = res['v3pa_deg'] pa_v3_min, pa_v3_max = (res['v3pa_min'], res['v3pa_max']) # print(f'Init (Obs{obs_num}): {pa_v3_nom:.2f} ({pa_v3_min:.2f}, {pa_v3_max:.2f})') # Update V3 PA limits if Orient Ranges Special Requirement exists if orient_info is not None: for kobs in orient_info.keys(): if int(kobs)==obs_num: orient_min = orient_info[kobs]['OrientMin'] orient_max = orient_info[kobs]['OrientMax'] if pa_v3_min<0: orient_min = orient_min - 360 pa_v3_min = np.max([orient_min, pa_v3_min]) pa_v3_max = np.min([orient_max, pa_v3_max]) pa_v3_nom = (pa_v3_min + pa_v3_max) / 2 # print(f'Orient SpecReq: {pa_v3_nom:.2f} ({pa_v3_min:.2f}, {pa_v3_max:.2f})') # Update pitch angles if there is a roll angle if roll_info is not None: for kroll in roll_info.keys(): rdict = roll_info[kroll] if (obs_num==rdict['PrimaryObs']) or (obs_num==rdict['OrientFromObs']): dpa_max = np.abs([rdict['MinPA'], rdict['MaxPA']]).max() if rdict['MaxPA'] < 0: dpa_max *= -1 # Add or subtract max roll depending obs if obs_num==rdict['PrimaryObs']: pa_v3 = pa_v3_nom + dpa_max / 2 elif obs_num==rdict['OrientFromObs']: pa_v3 = pa_v3_nom - dpa_max / 2 # Make sure we constrain within V3 PA limits within field of regard if pa_v3 < pa_v3_min: pa_v3 = pa_v3_min elif pa_v3 > pa_v3_max: pa_v3 = pa_v3_max # Calculate change in pitch based on roll angle roll_ang = pa_v3 - pa_v3_nom vpitch_rad = np.deg2rad(pitch_angle) vroll_rad = np.deg2rad(roll_ang) pitch_new = np.rad2deg(np.arctan(np.tan(vpitch_rad) / np.cos(vroll_rad))) del_pitch = np.abs(pitch_angle - pitch_new) # Determine positive or negative depending on roll direction if roll_ang>0: pitch_angle += del_pitch else: pitch_angle -= del_pitch # print(f'Roll Link: {pa_v3_nom:.2f} ({pa_v3_min:.2f}, {pa_v3_max:.2f}); {pa_v3:.2f}') pitch_angles.append(pitch_angle) pitch_angles = np.array(pitch_angles) pitch_init = pitch_angles[0] if pitch_init is None else pitch_init # Create a timing array broken up into events tmax = (visit_durations+slew_durations).cumsum()[-1] tarr = np.linspace(0,tmax,nvals) # Start time for slew and visits slew_start = np.cumsum(slew_durations + visit_durations) slew_start = np.concatenate(([0], slew_start[:-1])) visit_start = slew_start + slew_durations # Fill pitch angle array w.r.t. time pitch_arr = np.zeros(len(tarr)) + pitch_init for tval, pval in zip(visit_start, pitch_angles): ind = tarr>(tval) pitch_arr[ind] = pval # Assume linear change during slew times for i in range(len(pitch_angles)): tstart = slew_start[i] tend = visit_start[i] pitch_start = pitch_init if i==0 else pitch_angles[i-1] pitch_end = pitch_angles[i] # Linear interpolation ind = (tarr>=tstart) & (tarr<=tend) pitch_arr[ind] = np.interp(tarr[ind], [tstart,tend], [pitch_start,pitch_end]) return tarr, pitch_arr, slew_start, visit_start